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DarkroomTaker last won the day on August 10 2022

DarkroomTaker had the most liked content!

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  1. Is it open now June 24
  2. Great weekend, had a tree surgeon cutting down my trees in garden. Ginger hairy lad. Sucked him off, his brother came so no fuck, but he's back next week. Market stall today, older guy, maybe about 70, really decent cock hard too, sucking him for a while, then he politely asked if I liked getting fucked. Next in cubicle over toilet, gotta say he was a great fuck, big cummerbund too.
  3. Fully agree ^ I make the effort to ensure I am clean and lubed for the tops. Bottoms or rimmees should be prepared.
  4. I just go in and kneel. The other night I took 6 loads. But then I live in darkrooms.
  5. Hey Raw, I ended up going last night. Took 4 loads, sucked many a dick in the gloryholes. Also a celebrity was in there who rimmed the cum out of my ass. I also helped a young sauna virgin in taking loads to.
  6. Yep like ginger said. Or in a toilet cubicle on knees sucking blokes, hands on their thighs. Love legs.
  7. Yes, but I had previously had mine checked with blood tests. Anyway, I had to go for another test at the hospital for other checks. Now this Australian doctor told me what he had to do. He asked if I required a nurse chaparone, I asked if he needed one, he said No. I said ok then its fine. He had me on my side, knees up to chest, inserted Lube, fingered me deep, moved his finger round in my hole for ages, asked if I was ok, yes I said, about 4 minutes later withdrew. He immediantly went to the desk and typed something. Said it was fine, smiled I left, only dawned on me later, he never washed his hands and was not wearing gloves.
  8. I get it. I buy Mens used underwear on line, customised, I pick, say what I want and dont want etc. Order and wear them. Smells are awesome.
  9. Such as ? Genuinly interested topblk.
  10. Big mouth, I was playin innocent, not slutboy lol. Hehe
  11. GC for me also. Boy did I get fucked by them spaniards..
  12. What a shitty thread. 💩 surprise....
  13. People have their own experiences and should be allowed to feel how THEY feel, not how people generalise how they should feel. But hey ho.
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