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Everything posted by ellentonboy

  1. I understand there can be SOME legitimate reasons for outing someone. I just took a look at the polling, and I see that posters seem to favor keeping a person's sexuality a private matter. This subject hit's close to home with me, in a very random way. I have an "acquaintance" (fuck buddy) who met an elected official in a book store in Washington state. That elected official was dressed in drag. My "acquaintance" decided that the $1300 they agreed on for sex was not enough, and he wanted something like $30.000. The official refused to pay. So here we have an elected, married official who had to come out to his family, resign his position and lose his wife and kids. Now, he wasn't responsible for that, my "friend" plead guilty to a felony in Washington state and now, because of that, no one will hire him. He lived in Florida for about a year where I got to know him, and again, his background kept him from finding gainful employment. I never asked him during sex whey he did "what he did". But when I googled his name, sure enough, there he was with his attorney being interviewed by Dan Abrams and some other conservative (?) talk show host. The fact that he tried to extort money ruins everything. Now had he gone to a publication like "Out" or the "Advocate" and mentioned the two exchanged money for sex, I might feel differently. His life is ruined (well, in my eyes it is), the elected official has lost plenty, so no one wins. Is this a "normal" outing? No, it's not. But if my buddy has just kept the $1300 they agreed upon and went on with his life, everything would be different today.
  2. Wow! Now that is what I like, a man with confidence! Geez, do I wish I lived on the west coast. One think that "stopped me in my tracks" was he was born after the year 2000, I don't know how I could seriously look him in the eye knowing on Y2K New Year's Eve I was climbing a pole in Lake Tahoe (and not the kind of pole we all enjoy on this site). That is one tempting offer. Wondering who will be the first to take him up on it and "Kiss and Tell"?
  3. Do the math guys. If you are in your 30s or 40s, and you have been sexually active since you were a teenager, you are going to come across some kind of STD. Say you hook up twice a week from the time you are 18 t0 45. So that is what 104 evenings multiplied by 27 years - now it's time to get sick to your stomach. You don't think, after doing the math, that you are likely to catch some STD? OF COURSE YOU ARE!! The bottom line is, get to your doctor, or public health clinic. Get treated, remain abstinent, and try and contact as many guys you think you may have infected (or better yet, let the public health clinic do that for you). I find it amazing that guys on this site, who live and breathe sex, are so shocked to find out they have some kind of STD. Come on!
  4. NO, NO, NO, NO! This is a privacy issue. Jesus May, and Joseph shut your mouths. It is no one's business if a person comes out of the closet. It is NOT your business to tell the world because you sucked his prick or he fucked you. SO WHAT? Shut your rancid little mouths..... This "holler then though"attitude needs to stop. Your PERSONAL beliefs can DESTROY someone's life. Just shut your mouth and your ass and keep his business PRIVATE.
  5. I think for those that are negative, and want to stay that way, I would assume whatever option is more effective would be the one they select. However, how many have insurance that will cover prep, and are they in an area where they can get to a doctor willing to administer it? I would think the pill form might be easier for those who live in rural areas, and can get the medication mailed to them. Good luck to all of you...
  6. Well, maybe we should ask Republicans that question in the US. If abortions and all forms of birth control were available for all women, any time they are in need, they might not worry about unwanted pregnancies. They also might be a little more receptive to the sexual advances of our heterosexual counterparts......
  7. It's so sad CL is gone. Like you mentioned, if they said they would meet up - they did. No one cancelled, no one just blew you off. These guys were on a mission, their time was important, and it created a lot of regulars. If there was a down side, the fact it was so anonymous made it difficult to track down some of the guys once CL dropped the personal ads. Some found me again on Doublelist, but some I doubt I will ever find again.
  8. I can agree with that....to an extent. I would think, since you're an attractive guy and of a different skin color, guys would come flocking. I know I would, being different in a crowd of men I find a turn-on. But that's me, you know your city, and what the people are like. If I go to an organized event, say at someone's home, I sometimes reach out to the host and ask who is coming, It gives me an idea as to what the demographic breakdown in. I don't really mind what the ration of white to black, to latino to asian, really is. Though sometimes it is nice to get a "heads up" that someone attending may not be someone I am particularly fond on. By checking in advances as to who is attending, it has prevented me from being in some awkward situations. I do understand what you are saying.......
