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Everything posted by ellentonboy

  1. I find all of this information disconcerting, to say the least. I have had multiple android devices destroyed, phones and laptops, by a hacker who sent a virus thru and changed all the permissions on my devices. I could not even donate the devices, they were of no use. I was deliberately targeted, filed police reports, but in the end no one was held accountable. With my apple phones, I could actually see myself moving in one of the apps, yet I was sitting in my house. When I contacted Apple, they pointed fingers at my internet provider. I tried to constantly change the wifi information, only to have them break back in. I even moved to a new apartment, hired the "Geek Squad" to come to my new apartment, change the wifi password and he left assuring me I would not be hacked. Assuming I was safe, I thought I would have some fun on A4A, only to be recognized by the people that had previously targeted me. They got into both phone devices and actually re-arranged photos that are on my MacBook Air, sort of a way to tell me they had gotten into that as well. My partner was just about ready to hang himself, thinking we would have to relive everything we had gone through before, just because I decided to get on A4A and find someone for us to play with. I had to contact Apple and spend over an hour and a half with one of their specialists to see if they could help us regain control of our devices. I think our phones are safe, but I am not 100 percent sure. Enough about my poor judgment, I do have a question regarding how I am able to get onto BZ. When I tried going through Safari I could not connect. I have to type in google, then type Breeding Zone in the search bar, and then I can get in. I see @rawtop has stated that all browsers on IOS are safari. So, is my current way of connecting the correct and only way to get onto BZ? I know, I know I need to take some IT courses because I feel like I have no privacy and there is always someone watching. I have tried VPN's only to have them limit my connection to my bank, or the IRS, or other government agencies. I've been told to get rid of my MacBook and switch to a non-Apple laptop, but with the years of money I invested in iTunes I am reluctant to close my MacBook forever. Yes Apple got my money for iTunes as well, since oh, like 2004. I have over 2000 songs that not only show what poor taste I have in music (anyone remember Amber, Deborah Cox?), but also I fell for the idea that Apple would continue to support iPods and I tunes in general, now I see they are no longer going to make those kind of products. So yes, if you have a bridge for sale, I would be the first guy to approach..... Anyone have any advice, because frankly, all the hacking and turning my webcam on to record me, has taken the gay out of my gay life........
  2. I was a GS-12 at the time and I was in front of a well known gay bar in Lauderdale with two latin guys fucking in my government owned vehicle. I really wasn't worried about dragging the two guys back to my hotel because of my supervisor, I was just horny and in a hurry. I know I got lucky, and I really took some wild chances with that government car, I know the other gay employee in the agency was suspended twice for 30 day increments. with out pay, for using the government vehicle for personal reasons. They even held up his within grade increases each time by two pay periods because he had been in LWOP status. Me, I got out of speeding tickets, even had a Florida State trooper change my tire on I-75 because I figured if I could get one to do it, I would. Never used my job to intimidate or manipulate anyone, if anything, it made me incredibly unpopular in my home area because everyone assumed I would or could have them arrested if "enhancements" were being used. Working in Lauderdale was a freeing experience, I had blind tags, and I didn't offer that information to anyone unless I started to see them on a regular basis. Besides for about 6 years I was in travel status about 32 out of 40 hours a week, so I made per diem and Sunday differential. Anytime they asked if I wanted to be relocated to Lauderdale, I said no! There may be a slight increase in a COLA difference with my salary, but there was no way I was giving up that per diem that I got every time I submitted a travel voucher. I am sure you know what I am talking about..... Btw, that government employee who I mentioned was suspended, he was from Louisville, Kentucky! I just noticed you are from Louisville. He was a USDA Veterinarian with APHIS, Regulatory Enforcement and Animal Care. He's older than me, and retired. He didn't care what management thought of him, but he hated when they suspended him without pay~
  3. I was approached by a police officer in Fort Lauderdale while having sex with two guys in a vehicle. He asked for my license and registration and asked why I was having sex with two men who did not speak English. I really didn't have an answer for that. When he saw the car had a blind tag and was registered to the US Government he asked why I was risking my job, and why did I not just take the guys back to my hotel room. I explained my supervisor at the time was staying in the same hotel and it would have been embarrassing for me to be seen with not one but two guys, who only spoke Spanish. My supervisor spoke Spanish as well so if he ran into us, the" cat would have been out of the bag" so to speak. The cop told the two latin guys to "get lost" and gave me my license and registration back and told me not to have sex in front of a gay bar again, that he patrolled that area all the time looking for that kind of activity, and next time he would not be so forgiving. He wrote my name down and asked me what hotel I was staying at, I never saw or heard from him again, but I didn't have sex in the government car again (that I can recall) for a very long time.
