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Everything posted by norefusal

  1. trump always spouts gibberish. grandpa telling us his brain is so broken that he can't fathom the concept of biracial people isn't anywhere near as scary as the fact that 43% of the country heard him accuse a qualified person of using phony claims of minority in order to gain jobs she doesn't deserve, and went "yes! thank god someone said it outloud".
  2. i'm not saying these types of posts are proof that Herman Cain is alive and living under a alias but... it's a theory 😜
  3. nope like most guys, i've been caught by str8 "karen" types having m2m sex in public. i always just laugh it off. the gym once told me to please be more discrete but even they did it w a sort of wink and smirk, clearly not taking the "karen" guy's complaint seriously.
  4. these are not mutually exclusive. 😜 yes, i totally relate. and if that makes me barking mad too, all i can say is "woof" 🐶
  5. are we all just ignoring the fact that he tried to get a mob to execute his last VP? any potential candidate has to think how their name sounds when a crazed mob is chanting "hang j d vance!" or "hang leslie graham!" etc
  6. this is twice now you've mentioned that he claims you promised to relapse with him when you didn't. that alone is an answer to your question. it's blatant emotional manipulation and is that the type of friend you want in your life?
  7. i play this game all the time and to me the harsh truth is you can't. everyday i miss the wonderful husband i used to have but that guy is dead. i can't even talk to the meth head he became because that guy has proven over and over again how willing he is to repay my kindness by destroying my life. i too am in recovery and struggling to stay that way. i do fucked up things like text the guy i last relapsed w at 2:00am pretending i just wanna stay friends but even i know im really texting so i can get high again. the struggle is real but i think it's important to own my own shit and be honest that this really isn't about me being a nice guy or wanting to keep a friendship. it's the addict in me looking for excuses to use again. but that's just me.
  8. this. some guys seem to just look at me and automatically see a born faggot primed for service. i was somewhat surprised when the first guy made me his bitch, but also surprised how much it felt like coming home. he was my age, possibly even younger (we were teens) but way more experienced and tuned in than i was, all steeped in virgin denial so it's really more they used making me suck cock as a way to realize this is who i really was, if that makes sense
  9. this is just me, but i've been sucking anon cock in public for 42 years now and not once, ever have i walked into a business meeting, a friend's engagement party, a job interview, a real estate open house, etc and come face to face w one of my hook ups. Sounds like the plot to a tv show, not real life 😜 and this regardless of skin tone
  10. it's always about jailing al capone for taxes. nobody, including Comey, gave a shit about Hillary's emails. it's the excuse they used to take her down because they hated her policies. are we liberals ONLY disliking Thomas and Kavanaugh because they me2 women? no, we hate their politics are are looking for something to stick to stop their success. i doubt j d vance cares how many cats Kamala has. just desperate spaghetti thrown against the wall hoping some loony voter uses as an excuse not to vote for the liberal.
  11. i'm not as cynical. when they say we need to stop trump now or there will be no 2028 election, or a putinesque farce election, i think they're serious, not just riling up the base.
  12. the rash is considered a stage II symptom. i'm still flabbergasted i missed all stage I symptoms but reading here this seems to be more common than i realized.
  13. i found it less a flex as a sad comment on america and how racially divided we are. the fact that he's not worried about an awkward encounter w a black guy he sucked off thru work or at a social event is scary but probably accurate. also, the demographics from the last census was something like 51% white, 33%latino, 12%black so even if your sucking anon dick at a truck stop, that's a lot of white dick you gotta say "no thanks" to waiting for that 12% to come along. and bless anyone who can easily tell whites from latinos at a glance, cause there so much cross over beige between the white and the brown it's a very blurry line. dick is dick. i suck it all.
