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Everything posted by viking8x6

  1. Agreed. So, perhaps more helpful questions to be asking might be: Why does the Republican Party (and the politicians who compose it) find it appropriate to pursue anti-gay legislation? and And what can WE, as LGBTIA+ Americans, DO about that?
  2. Oh, lookie! The latest one saved us all a lot of time by following *me* LOL
  3. Most library story hours that I've seen have been populated with kids in the 4-9 age bracket. Younger kids can't sit still well enough, and older kids already know how to read (well, some of them...). I haven't attended drag queen story hours myself, but I expect they would emphasize age-appropriate content with a message of diversity and acceptance. Certainly, they would not have any sexual content. Sexual content of any flavor isn't appropriate for kids under 10, at least not in our society's code of ethics. Things like this: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6950253-it-s-okay-to-be-different https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/709381.Heather_Has_Two_Mommies https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/117997.And_Tango_Makes_Three https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/791133.Daddy_s_Roommate
  4. I can't speak to statistics, but a good buddy (and occasional FB) of mine definitely qualifies as a dominant bottom. He strongly prefers being penetrated (dick or fist) but is definitely a dom silver daddy bear in the BDSM sense.
  5. It seems to me that you're taking a very narrow view of what drag queens do. Yes, they can be part of an evening of raunchy entertainment for adults. They can put on shows in gay bars. Young kids don't belong at those sorts of things (and nearly everyone with half a brain pretty much agrees on that). But drag queens can also do other things. They can read stories to children at libraries. They can host gay Bingo fundraisers (without suggestive content) in fire halls. They can be fabulous in Fourth of July parades. The intention of the laws being enacted in Florida and other places is an effective ban on ALL of these things. The promoters of the laws say it is "only to protect the children", but it is patently obvious that they are flat-out lying about that. Case in point, the county council of a county near me in WV just passed such a law about drag shows specifically. How do we know what their intent was? There was only ONE drag show regularly taking place in that county, and it did NOT feature adult content. I heard from a source I trust that in this case, the president of the county council (promoter of the legislation) also had a vendetta against the owner of the venue where the drag show was taking place. ^^^ THIS ^^^ is why we need to stand up to these kinds of things.
  6. Not to mention members who are leftist, like myself, but registered Republican to ensure our voice in the political debate within our (very red) states.
  7. To be fair to those other posters, you did put the topic in the Politics forum. And people's ideas about inter-racial sex inevitably involve their perception of their societal experience of race relations.
  8. As am I. I do think (as the authors state) that it merits further study. From a biological point of view, appetite qualifies as a behavior IMO. Q.E.D. Absolutely agree. And definitely merits study. Presumably one would have to do that in Africa, which might complicate things a bit. It appears that quite a bit of the data in the paper under discussion came from African studies, though.
  9. There used to be a feature where adding two blank lines inside of a quoted passage would escape the quote, allowing one to add unquoted text at the end of a post or in the midst of a quote (the latter would automatically split the quote in half, inserting unquoted lines between). It has suddenly stopped working for me.
  10. This is pretty much true. The inner harbor hotels are somewhat less unsafe than most of the city, or were last time I stayed there.
  11. From the POV of a top at such places, this kind of competition and these sorts of behaviors are substantially annoying. Most of us over the age of 30 cannot easily cum more than 3 or 4 times (if that) during a sauna visit of reasonable length. Obviously, we'd like to make them count in terms of enjoyment. Just my opinion. Worth its weight in gold.
  12. They actually did control the study for this effect and ruled out this potential explanation (or seem to think they have). They did it by comparing specifically the newly diagnosed HVL patients against the newly diagnosed patients who did not have a high viral load. The former group had signficantly higher sexual behavior in the 1 month after diagnosis than did the latter group. My understanding (not having picked it apart too carefully) is that this is the main point upon which their claim that HIV specifically influences sexual behavior is based.
  13. It is possible, especially if (as @Lily95 points out), their virus is resistant to the drugs in PrEP. In practice, for people who are compliant with their PrEP dosing, the number of cases of it actually happening are less than 10, among all the hundreds of thousands (millions?) of people taking PrEP.
  14. That's not correct. The new article states quite explicitly that the data they have support the hypothesis that high viral load of HIV has an effect on the host that increases their sexual activity. Whether their interpretation of the data is correct can be argues (and no doubt will, given the controversial nature of the subject). But that's definitely what they are saying. Of course they don't have any idea how such an effect comes about.
