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Everything posted by ellentonboy

  1. Make sure someone knows where you are, what room number you are in, and when you plan on starting and finishing. This should be someone who has no plans to attend, but rather a buddy or roommate who will look out for you to make sure you arrive home safely. Even if you don't, it might not be bad to mention in the ad that you have a friend nearby, though he will not be in the room with you. If you plant the idea in a person's mind that hey, his best friend might be next door if things go haywire, it might make a criminal think twice before hurting or robbing you. Remember, this is fantasy. So why not create the fantasy that your screams will be heard by a friend. Think about that......
  2. I just don't see the purpose of Cumunion anymore as I am not aware of any parties, or groups, or bathhouses where condoms are used. Because of prep many people has just dropped the notion of using rubbers all together. I'm not condoning it, I'm just saying I really don't see them is use any longer. Pre-covid I know the bathhouse in my area (now closed) would give you ONE with your key and towel, most were odd colors and way too small. They were a joke...
  3. Philadelphia. Bathhouse as well as bars, 'after hour bars', large concentration of gays in downtown and south Philly. But here is the added feature, it's not too far from NYC, and easily accessible by train. Granted this time of the year is not ideal with the weather but from April to late October it's ideal. I must admit I have gone twice in January (I know, freezing) once to stay with my BFF and the other time for a circuit event - there was dick everywhere, I may be prejudiced cause it's my home town but Philadelphia has alot of options.
  4. Oh he's attended several years, twice a year. My bad, for not clarifying. It just seems he heads to CumUnion and I don't know of a time he has NOT come back with something. I know he has tried to mix it up, by going to different locations but he has gone on consecutive years. It's not like he's done the Ottawa-Toronto run every time. I know he's come to Florida as well for events. The guy has awful luck - it may be he's just sickly. I know in addition to STIs he's gotten the flu, but he lives in Canada and it seems every time we Face Time or Skype he's in bed - and alone!
  5. Wait - the OP's original question was something like "Do you fantasize about becoming pregnant - like a woman? Do I have that correct. Because that would be a resounding NO - all those years in the gym, and lose my boyish figure, are you kidding me???????? Childbirth? No give me the drugs and a C-Section if the Immaculate Conception occurs, but there better be someone with a cigarette available and a bar nearby once that kid is born. Now - do I want to make a woman pregnant. Again - NO! I call it the "21 year mistake" and have had conversations with young guys about the financial commitment they are obligated to once that paternity test shows they are the father. One of the advantages of being a gay male is not having to pay for private schools, music lessons, sports lessons and the senseless crying that would keep me awake at night. I am much too selfish for all of that crap. Now if a guy wants to have children, thinks it's a good fit for them, go ahead, be my guest. Just please don't call me to babysit when you want to have "date night" with your baby momma cause it's not happening with me.
  6. Oh the diapers give me the creeps. When I first got online a guy showed up at my apartment, neatly dressed, a nice looking guy. When he dropped his pants he had on these cloth diapers with the safety pins on each side. I didn't know if I should laugh or scream, but the expression on my face must have been enough for him because he quickly got dressed and bolted from my place. To this day I have PTSD when I see commercials for Pampers. I prefer boxer briefs, the over priced kind you see on cable television and then regret you spent so much money on. If you have seen them on cable tv, chances are I have purchased them. There is an online company, "Freshpair", I swear I have kept that company in business. They usually arrive in individual plastic packaging. If I open the box I leave them in their individual packaging, and if I think they will make me look ridiculous (and many do) I give them away to tricks, sort of as a thank you gift for coming over to play. I wish I had the cash back for the cost of the underwear I have given away to total (almost total) strangers. Don't get me started on jock straps, I hand wash them in cold water and dry them on various pieces of furniture throughout my place. I even have a special drawer in my dresser just for jockstraps. " Nastykinkpigs" is my current fav, I wore out my "Addicted" collection". I'm relieved both my parents have now passed away, and my sisters have left the state. I would never want them to find my jockstrap drawer. Let the apartment complex deal with it.......