  4. I don't even know you and I say "WELCOME THE HELL BACK". You traded Fort Lauderdale (and more importantly the Ramrod) for a small town in Texas????? Either you left for an incredibly well paying job, a family obligation or an incredibly hot, hung top bf? I can't imagine going to the land of Senator Ted Cruz voluntarily when you can be somewhere in the Lauderdale/Wilton Manor Area and have the Ramrod and Slammers just a Lyft or Uber ride away. Who knows, maybe you can even walk there. I live in Sleepy St. Petersburg, FL, and yes it is gay friendly, but when I want to get my groove on it's down I-75, across Alligator Alley and I park my ass at some cheap Lauderdale hotel (if I can find one for less than 100 dollars where I will not be murdered). So even though we haven't met, please share your experiences now that you are back home and can really enjoy life. I will live vicariously through you - as I often do when I read the postings of @hntnhole, I may be a bottom but his exploits sound so much fun when he shares them (not long ago I believe he posted one about sitting next to a young man at the Ramrod, outside, and the fun filled action that followed). If I have the wrong poster, please forgive me @hntnhole, you encouraged me to stay when I first joined and I am so glad I did!
  5. As some previous posters have said, there is not much more TIM can do, that has not already been done. I think that studio should feel proud of what it accomplished, I mean it's the highest form of flattery to copy someone's material, and that is what other studios have had to do. I've read certain heads of porn studios say they would NEVER do bb flicks, only to find maybe two years later the debut of their first BB "production". The studios that faltered financially (Raging Stallion, Falcon) initially resisted going bb, though if you are old enough you do recall seeing Falcon produce bb productions BEFORE condoms were used. Example of companies that shrugged off going bb and then changed their minds: Lucas Entertainment (yeah that guy) and Sean Cody (I leave if they are on at a group party, but that's me). Both of them were strictly condom for a number of years and then, wow!, suddenly the condoms are off. The other thing I noticed is people mentioning that TIM performers looked to be ah, "under the influence". I can tell you there are few production companies that look the other way with what performers use prior or during production. I know of one company banned from using Air BNB locations to film because drug paraphernalia was left on the property. Yet the owner of the studio had done somewhat of a documentary on the development of his studio, and had the audacity to try and claim no drugs were used in the production of his films. PLEASE give me a break. Look at the expressions, the eyes of the performers (the bottoms in particular). There is no way they could be sober. To me, that's fine, that is sex, that is life. But PLEASE don't lie to my face and say no drugs were used. I am not saying EVERY studio uses them, but the majority do. Funny, I was in San Francisco, and happened to have a pre-arranged meeting with a guy who I knew from a web cam site. Now, he is not a performer, he did things like scouting for location shoots, "custodian of records paperwork", things of that nature. It was fun because even though I was never on a "set" while filming, I did get to see his "office" and get a lot of the "behind the scenes" gossip about how certain performers disliked each other, who had overstayed their visa's and were hiding from US Immigration and how some performers had no idea they would be given or mailed a 1099 form for their taxes. Now this was one of the major studios, everyone who watches porn on this Forum knows who they are. They had major financial problems because one of the three owners had a major "enhancement" problem and three times in re-hab did not work. They had to merge with another video company, once a major player in gay porn, and finally decided 'no more condoms'. But this is my point, I asked him directly if "enhancements" were used, and he said absolutely not. But why was I there to spend time with him when there were so many men to select from in San Fran? Well, he was my first stop because he supplied "enhancements". I asked if his business trickled down onto his co-workers, and he said absolutely not, he was involved with "enhancements' because of the outrageous rents and his modest salary. But "oh no, are guys are all sober". Yeah, sure they are, which is why one of your three owners had to go to rehab three times - give me a break. So TIM seems to be putting out less content, it isn't much different than many other production companies do today. I am sure he will survive. Will he dominate? Probably not. I don't know where I found the article, but a few years back there was something written about how "Dawson's 20 Load Weekend" revolutionized gay porn. It happened to be the twenty year anniversary of the release of the video and it talked about Dawson and how the whole video came to be. It was well done, some things I knew, others I didn't. It gave some insight into Dawson himself, how he got to that point in his video career, and how, in my opinion, it was just a young man telling a video producer something he