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Everything posted by skinster

  1. The look, demeanor, gesturing, the way you carry yourself, eye movements when you're scanning the terrain with side vision, - there is so much 'gaydar metadata' in an encounter between a top and a bottom to pick from. If you've got skills and attention focused - you don't need to ask. Because the top does the same thing in reverse. The only remaining item would be 'now or later'. But since you're at a designated venue, that becomes 'now'. Simple.
  2. I don't think that's posted yet. Did you mean Feb 3rd possibly?
  3. I see there is another one coming up this Sat 01/27. I wonder what kinda traffic this event has. I'd imagine it should be quite popular.
  4. Apparently there is a long-known issue with non-native species in Florida, that is a carrier to herpes B virus (or macacine herpesvirus 1 (McHV-1), which can be dangerous to humans—even fatal. https://gizmodo.com/avoid-monkeys-in-florida-because-they-could-give-you-ki-1821963329 I can't imagine that would increase travel to FL, say, from visitors to this site. But still, WTF ? Another monkey-borne AIDS-grade virus on the uptick ? What's your take?
  5. H&M, if you apply the effort looking, I am not sure if you'd find it. I've spent a ton of time and years looking for the same thing, then not looking and still not finding that same very thing. IMHO it is mostly unrealistic now to expect anything serious long term within dom/sub frame just because of proliferation and wide acceptance of electronic hookup tech. The old-fashioned (awh-gawd!) relationships are flat out of favor. May be in your area that demos a smaller effect, but in major US cities - oh well. Everybody watched all the porn by now, we know what there can be, could have been, because someone has already done and shown it. On the fly, around literally any corner (in like ole New York), continuous sexual buffet of near unlimited variety of dick and ass and random kinks. People simply (and surprisingly - very willingly) accepted the notion to be majorly fucked in the head with this. Fag-related ADHD is no longer the diagnosis (that you simply can't focus long enough to produce the next meaningful mutually-satisfying 5-minute relationship) because something else is blinking at you from the screen of your phone. It is at the itchy junkie drug addiction level. I-will-walk-through-traffic-without-looking level. Any kinky tweak has to be satisfied now, right now, right this second, can't-wait-half-hour-for-subway itch level. That is before the flaking out is added in. Bath houses used to carry the scorn of promiscuity. Now it is in your own pocket since you were so willing to pay for it. And an hour ride on the train is now the new long-distance relationship. That's where old 'Bridges-and-Tunnels crowd' term comes from. Everybody wants an EASY button and immediate gratification. This shit is flat out sad. I haven't heard from any of my friends for a long while now that someone went on a proper date. 1 couple did get married (under very unclear to me circumstances). Repeat Fuck-buddies seems to be the most there is. And the bulk of interactions are still sex parties and one-time hookups when I don't even need to see your fucking face, just give me that warm hole. God forbid you mention any other non-sexual and socially-acceptable future activity - they run away screaming scared. There is no Cancel button, but they seem to prefer to disappear than keep things going.
  6. Hampton Inn Manhattan on W 35th /5th-6th - no room card needed for elevators. Rooms are on the smaller side, but it is quiet and clean. Locks couldn't be set to 'open' - the host must've done something wrong. Hotel Pennsylvania is still good, but foot traffic is too heavy. Discreet - no trouble with the lock, can set it to open the door without knocking.
  7. Are you going to Biohazard on the 24th?
  8. An interesting find. Cheers
  9. I imagine women were not invited? As such, even if the venue is Crew Club, there is no bouncer(s) that roam the halls, only rare custodians. Not to say there won't be anyone on standby to break up a gang bang, if it were to occur - the whole practice is contrary to that idea. Too many warning signs, man, in your description, if those are all details to be. I'd agree with einathens - you should take a whiff test why there came up an opening for that job. I don't believe either one of them is local to DC with 31 staff. But it is a big place. With or without a CFO. In either case, if that is the way the chips lay, 8 vs 1 is far from unpredictable. Unless you're a ninja. May be that's why there is no pic.
  10. That explanation sounds too fishy to me from start to finish. If it is in his gym bag, I'd imagine he's fucking other boys in the same steam room you were going to suck other cocks in? But with a trimmer - fan of shaving parties? Whether you want to confront him again - you've already got one explanation that does not carry a true weight - is up to you. I'd say if he is already fucking someone else, idea of opening up the relationship seems redundant - people stay together exactly for these opposite reasons, they discuss such things together before taking action. Your guy went for the other door without as much as even telling you. If you decide to raise a question - ask why is he fucking other people and what is he not happy with between you two.