  9. They can detect it on a phone, but not on my MacBook Air - I have done it, so I know. What causes issues is having to create a new email address (like a hotmail), as well as using totally unrelated pictures, and of course, your geo-location that you actually live in. I live in Florida, and I have mine set for NYC. So far, it has been six months as as long as I turn Malwarebytes on for my "Malware Privacy" function I haven't had an issue. Sorry to hear about the problems you are having, I don't know what that guys issue is. He's losing customers right and left.
  10. Do yourself a favor and invest in a VPN. You'll have to create a new profile and create an account using a different email and new photos, but there are ways of getting around that situation. I received a temporary ban on a sports forum, I appealed and never heard from them. So I added the VPN aspect to my laptop protection (it costs me a whopping $12 for the year) and I went ahead and created a new account. Granted a sports forum is not like BBRT, because you may want to use some of the same photos and you'll want your geographic area to remain the same, for obvious reasons. I don't know what the owners problem is. I have had a profile there for years, yet as I chat with guys on Nastykinkpigs (or other sites) I am finding guys are being banned right and left, usually over drug references. I find this hypocritical considering the site allows you to list if you party or not. I find his actions surprising because there is so much competition, telephone apps have taken over, and guys have become more savvy in finding ways to get around the rules. I know he has posted articles regarding "charge-backs" or credit cards, and that if you did that you would get a life-time ban. However, that is the only thing I have seen him take seriously. I don't know what is prompting all of these bans, I don't know if he is receiving information that makes him believe his site might be close to getting shut down. Therefore he is going through all the profiles and either telling people to make changes, or just banning them without a warning. What I don't understand is why he won't communicate or talk with you. Like I mentioned I have been on that site for a number of years, I have paid to "upgrade" and I would be thoroughly pissed if he did that to me. Try a VPN, they work!
  11. Someone on here posted "A BiG DICK MAKES UP FOR A WHOLE LOT OF UGLY". Truer words were never spoken (or posted).😁
  12. I would not want to jeopardize my ability to post here on BZ, but the rules regarding "escorts" and "porn stars" seems to be ever evolving. I understand you cannot suggest or recommend a particular individual, but I am somewhat unclear if I can say "this particular porn performer" escorts or he does not. I have run across this situation in my personal life where an individual, who appears in adult films, has asked or suggested I mention his "availability" to friends. Are fellow BZ members "friends" or can my remarks just be "word of mouth" as opposed to openly posting that this particular individual is available for "private meetings"? It would be nice to have some clarification.
  13. Stormy Daniels - only because she slept with Donald Trump and doesn't want to spread any diseases to those in the adult film industry. Her vagina has a "warning sign" - enter at your own risk - No. 45 has been here. She doesn't exactly use condoms, but she insists her male co-stars use them so they are not infected. I hear Mr. Strawberry Hair (he did list that on his jail paperwork in Georgia) has a little winkie! I paid 99 cents and purchased Stormy's classic FULL DISCLOSURE from Thriftbooks - I highly suggest it if anyone is recovering from surgery or their cable is out!
  14. Wow, so Vegas is more concerned about people's privacy over people's safety - that sucks. Not sure I agree with that one, so I suppose what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!
  15. Wow, that is surprising, I always stayed at the Luxor, because Grindr often has a $10 pool party where you get to see everyone in real life, not just on your phone. It's funny, because it sits right next to Mandalay Bay, where that gunmen killed all those innocent people. I recall hearing that all hotels would now require a room be cleaned each and every day so that some nut job could not hoard guns over a period of days. Maybe that was a "proposed" law, as I know many"honeymooners" do not want to be disturbed. If there are any other Vegas residents, or those who use rooms in that town, can someone state if they had their room cleaned during their stay? I have no doubt what you are telling me is true, it's just shameful. But then again, it could happen in any major city. That is very sad.
  16. I do agree with the above poster - who wants to do every towel and bedsheet you have in your home? Who wants some nosey cleaning lady coming into your room when you have your dick in some random ass? We can thank that bit of interruption to that idiot mass shooter in Vegas. Not only did he kill 50 plus people or more, but the law now states in Vegas that a cleaning lady must come into your room once every twenty four hours. That sucks (and not in a good way). Because someone went off his meds that means all of us law abiding citizens must get dressed and act like we are watching football, and hide the lube, poppers, and whatever else we are doing from some woman who speaks limited English. I don't know what it is where you live, maybe only Nevada adopted that law, but if I rent a room for a day, or two, or three, I think I have the right to tell housekeeping to stay politely OUT, get fresh towels off her cart, and tip her generously. At least in Palm Springs, they bought porn to my room and ended up screwing half of the male housekeeping staff - but that is another story. The bathhouse in Vegas is not bad, and in PS every guesthouse is a bathhouse, so I say go to the bathhouses and enjoy yourself!