  7. So you're basically a South Philly to downtown kind of guy, based on your zip code?  Should be enough guys in your area to keep you occupied, at least till you go through them all.  You might want to branch out to Northeast Philly, the "El" and the subway can provide transportation if you don't feel like driving.........

    I was sexually active in  Philly for about 10 years, in both the 19145 zip code as well as the 19111 area, so those locations offered  a lot of guys to select from (and various types of men as well).

    Happy Hunting!

  8. Well his history has been to go to two of those events a year and every time he gets an STD. It's like clockwork, he drives, he participates and in a week (or sooner) he realizes he has caught something. I can have eight different partners a month, approximately 100 different guys a year, and I don't end up with anything. Granted these guys were spread out over a twelve month period, were not in the same location, or even city and state. But I highly doubt my friend traded bodily fluids with as many men as I did over the calendar year. So what gives? Is it because all these guys attending the "cumdump events" are more likely to carry STDs, and I meet my sex partners under more conventional circumstances (i.e. online, telephone apps, the gym)? Or are guys who attend such parties just more inclined to be likely to have additional partners outside events making their number of sexual partners higher than mine? I could be on the low end of the spectrum when I say my number is approximately 100. It could be 120 with one or two smaller group events added in over the year. But I know for a fact my Canadian buddy, who has so few opportunities for group action, or action in general, has gotten sick at almost every one of these organized events he has attended. He can't leave Ottawa due to work reasons, he's auditioned for porn and actually appeared in one video, so he's got certain attributes guys would find attractive. But I SKYPE with him often and it's sad to hear him planning these upcoming events, knowing that upon his return he's going to be disappointed over the fact that he is back at his doctor's office, sick again. So to answer your question, yes I am surprised he gets an STD infection each time, because the math just doesn't add up. Or else he's the unluckiest guy I have ever met.....
  9. I spent the majority of my federal career working in government buildings and can tell you they are usually run down, dirty, either too hot or too cold, and often make you feel like you are in a time warp. They are dank, dark, no chance anyone spent money decorating these places. The furniture and outdated filing equipment look like something that has been hanging around since the 1960s. I remember being given a new chair for my desk, you would have thought I had won the lottery when it was rolled up to me by my supervisor at the time. Oh goodie! Look, it's not broken. Because I never knew of another work environment, when I finally left the north and was put in a government leased office in Florida, imagine my surprise. They had windows - that you could see out of! Central air and not broken window units. Yippie!
  10. Having been born and raised in Philly, I compare it to everywhere I go, and there is something to be said for "familiarity". I too have had the same experience with the no-nonsense attitude on Nastykinkpigs, but I have never used it in Philly, only here in Florida. You really hit the nail on the head regarding the "can you be generous" comments on A4A, it's everywhere here in Florida. I thought it was due to the economic situation in my area, with rents being outrageous and wages not keeping up with rising living costs. Here where I live in Florida if you are over 40, someone who is 28 or even 30, seems to have no problem asking if I "can be generous". I'll admit I have been a dick about that, reported them to management, and found that amazingly their profiles were taken down. However, they are just like cockroaches, they just seem to use a different email address, or hide behind a VPN, and create a new account. While in Philly, since I seem to be the "new guy of the week" I haven't been asked for cash, at least not yet. I am wondering if that will change the next time I visit. I'll look more into Nastykinkpigs when I do travel north this year. To answer your question in your post, I have not heard of the mobile app Taimi, but I suppose it's worth looking into. What frustrates (no amazes me) is that the same guys seem to be on the majority of the mobile apps (at least where I live). I suppose they can't be bothered to turn on a laptop, as if that is beneath them. I enjoyed your post - thanks!
  11. I have been dealing, since 2021, with the situation described above and am having another outpatient procedure the second week of January. I take tamsulosin in the evenings, I've been doing that since July of 2023. The PSA test showed I was at 1.4 - so with the normal range being between 1 and 4 my doctor said I was fine, no fear (at least at this point) of having prostate cancer. I am having labs drawn again later this week in prep for my procedure. I use Quest for my labs, and the results go to my phone app usually in 48 hours. I agree with @Close2MyBro that it's best to be healed properly before dealing with any possible aggravation in that area. If you have a partner or FWB or knows you well, you can still bottom, but this certainly isn't the time to be looking for some XXL top to fuck your brains out. My doctor has assured me that, if I take some time off and then go back slowly, I can eventually be 100 percent. I am following his words and not biting off more than I can chew, so to speak.
