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Everything posted by bbdalbtm

  1. I agree with FFun2BB I also understand that for the moderator drscorpio this would be a logistical nightmare. unfortunately I don’t have the answers
  2. WOOF!!
  3. Thanks guys, Thats what I kind of thought & also explains why I haven’t advanced to the next stage. It’s the mental issue I have to work on now.
  4. I have been working on my hole for sometime now. For the ultimate goal of a fist. Im with in centimeters of reaching that goal. My question is: Is it as painful as the first time you took a cock in your ass. For my self that was a traumatic experience. I’m thinking that is why I haven’t taken a fist. Scared that it will repeat itself. thanks
  5. Thanks for following me Sir

  6. Expertly written. Felt like I was a fly on the wall watching it all. please more Sir😈
  8. Great thinking AlwaysOpen. one hell of a great story!
  9. Hey guy thanks for following me.

    Where’s home at? I’m in Dallas 

  10. Wow. Wasn’t expecting that. It really is a small world.
  11. Here here I agree
  12. Oink...Oink... now that’s how you join the family!
  13. Ah memories of the leather bars of Amsterdam and there notorious dungeons! Happy Happy Times!!😎
  14. Best way to get fucked. At the local bathhouse. laying on the bed, ass up. With the the lights on low and the door wide open. Is how I like to get fucked
  15. Encore Encore Ollie is one hell of a lucky boy!!!
  16. Fucking Hot!!! and just like a kids book. It has pictures!! 🐷
  17. A yes pay back is a bitch.
  18. Nothing like keeping it in the family. ?
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