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Everything posted by viking8x6

  1. I'll agree with previous posters that you need to find an active venue, and that seems to be much tougher than it once was. Universities and colleges are good bets (if you can avoid getting ejected by the campus police), and mall department stores are notorious. Some hotels (the bathrooms in the publicly accessible areas) are good, especially the ones that are NOT on the main lobby floor (try the basement or mezzanine). If the venue is extremely active, you'll have no trouble figuring it out. If it's only mildly active, it's a lot tougher - and can involve a ridiculous amount of waiting around for someone to show up. Squirt.org listings can be helpful - though their accuracy is only so-so.
  2. I would guess RFC asked for it to be taken down. Seems like you have the full-length version, which they (very reasonably) want you to pay for. Normally their promo clips are about 5-10 minutes.
  3. That's David-PS (formerly David-SF). I fuckin LOVE his videos - they get me insanely hot!
  4. Here's a decent article on it: https://www.everydayhealth.com/hpv/what-are-hpv-16-18/ It's unlikely to affect your sex life appreciably, as nearly everyone either has HPV or has been vaccinated. It does increase your risk of cancer (anal or penile) and it's probably a good idea to monitor that, which you can do by getting a pap smear periodically.
  5. Anyone know who this hot pair from RFC are, or what video it's from?
  6. If you can explain to me how the post I downvoted makes any sense at all in the context of what you quoted, or in the context of the previous post in the thread, I'll happily remove it.
  7. BTW, I believe that the badges are something that was added to the platform software that BZ runs on top of, and have nothing to do with @rawTOP's implementation of the site. So they may or may not be particularly relevant to our content.
  8. Short answer: yes. Longer answer: depends what you mean by "health care bills". You will have to pay for it no matter what. If you want your insurance to pay for it, there's really no way to do that without them keeping a record of it. If you're OK with paying out of pocket, there are lots of options. Services like HIMS, using your regular doctor and sending the Rx to a different pharmacy and paying cash, getting the drugs from an overseas pharmacy. The blood work (to monitor your kidneys and HIV status) is a bit more difficult (or at least expensive), and responsible doctors will push you to do it. Which is a good idea, but in the end you are the one responsible for your own health and risks.
  9. My impression is that there is a significant imbalance in numbers straight-up in most places I've been. But the situation is greatly aggravated because, as others here have also observed, tops have performance limitations that don't apply to bottoms. They can only go so long without cumming (at least without discomfort), and after they cum, they generally lose interest (or at least erection - barring trimix) for a while. Four times is reasonable for younger guys, and older maybe half that.
  10. NO. See the following post from further up this same topic:
  11. Basically, Staphylococcus aureus (the bacteria of which MRSA is a particular flavor) is everywhere people are, because it is a normal skin bacterium we all carry, that normally doesn't cause much trouble. And anywhere MRSA goes, it can (and does) transfer that DNA with the genes for drug resistance to the local S. aureus bacteria. So washing people and things is a GOOD idea. But also, taking care of your skin is a good idea, so that your personal staph bacteria stay on the outside and don't get overpopulated. Because as long as that's the case, it doesn't matter whether they are antibiotic-resistant or not.
  12. https://www.xvideos.com/video60241789/three-way_fuck_in_the_bathhouse#
  13. I really wish there were, too! Unfortunately, it's a flaw in the design of the software the site is hosted on (which was not designed or implemented by @rawTOP), so we're kind of stuck with it. We do try to give clear explanations, but I will freely admit that they tend to be terse. We have lives and day jobs and are only doing this in our "spare" time, so we generally don't time to "write a novel" for every infraction, especially when things get busy. It is, of course, no longer in the same forum as your post, because yours was moved to the HIV fetish forum. I'm linking the two posts here so that people reading this thread can form their own opinions about whether each of them constitutes "POZ fetish" material and needs to be in the Backroom: https://breeding.zone/topic/78561-poz-tops-do-you-crave-infecting-guys/#comment-834929 https://breeding.zone/topic/2080-would-you-respect-a-neg-bottoms-wishes/#comment-168532
  14. Firstly, most points (including the kind you received) are not permanent. They expire. Secondly, had the moderator made a mistake in giving you the penalty, he would have rescinded it. But the way the policy (which we moderators don't set, we only enforce) works, ignorance is not an excuse for violating it. Thirdly, another member warned you that the post was in violation before you were given the penalty. So you could have reported it yourself and thereby avoided the penalty. Fourthly, @BootmanLA is correct. We cannot possibly keep up with all of the posts, and depend on people reporting them to point us to problems. Therefore, if you had simply reported the "very similar post" also in violation, we would have dealt with that one also. But you didn't. So now I get to wonder which one it was, and whether we ever found it. 🤷‍♂️ We are still sorry to see you go. Everyone has something to contribute. OK, maybe not the spammers.