  17. No, only the one known as "Lady Graham" who is known, and has been photographed with both porn and sex workers. I am sick and tired of people saying "oh no he doesn't", because in fact , he does. If BZ member want to believe that Lindsay Graham doesn't hire men for sex, go right ahead. I, FOR A FACT, know he does. I am just waiting for the Secret Service or members of the US Department of Justice knock on my door. Glad my I Phone still can produce reasonable facsimiles of "Lady Graham". Enough said....
  18. I am going to accept everyone's opinion as just that - an opinion. My intent was NEVER to insult anyone. However, I will leave it at that. I can't win no matter what I post. I am not a racist, nor have I ever been. The comments to "calm down" are just insulting. However, I will be quiet, rather than ongoing posts gather the wrath of moderators. So, I'll keep it at that. But please don't refer to me as "brother" because I don't know you. Thank you.
  19. I don't know if I would call "Lady Graham" homophobic, more like homosexual acceptant. Lindsay Graham has been well known to hire sex workers as well as adult video performers for his pleasure. Former White House employee Jan Psaki has referred to him as "Lady Graham", however I don't know how well that was received at the White House. If he is gay, then let's call a "spade a spade" However I have reached out to at least one individual adult porn star who has stated he has visited "Lady Graham" at his residence, and money was exchanged for sex. He acknowledged that "Lady Graham" was going. to admit to his misdeeds, but that never happened. When I contacted that adult performer he never responded. I understand an individual may not want to be acknowledged as a "sex worker" but I was deeply disappointed that he would not come forward and talk about his experiences with the Senator. I understand he don't want to be charged with prostitution, but wish he would have stepped forward and pointed out the OUTRIGHT contradictions in the Republican Party.
  20. No, I am not missing the point at all. That's your opinion and you don't know me personally, so don't attack me, got it? BTW, don't quote me again, understand?
  21. You are catorgorizing white men. Get off your high horse. You are generalizing all white men as if we worship black dick, we don't . What you are saying is as offensive as saying all white men are in search of "BBC". Sorry but you are wrong.
  22. Flamingo is a dump, it's not going to survive much longer. I think they are happy to have ANYONE in that place, the possibility to have someone drop a quarter in their slot machines in more important than checking key cards. I went with my Mom and three sister (Manny, Moe, and Jack) and we went to see some celebrity impersonators. It was dirty, depressing but the show made my Mom and sisters happy. You can get up to rooms, no problem. The Bellagio, that's another story.
  23. I would assume so. My dad and handicapped sister knocked on my door during a weekday when I had three other guys in my apartment during a weekday. I had a screen door in front of the regular door, and I did not answer. It was obvious with the cars in front of my apartment that I had "company". My father, who was in his 70s at the time, mentioned stopping by, sort of smirked at me, and I knew HE knew I had "company'. After that incident, he always called before stopping by
  24. Moderator's Note: This discussion was begun in response to a story in ChemSex Stories. If you are interested in reading the story, you can find it here. I wonder if any of our black members are offended by threads that mention race In particular🙄? I sure hope not...
  25. I had sex with a guy at a bookstore who was still in his hospital gown. He still had the wrist adornment they give you when you have a procedure. He wasn't even putting money in the machine, he was sort of standing around so I did him in the restroom. When I asked where he lived he didn't respond, he just made a quick dash to my car. I thought he just needed a ride home, I assumed he had a home to go to. When he said he was hoping to stay at my place, I said I couldn't "host" and told him I would drive him anywhere, just not my place. He got out of my car and I never saw him again. You would think I would have gotten "the clue" when a grown ass man is standing in his hospital gown, standing around not spending money in the video booth area. But no, I was thinking with my dick, not my head, and it just didn't register. I admit I felt guilty about asking him to get out of my car, but I can't imagine what my neighbors would think when a grown ass man is getting out of my car in a hospital gown and entering my apartment. I think I dodged a bullet with that one.
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