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Everything posted by ellentonboy

  1. Okay, this sounds petty, but it drives me nuts every time. I understand some guys feet get cold, even during sex. This concept is foreign to me because I live in Florida. Here's my gripe - if you going to wear socks, PLEASE, put a clean pair on. I don't need to see dirty socks up in the air, laying on the shoulders of some top. I know some surfaces where videos are filmed are not exactly hygienic, but can't you just slip on a pair of clean socks before you get on your back or on your stomach. I literally scream at the screen when I see a pair of dirty feet dangling in the air or over some tops shoulders..... okay, that's what bothers me the most and I am sticking with that....
  2. This is not as uncommon as people think. I once had a guy who wore BVD underwear, took his dick out through the opening area, and fucked me like that. He was huge so the underwear was not an issue for me. I happened to hook up with him again, only this time at my house. So I asked if he remembered me from our previous encounter, which had been in a bookstore. I asked him, "so why the underwear the last time?" as this time he was completely naked. Reasonable answer: He had gotten crabs, or lice, and bought them home to his then-partner. His partner forgave him, but he continued to cheat thus the underwear. By the time we played the second time their relationship was completely over. I did ask why, and he said "I gave him gonorrhea". Funny, he went to the trouble of wearing underwear the first time with me after getting in trouble, but he could avoid gonorrhea. Very hot man, I was do him all over again in a New York second.
  3. I am not sure "blocking" and "letting it go" always works. My personal experience with a situation like this required me to file two police reports. If you are approached in public, and they refuse to leave you alone, then you have no other alternative than to file a complaint with law enforcement. I had an idiot show up at my house, on more than one occasion. The local police were reluctant to do much. "Don't answer the door', "block his number". etc. Well, that doesn't always work. I had to drive across my state, file a restraining order in his county of residence, and then pay the sheriff's office to serve him the restraining order. It should NOT have to be that way, but in my case, it was the only thing that worked. Hopefully for those experiencing this kind of situation won't have to go through the aggravation I did.
  4. I am incredibly grateful for just how easy my Ryan White Case Manager set up my vaccinations. No going to the Health Department, no standing in line, nice non-judgmental environment. I really hope everyone on this Forum takes this illness seriously, does their homework and tracks down a vaccination site. Nice to see @hntnhole comment regarding the shingles vax. I had begged my internist for it, only to be told I wasn't eligible. I saw friend after friend suffer. Then to my surprise I was suddenly eligible, I got it at my "friendly" Publix pharmacy. It set me back a whopping $3.00 copay, money so well spent. I don't see much really mentioned about shingles on BZ, I hope guys will wake up and because from what I have seen, it's incredibly painful and does not go away over night. Get the vaccine if you can!
  5. Samson Street Theatre? God I went there as a teen and let the guy at the front desk blow me just to get in! God does that bring back memories! GOOD FOR YOU!
  6. "Don't ever let anyone tell you to change, just be you". I thought it was sexy, maybe he was just telling me to ignore authority figures.
  7. Thanks for that. Btw, I took my former doctor's name and number out of my contact list. I don't want his final thoughts of me to be what comes out of my mouth after a Grey Goose martini (or three) because it would hardly be flattering. That 20 something snot that basically lectured me is lucky I could not reach through the phone and grab him by the neck. I actually had thoughts of stopping in the office and asking to speak to the doctor, but after some soul searching I realized it won't change anything and I might end up in jail for a day. So I will stick with the elderly gentleman, do some research and find someone closer to fifty who is not planning on retiring in the next year or so. I am very concerned, all joking aside. I realize stomping my feet and acting like a child worked till I was about 30, but not any longer. Thank God for BZ, I can complain here and though not everyone finds my situation unique, at least I have a place to vent without fear of arrest!
