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Everything posted by vrsbbltn

  1. The times I have been fucked with a condom, I notice most gay dudes take it off then cum on my back or chest. When it comes to "str8" guys, I notice most love cumming in the condom while banging me, and they stay hard for a longer time. I have no idea why it is like that, anyone else have experienced the same?
  2. Agnostic, maybe that's why I had no problems when coming out of the closet.
  3. Maybe those bottoms are way too loose and need a big one to feel pleasure? I am mostly a top, barely bottom, my ass is really tight, yet I barely feel anything when fucked by smaller dicks, no pleasure nor pain, so it is very understandable if they reject small cocks because of that.
  4. I've heard some guys saying they have sex with friends and it's great blah blah blah, lies. Sex most probably will ruin a good friendship, it happened to me once, we were ashamed after it happened and eventually stopped talking to each other. Also, I'd say if you meet someone, be confident on what you want with that guy. Fucking immediately when meeting him, then trying to be friends afterwards is way to awkward, I tried it once, and it didn't work.
  5. I, and I guess most of us can identify bottoms regardless of what they wear. I'd say don't worry too much on what to wear, just be you, act like what you are. At saunas, one of the most annoying things are bottoms who show/touch their bulges instead of showing their asses. But as u said you are a total bottom you might not get into that kind of nonsense, maybe those with identity traumas do such things.
  6. I'd drive 2 hours, but flying two hours just for going to a sex club or bathhouse is way too much. Having to be at the airport about 2 hours before flight departure time, driving to it, going through security check lines, flights are usually delayed, the cost of taxis and or procedures of car rental when you arrive, etc etc etc. By the time you finally arrive you are already tired. Now add to all that the huge possibility that you find nothing worth the effort you got into and all the money you spent. Maybe at some clubs most comment on like Slammers Ftl getting some loads is guaranteed, but maybe you don't like any of the guys. Because of all that, I'd skip trains, airplanes, boats. I'd only drive, stay local or drive no more than 4 hours. I think I'd do the one night visit to another city if a big and nice sex party is taking place. On the other hand, if you can stay for 2, 3 or 4 days then it's ok to do it, as you have plenty of time to try different places and people, and it's enjoyable regardless of how much dick you got, how many handsome men you met, etc., and choose a city with lots of options like Ftl.
  7. I perfectly understand that guy. I usually don't like getting involved with partnered men, as it could lead to so many conflicts, and I feel bad for doing such things. Call it principles or whatever, but some of us do have them. The few times I've been partnered I never played with other men. When single like nowadays, I can play with as many as I wish and can handle. Being bb sex pigs has nothing to do with respecting others and being civilized. On the other hand, MANY couples are ok with each other playing with as many men as they wish. In such cases, although I still don't play with those, some might be ok with it, so let them know.
  8. When I log-in to adam4adam, grindr, etc., it's because I am horny and looking for sex, not to waste my time talking shit with guys I know nothing will happen. So, if anyone I don't like sends a message, most probably I'll ignore him. I do so not because I'm a bitch or a shallow queen. I do it because no matter how politely you tell most guys, they can't take a "no", or an "I'm not interested", or "you're not the kind of guy I'm looking for", etc. I have noticed that if I reply to them with such messages, chances I'll be insulted are extremely higher than when ignoring them, and then they'll block me and I don't have a chance to insult them back, which is annoying. I am a very nice person, don't care about other's body, race, income, age, looks, etc., but when looking for sex, as all other humans, I have preferences. We cannot pretend everyone to be nice, polite, professional, with full sense of ethics at such sites. When we log-in to them, we must understand it's very shallow, and assume the risks. It's like a market, you choose what you like, reject what you don't. It's sad, but it's like that, that's the truth about them. I have been rejected many times, and I don't get mad at them, I know I am not the kind of man absolutely everyone is looking for, it makes no sense. I also understand that people react and act different, some will ignore me, some will say "I'm not interested". Insulting someone because he ignored you in such sites denotes you have a very low self-esteem, getting mad at someone you don't know who was not interested in you. I am starting to wonder what should I do, maybe block them right away if I'm not interested to avoid being a victim of their angry, bad temper? I'd like to know your impressions on this, what your experiences are, what you do when this happens to you, do you tell them you are not interested, ignore them? Do you think it's not ethical ignoring them in such sites despite the risk of being insulted, do you take the risk?
  9. Among us gays, we are very close to that. Definitely, more than half of us, pos, neg, und, "neg", don't know, fuck bb nowadays.
  10. That guy was polite. I once put an add in Craigslist where I stated I like bb sex. Someone replied "You are so irresponsible, wish you die from AIDS nasty pig". Sometimes I think these condom queens are comparable to homophobic men, it's fear of something they'd love to do/experience. They show anger, rudeness, fear, love giving lectures, feel disgusted, etc. Homophobic would love to get fucked by another man, and condom queens would love to do it bareback. Or maybe they already do it, but are traumatized about it, and also react like that.
