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Everything posted by anonCUMtainer

  1. Thank you, @Ieatcumholes! My over simplified response creating a polarity or contrast (between two ends of a spectrum) was really begging for someone like yourself to point out those extremes and the lack of consideration that creates for 50 shades of grey (in between). Love this community!
  2. Since you're just soliciting opinions...my 2 cents: The guys (who dabble in "breeding" wink) whom are concerned about the other guy having an equal opportunity to "orgasm" or something akin to this; is coming from a good place. I believe in this instance the top is trying to be considerate, thoughtful, etc. I think the intent is nice, but it IS Mis-placed. The above intent, concern, however you describe it, makes sense and I can appreciate that in a monogamous relationship; this would be the norm for many monogamous reasons. In a "breeding" context - it really is dumb for the Top to "care" about the bottom cumming. IMHO context is everything. It's actually perplexing to me when the monogamous guy steps outside of his monogamy to breed - and then he projects his monogamous expectations on me to orgasm too and then I have to find a polite way to decline (also a bit awkward).
  3. I love men!! Especially a horny man with a full nutt sack he needs to unload balls deep inside me. So - yes - service with a smile. Thanks for the deposit!
  4. Wow! What a compliment!! I would be very flattered, blush, wink, and head right back downstairs to receive all the men who wanted a pre-loaded sloppy hole to enjoy and add to. Yummy.
  5. I LOVE this topic / thread and I am posting this comment to bring it back forward - as 'it' (this thread) needs to re-surface so that everyone can read and re-read @gaypigbb Set the fantasies and fetishes aside for one moment and read the Original Post.
  6. If memory serves me correctly...my younger brother bred me my first time. PS - I wish it was my dad though...or my older brother. I also had a thing for my Uncle.
  7. Super erotic description. Made me #jealous! What a GREAT problem to have. Almost everyone here will answer this question in the affirmative. You should have, many might ask you why you didn't? What was the reason for "closing up shop" when you did? What did you mean by "this is getting serious..."? Most men here would do anything to have a line-up of horny men behind them...so why pull up your pants when things are getting going? Especially if you had properly prepared for it...
  8. I love men. All men. Especially the men that want to mount and breed me = they are my favourite. "Standards" what a loaded term. Eek The advice given here (in a round-about sorta way) is to remove the sense of sight. This will help you focus on the pleasure of receiving a man inside of you regardless of what you "wish" he looked like.
  9. Fantastic! So excited for you. I would love to stumble into that type of scenario.
  10. When I get to watch back some close-up video clips of his beautiful hardon as he mounts and penetrates me until I get to watch him throbbing balls deep inside me as he unloads those horny balls and all of his manhood into my welCUMing ass. I think my ass makes the perfect canvas for showing off a sexy hard cock and full sack. I love all men - regardless of what you look like or how hung you are. The best part of close-up porn is that focus is where it should be on your cock n balls using my sexy insatiable hole to build up a nice fun orgasm to capture on video. Imagine your throbbing hardon pulsing inside my sweet hole as you make me yours and empty out that sack of every possible drop. Please message me if you want to make some memories. Wink.
  11. Yes, he needs time. You seem very eager to take this next level (when there does not seem to be a reason to rush), so this will feel like it is taking an eternity. Please be patient. Blame yourself for what? Try not to read too much into anything...and give it space. All good things come to those who wait...or is that ketchup.
  12. #jealous Thank you for letting the rest of us live vicariously through your adventures!!
  13. Please, please, please forgive me in advance everyone for how this may 'come across' as I mean no offence. Perhaps this is more of a personal revelation of my own relationship with my diet, ass, bowels, and long-term relationship (with a partner that only wants "spontaneous" sex)...perhaps I am "triggered" 😉 Because it is precisely THIS reason, that I wish I had a vagina and uterus (I mean no disrespect as I imagine the convenience comes at a cost). So @dude8688, I am guessing that the reason there are no responses yet from the hundreds of bottoms on this site and the hundreds of views to-date is because there is no way to reconcile "spontaneous" sex without the possibility of getting a dirty dick. Having said that, I marvel at the handful of bottoms on this site who basically get fucked every-day (it sounds from reading their posts) they have developed a routing to enable this. However, for mere mortals (like me) who are just down for the occasional [spontaneous] breeding, I can never do it. It is always a mess for me and I would rather pass on the opportunity that deal with a mess...but that's me.
  14. I love you guys! This community is awesome. The content on this thread is germane to understanding and sympathizing with the overall human condition and the various forms it takes and expresses itself. I had a cousin who fits this description, and while perhaps we knew what the diagnosis was, we also knew not to treat him any differently. I think we all had different expectations of what he would be able to achieve regarding the cultural and religious upbringing we shared, but beyond that I never thought of him in a sexual way. I also remember working with these types of students when I was young, and developed a sincere respect for and appreciation of how diverse the human condition is and the types of challenges we are each confronted with in our own journey. One of my favourite instagram guys fits the OP description. These are lovely people and I have the same curiosity (e.g. their relationship with sex), as I have entertained ideas of what it might be like to engage in sexual physicality with them. Having said that, I appreciate this dialogue. I love men. I am open to meeting and experience all types of men. Which has lead me to at least one hookup from a sex app that brought me to someone like this. He was capable enough to live in alone in subsidized housing, and to have a phone and invite me over for sex...so I never questioned the desire or the consent. Personally, I am the one who always feels awkward in these settings...I don't mind sharing a physical experience with these fellow humans but I find it can take practice to set aside your own personal biases.