  11. Ah, enjoy. My host's mother walked in on us, still in bed, after the act (after being woken up?) in a single-bedroom apartment. We were very-very drunk, but I still remember it was like after 3 AM on New Year's Day, we just wrapped up celebrating, and we were trying to be extra-extra quiet doing it. I guess her curiosity brought her over to see what the noises were about. I was 21. That was mildly embarrassing on my part. ... About 20 years after, a few years back now, I hooked up with a cute younger guy when I was in San Diego, that he'd set up in the downstairs garage of his rented house - garage door semi-raised, draped up for a shade with a bed sheet out of laundry hamper, no AC, just flowing in the breezy air. My car's right outside, blocking the driveway. Middle of the day in the middle of a Californian October, you know, wonderful... We were bollocks naked in the middle of the floor going at it on an inflatable pool mattress, hump and dump doggy style, when his roomie walked in with his headphones on, unsuspectingly going for the laundry machine and just froze there, wild eyed. We were actually facing the door that he came out of. I whispered into my boy's ear with my teeth clenched "Baddd bboyyy...". Which immediately had been verbalized by him out quite loud - "BAD BOY! BAD BOY!". Must've been loud enough. The look on the roomie's face said it all - he was so embarrassed that he retreated at an even faster pace with his face turned all the way away. I just kept on fucking - he already saw us, what's the point. The boy's tight sexy ass was properly flooded in due course, and I've even helped him out after with his computer, knowing that my cum was probably still leaking out of his hole to form that obvious spot on the back of his swimming trunks. With a peck on a cheek, gotta love the skills and a proper freelancing ass, man.
  12. He would probably not see it as a reportable problem for the doctors' - otherwise he would have raised a similar issue you did on here. He is either too shy to say it out loud, which I doubt to be a case, or does not view it as a problem. Which is in turn a problem for you. You need to have the same thing done for yourself. Some practitioners call it a 'wellbeing check', it being more on the non-medicative and holistic side of treatments/options. Do not go in pill-happy one-size-fits-all approach. Testosterone levels, physical activity insight - how much do you visit a gym if at all - things like that. Full blood work with vitamin levels, anything that can impact brain chemistry. This is a bit wider than an annual physical and should be done for either one of you. I've seen a relative dependency between libido, mental health and properties of blood chemistry when the checks were widened beyond annual cheap and narrow scope. May be that was just my individual case, but I am sure I was not alone with it. Since then I kinda figured some of my symptoms and triggers to navigate away from.
  13. I find random humans being too convoluted to go around some hurdles. And smallest things being treated as insurmountable - even on my own account. A thing as 'being shared' could be a mental block for him, and he also may not be even thinking about something like that. Again, you two are separate individuals. Your fantasies are not the same and not happening at the same time and in the same theme. You know him best, there got to be an advantage of timing and comprehension on your side to engage him to find more detail into his reasons to do whatever he is partaking in.
  14. Ass, cock and balls - shaved. Body - trimmed. I've seen a total walking jungle, and it's entirely unappealing to me, and mansmells are. If you're thinking that surface of the hair alone is sufficient to carry extra weight in the Smell department, I've never seen that math working it's wonder for the Appearance. You either carry your smell well regardless of hair or you don't (as a hygiene nazi). The hair doesn't have a smell, and won't keep the smell on it's own working like a wig if your skin is cleaned up - your skin is the primary fragrance source and keeper of things man-sexy.
  15. Why won't you ask him? That's a conversation starter. I have no idea how blind people use something like that - but Fucker seems to have found this place and can navigate an all-text forum structure quite successfully. I have no idea how they find clickable and non-clickable areas on the screen without seeing it - every website is gawd awful different. Something like this place can be an acquired taste, but may be the computer in his room is not for furniture. You shouldn't be shy to show your interest in what he does if you have already imagined what you gonna do together sexually.
  16. That sounds quite disappointing. Not to be simplistic, have you tried asking him what's on his mind when he says it deflectively? May be a bit of reaching out at the opportune time would smooth things along. Also, low testosterone levels ruin a lot of possibilities to be socially active or engaging - have you both looked at it ?