  11. I have always wondered what kind of jobs, if any, require you to disclose your HIV status and/or get tested, and if you could be rejected for being positive. I guess military, health and maybe culinary areas could be like this. But I wonder if any fields of work besides these three are also like this. I think that if a nurse becomes HIV+, and is already working at a hospital, most probably he cannot be fired, but, if he tries to find a job in another hospital for whatever reason, and must disclose his status, even though he cannot be discriminated because of this, there would be a 99% probability he will be and nothing can be done, as it happens everyday with gays, old people, etc., who are discriminated and its very hard to fight it in courts, to prove it, despite what laws rule. So, do any of you know of any type of jobs where this is asked, do you or someone you know of feel that HIV status has made it difficult to find a good job, or been rejected from a position even though of being qualified for it? I appreciate any feedback, as I'm totally ignorant on this.
  12. From what I read on this forum, it seems lots of guys have lots of sex with random men, bareback, tens, even hundreds, for months, even years, yet stay negative, WTF? You should all contact the CDCs so they can research what's going on, as it seems that we have developed some kind of immunity to HIV. Common sense dictates chances of becoming pos is extremely high when engaging into lots of risky sex. I feel nowadays being "negative" = I don't know my status, I haven't tested in over a year, I am pos but don't accept my reality, I am undetectable, I say so because everyone does, I haven't tested yet I know I'm neg because I am not ill and I look great and healthy, etc. Also, I still get shocked to read or hear about guys who think will stay neg because they only fuck with other neg guys. We are all grown ups here, not uninformed kids. So, all of this seems to be about fear, or fantasizing of being neg and getting pozed, but please, be considerate with yourselves and others.
  13. I'd like to know about different likes of you guys. This is mostly about general aspects/traits/characteristics, not focused only on body types nor fucking skills. Bottoms, tops, and versatiles respond accordingly. When I top, I prefer a bottom who is: - skinny/toned - shorter than me - manly, but a little effeminate is ok - cute/well groomed - intelligent/geeky - submissive - my same age or younger When I bottom, I prefer a top who is: - skinny/toned or average, a little belly, or stocky body is ok - as tall as me or taller - very masculine - average/rough looks - average IQ - dominant - my same age or older I've fucked bottoms with all of the characteristics of -a top I like to get fucked by- that I listed, and viceversa, but usually, if a bottom/top has all the characteristics I listed here, I get harder and perform a better sex act.
  14. I never feel the cum, but if he cums a lot, I feel my ass sloppy/messy. I think this might has to do with temperature of the cum and ass. My ass tends to be warm/hot I've been told, so if it was cold, and the top's cum was warm, I'd probably feel it. Most of the times though, I do feel the throbbing of the dick and then becoming softer.
  15. I like some moaning, not lots of it nor too loud/exaggerated, whether in a bottom or in top. When I fuck a hot bottom, I prefer them to be kinda quiet, so rather than moaning, I love when they breath hard and fast. A bit of moaning when I start fucking him or when I'm cumming in him is hot as well. When I get fucked by a hot top, I do like him to moan, enjoy it more on a top than on a bottom. I like him to do so like a man, not like a bitch. When they do so, I tend to think they are enjoying it, I get hornier and feel less pain and do a better job as a bottom, which they enjoy even more. But what makes me horny as hell is when they moan seconds before and while they are cumming -in my ass-, really really love it! That, along with being tightly grabbed with his arms, or tightly grabbing my waist with his hands while fucking me even harder while cumming, is beyond hot. Some tops cum in you and you don't even notice; as they don't moan, don't start fucking you harder nor slower, don't sweat, don't say anything, their dicks stay the same not swollen then soft, nothing! I really get pissed of with those, as that's the best part of sex, should be thoroughly enjoyed.
  16. I'd like to understand what's so great/fun about getting fucked/used, probably by extremely ugly/deformed men and being treated like an animal. I am a human, as a human I need to use all my senses, feel connected, feel attraction, and be treated like one.
  17. There are many versatile guys as well, but I think full versatility is rare, as most prefer being top or bottom, depending on the time, mood, and the guy. So if I were to classify all men I've been with, more than 100, I'd say 60% were bottoms, 30% tops, and 10% fully vers. So yes, bottoms clearly outnumber tops. It's impossible to know why it is like that, we could say so many things, yet don't find a definite answer. I just say it's nature's will, more gays are born to be bottom.
  18. Thanks for letting me know breedmeup. I once sucked a dick with one of those, felt curious, but he didn't fuck me. I've always wondered the same, seems so painful for both, the bottom and the top.
