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Everything posted by viking8x6

  1. https://thisvid.com/videos/2-sexy-bald-fucking-raw-cum-inside-and-stay-still-smile/
  2. Getting tested regularly is a really good idea. HIV is lethal (if untreated), but your chances of actually getting it these days, especially if you are mostly a top, are really rather low. That is not the case for other STDs. Syphilis, specifically, is rather easy to catch, not uncommon in anon encounters (I'm fairly certain I got it at a video store glory hole at least once), and the symptoms are easy to miss, and easy to mistake for other things. Even doctors often miss the diagnosis (an ex of mine once had syphilis that was misdiagnosed as a vitamin C deficiency). Syphilis is also lethal (if untreated), and while it is curable, if it gets to the advanced stage it can do a LOT of damage before it gets cured, and at the advanced stage is rather difficult to cure (we're talking a month solid of big penicillin shots in your ass, or IV antibiotics).
  3. Well, it's a "teachable moment"... though in his case, it sounds more like a "teachable month/year". It is truly baffling how anyone exposed to Western media over the last 30 years could be so ignorant as to have the impression that gay people are rare or exotic. But people can be really absorbed in their own stories of the world, and not pay much attention to all the things around them unless they come knocking on the door. And now, for him, gay people have - indeed, you were already in the house and he just didn't know it. I absolutely don't think there's anything wrong with being as close as you were with him. I hug all of my birth family, though we don't tend to kiss much, and am comfortable sitting close, touching them and even exchanging massages. There's nothing sexual about it, just family. As for what you can do now, I'd say do your best to behave normally and treat him with love and kindness as you did before. If he does things that hurt your feelings, let him know that they do; he needs to learn that it's not OK to treat you badly just because of that part of you. Now that you're out to him, don't avoid mentioning "gay stuff" (like your BF), but don't go out of your way to talk about it either. Keep it light, it's a normal thing and that's exactly the main lesson he needs to learn. You are his brother, and you are a perfectly normal gay man, and there's nothing about your relationship that needs to change because of that. People do this all the time, and they have for thousands of years.
  4. Wonderful start... and a hell of a curve ball at the end! I sure didn't see that coming!
  5. Report the post(s) that contains your phone number and a moderator will remove it. The report function is a menu option from the "..." menu button in the upper right corner of the post.
  6. Thanks for the follow, sexy!

  7. My understanding is that pic uploads to the Galleries have a flat size limit per pic, and you can upload all you want. Pic uploads attached to your personal posts have a separate, total limit for all your pics. If you upload many pics attached to individual posts, you will run into this limit. The solution is to delete some older ones that are no longer relevant, or to repost ones of general interest into the Gallery, and then delete them from the attachments. To manage your attached images, use the "My Attachments" option (right below "Profile") from the pull-down menu on your avatar/screen name at the upper left of the home page.
  8. It was precise wording that, as it happened, you didn't understand. The "host" is neither the site nor the person who posted. The host is the company that runs the physical computers that make the site available on the internet. That's not the same as @rawTOP's company, which only provides the site itself (which, remember, is just a bunch of code and data). @BootmanLA's explanation of the details above is clear and correct.
  9. If you read the original post, it is clear that the person who reported the content to the DMCA is the same one who posted it here to begin with. Therefore, the report obviously WAS NOT made in good faith.
  10. I don't have anything against cuddling (I love to cuddle), against j/o and frottage (again, I enjoy these things), or against oral sex (though it doesn't do all that much for me, especially if I'm the one getting sucked)... but they certainly aren't the same as my default concept of "sex". That includes anal (which I love) and oral, and other things that involve genitalia (but clearly as also-rans). So I agree that the increasing number of people looking for "not sex" in venues I presume to be about "looking for sex" is discouraging. Are human beings getting less interested in "sex"? It might be instructive to see what's happening in the "straight" world. One could hypothesize that as the human condition deteriorates (crowding, disease, lack of availability of the necessities of life), the impetus for reproduction (and by extension forms of interaction that mimic reproductive sex) might decline. Now all I need is a government grant and some graduate students... 😈
  11. The stench of hypocrisy rises to the very heavens... Isn't this the same Clarence Thomas who was an aficionado of Long Dong Silver's work?