  17. Can't agree with you more, Chiilfuck. Try a Biohazard party - that is sure to blow your mind!
  18. Dude, big things happen going only one step at a time. You want this relationship - you need to be in control of everything you can every step of the way. I still see it that you are putting all you have and enjoy with this guy on a weak hand knowing nothing on their possible reaction but playing poker going all in with all your eggs in one basket. You need to register that you can lose everything you've got there and avoid that as much as possible. You need to discharge the situation before it explodes - you don't know his reaction to one thing out of many (that you carry in your head), you can't predict the reaction when news breaks to his mother about you and him and, if it plays, you two possibly going together. AND - you guessed it ! - you two won't be staying with her ... because ... you'd want to have all possible wild sex together. All the time. So he'd be moving out shortly. If I knew you better (where I am making no claim to such effect here at all), I'd say you must be out of your mind (whatever the sweet reason for it). But you seem to be willing to let it play out free style in front of you, no rehearsals, in a single act of your scenario AND somehow expecting to be striking gold, winning the lotto and taking the bank all at the same time. Right. Triple whammies are too much, man. Good guys win only in movies. Real people flinging wild cards all the time are far too unpredictable. You need to build the team on your side - it takes time, and you're already all hot and heavy - tell the guy and measure the reaction. It can not be a secret from him because it's your personal business between you two. If he is with you - I can only hope - it would be easier to manage the mother. She can run a ton of interference if she becomes hostile or suspects anything non-kosher you end just because of their co-habitation. And I can't estimate how strong or independent his judgement is, as you said he doesn't have a social circle - it is severely limiting his strengths. As much as you're confident in what you are doing being good, I assure you no one else between you three sees it your way right now, because they don't know everything you know - you need to open your cards to your guy. Otherwise it's just a fantasy with longevity of a soap bubble, all rainbowy and large, floating in thin air. As much as I would hate to see that. You can not afford to be wise only in hind sight when thing didn't go your way - don't let them go there at any given moment you can. You're not the only dentist in town.
  19. As a top, I actually don't like feeling prolapsed holes on my dick - there is almost no friction, and who doesn't like a tight ass! On the other hand, I like seeing a hole prolapsed after being used - fucked or fisted. That got to be a dichotomy. Over the years I've seen only 1 ass that could do well both in a single session - getting fucked after being fisted well AND still remain tight. Fucking porn stars, I tell ya.
  20. That is so true. Cheers
  21. Well, seeing a pig chugging down on a full stream is very satisfying, even if he spilled some, splatter and all. But good ones don't.
  22. Thanks, Fucker. Anyone can enjoy a hug, so many of them over to you.
  23. No man, you won't know unless you ask and get a response - you may also find your guy tongue-tied and switching the topic. But you have to tell on yourself now - you will avoid bigger complications further down the road between you two, also with the same mother. Again, don't indulge your wishful thinking as you seem to be doing now. Human sexuality is a very murky subject even for the professionals, and you are wading pretty deep waters. Because eventually the mother would learn you're gay. And she may be not as chill and accepting about it unlike yourself. If the son says he had long since known and he's cool with it even that he is not attracted to you - props for you, big weight off that chest. If she finds out you're gay, and you possibly seduced her inexperienced son (parents have quite more leverage in that claim), you'd be blamed for all ills in the world and then some. And for her, this news would arrive along with her own son being gay additional to a disability - who knows which way that spear gonna strike! Because I am positive she hasn't had a talk with her son on that matter yet - otherwise one of them would have mentioned that already. As to the mother, I share your desire to avoid such people, even though I've experienced confronting similar individuals in the past. That gives no pleasure whatsoever and only works as a buzzkill. You need to foresee and minimize the fallout. Like I mentioned before - for every eventuality. You're not the only one yanking on that steering wheel of life.
  24. Then you have wandered into a problem that only grows with time - you've let your fantasy run wild ahead of reality. You already made up your mind that you two will have sex, doing this and that. Partnerships don't work on steering from only one side. I have said it before, and see that I need to say it again - this thing between you two is mostly about you. You need to declare your intentions. You've let your anxiety play amok with your head and fantasies, may be because you were too eager to rid yourself from some similar loneliness. And the longer you wait now, the more difficult it would be to break out free and clear and be open about your intentions. Between you two vs. explaining this to 3rd parties that won't be as friendly to you. You need to open the curtains to the stage you've set up in your head and let him know that you are attracted to him more than a friend. Do it sooner than later and when you're away from his mother. And that's going off right into the deep end - you don't even know yet if he is gay however sympathetically. The BIG Unknown. Because then you would have possibly been leading him on and violating his trust being a friend and giving his mother even more ammo to be a helicopter parent. Bad, bad, bad. And it's double-fold difficult for you - you have to come out to him and acknowledge your 'more-than-a-friend' attraction. Again, may be because it is an undecided question on your end, you haven't said anything about non-sexual prospects for this relationship. And I see that in best case outcome it would still be emotionally very difficult for you. As a 50-50 chance of him being possibly gay, if you would even get a response on this, would you stay around as his friend and socialite if he is not gay? And not attracted to you "that way"? Would you be as emotionally supportive to him, if this thing by chance stays afloat after your coming out to him and him being not gay, when you'd later on come across someone else that you'd take a personal interest in and have an emotional attachment, and that guy won't be in an immediate daily picture? You need to have these answers now, and they take time to be pondered on when your emotions are running way too high and fast for it. These questions are far too serious now to ignore them, and you need an action plan for every eventuality, pro and contra, in your beautiful fantastic outcome for one. Or you'd cause heartbreak for you both, and there is no cure there.
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