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Everything posted by Bttm2go

  1. I know what you mean. When my shoes come off, they stay off. One thing to realize about porn is that a 15 minute scene usually takes several hours to film. They may have their shoes on because the are doing a lot of walking between takes. If you go to a bathhouse you'll notice the same thing.
  2. I am always attracted to black cock. The taste and feel are like no other.
  3. Damn I love where this is going. BBC and a bathhouse. Both are my favorites. Keep it coming.
  4. Absolutely love taking piss from the tap. More bottom than top when it comes to WS.
  5. I remember a study ten or so years ago that found the most anti gay guys were gay themselves. They just couldn't deal with it.
  6. When done properly, it can feel really good. I also have a high pain threshold and it gets me off every time.
  7. This series just keeps the heat going. Love where it seems to be going.
  8. I don't buy any magazines today. There is so much online. I just don't see the point in them anymore.
  9. I like having sex in the hot tub. Especially with a stranger I have just met. The whole inching closer, touching each other. Slowly playing with each other. Then moving on to sucking and fucking. Even better when other guys join in.
  10. Great stories. Can't wait for the next installment.
  11. Once you go raw, it's hard to stop. The feeling is so much better. Next time take the load in your hole.
  12. I have met guys on bbrt who are also here. I have had some good fun.
  13. Wow. Love where this is going. Can't wait for the next installment.
  14. I like a hairy ass myself. However, it can be a lot of fun letting another shave you. Let the fun begin!
  15. Wow, what an interesting plot. Looking forward to more.
  16. Some thoughts. Make sure you can trust him. Don't use drugs. Take his fist sober. You need to feel what your hole is telling you so you don't get hurt. Take it slowly. It may not happen the first time and that's fine. A small hand is good to start. Use LOTS and LOTS of lube. Make sure you have time. This is not a pump and dump situation. Listen to your body. Being fisted is amazing. Take your time and have fun. Fisting another guy is also a LOT of fun. If you have questions, pm me.
  17. So damn hot. Please continue as soon as you can. Rock hard waiting.
  18. The only way to know is to get tested.
  19. I love poz loads deep in my guts. Hot story.
  20. Damn hot. Hope the boyfriend is involved in the next chapter.
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