  15. Nice understall breeding https://www.xvideos.com/video36403261/quickie_in_the_bathroom#
  16. As someone who has done a fair bit of interstate travel (not a trucker, but for various reasons I take drives of 200+ miles relatively often), I can tell you that the problem with Grindr (or other apps) when doing highway driving is that you're not in a given location long enough to get anything set up with the locals. By the time you've got a response from a hot one and agreed that you're interested, you may be 20 miles down the road already, and doubling back just sucks.
  17. Oh, my! Thank you for this delightfully literate thread! It's downright poetic.
  18. It appears to be quite decent in the major metro nearest me. Unfortunately for me, that's nearly two hours away by car. Anything closer is a bit thin - same few faces mostly (the closer towns are 20-50k population or so). In my town, I'm the only game in town.
  19. I find the difference in physical sensation to be pretty substantial. Certainly enough that I'm willing to risk STIs for it. Bare is a fair bit better than latex condoms, which are in turn better than polyurethane condoms or "femidoms" (both of those are quite nasty). I haven't tried "lambskin" condoms, but since they don't protect from STIs, there seems little point for MSM apart from as a fetish. The psychological difference is also quite significant for some (certainly it is for me).
  20. Of course there is! You'll be wanting this topic:
  21. Only did Cub Scouts. It was fairly clear to me by the time I got some distance into those that the authoritarian and religious aspects of Boy Scouting were incompatible with my outlook, so I passed on them. I had no conscious idea at the time that I was queer. I actually regret that decision now - I think they would have been good for me in several ways.
  22. Well, there are two questions here: The question of psychology (does the guy believe he's straight) and the question of semantics (who gets to decide what 'straight' means). I prefer arranging my logic thusly: If I'm using "straight" to mean "has sex only with women" and he's using "straight" to mean "prefers women over men" (both of which are widely used and reasonable definitions for "straight"), then we are inevitably going to disagree on what to call it when the situation results in different truth values for the two definitions. But we are splitting hairs. Obviously we're not getting enough 😉 By the way, have I said recently that I really enjoy your discussion here? I think we'd get along very nicely and hope to meet you in person some day.
  23. "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet." I agree the label doesn't fit. So he's (deliberately or otherwise) mislabeling himself. But at the end of the day, it's what he does that matters - politics aside (and there's the rub). So much this. Takes me back to my 15 minutes of fame (on a talk show in 1991 as a bisexual, as which I then I identified). He played the black and white card, probably to set me up to give the spectrum answer (either that or he was more obtuse that I thought). Indeed, I'm quite convinced that Kinsey didn't go nearly far enough. Human sexuality is far more complicated than a single spectrum, both as to attraction and as to actual practice. The physicists don't actually agree on the answer to that question at this point in time. There is experimental evidence that suggests the former (no, I'm not kidding).
  24. When they can't host and don't have a car and are a half-hour drive or more from me... I've done it. More than once. In fact, one of the principals is now an occasional FB (but he moved even farther away from me). Generally worth it, and I can still manage the gymnastics though I'm not as flexible as I once was. VW Beetle is a bit tougher than a Ford Ranger, but they both work. Given the option, I'd rather do it outside the vehicle - it's so much easier on the legs - but a lot of guys aren't cool with that.
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