  8. I hear what you are saying. My doctor advertised as both an Internist and infectious disease specialist. HIV treatment was always his priority, and he was great at it. He kept me alive when I didn't exactly behave as a model patient. I understand what you are saying about having a specialist that is laser focused, he was. However he also offered to treat the common cold, refer me to specialists for an injury I experienced while playing competitive tennis. What aggravated me with him is that he has known me for YEARS, I have been social with him, as well as his many partners, outside of the office. What shocked me was the way the whole situation occurred. Very little, or no warning. When I first became aware I was livid, I wrote a very nice, but direct letter, thanking him for all the years he took care of me. I knew this man since I was 27 years old, he was like a big brother to me. I just felt he sold out, he took the easy way. Now another poster had mentioned the subject of billing, and how he can get more money for billing as an Infectious Disease Specialist. I understand that, as he told me privately he had to pay severn employees weekly and it was a strain. However, he was always an Infectious Disease Specialist, almost everyone who went to him was a gay male who had HIV. But he still wrote scripts for the flu, and he still wrote controlled substances. Why now? Yes posters have told me their opinions and what has happened to them in their medical journey, but I took it personally and frankly, as a slap in the face. But that's me. If you have been my doctor for nearly twenty years, and you know every intimate detail of my life, I expect more than some form letter. I found his departure cold, and somewhat unprofessional. If you can call me at home, and ask me questions about who I have had sex with, and why I have certain strain of HIV, then you should be able to call and say "you need to find several new doctors, I can only provide one service now". He didn't that, just the damn form letter. I'm venting here, I appreciate your input. I think some of what you posted my previous doctor did. He was focused on HIV, he new every new medication that was coming out or was newly available, and yet treated me for things a GP could do. It's not that I am an entitled gay man (much), who deserves "one stop shopping" (I had it before, why take it away) but I am now stuck with a 68 year old doctor who basically copied everything my previous doctor was doing, Same regimen, same controlled scripts, nothing new. I am undetectable, but what happens when that is no longer the case? My previous doctor would have had a plan B, he's done that in the past, and I shudder at what I face once my T cells decline and my viral load returns. I don't have faith in the new ID guy, even though he writes whatever I ask. But what happens when he retires? I am not so sure..... Thanks for your response, much appreciated.
  9. The best part so far is they changed the subject from "online dating" to "online hook up". No, sorry this is not a gay version of Christian Mingle or J Date! Okay, I'll add my non important "two cents" after I hear what others have to say, this should be fun! Online dating........lmao, makes me think of "Back in the day" when AOL had a area called "AOL Love" or something like that. It was before I discovered the now defunct chat rooms. Ah, those were the days of dial up!
  10. Just wanted to ask BZ members if they have had a similar experience in the last few years. My long time physician, who is both an internist and an infectious disease specialist, suddenly decided he was joining a corporation and was having a change in his "business model". I had little warning, but these were some of the changes, and it made me furious. I had been with him for about 15 years, so to say I was livid would be an understatement. This guy diagnosed me, filled out all my necessary paperwork, referred me to some of the best specialists, and helped me recover when I had 12 T cells and a viral load of over 2 million. As you can see, I have been pretty close to "checking out". Here were the changes: 1. He would only act as my Infectious Disease Specialist. He explained this was not a problem for me, as my insurance did not require referrals, so I could come to him without delay. 2. He would NO LONGER be my Primary Care Physician. So if I was sick, had the flu, any other issues other than those related to HIV, I needed to see my Primary Care Physician. Funny, I don't have one, as I always went to him. So that meant, I needed to find a second doctor, start from scratch, and explain to him my past (rather checkered) and how I got to where I am today. I don't mind sharing some of my sexual escapades, travels, hookups, screw ups, and possible encounters with law enforcement with you fine gentleman. We are all friends here, right? No judgment here from BZ members. However, I did not want to explain some things to a total stranger in a lab coat, who I don't know and may frankly, find me to be a bit of a "handful" 3. My current doctor would no longer write "controlled substances"? Excuse me? Well you have only been doing it for the past 15 years and frankly I want my 2 mg of Lorezapam and 3 mg of Alprazolam (accefionatly known as Xanax) daily. I am sure I don't have to tell some BZ members that it is incredibly difficult and painful to come off these medications. I have not abused them, and even though I take the maximum allowed by law in this state (according to my doctor), I am not stopping. Plain and simple. So what does this mean? I had to find a THIRD doctor, one to write me scripts for these two medications and frankly, I don't want to beg some new doctor to write something I have been taking for almost two decades. So I lost it, I mean I wrote him a polite, NO THANK YOU I WILL