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Everything posted by viking8x6

  1. About 20 years ago, I had syphilis. It is one of the reportable diseases. So I had to go in to the county health department and answer a few questions about my contacts. They wanted me to tell them who they were, and I refused on privacy grounds, but I did have to promise to try to inform them. All the fuck buddies, I did. Including a guy I was dating at the time who absolutely had kittens because he was bi and his girlfriend worked with kids (therefore if she were exposed it would be a huge deal for reasons I don't understand but clearly aren't logical). All the guys at the bookstore, well, I have no clue who they were, so they didn't find out from me. Although they are the likelier source. It is an awful lot of effort, and often the information isn't very useful. But it does allow public health workers to get an idea of what is going around where, and at least try to keep people informed. This is how we find out about an outbreak of monkeypox and control it before it gets out of hand. This is why, once, when I was cruising in Buena Vista Park in San Francisco, I saw a prominently placed sign on neon lime colored stock notifying people that there had been a high number of syphilis cases in people who frequented the park, and to take precautions. And yeah, I did want to know. Syphilis is a bitch.
  2. Stating this as "common knowledge" about "many" guys without specifying any numbers is bad argument, and does nothing constructive to support your actual question. If he has seroconverted (i.e. he is poz), he has HIV. As far as I know there is no other way to get antibodies for it, decades of research into effective vaccines notwithstanding. AIDS status is defined based on a quantitative level of CD4 cells (requires a blood test to find out) or the development of certain opportunistic infections (to be definite, requires a doctor's diagnosis). So you literally can't really know for sure without talking to a doctor - AIDS is an arbitrary dividing line based on particular medical evidence.
  3. If I were the management (which I'm not) I'd say it's fine for female guests to stay there, and the code of behavior should remain exactly what it previously was. After all, that's the draw, isn't it? If the female guests don't like it, they could choose to stay somewhere else... and everyone would be happier.
  4. Yeah, only if they were BOTH completely OK with it. Which would be unlikely, but not impossible. Otherwise...
  5. Relax, I wasn't intending to bash you. My purpose was more of a cautionary comment to keep the topic from going places it shouldn't. I think this is mostly a case of technology moving faster than society can keep up. As such, it is up to each of us to rely on our own moral compass, in both word and deed.
  6. Actually, we can call people out on this just as easily as the people can engage in it. I'm dubious about calling it out doing any good, as that gives attention to the people in question. Downvoting such off-topic posts is entirely appropriate.
  7. Technically speaking, downloading copyrighted material is making an illegal copy of it. Republishing that copy is another illegal act, and is (for obvious reasons) taken more seriously by producers and copyright holders. Using the material without remunerating the creator is morally questionable at best. That said, "people do it all the time". It is also relevant to consider that this site is funded to a substantial extent by commercial porn sites that pay to advertise here, and a discussion of how to undercut their business by using torrents might be something they consider unwelcome. There is a topic in the Tips, Tricks & Help forum on the related subject of uploading copyrighted material to this site:
  8. Ah, well... I suppose you'll have to settle for caring for your uvula 😉
  9. This is delightful! The detail and nuance make it a perfect gem, and I feel satisfied by it. The ending is so lovely, I don't want a sequel, I just want to treasure it as it is.
  10. Also, for those of us who do choose to engage in activities that have a risk of gastrointestinal contamination, I think fact that we all have a microbiome in there is good to remember. If you ingest Shigella (or any other pathogen), it isn't going in there by itself. It's being added to a complex ecosystem of microbes that is in a stable equilibrium and has many benefits for its host. If your existing microbiome is robust and well-balanced, a small number of extraneous organisms find it more challenging to disrupt that equilibrium and gain a foothold for themselves. So take good care of your gut, and it will take good care of you.
  11. No, that would be okay. Why don't you start a new thread? Call it "Scorpion Bikers Continued" or something. I can help you link the threads, if you don't know how to do that. I will add here that it's important to respect the creation of the original author, even though he's not on the site anymore, and you would do well to make it clear in your topic (possibly with a short intro) that yours is a continuation by a new author. This is a subject about which some people are rather touchy, and in light of the recent news regarding the original James Bond novels, I don't think they're entirely wrong.
  12. Fantastic start! Looking forward to more. Of course, the really sleazy Marine boys know they can get action at the rest stop on the I-5 right nearby... Not that I'd know anything about that. Nor Black's Beach, either. Oink.