  12. Getting back to the OP's question about a triple penetration - I can only imagine the bottom having to wear diapers the rest of his life, or just the sheer pair. I really don't think I want to see that. The idea of two dicks and maybe a small dildo I suppose could work, but aren't two big dicks up your ass at one time enough? Cone on guys.......too much for me. I must be mellowing with age....
  13. I am glad to know that someone else did see that clip, I thought it was a bad dream. I don't ever recall seeing or hearing some of things that guy wanted someone to do to him. You know it has to be bad when there is an an announcement prior to the video beginning "This movie might not be for everyone", or something to that effect. They was NOT kidding, for sure. It seemed to be on track to be one step away from a "snuff" flick, and I don't even want to think about something like that. That is not porn, but something entirely different that I don't care to see again.
  14. I never thought of going to one of those events because I was already poz and I didn't feel like they would be any different from any other organized sex event. Most group events are bareback so why go to one of these, unless you may live in a rural area and really are not aware as to what is going on in your area. I have a Canadian friend who drove to two of these events, driving from Ottawa to Toronto, and each time he came back with an STD. I really felt bad for him. He's found it difficult to find the type of sex he desires, and when he travels to find it he ends up getting sick. I know I take it for granted that I live in an area where sex is widely available, I really don''t know how gay men today, who are sexually active, deal with that kind of isolation.
  15. When I first start the use of "enhancements" I actually wrote out a bucket list of things I wanted to do sexually. DP was in the top 5. We had one very large dicked guy sitting with his back against the headboard, I sat on his dick facing him, and someone with a nice 7 inch came in from behind me to complete the DP. Happy to report I sustained no injury, the top guy was like 10 X 6 so he fulfilled his role, despite being someone of a prick. The average dicked guy was much more versatile and fun, to this day I still play with him and we look fondly back on that DP experience. I think it's all about the positioning of the guys., and not making them feel like they are some part of a circus act.....
  16. I'll say this, I am not a huge fan of the management of BBRT or Adam4adam which have been my mainstream source here in this part of Florida for awhile. Now IF I were traveling, going to be out of town and having a bunch of free time (say in Philadelphia) those two sites worked well for me. I would change my profile completely in the sense that I tried to appeal to those who needed to be discreet, either due to the fact they were in relationships, or my favorite "I'm too well known here in this city". I nearly "hurled" every time I heard that comment. But to be honest if I posted something like "He'll never know, and, I'm here only till Monday morning". Following that up with, "Staying in a downtown, easy access location. I won't know your husband, partner, wife or friends". I even changed the first pic with a pic of me with my shirt off, holding my finger up to my mouth as if it "were a secret", and just cutting off the pic from my mouth on up so I wouldn't be easily identified. That works wonders for me. If they think you won't be around to dish the dirt, they'll respond. Now I agree, there is nothing better than promoting yourself in person. I was never really fond of bathhouses, not until I moved to Florida where I could get triple the action in a single eight hour session. But in places like Philly a good local watering hole worked well with the "after work crowd", followed by and 11 pm to 2 am "stand and model crowd". After that, there was an "after hours club" that had the horniest (and usually hottest) bunch of guys. It just killed me to pay for a guest pass at a bathhouse, and sometimes they would not even offer that, depending on the city I was in. So that' s my take on the current online sites, Sniffies is fine but I am not thrilled with the "hosting in my car" genre, when did that begin? Nastykinkpigs works as well, but call me vanilla I'm not into much of the kink offered on that site. A good gang bang? Sure - count me in. Being blindfolded and pissed on, ah, no thank you.
