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Everything posted by lower_bucks_bottom

  1. I have been told that the US CDC recommendations are not to Floss, brush your teeth, or use mouthwash within 2 hours before or after oral sex. Also make sure you have no sores cuts or abrasions in your mouth.
  2. I have been with my partner for 25 years now and always never used condoms. Hew is the top and I am the bottom in our relationship, but we play separately too and then I sometimes top and he will rarely bottom. In January 2012 I tested poz, and when we checked he tested neg. The Dr estimated that I was probably poz for 3-5 year prior. We started using condoms when I tested poz. I went on meds and within 4 months I was undetectable, but we still used condoms for ~1 year. Since then we have not used them and he is stil neg.
  4. Cialis is now generic (Tadalafil), so the price is coming down. Check out the price of Tadalafil at Walmart
  5. https://www.sciencenews.org/article/some-people-may-have-genes-hamper-drugs-hiv-protection
  6. The bacteria(?) that caused the Black Death used the same cell receptor that HIV uses so it selected for people that had the mutated form.
  7. I have read on here, so yo can take it with a grain of salt, that ~1000 vl is the minimum for transmission. So you partner is above that. You probably should get tested, and go on prep if you plan on staying with him.
  8. There is an old Yiddish saying that "When the cock is hard the mind is soft", so not surprising.
  9. KY Warming Jelly
  10. I finished the year with a total of 173 loads, 72 in my mouth and 101 in my ass.
  11. Same thing happens to me. If he leave his cock in I am OK, but once he takes it out there is no going back in for a while
  12. I get the same way before check ups. I asked my Dr about this at my last check up. She said that that reinfection is very rare and when it does happen it is almost always with people that are NOT on meds. If you are on meds you are basically on Prep plus an additional med. There are only a handful of cases on people on Prep being infected. . You would need to find a strain that was resistant to all 3 of the medications in Odefsey and that is very unlikely. Not a Dr and I don't play one on the internet, but I am much more concerned about catching some other STI then reinfection.
  13. That is how I think I was infected. I never knowingly let someone fuck me without a condom. Orally however I was a total cum dump and I never let the occasional canker sore stop me. It is possible that someone stealth fucked me, but I think it was oral sex.
  14. Interesting findings "DNA differences are linked to having same-sex sexual partners" https://www.sciencenews.org/article/genetics-dna-homosexuality-gay-orientation-attractiveness-straight
  15. I think if you do the 23 and Me, and maybe others, DNA testing they will tell you if you have it.
  16. Immunity is real, albeit rare https://www.medicaldaily.com/why-some-people-are-immune-hiv-ebola-and-other-diseases-397940 Normally, HIV infects the body by grabbing onto the CD4 receptor and its co-receptor CCR5 and using them to enter the cell, and then reprogram it to spread throughout a body. However, in individuals with this mutation, the virus is unable to enter cells. The CCR5-delta32 mutation results in a smaller protein that isn't on the outside of the cell anymore. Most forms of HIV cannot infect cells if there is no CCR5 on the surface. People with two copies of the CCR5-delta32 gene (inherited from both parents) are virtually immune to HIV infection. This occurs in about 1 percent of Caucasian people. What I have read is that the bacteria that caused the Black Death in 14th century Europe used this same receptor, so it selected for Europeans with the defect, but that might be TMI
  17. If the sling is empty, then yes. I would hate for it to go to waste
  18. I prefer longer and thinner for sucking so it can slide down my throat and shorter and thicker for being fucked, so it fills my ass.
  19. I just changed my vote from "yeah, sorta" to "not really". Why? Up until now I have not had any real ill effects from being poz either health wise of financial, so while I was definitely not chasing and was in fact a condom nazi now bare backing without fear has its positive. That was until now. I just turned 65 and went from my companies full health insurance to their medicare advantage plan. With the full plan I had a $65 co-pay which was covered by a Viiv co-pay assistance card so I paid nothing for my meds (Triumeq). Now with the medicare plan I pay a co-pay of $45 and no co-pay assistance with medicare. Still not a big deal. But there is this thing with medicare part d that says that after you have purchased $3300 worth of prescription you enter "phase 2" of coverage aka the gap aka the doughnut hole. in this phase you have to pay a 45% co-pay for generics and 35% for name brand drugs until you have spent $5000 out of pocket! After that you enter phase 3 or the catastrophic phase where you pay $5 - 8. Given that my med is $2700 a month that means I am guaranteed that I will be paying $1000 a month after Feb each yea and at least$5000 a year on meds! Not so nice.
  20. I have always found that the smaller cocks get the hardest
  21. Just turned 65 about a week ago, so officially and old fart
  22. The statistic I heard is that 1 in 100 people of northern European ancestry are immune and that immunity falls off rapidly the farther your ancestry is from northern Europe.
  23. You might want to check out here; https://www.truvada.com/how-to-get-truvada-for-prep/truvada-cost They have co-pay assistance cards that are good for up to $3600 a year and yes even if your "co-pay" is the total price they still work. It might not cover a pill a day, but it might be enough for a few days before and after your next trip to the club
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