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Everything posted by SlampaBay

  1. I worked tending bar at Rawhide for a few months in the late 90's. During Mardi Gras I got sucked while working. I was standing at the gate, that little part of the bar that flips up so you can get in and out, while a guy was underneath on his knees. People (including the manager) would come up to me and I'd serve them drinks or whatever while he sucked away. Most never knew he was there.
  2. I'm two years older than you but we have similar timelines. Hope to chat with you soon.
  3. Oh PLEASE don't forget about this story, with all it's possibilities-- students, professors, staff,. and where does the POZ aspect cons into it? Can't wait for what you come up with next!
  4. C'mon, man. Don't tease us. Story's too hot to leave it here.
  5. Still so fckn hot. Gets me boned every time I read it.
  6. You make even the melancholia hot and honestly sensual. Also, I've had some of the same thoughts and questions but you say it so much better than I think it.
  7. Nope. Tyler Moore’s absolutely fuckable, especially after slipping him sumthin in his Gatorade…
  8. Awwwww. No playroom. Bummer. And no POZ Scott. Double bummer.
  9. “Kip's rough fuck will be next + Javon and Juan Pablo arrive early + more guests are revealed or hinted at ... hope you enjoyed.” —April 29, 2022 Honestly, this has been a Top 3 favorite story from the past few months and I keep hoping against hope that the planned chapter- or ANY chapter, really- appears some day soon. Please!?
  10. YAY!! It’s like a birthday and Xmas gift in one toxic package
  11. How about this one? Young guy meets an online connection at a truckstop, gets drugged and abducted and turned into a sex slave who gets passed from trucker to Dom trucker as he crosses the country. Oh, and actually feels liberated as a result. Pretty sure it’s in this forum since his getting pozzed is a major plotpoint
  12. You know that feeling after reading something terrifically hot and you're scrolling down hoping, praying for the next chapter cuz all your nasty mind wants is MORE? That's what I'm feeling now.
  13. You got me hard and leaking sitting in the waiting room of my eye doctor's office. MORE PLEASE!
  14. Hot as FUUUUUUCK! I am so hard and leaking!
  15. You don't sound convinced enough to make this life-long commitment-- not to your boyfriend but between you and HIV. And make no mistake it will be with you to the very end. Consider this please-- if you don't convert now you can change your mind and do it later and for your own reasons.
  16. I just blew the biggest load reading this! 🤘
  17. Just saying, "thank you" for this story. It somehow strikes a chord in me whenever I've read it, because it's very close to to my experience somehow. I think it leaves a very familiar aftertaste. So, thank you.
  18. I always hoped for more of this story. A young white crackwhore for bbc— perfect!
  19. 🎵🎶Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf, tra- la- la- la- la- laaaaa🎶🎵
  20. 👅
  21. Tick tock tick tock... Can HARDLY wait for Part II !
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