  17. "Lady Graham" has he was referred to by former press secretary Jen Psaki at the White House, is no one to talk. Now I don't know how many posters are aware of this or maybe I saw it posted here, but Graham is no stranger to hiring male sex workers and those who do gay porn. I reached out to one of those individuals on gmail who worked for Dark Alley videos. He responded saying he was in the process of hiring an attorney, and that several paparazzi types had pics of young men leaving Graham's residence in the early morning hours. Now I have to go through my "sent mail" on gmail, but I did send a follow up email to that porn performer and didn't get a response. He told me he initially was ready to go to the press, that he just wanted some legal representation, and this information was going to be given to the press shortly. I just thought maybe the story had been "squashed" by threats or intimidation, possibly informing these sex workers they could possibly face prostitution charges. I noticed I hadn't seen the porn performers name as of late, don't know if he has left the industry or not. But according to him, Graham in no stranger to hiring these guys and that is was well known within the porn community that this senator could be a possible client. He claimed to have had sex for money with Graham on multiple occasions. I would not have been convinced by one article. But when I emailed the guy from Dark Alley, and he immediately wrote back and confirmed what I had read, I knew there was some truth to the story. I realize this is somewhat off-topic, but again it shows that hypocritical individuals are alive and well in the Senate, at least in regards to their sexuality. Anyone familiar with this story, or heard more about it as of late? Any updated information would be appreciated!
  18. Treasure Island's new video "FRENZY" has an incredible cast, but I enjoyed the first scene the most with Logan Loads. He's being plowed by The Inked Pig and Excel Hung SF. Though they were kind enough to give Logan a bottle of poppers, he was still screaming and basically crying into the camera. Excel Hung SF and The Inked Pig were really fucking the hell out of him, and at one point Logan's eyes actually looked crossed. It was really something to see, no acting here that's for sure. I don't think sex should be painful, maybe Logan just "bit off more than he could chew" so to speak. It's a new flick, I strongly suggest you check it out. The scene I described is one I liked the most as I find Logan Loads to be very hot.
  19. Thank you. Fortunately, I have a very competent infectious disease specialist who acted quickly and had the medication to me within a few days. Since my case was rather advanced, timing was really important. I had to get pre-authorization due to the cost. but after the drug test came back negative (and boy did Quest Diagnostics check for everything) my insurer called me and the specialty pharmacy delivered to my home. I could not be more thankful. Have a great holiday guy!
  20. He can multi-task! Looked like the one photo he was about to take two cocks in his mouth. I am now following him on X (formerly twitter).
  21. "monetize being the operative word"🤭.
  22. I know we have not messaged each other before, but the group situations I merely happened to fall into (no pun intended) and I don't really know how to get back. Could you be so kind to add me to a few groups, please? My handle is "Ellentonboy"
  23. The Philadelphia "Blue Ball" held in January was a circuit event I went to for years because A. I'm from Philly and could stay with my BFF. and B. It was one of the most economical circuit events to go to. The VIP, which included access to the "private lounge" included bathrooms with private stalls and doors that locked. This allowed you to play with people, without committing to leaving the event with them. Sort of a "test run" so to speak. That "uncharge" was next to nothing. I believe the three day event was $175 to $195, something like that. Or maybe that was because I was FWBs with some of the event personnel, I am not sure. Unfortunately, the organizers were arrested for embezzlement, all the proceeds were supposed to go to AIDS charities, not to decorate their condos. A bunch of them went to prison, both state and Federal. Fast forward, the "circuit boys" left (me) and the "do gooders" came in (those who did not, or would not, participate in sex in a public place or enhancements). The event is now nothing what is was like "back in the day", I still proudly have my "dog tags" that allowed me access to the "back rooms", oh excuse me, the VIP room.🤫 God I miss those days. wonton sex, no judgment zones, and non-stop flights from Tampa to Philly. My flight benefitss now make me change planes in Newark, it SUCKS!
  24. Hey I did a UPS driver, who was in full uniform, in the parking lot across the street from the Ramrod in broad daylight. This was Lauderdale, like in the month of July. It was hot as hell, like having sex in a tin cup, but I enjoyed every minute of it. I should have asked him why he was drinking Corona's as opposed to making a delivery, but he made a delivery for sure. Just not the kind they leave in front of your door....
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