  13. Well, advice on this kind of thing is worth its weight in gold... In my not-so-humble opinion (at least on this topic) it is perfectly possible to be highly sensual and to enjoy "crossing the point of no return and carrying the partner's seed" without even the smallest shred of "non-sharing, hierarchical, humiliating sex" entering the picture. Furthermore, I disagree that a huge majority of guys prefer the latter. Breeding Zone and sites like it are an extremely unrepresentative sample of men (or gay men) at large. Even here, there are a few members of this site who revel in wallowing in degradation, and talk about it at great length, but there are many more who simply enjoy the intimacy of bare sex and fluid exchange in an unapologetic way. Personally, I love the former and identify with it closely, and find the latter to be a turn-off at best, and repugnant if it gets too crazy. My advice: "You do you." Know what you want, and what you don't, and what you want to explore more before you form a preference. There is no "should" when it comes to these matters. It is your God-given right (nay, duty!) to have your own reactions and opinions. That doesn't mean you can't listen to and consider those of others, or try them on to see if they fit, but only you can decide what's right in your own life.
  14. The stable masters can give you a penalty if you do not respect the preference of the bottom. Some of the bottoms prefer safe only. Others are OK with bare, and it is fine to fuck them BB.
  15. Moderator's note: The article @rawTOP references refers to at least four different studies. Nothing in the tangential argument to his topic that began on Feb. 17th makes it clear which of the studies is/are being discussed, and therefore the argument is rendered bootless (no pun intended). The original post and @evilcoyote's response to it were discussing the penis microbiome and circumcision and as far as I can tell had nothing to do with HIV transmission. The latter was kicked around by the article (which had precious little actual content) in a way that suggests to me that its purpose is more clickbait than meaningful information.
  16. It is perhaps worth noting that the last two paragraphs of the article are not discussing Shigella, but antimicrobial resistance in general. Also, although the data available on the CDC site were irritatingly devoid of any details about mortality, it seems from what their materials and others do state that it is rarely fatal. So, probably won't kill, you, but will very likely make you wish it would for about a week.
  17. Hey all, any tips on doing this in the specific situation where you don't have access to hotel or shower facilities? I occasionally do some regional travel by car (typically 3-4 hours on the road) and it's fun to set up play dates along the way if I have time to spare. But I have yet to find a satisfactory approach for cleaning out. If I do it before departure, the results often don't last long enough for a play date near the end of the trip, and doing it at a highway rest stop seems problematic.
  18. In my personal experience, it is perfectly possible, and maybe even common, for people (including myself) to experience love that does not match up with their "sexual orientation", by which I mean the gender(s) that they normally find erotically attractive. Also, people can act on these feelings of love in many ways, including physical ways up to and including intercourse. If they are level-headed people with their own robust identities and not too much regard for societal programming, these actions need not cause trouble or anxiety. It's when we buy into the neuroses dumped on us by our environment that things get ugly. @tallslenderguy's mention of the spectrum model is quite apropos. Consideration of sexual attraction as a spectrum has been scientifically respectable at least since the 1950s and the publication of Kinsey's research. I was a guest on a daytime talk show segment on bisexuality back in the early 1990s, and spoke out about the spectrum in response to the host's (possibly deliberately) ignorant question about people being either straight or gay. My own opinion now (and for many years) is that a single spectrum is actually inadequate to describe human sexual response, which is very complex and can be quite situational even within one individual.
  19. Nature just published a "news" article on this (though the news is largely old). It appears that bone marrow transplants with homozygous CCR5Δ32 mutations in the donor consistently (N=3) achieve a permanent (>= 2 years) eradication of detectable virus without medication. This is not a feasible cure in ordinary cases, but the fact that it does work lets scientists understand some of the parameters that might lead to a feasible cure. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-00479-2
  20. I'm collating several old threads here in one place, with the hope that additional news and information on this specific methodology can be put in this single topic to make it easier to find.
  21. It surely can in my book. Hasn't happened recently, but I can definitely recall finding a voice off-putting. Or, on the other hand, very sexy.
  22. For me, not quite an absolute requirement, but very close. Love me some good kissing!
  23. Or, perhaps the real function of glory holes is something like this... ...or yummmm, if your tastes run that way. I once saw it staged in Delaware with body language that made the subtext quite explicit. Nearly fell out of my seat, I laughed so hard! Shakespeare had a filthy mind. He'd've fit right in here at BZ. Quote courtesy of FlavorWire: https://www.flavorwire.com/175717/brush-up-your-shakespeare-the-dirty-side-of-the-bard
  24. From that second paragraph, you're clearly in communication. Even a "just in the horny moment" answer is an answer, and it's clear that both of you would consider a bare gang bang and do find it hot. Therefore, I think you have little to fear. In your shoes, I'd bring the sex up first - because PrEP is an obvious conclusion once you get the sex on the page. I'd bring it up at a time when you're not doing especially sexy things, so it can't be an "oh, we were just in a horny sexy mood". Something like, "Hey, you remember last week (or month) when we were talking about a gang bang? Well, I'd be interested in actually doing some things like that for real..."
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