was willing to do, and that producer jumped on the idea, and rightfully so. I don't think anything will come along that will change things dramatically. I know of a FWB who had 1000s of VHS tapes, transferred them all to DVDs, and now I see studios want to sell you gigs to put into computers when you purchase their porn. I think of that FWB every time I see sales for porn and telling you it will arrive in gig format. I wonder if his head exploded by now, or if there will be a way (there probably is but I am not interested in finding out how) to get one gig and copy that to others. But I am sure the IT gays amongst us, have figured it out by now. Porn is part of gay sex, I know there are those on BZ that say they don't watch it, are not interested in it. One very value comment I hear is that, some guys like to have it on in the "background", but they are not really watching it. For me, if I am entertaining, using "enhancements" I have it on, but am I really watching it, probably not. Sometimes it is a great way to "break the ice" with someone you have never met (which is the majority of the time) Porn Is like booze, it may not be for everyone, but it is never going out of style. I don't think TIM's videos will go out of style, he may just not be "top shelf" much longer.
  6. I noticed he has used a lot of overseas locations (and men) which is fine. However the videos do not meet the quality of the early 2000s. It's like the rest of the industry caught up with him, and now the "shock value" is over. There is something to be said for some of the less slickly produced video companies. I would not pay to subscribe to his productions. They also seem to come out bit by bit, I believe that may be due to video piracy and I can't say I blame him So by the time you see the video in it's entirety you have seen the majority of it in segments. I hate to call his competition, but Raw Fuck Club can produce some very nice group videos, the guys are attractive. However, he uses many of the same models over and over. Now I see Raw Fuck Club excerpts being released as well, with maybe three guys putting out very short clips. I don't know if onlyfans is going to eventually take over, but the days of studio production videos, that are 60 to 90 minutes long, seem to be a thing of the past.
  7. I met my partner in someone's hotel room. He happened to be sitting on the bed in his pajamas, I was there to get some "enhancements". Since we met under those circumstances we continued forward in that matter, at one point we had profiles on various hook up sites that featured the two of us, we sort of came as a pair. The first fourteen years I did not live with him, but saw him maybe twenty to twenty five days out of the month. In 2017 I took the plunge and moved in with him. We still play together, sometimes a guy (or two, or three) come over and we have some group parties. Because of covid we put a stop to a lot of that. He also has a more responsible job now so the times he can play, and of course, recover are limited. I haven't worked in years, I had full blown AIDS when I was 30 and managed to get disability almost immediately so working for me was never part of the equation. He has yet to be called back to the office so while he works upstair I get to chat with people online and plan our yearly vacation. If you had told me that A. I would still be alive today and B. I would have a partner I would have laughed at you in the early 2000s, but that is my reality now so that is where it stands. I notice he has become somewhat reluctant to go online and look for playmates, so I do all the planning, make the arrangements and he just is here, when they come over. It works for us....
  8. Being called a pussy or a cunt, in my opinion is demeaning and a turnoff. I have heard the term "man-pussy" or "boy-pussy" and this came out of both a top and a bottom's mouth at a group party. I was sort of sick to my stomach, lost my erection after hearing that.
  9. I am SO surprised you had no idea about how much porn was on there. Especially "only fans". I started a profile there and followed every porn performer I could find so I would get their "feed" once they posted something. It is absolute great way to find who they are performing with, and the names of those included in the flick. Some of it is poorly produced or recorded, if they are "newbies" and don't have someone holding a camera for them then you only get one angle. That's boring. However, some of the more intelligent performers use either multiple tripods or other performers to hold the camera and then slice the entire video together at the end. Not that I would pay for it, but I use torrents and download those I find appealing. Usually hamster or some of the other free sites will have say a three to five minute segment, but usually to get the entire video I use torrents. Trust me, some are much better than others. It amazes me that Twitter allows so much of this content. Call someone "fat" (I am guilty, this singer has gained so much weight and I had been drinking) and they will ban you for 72 hours. But post something sexually explicit, NO PROBLEM! I can't figure them out but seriously there is a lot of decent porn on twitter or it gives you the names of the last flicks released so you can HUNT them down.