GO ELSEWHERE letter, and he can be the infectious disease specialist for some other guy. So I received a polite phone call from this 20ish sounding guy from his office who, speaking to me in a condescending tone, told me why it was a financial decision and for me not to take it personally. That he would find me doctors that would basically give me what I wanted (scripts!) and open minded about my past medical history and rather "animated" behavior. I thanked him, told him I would find someone to do all three, on my own. I did just that... Here is my question to BZ members. The 20 something who called me said "This is the current state of medical care in Florida, and many doctors are moving in this direction". WTF? Really? So has ANYONE out there, received this kind of slap in the face from their long time provider??? I would really like to know. I am fortunate to find a doctor who will do all three, but then again he is 68 and usually sits across the room from me and writes 5 refills on all my meds. My numbers are excellent and I am being provided the controlled substances I need, till he retires of course and then I will begin this journey again. Anyone out there experience something like this? Can anyone explain further why this may have happened? I am sure there are people who work in the medical field that are on this site (I know for the BB porn areas). But seriously, can anyone shed any light on this subject? Thanks for listening...
  11. I find your doctor's response surprising. I switched physician's because the previous one always wanted to run some new test, send me to some specialist for a condition that he THOUGHT I might have, it was like "doctor-a-go-go". I understand your concern about being seen monthly, that's wise. You would think he would want to bill your insurance, as most guys try as much as possible to avoid going to see their doctor. I finally changed because my long time doctor would no longer be my "primary care physician", nor would he write controlled substances, in my case sleeping pills. So that meant I needed to see three doctors now, instead of one. He did make an announcement and he did give everyone ample time to find a PCP and someone to write controlled substances. But WHY do I need three doctors, when he just continue to follow the same course and treat everything himself. Why? MONEY. He became part of corporation. I really think I will start a thread on here because after being a patient of a doctor for so many years, and then finding he had a change in "Business Model", I was furious. Now I have an Infectious Disease Specialist who is about to turn 68 and I fear he may retire any day. I am glad there are posters on here who want to have their health monitored. Frankly, and I know this idea is not popular, but I cannot wrap my head around "bug chasing" or failing to treat an illness and let it just run it's course, so to speak. I hope you remain healthy........it seems most gay men I meet have at least one on-going condition, and that is a shame.
  12. I am familiar with @onlyfans/letseatcakexx - I have seen a number of their videos. The guys are indeed hot. I am not sure where they are based out of, or where they actually live, but they do travel and I think it is their purpose to find guys who will let them film during sex. It does make sense. Some of their videos have "gone off the rails", you hear them talking more about the equipment (and not always being in focus or forgetting to hit the damn RECORD button) but yep they are hot, and they do pop up at a lot of organized gay events.
  13. So you are saying we have to go to the doctor every other month for an injection as opposed to having a delivery man come to my door to drop off my meds and controlled substances. My doctor requires me to come twice yearly to make sure I have behaved,,,,,,,,I will stick with the delivery guy.
  14. Someone gave me a free membership to ass pig. One problem, I am not into being fisted. Surprise, surprise! I was not happy to learn when I put the word "bottom" in my profile all these guys wanted to get out the Crisco. Nah, not for me, But my God were there alot of guys I recognize from BBRT and A4A. Yes I knew it was still around!
  15. I see you are from Pensacola, I have been there several times as I have two sisters living in that city. I live in Saint Pete, I feel like I am driving into another world when I go up there. To say they are a bit "backwards" would be an understatement. All the anti-abortion signs, with the exception of the beach area the city itself does not give me a gay friendly feeling. It's funny, I always stay at a certain Best Western and the front desk guy, whose family owns that particular franchise, is gay. He tells me if it were not for his connection to that hotel he would have left Pensacola long ago. However, last time I was there I noticed quite a bit of young, college types near the hospital area, and where the majority of restaurants are. I know there are young guys there, they have to be horny, so I imagine things are better when college is in session. I hear what you are saying, BBRT is probably better, you must get sick of seeing the same faces all the time. I suppose during the summer months there are people that go to the beach area to visit, so I suppose that is an option. I have spoken to two very hot guys on BBRT from that area, so you probably don't have that difficult a time finding some quality guys - it's just, it's probably the same guys over and over. I have, in the past, taken little three day sex vacations to say Orlando, or Lauderdale, just because I am sick of the same guys. I advertise as being from out of town and that usually sparks interest from the locals. Hang in there, it will get better. Surprised, you haven't ventured off to Atlanta, now that is where some action is....
