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Everything posted by TustinBB

  1. Please, there has to be a lot more to this story. My orgasms thank you. More please!
  2. Damn this is HOT! Wish it was happening to me. MORE Please
  3. Fuck this is hot! MORE We must have more! Please continue. My cock can't wait.
  4. Holy f*** I need more of this I got off 6 times reading this story I need more. Please!!!
  5. Damn! Hot story. More please. Language aside, you are a talented writer. Please write and share more epic action. I came 3 times reading this. Now at the top of my favorites here. I can't wait for more like this one.
  6. My dick is dripping! I've got to have more of this. Can't wait for the next installment.
  7. Holy fuck Batman! I've always wanted a brother like that. Unfortunately both of my brothers are religious assholes. I'd love to see the story continue. Epic!
  8. Holy FUCK this is HOT! I wish my wresting coaches had done this to me!
  9. I saw this ad on Craigslist yesterday and it is still posted Castration - 20 (Anaheim) i have a dark interest/fantasy of being castrated. I'll leave it at that. If there's any guys with similar or related interests or information, I'd like to talk to you Not castration play, actual castration, IE having my balls removed and being made into a eunuch Hopefully some of you have interesting things to tell me Just put eunuch at the start of the subject line so i mnow youre real http://orangecounty.craigslist.org/m4m/3812292907.html
  10. Hot story, I would love to have it done to me. I love it when a hot guy shaves me. I use Nair for Men on my Pubes, Balls and Hole and never get burned or irritated.
  11. I found some on Pinterest.com and created a board. http://pinterest.com/tustinbb/tattoo/
  12. Does anyone have their cock tattooed or pics of tatted cocks?
  13. I have no problems with it, most of my friends and some room mates started out as guys that I hooked up with some had lovers, some became room mates.
  14. It seems to me that about half of the m4m sites calculate your age for you but I have noticed on several that I am on it keeps the age you input when you signed up. I'm 52 now but several that I am on show me as 46 ( I should change those ) when I created the account. I prefer to be honest about my age and stats. You would have to change your birth year in your profile of those that automatically update your age for you to appear younger.
  15. Hot Leather link on Pinterest!
  16. I love the line he ended the article with. The emperor has no clothes. And he isn't wearing a rubber, either.
  17. My condolences also. I suspect it was this nasty flu that has been going around. A few years back I thought my asthma or bronchitis was acting up, I had no fever and was eating well. But then it got to the point where I had to stop on each step up to my 2nd floor apartment to catch my breath and it was all I could do to lift my arms to shampoo my head. I was in the hospital for over a month and was not expected to live... that was over 15 years ago and I'm still here, going strong.
  18. On the surface I see it as meaning that he does not care if you or he may positive or negative and will bareback regardless. I am positive and say so in my profile. I also see it with a broader meaning that he doesn't care what he has or can get. I really don't want anything else that I will have to deal with like Herpes, Syphilis or Hepatitis. I always assume that he is positive at the very least.
  19. One of my ex lovers father was from Australia and got very pissed off when someone asked where in England he was from. Just look at Ireland and the long history of problems between the Catholics and the Protestants. I think ultimately in the not too distant future that with the younger demographic today mostly not giving fuck if you are gay that these cultural distinctions will fade away and we will truly be a homogeneous population like in Star Trek. Remember Captain Kirk with the blue or was it green alien female?
  20. I got pozed sometime in the mid to early 80's when was in my early 20's (I'm 53 now) and at that time my fuck buddies and I frequently talked about "should we play safe". Condom use was the exception not the rule except a few guys I ran into who liked latex, but ultimately we were of the mindset that we were young and this was a relatively new phenomenon and knew of no one who had it but if we did catch it we probably gave it one to the other without knowing about it because we fucked like rabbits every chance and if we had it we got it from someone else and passed it on as we all played bareback. I don't remember having the fuck flu but then I have asthma and severe allergies to just about everything plant or animal (but not men!) so I probably thought it was just a bad case of one or the other at the time.
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