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Everything posted by viking8x6

  1. Do the math. There aren't very many people in total on this site. Only a few of them are in your area. If you specify a particular day/time window, many people will be busy (even the most avid sex fiends have lives, too - they have to pay the rent like everyone else). Hooking up is NOT the primary purpose of the site, and never has been.
  2. I think "a part of" or "contributing to" would be more appropriate language here. If the bill had not been introduced, they would not have to vote against it. It's important to remember that the political reality of party warfare is that trading in political capital is usually necessary for anything to get passed at all, and queers are among the first people to get thrown under the bus (by either party) if somebody needs to bolster their supply of chips.
  3. Gingers are my second favorite (right after black hair/blue eyes, which really gets me). And I am a quasi-ginger (with the freckles to prove it). Used to look much more so, but my hair has darkened with age and shorter length. When it was long, it bleached out to a gorgeous reddish-gold. Enough to make me want to grow it back before it goes gray.
  4. Unusual and interesting, and very well done. I appreciate the sense of continuity.
  5. It means you are not as "straight" as you thought you were. It may help to know that "straight" and "gay" are arbitrary classifications based on something far more complex (what we get off of, which is different for every person on the planet). There's plenty of discussion of this topic here on the Forum, mostly in the General Discussion area or in the "Making the Decision to Bareback" section of the Health forum.
  6. Moderator's Note: THIS TOPIC IS NOT IN THE BACKROOM! There have been a lot of posts here recently that are HIV fetish material. These DO NOT belong in the Health forums!!! There is lots of room in the fetish forum for these posts. Please refrain from posting them here, or you WILL get an infraction.
  7. I think your logic does hold. I doubt this has been scientifically studied much at all. Gonorrhea and chlamydia are generally localized infections, so those would not likely be a concern. Syphilis is systemic, but is typically only contagious through the lesions, and during the first stage that is localized at the point of entry. Also, three weeks is a very short time, and STIs are not infectious immediately after exposure - it takes some time for the organisms to become numerous enough. How much time depends on the organism; gonorrhea is just a few days, while syphilis can easily be a month or more. In your shoes, I would not feel a need to tell a partner that they were at risk, certainly not in the low-risk situation you describe. This comment in another topic is also relevant:
  8. Your ass and belly look just lovely. Seriously. I'd definitely like a piece of that. But something unfortunate has befallen your face 😉
  9. DoxyPEP just made the Washington Post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2023/07/24/doxypep-std-sti-prevention/
  10. This definitely is an issue. I ran into it personally last month. Clinic told me they had none in stock and they would have to order it, entailing a 3 week wait. Three weeks later... I showed up to the clinic and they told me it was a mix-up and the test was a false positive (because I had had it previously). Ironically, one of the things on my list for the first visit was discussing DoxyPEP.
  11. For those who like the use of the term "pussy"... https://thisvid.com/videos/verbal-college-jock-breeds-a-twink-bareback/
  12. From @CoolestDude: I'm new here (joined Friday night)s, and am having terrible problems creating and using albums and posting pics to them. I'm aware of the file size limitations and have usable photos that the site seems to accept. I create a new album and name it, etc., and then select my photos for it. Everything seems to be OK, and all the photos are showing. I then click "submit" and the site says it's uploading them. But then, the screen disappears and it says that the number of photos in my album is zero. However, if I then click on the album from my profile, while still saying zero pics are in there, it shows 2 or 3 of the photos I've uploaded and no more. Then, I try to upload more photos into it but cannot - when I go through the steps and select choose an existing album, I'm given a black screen and there's no album shown to select, even though the album is still in my profile and there's an album tab. Because I don't just want 2 or 3 of the random pics I selected to be in the album, and the description of the album on the site still says there are no photos in it, I then end up deleting the album and all the pictures in it, and try to start over. However, from that point, the system won't let me create anymore albums - it simply says that an error resulted. Each day I go through this process and once I'm effectively locked out from creating new albums or uploading moore p;hotos because of the system error message, I have to wait until the next day, and I start the p;rocess again with the same result. This is driving me crazy - what is wrong here?
  13. Incoherent and time sensitive posts really don't contribute to the Forum in any constructive way, so if they're getting in the way of actual discussion it's fine to report those, too.
  14. Please do report these if you find them problematic, especially if they're abusive to a person or group of people. It is pretty well impossible for the moderation staff to review every post made. From @rawTOP's original topic explaining the rules:
  15. He is back, just not operating at full bandwidth just yet. Understandably, his recovery and day job and life have first priority on his energy. You should message him per the instructions in the "YOU CAN NOW DELETE YOUR ACCOUNT" thread to request the reversal. Yes. The block on the account page happens automatically part way through the deletion process. The reason is explained here:
  16. That is the first step in deleting your account, as you requested. If you don't want your account deleted, you must request that the deletion be cancelled. See above in the topic this post has been merged into. Please be patient. @rawTOP is the only one who can handle these things.