  14. my pickiness is directly proportional to my horniness. the thirstier i get the lower my standards drop😜 it's also influenced by reputation. out w friends, anyone chattin me up is held to a much higher standard. alone in a cruising area, ill spread em for just about anyone 😜
  15. wait, what? lol to quote ru paul "whys it gotta be black?" 😜 so what's the goal here? how many dif cocks can you suck in one day? how many, specifically black cocks you can suck in one day? 🤣 what are the rules? just a cock you had in your mouth, or do you have to successfully make each one cum? cause those two very different numbers 😜
  16. all i can say is we must both be definitely democrats as we agree 99.9% but are quibbling over details 😜 the proof of the pudding will be in the tasting. i hope you're right about the voters. i think it too but i disagree that the facts support it. if we were a nation as you describe, Trump wouldn't even have a political career, never mind be constantly within range of the win. have you talked to a trump voter recently? they are mixing up new batches of kool aid to drink everyday. im hoping this shuts up the stupid youth vote "im not voting because of gaza" bs but i also know that young people are notoriously undependable when it comes to actually getting their asses to a voting booth.
  17. vivid memories in fact of the time we overwhelmingly chose the seemingly inexperienced black MAN over the white FEMALE senator. i dubbed it the triumph of sexism over racism. i also remember the 8 years they somehow managed to never once blow a fart in public knowing the blow back would be 1oz what it would be if they were white. people lost their shit over a tan suit and a dirty look at a funeral. then we elected (not by popular vote) a white supremacist because there are fine people on both sides 😜
  18. i'm confused 20 loads a week is like a part time job lol certainly a lot of loads for a guy on the DL. i just fucked a guy the other who had to be home by midnight so his GF didn't start asking questions. so it def happens, guys like you, but i doubt you'll be able to keep up a 20 load per week schedule AND a heterosexual marriage. any thought of marriage flew out the window for me the day it came out i slept w dudes. i could do it on the DL but once it became know, str8 life was officially closed to me. it's been so long i can say in retrospect it was worth it but i also know it didn't always seem that way, especially in the beginning. as for the gettin bred, it's addictive for sure but unlike T there's no known comedown or side effects imho. it used to be the fear of aids but prep fixed all that. it's feels great and i love being a cumdump
  19. this was exactly my situation. when i reentered the market after many years off, i went out and bought a big box of condoms and started meeting guys and see where things led. after 3 months it seems it almost always led to me w some random dudes load up my ass and an unopened box of condoms, so i went on prep. 3 years later and ive had 0 side effects. at least 1 sti so now they send me a bottle of doxy w every bottle of prep.
  20. ok. maybe. look, if Harris wins i will absolutely be leading the celebratory conga line thru the streets. our first female president, and a woman of color to boot. however, i live in the usa and absolutely nothing in recent years shows us to a non-sexist, non-racist nation over run with white supremicist men. i always assumed he was trying to win so he could hand the job to Harris after he gets past the kkk roadblock of the voting booth. now she's got to get past voter suppression, gerrymandering, too scared to say out loud how sexist/racist they really are liberal white voters etc Looking forward to this country pleasantly surprising me.
  21. i was at a gay nudist campsite recently and one of the other campers gave such a convicted soliloquy on how trump is our savior and biden the very devil that for a split second i had to wonder if i should continue to trust my own eyes and ears. we truly have come to the point where half of us have fully drank all the kool-aid but which half? if cock sucking nudists don't believe in democracy anymore, nothing can be counted on
  22. i need a pimp. in general i do better if i have a dom top buddy who whores me out or at least an extrovert buddy who attracts moths to his flame. my best nite ever at a BH was when i chatted online w another vers bott who invited me to his room. unlike mine, his room was party central and once id gotten his 👍that i was cool i just hung out there and serviced and or got fucked by fandoms who came n went attracted by the gathering
  23. shrug. every site has its pluses and minuses. i'm learning the hard way that BBRT is apparently full of pathological liars. one guy who's profile says "420 only" did T the entire hook up. another guy who's profile says "neg only" has been DMing back n forth w me about the toxic loads he's taken and how none of his efforts to get knocked up have taken yet. he's promised to invite me along next time he's doing group action w toxic guys he knows (not holding my breath lol) but i never would have met this guy if i'd filtered like u say.
  24. this is imho the political equivalent of "well what were you doing out at night dressed as a slut. you basically wanted to get raped" if trump wins it will be because half the country looked at a modern day Hitler knock-off and said "yes please".
  25. this whole dragged out election cycle has gotten so depressing i long for those 18-22 yo years where i went into Nov barely knowing who the two candidates were.
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