  10. Me! I met him in November 2003 and married him in November 2021. It was always nice to have the ability to go back to my rent subsidized apartment, but once my parents passed away I thought it was a smart move to get married and move along with it. Even my father, who was 90 before he died, told me to give up my apartment and move in with my boyfriend. Though he never said to marry him, I can see now with Social Security and his pension, it may have been the right decision. Before we married we had a relationship where we played with other people, always together. Now, because of Covid and Monkeypox, he is not so sure it is the right thing to do. Sometimes I feel I sold out government based security for a wedding band, I hope I made the firing decision.
  11. I stayed at Inn Exhile in 2006 and had a fantastic time. I was told the owners at that time sold it, and that it has a new name and owner. Can anyone help me out and tell me the new name of that fabeled resort so that I can pass it along to friends "across the pond"? I thought Inn Exhile was beautiful, well kept and well managed. Yes I hooked up with multiple employees of the establishment, but when my luggage did not arrive the owners decided it was their mission to have an employee drive me to a place where I could get the things I needed. I could not have been more appreciative and the fact the owners did that for me is customer service that I have not experienced in the past. So, if you know the name of the place that is the former "Inn Exhile" please let me know what it is, I am hoping the customer service is still the same.
  12. Okay, I am probably going to share too much information (as usual), but here I go. I called my Ryan White Case Manager, I get SSD and SSI BUT because of my participation in the Ryan White program I have no co-pays, even though I am on Medicare, for things like Prescobix, Descovy, and less expensive generics like lorezapam and alprazolam. My case manager is gay, he doesn't care if I tell him I have a partner yet I have had multiple sex partners after being married. So on Friday and I I called him and asked "Do you know where I can get the vaccine for monkeypox"? His response was "one of my clients (someone like myself) has monkeypox but I have no idea where you can get the vaccine. He said he had heard the number of does was limited in Florida. Now the area I live in, Pinellas County, had more cases than Sarasota, Tampa, Bradenton, etc.). He even stated that he had A CLIENT WITH MONKEYPOX. However, he had no further information. Now, to be transparent, this case manager has been very good to me. When I lived in Manatee County, I must have had 10 case managers, ALL of whom resigned. Now, how this guy who has provided me better care service than I ever received in the past and yet he has NO information regarding monkeypox is beyond me. So, I am asking fellow BZ members, if you know how and where I can get the monkeypox vaccine I would greatly appreciate it. THANK YOU for all those who are willing to listen and help me, because frankly, I need some guidance.
  13. I hate to sound selfish, I don't like to see others become ill or not have the opportunity to protect themselves. So if I appear to be gloating I apologize. I really hope BZ members take this subject seriously. Less than 24 hours ago it was reported that the state of Florida had received 25,000 doses of the vaccine and they would be distributed based on the number of cases in each county. So for those in Florida I would advise you to ack quickly. Call your doctor or if you are involved with any Ryan White program contact your case manager as they may be able to tell you where you can schedule an appointment. I am very happy for my fellow BZ members who have either gotten the vaccine or have scheduled appointments. That is fantastic news and I have really happy for you guys. I hope everyone will take this seriously and act as quickly as possible to protect themselves.
  14. Thanks for that! I have never been one to be political, but this has an effect on every gay American. It doesn't matter if you are married now or not, or if you think you will get married in the future, everyone should have the opportunity to do so. Voting is crucial, and the Supreme Court is not our friend. However , it is good to know who is your friend in the House. So please, take the time, and plan your vote. It may not matter to you now, but it may in the future.
  15. I watched CNN last night and they had a reporter from NYC. I believe they had 7000 doses of the vaccine and everyone had a name attached to it. In other words, they went online, people just kept hitting "refresh" and eventually they were able to get an appointment. Now it's unclear when more vaccines will arrive, I know they have been ordered but I am not sure where or how they will be distributed. To me, this is not like Covid. There doesn't seem to be a big rush on getting more vaccines. Why? Because it is just impacting the gay community, at least in my opinion. I saw a small article, I don't know if was Dr. Fauci or the former head of the FDA Scott Gottlieb who said the window was closing on containing the disease, or it had already closed. GREAT, THANKS ALOT. So what are we all to do now, just sit and wait????? If this spreads to the straight community, and I am not wishing that, but. it might get more attention. In the interim, the gay community, I feel, is being treated like second class citizens. So 1000 cases in Berlin? Great. Cannot wait to see how things go in San Fran, L.A, South Florida or any other gay "Mecca". To me it just seems like we are forgotten, yet again. Thanks for your post.