  16. Promote, promote, promote! I hope I am allowed to say this, but post in BBRT and even A4A that you are visiting and looking to play now. Being from out of town always has it's advantages. Those two sites are usually friendly to visitors from out of town.!
  17. I have experience with that scenario, though the father and son did not touch each other. I knew the father for about seven years, he was late 40s and I found him on A4A one night, he promised to come over the next morning and he showed up right on time. Amazing how a web cam can convince someone at 11 pm at night to be at your place 9 am sharp the next morning, see I keep pushing the web cam gentleman. I would have him over maybe every other month, huge top who was very skilled, knew what he was doing. Very good natured, I always managed to get him off, he told me how much he enjoyed my company. Nice enough to pick me up, take me to his "second home" and play there in a sling. I also invited him if I had a "group" over, usually someone who was local who might have been entertaining an out of town guest. One particular friend had a guy visit who took the Greyhound Bus from Oklahoma to Tampa, so I invited them to come down to the Bradenton area to play. Well I also invited my local buddy, to make it an even four, and he really appreciated me asking him to join the group. He said he was flattered I would think of him, but to be honest, he was non-judgmental, he basically was nice to everyone and proceeded to fuck the hell out of me, his little socks flew off his feet when he shot his load. I felt I was a good host that day So a few weeks later he said he had a "surprise" for me, and wanted to know when I might be free for him to come over. We planned on a weekend, mid day. He shows up with this guy in his mid 20s and says "this is my son". Well when he pulled down his pants, I could see the family resemblance, though the son was a shade or two darker, and about an inch or two bigger (really big). I remember blowing the two of them and I looked us as they were thouching each other's nipples. Now, there is only so much room in my ass, and they are very hygienic. So the son went to town on my ass, I remember him smiling at me, he still had braces. I did ask for ID only because I was so excited, and they are indeed father and son. His Dad took a whole bunch of pictures, while his son fucked me, I never saw them touch each other besides the nipples. The son pushed me so far back on my bed by the time he shot his load in me I was virtually standing on my head. We had a good laugh about it, the father enjoyed it, we had a blast. I continued to see the two of them over the next several years, usually adding another bottom so that it would be an even four. I miss my old apartment, living in that small city where "being a big fish in a little pond" had it's advantages. My old city was known for it's outlet mall off of I-75. I used to joke when the exit was coming up on drivers, I said they should post "next exit to @ellentonboy. It would have made giving directions so much easier. That's my story of having sex with a father and son. The son was mid and I suppose now late 20s, I guess over 30. I really miss his Dad, who was wonderful to me. It can happen guys, no need to make it creepy or illegal, because this is an example of two legal aged gay male adults, who just both happened to be father and son, and didn't mind stopping by my apartment for a little "[banned word]" fun time.
  18. Attention SawMill fans (lol): If you are on their mailing list I believe first weekend in November they are having one of their special events - not sure if it the "Leather weekend" but the cooler months are enjoyable there because you can wear leather and not suffocate in the heat. I think what I enjoy most are the special events, usually during the winter months. For those who have not been, it's sort of in the middle of "nowhere", which is fine because it's incredibly private. It's not exactly easy to navigate once you exit I-75, but once you have done it, you usually remember how to find it. Those special events attract guys from all over.
  19. It's all about timing, and the city you are in. In certain cities the bath houses (or sex clubs) are only busy on the weekends during the evening. Now think of Lauderdale, and I remember a time I could stay eight hours at one place, drive to a second location and then drive back again once I completed my eight hours to the original spot. You have guys on their lunch time, some who work evenings and not during the day, some from out of town on vacation, and of course - the staff! I don't give up after thirty minutes, because the tide will change in the blink of an eye and an entire new group can arrive. It's about timing, not blowing your load with the first guy, more importantly - pacing yourself!