  19. What's PA?
  20. Nice to see I'm not the only one. I've thought of the spermicide compounds, but I forgot to say that I also get the same sensation with most lubes. As they are so damn expensive, I've bought multiple sample sized ones but I still don't find a brand which I totally can say I don't get that bad feeling. Even water based ones are annoying. I'd say vaseline is an excellent lube, enhances the good feeling of the dick, and is very cheap, but most guys I've been with hate it because it is very greasy/messy. Almost never I use lube because of this, just spit. But on the other hand, I hate lube smells, and the greasiness of them, so even though it hurts with just spit, I kinda prefer it, plus, having only cum in my ass is so great, I keep it in my ass, when I get home I put a mirror in front of me and squirt it out, it's so hot. A few weeks ago I was so horny I did something I had never done. I went to a cruising site, got fucked by a great looking fit manly guy, he came in me, and as I was so horny and knew I was totally clean, I squirted out on my hand and liked some of it, tasted good, if I had used lube, I would not do that, would have tasted bad. So I think my ass is sensitive to a wide range of foreign substances.
  21. I really really hate those who talk a lot, specially while fucking. A little chat before or while fucking is ok, as long as he doesn't asks personal things or talks too much. I tend to get excited by manly, horny voices who say simple things such as "you have a great ass I'm very horny", "pound me harder I really love that cock", "I'll fill that ass with my cum", etc. Whether I'm fucking another guy or he is fucking me, I get instantly soft if I hear a squeaky/effeminate/soft voice, or if he starts a chit chat "where are you from, how old are you, I'd like to meet you again, etc". Sometimes it has been so annoying I quit fucking. I guess this one has happened to a lot of you. This guy voluntarily started fucking or getting fucked by you bareback, then at 5 or so minutes, or even worse, when both are done, asks "are you clean"? This is by far the most annoying one. So yes, I also say, shut the fuck up, I don't want to socialize, this is not the place/time.
  22. Barely nothing disgusts me that much. I dislike scat, but if I'm fucking a guy and my dick gets covered with shit, I might be disgusted, but not mad, it's something natural that can happen, we clean ourselves, and finish with our hands, or the bottom takes a shit then I continue fucking him. I'd say I dislike those guys who abuse, don't clean their asses on purpose, don't take a bath, etc. I always let the other man know what I am like if I get contacted through an app such as grindr. I tell them things such as "I have been doing errands all day so I need to take a bath, or, I like to bottom but I haven't cleaned myself as I'm not at home right now". If he says, it's ok, I don't care, or, you can take a bath at home, I am cool because he already knows what to expect. I'd say what have disgusted me the most was a guy I fucked, who was wearing shoes, but after a while he took them off. What a bad decision! His feet smelled so intense; like a mix of sulfur, onion, mayo/vinegar, and raw eggs. Miraculously I could cum fast after that smell started bothering me, so I left not much longer after that.
  23. I wonder if this happens to any of you. I think I'm not allergic to latex, as I've fucked plenty of guys with it, and as I was curious, I put one in my mouth for a few minutes, and nothing happened. But when I get fucked with a condom, I get a bad burning sensation, and feel a lot of pain. Sometimes it's so bad that I've got to ask the top to stop, and the burning sensation lasts for about 2 hours after it. Is it possible to be allergic to latex only in the ass and not other parts of my body? Or would it be that I am so much into bb sex, that I just hate them and I set my mind/body to reject them, and that burning sensation is my body's response to it?
  24. I'd say make it an open relationship if you are cool with it, but if not, look for a total top or a versatile one as those are the least. But it all depends, sex is very important in a relationship. If both are total bottoms or total tops, sex will be boring, then it would be like being single and depending on having multiple adventures with multiple guys to be sexually satisfied. I've noticed many of those bottom-bottom or top-top relationships are like living with your best friend. I'd say, if you REALLY love another bottom guy go for it, try it. But if you only feel somewhat attracted to him, he is good looking, cute, nice person, but not truly/fully love him, keep looking for a top or versatile guy.
  25. I have never been sexually engaged with a guy who speaks other than my first and second languages, Spanish and English. I have fucked or gotten fucked by a bunch of guys from different nationalities, but they spoke English. Some languages are similar and at least you can catch some words or understand the basics; for example, if he is enjoying it or if he wants to take a break, etc. Other languages, even though are not similar, because of their influence in specific areas, you can still understand some of it. English is present even in the most Spanish speaking country and Spanish is very present in the USA, and many words are similar or even the same. Having sex with a guy who speaks a totally different language, not a single word in common with yours, different alphabets and phonemes, must be a truly different feeling. I guess, for an English speaker, for example, hearing some Chinese, Russian, Greek, Arabian, etc. while getting fucked is much different than hearing some Spanish or German. Even though I have never experienced it, I feel I would not like it that much, as I need some kind of connection with the guy I'll have sex with, as physical and character/attitudes, and being 100% disconnected in regards to making ourselves understood must feel uncomfortable to me, as it would be equivalent to having sex with someone I don't truly feel physically attracted to.
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