  16. I am disappointed with the lack of publicity regarding this health crisis in my part of Florida. Then again, with my Governor I should not be surprised, but politics is another thread. I see my doctor in August, just a few weeks away, and I plan on asking about vaccine availability. I have seen the Department of Health here in Florida put out a warning regarding hepatitis, but to me that was old news. However, I have not seen any posters or information online as to where I can find the vaccine regarding monkeypox. So fellow Floridians, I know you are out there. Should I just give up casual sex with strangers until I see my doctor the second week of August. Most of the informtation I have come across are from guys living in L.A. or New York. Not much from Floridians, and certainly nothing here in the Tampa/St. Pete area. Normally Miami or Ft. Lauderdale has articles in main stream news outlets regarding STD outbreaks, but so far I have not come across anything from my state. Anyone know more?
  17. I waited, and waited to see what the response would be regarding this thread. As a bottom, the thought of being clean is a never ending struggle. I don't eat, I purge, I douche, I douche again. It goes on and on. Sometimes tops will tell me that they had a good time, but the HIGHEST compliment a bottom can receive is when a top says THANKS FOR TAKING THE TIME TO BE CLEAN. It may not matter to some tops, but you know what, it is a matter of pride. I have guys, who are well known tops tell me, "I appreciate you taking the time to make matters CLEAN DOWN THERE". Well, what do you know, I got a compliment for proper hygiene! ALL gay men need to understand that life is NOT a porno movie and it takes time to prepare to bottom. This has been one of the best threads and I finally had to chime in!
  18. Well that day came and went with no interest, maybe I should change my avatar or just get back on web cam sites where I am most appreciated. Actually, I am kidding, as BZ has offered so much information to be honest, I would not know where else to look or who to turn to . For that, I am grateful.
  19. Thank you sir. I wish guys would really take a look at this. It is not fun, it hurts, and it can really make you ill. I think we should all follow the news and if you don't hear anything look at the CDC or government web site for assistance. It could save your life.....
  20. I may have responded to @SRQDude in error regarding this issue so my apologies. I realized after looking up in the thread his comments were intended for another poster. So again, my apologies.
  21. I don't know of ONE Red Roof Inn that doesn't, at some point during the week, have some sex party going on. I lived for 14 years down the street from one and I have to say it was a convenient drive and didn't have to worry about how many "enhancements" I had done. I have to say that, in general, Red Roof Inns are not bad, and usually free of bed bugs. The ULTIMATE curse, besides HPV. Whoops, sorry you were asking about the one in Atlanta, sorry never played there.....
