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Everything posted by Moose143

  1. No absolutely not this action kept me away from my true self i want nothing like him. I slept with women even married once. I either pushed them all away or cheated because I wasn’t happy. Problem I have now though is I don’t really trust men. The sex is great just not enough to be committed to one.
  2. That was a hot story
  3. No not because he is poz. I have discovered I’m Aromantic I just don’t have those kinda feelings anymore. Either myself or partners have ruled out relationships. I’m much happier coming to terms with that.
  4. Good story I enjoyed it
  5. Pure fiction lol we just had snow storm umm it is mid December. Oh happy birthday what a gift you received. Lol I’m just giving you crap lol
  6. I hear a bill is on the house floor to ban all porn
  7. I served a n the navy so this shit wouldn’t happen in this country. Enter the facist Republican Party! I won’t get political sorry
  8. This story never gets old. I wonder though when she will need to know. Lol
  9. Lol I fucked a daddy Dom for 1 1/2 hours today I’m beat he never did cum. He says it’s meds but I need a good long cum inside me.
  10. I hope we get more
  11. She doesn’t need to know but does she find out? Does he get slammed!? We need answers lol . Great story
  12. Hey it pretty slow here but anyone around
  13. My Dom came request I be in sissy mode. Who am I to say no. We fucked for an hour and he came deep in my boy pussy. As he declared he owned it. I live cum inside me it makes for a great nap. Lol missionary with my legs in his shoulders.
  14. Proper elects not forget the tea.
  15. Oh I love this story
  16. Yeah inquiry minds and that crap want to know
  17. Oh man I should have not joined the service and done this. Now I’m old lol
  18. When I had bf the fuck was great loved it. When the load was in me I fell complete. I love banged on my prostate. But the load mmmmmm I sleep better relax better there is only one thing better for my anxiety/ depression it’s not sex or a drug.
  19. Well Drew is great but Justin needs to spread his wing.
  20. I TrueType regret taking out my PA
  21. I so hope you never get writers block cause I need more
  22. 👏👏👏 well done got a ride out of me for sure
  23. I am glad this surfaced I might have missed it. So hot
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