30 years ago, there was still enormous pressure to conform to the norm. Being gay in rural UK in those days just wasn't an option. Although I knew I was at least Bi, if not gay, I chose to marry a woman. I have been married 25yrs but my wife went off sex 20 years ago. I needed to get off somehow, and meeting guys was the obvious answer, somehow it doesn't feel like cheating in the same way as if I was having an affair with another woman. Sex with men is totally different. It is far more adventurous and experimental. It was years before a guy persuaded me to get on prep and go BB, but when I did, it added a whole new dimension to my sex life.
Thankfully society has changed and certainly in the UK, being gay is now generally accepted and we can all live the lives that we want to. Hopefully I am in the last generation who have had to hide their true feelings, just to conform to society.