  22. I appreciated the feedback. I was warned around 1999 or 2000 to start selling any policies I had left, and this came from my contact at a particular vatical settlement company that I used to sell individual policies I was able to purchase. He said it was a dying (no pun intended) industry and to sell and get out now. Those were the ones I was somewhat uncomfortable doing because of the legality issues. When it came to a policy issued because of a benefit offered to me by an employer, I had no worries. From 1996 to 2002 the percentage of the money offered on my policies went down significantly. Investors were catching on that people were living longer, so they knew they were on the hook to pay the premiums. I mean, what is the chance of some twenty something suddenly dying? Well, if you saw my labs back then you might think there was a possibility The majority of those vatical companies are out of business now. However, the large FEGLI policies (Federal Employee Group Life Insurance) have a company that keeps track of me quarterly. I'm not surprised it came to an end, I never misrepresented my health, but the middle man often made my situation sound more dire. In the case of the FEGLI - even selling the policy back to the government was considered a "benefit". I actually left once, cashed out, and had another government agency hire me. All because I knew I could get a huge payout. The other policies were chump change - not to say I wouldn't jump at a chance to get that "chump change" again. I was called out by one insurance company employee who asked why I was so persistent on finding out if a policy had been converted to an individual policy. She bluntly asked, "why do you care, do you have plans to sell it?" They knew back then, but I was surprised when something like a $10,000 policy application would be rejected and there would be information for me to contact to find out exactly why they said no, and what information was provided. I am tempted to apply to another insurance company, but I don't want to lie on an application and then later be charged with attempted fraud. I know the likely chance of that happening would be small, but I don't want my signature on something I know is absolutely false. I am glad I went this route and thought BZ was a great way to get feedback, and ultimately, the answer I expected. I know I can't be the only guy on this Forum who received a vatical settlement, I think I am just one of the few willing to discuss it. I didn't commit fraud, but I am sure some might frown on my behavior - such as changing employers. But then again, this is BZ, so who are they to judge??? lol I didn't think you were a conspiracy theorist or paranoid, obviously you work or have worked in the insurance business, or you have had experience dealing with them. Facebook to me, personally, is the anti-Christ. I mean, I must have tried to terminate my profile ten years ago, but I get calls from relatives telling me they have seen my picture and profile back up on Facebook, thanks to hackers. Instead of saying "Attended University XYZ". they say "May have attended University XYZ". Even with my previous government employers, they usually call out the one that I had the most years working for. However they always use the "May have worked for the Department of.....". It never stops with Facebook, but that is content for another thread. Take care!
  23. I have to agree with you. I am not happy, at all, that my medical information is stored up in "the cloud" so to speak. How often do we hear of "clouds" being hacked? Quite a bit. What I find bewildering, is why does the optometrist at Lens Crafters need to know my HIV status. It seems a bit invasive. They want all this background medical information to write a script for contact lenses or reading glasses. You hand some clip board to a young woman, who you have never seen and will never see again, and she starts entering all this information into a computer. It has got to the point that I am hesitant to give out that information. I am sorry to hear your rates might escalate, it seems the premiums are going up, but so are the deductibles and copays, if those apply to you. At times, I hear what people who have great jobs and what they pay bi-weekly or weekly for health insurance and it blows my mind. For an American, if you are lucky to find a great infectious disease specialist who will take you Medicare and your secondary Medicaid insurance, you would be wise not to change doctors. The secondary insurance part is becoming more expensive and less likely to have decent specialists. Good luck!
  24. Yes I know of at least two companies that will issue policies to poz men, but the rates are high and the payouts upon death are low. Like you mentioned your employer offering you a decent payout should you pass away while employed. I am finding employers who have a large number of employees usually offer the most generous policies, with low deductions from your paycheck and a larger amount of coverage.
  25. I have to admit when I posted this I thought your answer was probably the most logical and correct. I called every doctor's office, social services agency, even Social Security and the Office of Personnel Management and was assured over and over that none of my medical records would be released to an insurance company. In fact, they assured me there were safe guards in place to prevent such things from happening. Those policies, and to be honest I can think of eight that I sold, were from some major companies like Met Life, for example. I can't imagine they were not recording the sales of these policies. It's just been a long time and I remember the last policy I sold was a small one, $10,000 and I had purchased that independently. There was no problem unloading that. The policy prior to that was through an employer who I specifically targeted because I knew they offered life insurance, I was hired and once the benefits kicked in, I resigned and was able to convert it to a whole life. The employer wasn't happy I abruptly left and even the personnel director asked me why she had a request regarding information on an "accelerated death benefit" sitting on her desk with my name on it. Well, sorry lady, I played dumb and said I was offered more money to go elsewhere. That policy paid out well, so it was worth the mediocre salary for 90 days when I got that wire transfer from the vatical settlement company after the policy was sold. I wasn't obligated to tell them I was ill and to be honest, I did my job and they offered it in their benefits package. The fact I checked off "2X my annual salary" did not raise any red flags. Now had I wanted 5 times my salary I would have had to submit to a medical exam and it would have been a cold day in hell before I agreed to anything like that. What I should have known is that eventually the gravy train was going to come to an end and eventually purchasing and selling individual policies would become a thing of the past. I suppose reality is setting in. I believe my only option is to find another job that offers life insurance and suffer through working for a third of what I am used to making just for a cash payout after 90 days. Thank you for taking the time to respond, I believe you gave me the answer I probably didn't want to hear. However, it's probably the right one!
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