  20. One problem I have with “location services” on apps is I find guys know exactly who is at your home. I had an embarrassing incident where I was “mid-play” when someone, who had been turned down by my “visitor” showed up and knocked on the door. The two of them had an argument, and the guy who interrupted us left. However, it did not prevent my neighbor from coming out and observing their confrontation. My advice, if your trick shows up, turn your phones or location services off, because I had a negative experience making my location known.
  21. Scams as in outright CRIMINALS (yes they have been in my home) and Recon is widely unused in the US (at least not to hookup). I agree, though on occasion there is a chance someone from A4A may NOT be a felon ,,,,,imagine that!
  22. I can say some of these long time sites are still popular, but it does depend on where you live. Here on the west coast of Florida, specifically Tampa/St. Petersburg, Adam4Adam is still popular and you can hook up fairly easily. Now let me preface that statement by saying this - it is a free site and you will find many younger members on there. You find college students who are available during day hours, and like BBRT, the members who are actively looking increase on weekends and after midnight. A4A even has a section called "Looking for Now" - which indicates who is looking to play within the next hour or two, not next week. So for that, I give them credit. I have noticed some guys who, if they see you are in your 40s, may ask "can you pay for my Uber" or even worse "Can you be generous?" Now, A4A has a section for guys looking to earn money "as models" so try to read "between the lines" as they say. If someone asks for me to pay for an Uber, I tell them to take the bus (yep, I have said that). If they say "Can you be generous", I take a screen shot and report them to A4A for soliciting. I know some guys may think I am a prick for doing that but they specifically say but the site is not Men4RentNow.com. There are sites for guys looking to be paid, I have nothing against sex workers, but I don't like some 24 year old asking me for $80, it's insulting. A4A has worked for me. At least in this geographic area. I have traveled to other parts of the country and the pickings have been slim in some areas, but that generally meant they were using another site. For instance, "Manhunt" is pretty empty in this area. Another site gave me a free week on Manhunt so I joined. The majority were "Not Looking for Now", more like "Looking for the end of October, on a Thursday, between 3 and 4 pm". Not kidding. There was somewhat of an anti-poz feeling as well, it was usually the first question asked and I understand that. Manhunt was a bust, there was a guy who remembered hooking up with me, and as I reflect he was very good looking with an awesome body, but it was oral sex and I remember turning him down on one occasion and he was livid, after I told him my other option included fucking and he did not. Well, we got passed that, I have seen him since, and he's great to look at and it's a much different type of encounter. I hear people complain about BBRT. I know other sites have come and gone. I just thin it depends on where you live and what time you sign on. What you get at 12 noon on a Friday is not what you are going at 12 midnight on any weekend. That's been my experience, I have thought to expand my opportunities by trying new sites, I have done the Grindr route (laid on the first night, about an hour after I joined) and Scruff (questioned endlessly about my relationship status and many "what if" scenarios). Again, these apps and online sites are about one thing. LOCATION.
  23. I don't know of any straight guy who (and I mean identifies as heterosexual and has never had sex with a man) relishes the fact of having a dick up his ass. I have spoken to straight girlfriends of mine who have told me they, on occasion, have stuck their fingers in the butts of their boyfriends. Some got positive responses (no pun intended) while others said the finger was met with much anger and disapproval. So to say that a straight guy is nonchalant about having a cock up his hole, is to me, highly unlikely. Like the models in the mentioned videos, I would venture to say the one bottoming in the scene has done it in the past. No question in my mind.
  24. I'll say this, I had a guy who pissed up my ass without telling me he was going to do it. I believe I told him I had someone scheduled later that afternoon. Once I found out what he did, I chased him out of my house with a knife. He left his watch behind. Fuck that! You piss up someone's ass, who spent time making sure it's totally clean, is so disrespectful and rude I don't know how else to describe it. Not this guy, not ever...
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