  15. This site invites you to talk about "information, tips and stories about barebacking". Barebacking includes a risk of HIV. Some people fetishize this. The site acknowledges and supports both, and provides for free (it's paid for by the ads) a safe space for its members to do so. Not everyone on the Internet is OK with some of these things, hence certain types of discussion are limited to members-only areas. The administrator, creator, and host of the site, for very good reasons he has explained elsewhere, has forbidden certain topics on the site altogether. ALL THIS IS EXPLAINED IN GREAT DETAIL in his topics welcoming you to the community and explaining the rules: https://breeding.zone/topic/12285-read-this-before-you-post/ https://breeding.zone/topic/64867-read-this-significant-change-in-rules-effective-31/ As he has explained elsewhere on the site at length, the owner is very strongly against this and is extremely concerned about the resurgence of anti-LGBT and anti-HIV sentiments and legislation. He outspokenly encourages people in our community to fight against these things. Yes, it will. There are innumerable posts here by former members whose accounts have been deleted. The beginning of this thread explains that process, and why it is deliberately NOT an immediate process. That said, the ONLY person capable of doing account deletions is currently recovering from a stroke, and for obvious reasons that isn't his first priority (nor should it be). Of course the site is collecting data. The data you put into it. For whom? The other members of the site, and anyone else on the internet who cares to read the cacophony of "out there" material here, be it inspiring, erotic, disgusting, or tawdry (and we have reams of all of those).
  16. Why do you want them to stop? Not intended as a trick question - I often will continue having sex with someone after I've come (actually, I more often do this as the top), not because I'm that into it, but because I feel my sex partner deserves some fun, too. In my mind, feeling libidinous is just one of a great many reasons to have sex.
  17. ^^^ SO MUCH THIS ^^^ I enjoy a good role-play of "don't cum in me" as much as the next guy (in fact, one of my top favorite porn stories is that scenario exactly). But if it's not role-play, doing it is rape, full stop.
  18. OK, it seems clear that you mostly know what you are and what you are interested in. Labels don't matter at all, as long as you know. You feel romantic toward women. You feel sexually attracted to men. You are mostly a bottom in that department... you "love cock and cum and can't really get used enough". But. You have an odd feeling that keeps you from acting. Seems to me you need to spend some time, on your own or with help (professional or otherwise) unpacking that "odd feeling". It could be a lot of things, and until you know something about it, you won't have much idea of how to change it. Is it fear (of disease, etc.)? Shame? Concern over others' judgment of you? Guilt/self-judgment? Anxiety over how you'll perform when it's time for action? Could be any or all of those. Each would require its own strategy to get past it and have the life you want. One suggestion I have for actual action is to just try it and see! You have a great FWB who understands your drive - get him to help out, maybe by helping to organize a 3-way or group scene where he's present as a participant and gatekeeper. That kind of scene might address many of the potential inhibitions you are feeling, and be fun for both of you as well. Enjoy!
  19. Actually that's not why those warnings are there. They are there because lawyers convinced people who got hurt doing something they probably knew was a bad idea that someone else was responsible. Why did the lawyers do that? Because they make a lot of money from it. SMH.
  20. The risk is nowhere near that big for undetectable top. It's less then 0.25% per 100 years of having sex. Which is to say, it didn't happen at all in the scientific study of it, so it's no more than that number - it could be less.
  21. Well, that sounds like a fairly unpleasant experience. Not that it directly explains your overall loss of libido, but it could certainly contribute to your general happiness (or lack thereof) and mood. I looked this one up - quite interesting! It's an analogue of a natural hormone that's involved in regulating melanin production in the skin. Which, of course, is connected with sunlight... and, upon some further digging I found, also thyroid regulation of the metabolism. @leatherpunk16, if you haven't checked thyroid and vitamin D levels, that's definitely worth doing.
  22. Ouch, that's really terrible! Speaking from personal experience, I can tell you for sure that depression can do that to you. My understanding is that it's actually a pretty well-known symptom of depression. So if you are still having trouble with that, it could well be at fault. And (also first-hand) I can tell you that depression can fool you by abating somewhat without being really gone - you feel sort-of OK and think you're "well", but your perceptual calibration is off because you've been in hell too long. So if you're not getting treatment for it, please do! It can definitely steal your life. Other things I can think of that might contribute: Covid aftereffects / long Covid; shift in diet/exercise/self-care; shift in body/brain chemistry. Aging can do it too (and is notorious for that), but IMO you're not so old that I would expect it to. Hugs and Tugs! Hope you can find some relief - sooner rather than later!
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