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Everything posted by Bottomhole

  1. No groups or access to the backroom kind of blows. A chat room would be excellent but that's probably too tough to run.
  2. Nothing worse than a top who acts as if he's doing you a favour by fucking you, sure it's the same the other way around. If it's a hook-up site and someone contacts me eager to meet, I'm just as eager if I also want to hook-up, I'd never act stand-offish. Even if I wasn't interested, I'd just tell them that.
  3. "Too many guys our age have this notion that you can do and behave as you please and there is no consequences in the end, and it is far from the truth" Fair enough Pitt1988, that's probably applicable to my situation. JizzDumpWI: I'd like to get on meds as soon as they let me. I've been told I can go on them when my cd4 drops to about 500's the timeframe they gave me was the next two months. I've done all I can since my diagnosis to learn about what's happening, attending every hospital appointment, talking to their councillor etc. It's not as easy as me telling them I want to go on meds, they have a way of talking to you(as well as the fact that they know more) that would imply that it's a joint decision (bet doctors and I) when I start. They want to ensure that I'm ready for the next stage, which is ultimately taking medication religiously for the rest of my life. But to stay on topic. Pitt1988, your fears stem from a real place it seems, given your past experiences. Just take your time and don't rush into it. If you are still at a worry after presented with the facts about Prep, then maybe bareback sex isn't for you. I mean you're quick to point out the dangers in me party and playing, what makes you think bareback sex is any safer? There are plenty of sti's you can catch that aren't HIV.
  4. Thanks for the kind words, yes that is my mug. I'm from Ireland where Prep isnt available. I'm a little confused by your position. On one hand you say you're deathly afraid of contracting the virus, but you said it yourself that you can live a happy healthy long life. So why the fear then? If it's irrational fear then maybe you do need to relax and enjoy yourself more, if you feel that getting HIV is in fact a big deal and still a huge risk, then taking it slow with guys is the way to go. I have found that about 70 percent of guys on hook-up sites would rather stay at home and masturbate. I've found it so much harder to find a guy who wants to meet me since I've been diagnosed positive though, so that could be contributing to it. However the people who I do tend to hook-up with end up wanting exclusivity, the opposite of what you experience. I guess you have to just keep on searching.
  5. Hey Pitt1988, I think that it's good that you are a little paranoid about your health. From someone who has recently been infected with HIV I wish I was more careful about my health and lifestyle choices, and now I'm in a position where I can't turn back. I wouldn't wish this on anyone esp someone who is fearful of the virus like you seem to be. Don't assume it will be 100% effective and play accordingly. If you want to have more adventurous sex then easing yourself into doing such seems like the best course for you, don't jump into anything you might soon regret. Just judging by your considered posts, I think it would be best if you got to know guys a little before you slept with them. That method might fit in better with your personality and help ease some of your worries. That would give you time to talk to your potential sexual partners about sexual health, from there you can gauge whether or not they are aware of their status etc. Good luck, you are very lucky to be living in a country that you can avail of PreP, for some of us it has come just a little too late. Take care.
  6. I love dogs too much to even see them in a sexual manner. To me dogs are like children, I just want to squeeze them, I think it's abuse to use a dog for sex.
  7. What happened the link? can you remember the video title?
  8. Bottomhole


    Love love love everything to do with spit. Very hot and the best lube
  9. Sounds hot alright. I'm a pretty heavy sleeper at times, and even at one point had a guy I was sleeping with move me from the living room couch, to his bed, without me even stirring. So I bet I'd be one of those people who'd be able to be fucked asleep.
  10. I shave just my hole(not very hairy person) but personally prefer the feeling.
  11. Why, may I ask do you love white male pussy so much?
  12. If your ass is clean(which it should be in my opinion) it shouldn't be a problem. I was on the same page as you MixedMuscleBear. I never knew it was a fetish, just something I did naturally.
  13. I had a similar experience that NastyRigPig describes abot gay bars. Had a guy who spent the entire time on his smartphone trying to get other guys to fuck me as well. I would've been happier spending that time with just one guy who seemed engaged, getting to know each others kinks etc. Than have ten quiet fuck-n-go's even though a gangbang would be my ultimate fantasy. Only if it was an engaging hot experience. I'm certainly not a lazy bottom who just lays there letting the top do the work, I love to please and haven't had a complaint so far. So the idea of being whored out is hot to me. But the reality can be boring and impersonal
  14. It seems that since they've gone the site has been tamed slightly. There seems to be less activity too, esp from Tops.
  15. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=Pu05M-G591-#.VLRmWiusWT8 Hot top.
  16. Yep, it's very animalistic and can be very hot.
  17. That's really sad to read bearbandit, sorry to hear it. I wish they had prep in Ireland a year ago, or even a few months in my case, too late now. Sucks
  18. What freedom? There are other sti's you can get. I don't feel any freer than before I was infected, the amount of people who want to hook up with me online is now less than half the number of guys than before. Don't be silly mate, and if you can get on prep. Unless you have your mind set on it, then do whatever you feel.
  19. From those screen grabs it doesn't turn me on in the slightest. I still voted no though, have to defend it as it's two consenting adults. People shouldn't be calling for it to be pulled, if they don't like it simply don't buy it. That moustache though, that's gone too far. Yuck.
  20. Get a lot of compliments on my ass, that it feels good to fuck. Eyes also, and my skin. I think my open mindedness and submissive nature is my best feature and my love to please.
  21. Sorry maybe I was unclear. I absolutely want to start treatment as opposed to dying! The idea of taking a pill the same time daily with food is just so alien to me, I don't eat the same time everyday I can't just for the sake of it stay out for two days with a friend. I have to plan everything ahead of time in order to assure I adhere to it. I was diagnosed in Oct, this is still new to me. So it's hard to get my head around still, and at times can be very depressing. Didn't mean it to come across as me not going on meds, or putting it off for that matter.
  22. That was the video a top in New York played when he first slammed me. Have to admit at the time I couldn't pay attention for long, for obvs reasons. But came back to it and it is incredibly hot. Plus it reminds me of that sleazy first time.
  23. I must honestly say for me, mostly it's a turn off. I've made it clear that I bottom on hook-up sites and usually when I meet up with vers guys they always try to get me to fuck them, which completely turns me off, because I prefer tops to be more dominant. Not all the time but mostly. Still though, the guy is more important and wouldn't pre judge. Still meet vers guys though.
  24. There is plenty worse you can do than bareback sex and still be a Christian. Most people on death row are Christians. I believe people find it very easy to hold two different sets of books. I'm not the best person to contribute to this as I'm atheist. Not exactly sure what the Abrahamic religions say about homosexuality in their scripture, but I know the Catholic church at one point equated the use of condoms with murder. I think since their position has changed. In terms of simply believing in a creator or higher being as you word it, being a deist would be completely separate issue. That belief would say nothing about this higher being having any hand in the current workings of our universe much less what gender we find attractive and what man-made devices we wear when having sex with said gender. That really takes a number of leaps and assumptions. I find it hard to believe in a God that would care what way we choose to have sex, given the more important observable issues that I can see on this planet alone. Not to mention the destruction of planets, dying stars etc. in the known universe, plus everything outside our sphere of knowledge. It would seem like a small issue to focus on.
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