  17. There is absolutely no reason to panic!!! Modern HIV treatment and prevention practices make it extremely unlikely that a single (or even two or three) encounter(s) will even expose you, let alone infect you. The annual rate of new infections in the entire UK (which is, I think, where you are) is something like 1 man in 10,000 - that's very small. So, take several deep breaths and say, "wow, I'm adulting, and I'm breaking new ground and doing new fun things, and isn't it great?" and then take several more deep breaths and say "oh gosh, being an adult is f*cking dangerous, I guess I'd better learn about that and take my risks responsibly!" This isn't the first time you've risked death or nasty consequences - you do that every time you cross the street. You can handle this. And then go back and read @BootmanLA's excellent advice, and get tested, and get your shots, and get on PrEP, and go out and have a lot more fun!
  18. However, many people [see what I did there?] do not intuitively understand "Generally" to mean the same as "In most cases" (which is, I presume, your intent). This may lead to misunderstanding. Not something for which you deserve any blame, but perhaps a cause for unnecessary friction.
  19. In principle, that's a fine idea. In practice, the Backroom is as close to that as our fearless host @rawTOP is willing to go. Because. A lot of people out there and on here are NOT grownass adults. A lot of other people out there (and hopefully not on here, but as a matter of cold hard reality, nothing is stopping them from signing up) are actively out to get us. Obscenity laws and FOSTA/SESTA and new obscenity laws in various jurisdictions (thanks a bundle, Moms For Liberty) are a very real thing. Litigation is expensive. I'm sure I could come up with other reasons, but you get the point. @rawTOP has actually spelled all of this out in detail here (and in topics referenced therein): As for anyone being "demonized" or "abused" by the moderators - the idea that a system in which there are rules that are enforced, with a way of bookkeeping and assigning penalties that is not arbitrary (there are actually standard penalties for all of these categories) - is tantamount to abuse or demonization is childish at best. Try to think of a 6-point penalty as the BZ equivalent of a speeding ticket. Because that's what it is. That said, we really do try (admittedly harder on some days than on others) to apply them all fairly and to give people the benefit of the doubt if something is minor, or clearly an overstepping in the heat of the moment, or a newbie mistake, or any number of other mitigating factors. More than once, I have done exactly as @AlwaysOpen suggests above and reached out to an author to iron things out before simply handing out penalties.
  20. It's a newspaper report, not a study of any sort. The basic reason for this is that HIV infection rates were not tracked during that era. All the data available through at least1996 or 2000 pertain only to AIDS diagnosis. That said, there are quite a lot of good statistical data on that. You can find a pretty good summary through 2000 or so here https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5021a2.htm and here https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5521a2.htm Using data from Table 1 in the first reference, I get the pre-2000 mortality rate of diagnosed AIDS as 58%. That's not absurdly far from your anecdotal 30%, especially if you figure that some of those people still alive didn't actually receive an AIDS diagnosis before 2000.
  21. Ayuh. But some of us actually want deep tissue massage (the real thing), and have little interest in the happy ending. So there's that. 🤷‍♂️
  22. The chat is based on a different software platform from the rest of the server. @rawTOP is aware of the problem, and is working on it, but he is in the process of recovering from a stroke, so his personal resources are limited at the moment. He will get things working as soon as he can.
  23. Somehow the first time I read your post, I didn't grok that the message the guy sent was the first thing you heard from him. That's beyond rude. It's abusive. Specifically and pointedly intended to make you feel bad (and no wonder it was a joykiller!). So, I wouldn't hang it up just because the world is full of assholes. Although when similarly challenged, I tend to react badly myself. We must try to remember that they're part of this grand Creation... just like cockroaches and spirochetes. What I might do, depending on my mood, would be either (1) respond with a very pointed comeback turning the insult around (I'm thinking along the lines of "the same way you're going to - by getting fucked by the wrong guy at the wrong time") or (2) report him as abusive (not that Grindr will likely do anything about it, but then again they might, and it might make you feel more peaceful about it in any case).
  24. If you look in person anything halfway close to the way your avatar pic looks, I'd be all over you in a sauna situation. Sexy AF. But I think the question is an interesting one. I have the "everybody looking, no one seems interested" experience in saunas, too - and I've wondered the same thing. In-person meets from online connections seem only rarely to result in a "no thanks" dynamic for me. So, musing on the question, I'm thinking perhaps there's a difference in mindset for people in that situation. I do find once I cross a certain point with someone (often getting into a cabin together) things go much better. So maybe if we intentionally seek interaction with guys, rather than trying to sense interest from them?
  25. CCR5 Δ32 has an (heterozygote) allele frequency of 9% in Europe (and those of European descent), and a homozygote frequency of 1% Translation: You've got about a 10% chance that you're somewhat resistant to infection, and about a 1% chance that you're virtually immune to infection. Here's a link to the Wikipedia page explaining in more detail: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CCR5#CCR5-Δ32 Or, you could just be lucky. If you were only having sex once a month (on average), and if we assume that after about 1999 the number of contagious men you played with dropped to something quite small, you'd have about a 3% chance to have ducked the bullet. But the proof of the pudding, as they say, is in the eating, and the fact is, you're still neg.
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