  12. Throwing that kind of accusation around after a sex party is just foolish. But definitely a downer. If both he and the other guy fucked you and it wasn't strictly in that order, he could have got it from the other guy's bodily fluids in your ass. Or of course from anyone else at the party who happened to lie. Also, if he was a top, he presumably got it from someone's mouth or ass. Those areas aren't always tested. So other people (or you) might not have correct information as to whether they had a chlamydia infection there, if they only got tested for urethral infection. You might take that into account when trying to get your proofs in order to make your point to the party host.
  13. If the rest of the person (their face, their body, their brain, their hair, their ears...) is important to your attraction, IMO that's completely normal. Attraction is in the brain, and everyone has their own likes and dislikes that go way beyond just a penis. That probably isn't going to change much. If you want to be sluttier, you have two options: 1. Find more men that meet your idea of what's attractive. This can be tough, but moving to a big city could be helpful, or moving to a place where the proportion of men you find attractive is higher (like, if you find asian men attractive, moving to Asia, or to the west coast of the US, would work). 2. Learn how to enjoy sex even if the guy is not all that attractive to you. This is something you do by practicing. Try it out and instead of focusing on the fact that he's not all that attractive, focus on what is enjoyable and sexy about the experience. Maybe his responses to what you are doing. Maybe his voice (which you didn't think about before). There are many possibilities. Learning this is also likely to make you a much better lover, which has its own benefits (repeat encounters!)
  14. Yes, indeed they can (although syphilis can, of course, be transmitted in spite of them by oral sex or kissing). But then they would have to wear condoms, which significantly impair the enjoyability of sex for both partners and can cause performance issues for the top. A lot of people (and certainly the great majority of BZ members) consider those reasons sufficient to choose a different option.
  15. It certainly would be. But the drugs have a similar efficacy, and are AVAILABLE NOW, which a vaccine is not. There's a big difference between 0.01% per event and "almost impossible". For example, your odds of dying in a natural disaster this year are well under 0.01% (unless you live in a small island off the coast of Florida). That may be negligible, but it's certainly not impossible. And the 0.01% is per event, so if you have a lot of sex, it does add up. You're being quite sensible in seeking out the best information you can find on the risks. You have an approach that works for you. Excellent! You do you. Don't argue with the other people here who have a different assessment of the risks and benefits here. They're making decisions for themselves. And don't forget that if you're constantly worrying about HIV or other STDs, it will probably detract from your enjoyment of sex.
  16. Hot face pic! I'll look for you next time I'm in Boulder.
  17. Not so much. Used to live there. You would do much better in a major metro.
  18. Posting in the wrong place is going to happen now and then, and the warnings are intended to encourage paying enough attention that it doesn't happen all the time. Please don't take them as a reason not to post! The topics where you need to be concerned about it are pretty obvious - bug chasing, substance use, and straight/bi sex. ALSO, infractions (and the points associated with them) DO NOT change your ranking. They may give you a suspension of posting privileges, or even a suspension of access to the site (both temporary), but it's a completely separate system from the advancement to higher user rank. The result of a mistake is seldom seriously punitive. A three-day suspension of posting privileges is the standard for moderate infractions (usually posting bug chasing content outside the Backroom). The penalties only become really serious if the infractions are egregious or habitual. Don't let that be you.
  19. Certainly many people are rude and do this sort of thing exactly. But also remember that online interactions, though they transmit quickly, are asynchronous. Depending a lot on what platform you are using, you will always have to contend to some degree with this scenario: People jump on to check messages, take a peek at the eye candy while they do it, and send out a few oinks... and then (having checked their messages) log out. If your message doesn't get to them in the five minute window they're on, they won't respond. But (also depending on the platform) you may continue to see them as "online" or "recently online" for quite some time (for Growlr it can be days).
  20. A bit of clarification here: Breeding Zone is NOT a "hookup site". It is a discussion forum that happens to allow people to post hookup ads in particular subforums of the site. They are not its main purpose, and frankly it's not a very good site for posting them, because apart from a few major metro areas, there are very few BZ members in any given locale. Breeding Zone is NOT specifically oriented to HIV. It is a community that is welcoming to HIV-positive people. Discussion of bugchasing/gifting is only allowed in restricted members-only areas on the site. While Breeding Zone encourages frank discussion of STIs and related issues, it is NOT AT ALL supportive of STD fetish; in fact that is not allowed anywhere on the site.
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