  15. All I can do is add my post the volume of others... Over time and as life circumstances have changed; I have realized that all I care about is having a horny erection inside of me with full balls grinding or slapping against me. I want to help a horny man in need realize his animal instinct to mount, rut and breed. Count me among the guys who welcome any erection, of any size, with any amount of ejaculate, as long as they desire to mount me and unload inside me - they are my type.
  16. I don't think we "disagree" - this is mostly semantics. The OP was asking what is preventing men from indulging in RAW sex. You basically confirmed that those who are - have accepted the RISKS, or have a life-style that accommodates this type of risk. We are talking about everyone else... My point remains - that all the tools and technology exist (today, in 2024) to get tested and to KNOW one's STI status. We also have modern medicine to treat or manage most all infections. The presence of STI's is still the driving FACTOR behind why a person would choose [at the last minute] to reach for the condom, even if they desire raw sex.
  17. For whatever it's worth...my 2 cents: Someone who follows through on their claims and actually "breed" (ejaculate unprotected into) an essentially unknown or anonymous man outside of monogamy in our current social, religious, and cultural environment is worthy of claiming the "title" BREEDER This is not everyone, and I would guess that most are members of this site. Finding a BREEDER is not as easy as I thought it would be. I find that a lot of men (I interact with) are already in a relationship and cannot risk introducing any STIs back into the relationship. This produces the necessity for condoms. Many reasonable men are not prepared to blow-up their "world" and current relationship for some random dudes load. Even though I think they would if they could get away with it (see previous point). Perhaps this statement will be inflammatory, but IMHO the reason most "reasonable" men are NOT breeding one another is because of the RISK associated to random, anonymous, M4M sex in contracting all sorts of unpleasant STIs. If sexually active men were part of the pro-active solution to reducing the transmission and spread of these diseases - I think breeding would see a revival - perhaps a renaissance. Sadly it seems that we allow ignorance to run rampant in this space. Unfortunately, I am sad that the fetishisization of bug chasing translates into actual behaviour which is self-destructive and undermines everyones else's pleasaure for unprotected sex. So until the risk of STIs is gone - it seems that you're really asking a guy what his comfort level is with getting a disease and whether the sex is pleasurable enough for them to take or make that risk assessment. Thoughts?
  18. Question: Is this because there are so many bottoms in attendance and available that TOPS believe they can find the "right" hole if they just keep searching long enough? Hopefully, they eventually get exhausted searching and breed the closest match.
  19. Seriously!! So excited for you. xoxo
  20. This is a good question @Danny74 however, there is no easy way (or answer). Open relationship does NOT equal getting or having sex anytime you want. Search the forums, there are so many in this community who have shared their story and the depth and breadth of these stories may or may not provide you any insight but they are all worth the read and will raise aspects you had likely not considered. It also depends entirely on the dynamics of the person with whom you are negotiating with. Where does the good will and/or the jealousy begin and end? HINT: It is never where you think or where they claim it is or will be either - but it's there. One of you will likely always feel like you have to ask the other to make time and space for the other to have sex... unless you make a rule to always play together. It's never fun to bring up as it usually places stressors on other already frayed aspects of any relationship. Good luck!!
  21. Can we all please agree on one thing?? DILF = COMPLIMENT If you are referred to as a DILF - it means they want to fuck you. I am sure someone could turn DILF into an insult - but in the context of the OP inquiry it sounds like a compliment. Ageism is relative. If the person calling you a DILF is generally younger and you are generally older - it's definitely a compliment (regardless of the age difference).
  22. There are more and more news stories and headlines of this happening. I am pleased to see that this community is able to provide support and encouragement on how to protect ones self online. It is more and more important to spot the "red flags" and not to let your guard down. My concern is that sometimes when I am horny and possibly intoxicated - I am prone to let my guard down in a desire to "get that top". This is a great reminder to always be vigilant.
  23. My type is cis-male with the ability to get a hard erection and who likes to cum balls deep in my @anonCUMtainer
  24. I simply have to add that my BIGGEST "Pet Peeve" is when "SIDES" continue to use traditional penetrative roles to describe themselves. I am sorry but if you aren't interested in anal you should stop false-advertising and creating hope for all the bottoms out there that NEED to be penetrated. I almost want to kick "SIDES" off breeder island. LOL
  25. I love this thread, thanks @Davidc for putting it out there. It sounds like a consensus is emerging from those "in the know" that when you let yourself indulge the delight of a pre-loaded or cum-filled hole that it's something so "good" that you likely begin to seek out, or at a minimum don't pass it up when it is offered or available. I find this proposition intimidating for most men. As such, I find it difficult or "rare" to find enough men within the same geography and time-period to actually make this a reality (unless of course you are at a location or venue that caters to men having sex with men).
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