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Everything posted by fillmyholeftl

  1. I like GermanFucker's explanation... I too, more so lately, meet (hook) up with guys who awhile back, I didn't consider my "type". As I am embracing my Pig bottom/CUM DUMP side more & more, and find different MEN attractive for different reasons. I don't consider those "Pity Fucks", but rather I have expanded my repertoire. There are still situations where I will politely tell prospective FB/Trick that I m not interested.
  2. I love "boys" (meaning 20's-30"s) with DARK or RED Sruffy faces !!! I myself have GREY SCRUFF.. Goatees seem a little "dated"
  3. Good LUCK, I have had some good times the last couple weeks when I go weekdays during the day. Nights & weekends, I must agree are lame for most part:)
  4. Had a "rough" week, packing getting ready to move... Took time to "myself" this afternoon.. Hit Club FTL (They have a pool & gym, so it's not a total loss)... Afternoons are awesome there...THREE LOADS, last from a HOT HOT DADDY Stud with a jacked up body & the nicest hairy chest & torso. Was all SQUISHY as he was fucking me & he was totally in to IT....he was fucking the cum into me & out of me all at the same time !!
  5. I am with rawcardiff on this. You can't expect proper treatment from a health professional if you don't give the facts. Go to an anonymous testing site/clinic, if you just want validation.
  6. I had my "boy toy" or TOP SON, spend the night & he gave me three good loads in my hole over the course of the evening/night ! (Oh to be 24 again!)
  7. I always get multiple comments on my beautiful HAIRY ASS.. I would NEVER think of shaving
  8. He is a Naïve KID for GODS SAKE, cut him a break.... He is not as P.C. as us more "experienced" men...
  9. "I Love your ASS"... "You got a GREAT HOLE, I love fucking you"...
  10. In the early 80's I slept with practically ALL my "friends". They weren't hook-ups, we just all at one time or another slept with eachother...wasn't an issue. Later a BF commented .."did you sleep with ALL YOUR FRIENDS"? I replied Hell YEA, what's the problem ! A number, sadly would die in the late 80's early 90's before the drug cocktails were available. (Now I am recalling getting fucked at the ANVIL and other great bars of the time !!
  11. It's "THE RAMROD"
  12. In my experience, having been in a LTR for 20+ years, open for at least 10 of those...spending a good deal of time apart from eachother, due to work or "vacations"... If someone has a reason to doubt the truth, the chances are, he's not being truthful. Once that trust issue is gone...do yourself a favor & move on & have some fun WITHOUT the strings! thats what I am doing & not looking BACK.
  13. THERE ARE DRUGS ALL THE TIME IN FORT LAUDERDALE... It's the unfortunate reality of the gay/sex scene here... I myself can get HIGH on the encounters with men, of a similar mindset to myself.
  14. it's very low chance, but there always IS a chance. wait 3 months & get tested.
  15. I followed the general directions of this video...it was simple I was squeeky clean & comfortable !! Thanks
  16. A number of years back, I belonged to a Gym that was attached to a office & hotel complex. The Men's locker room, steam & sauna were always busy with lunchtime businessmen & hotel guests. Often you would see guys in the locker room for up to 2+ hours, never setting foot onto the workout floor. I had plenty of handjob action (giving & getting) and once received a tasty large load when I sucked off a HOT MUSCLED Latin Dude. I now belong to an almost exclusively gay gym... the steam room & the guys that hang out in there are both pretty GROSS. I keep my load taking to my home & the ever popular bathhouses here in Fort Lauderdale.
  17. When I was a neg. bottom, I loved & craved raw cock. Having had my first in early 80's and in a LTR for many years, it was difficult to "settle" for wrapped. I tired to be selective at times, and knew my risks.. but was never what you would call a "bug chaser". Now that I am a Healthy, POZ .. I take all loads offered, but also if a Hottie wants it wrapped, i wont refuse him.. then I take the jizz filled condom & deposit the load into my hole for natural lube.
  18. this was a cool & informative video !!!
  19. No .. I have 54 on most of my profiles (only take off a couple years !! But I post a VERY RECENT ASS pic that gets the young ones interested immediately !
  20. Let me know when !!
  21. As i mentioned, in FLORIDA, one does not have to be infected for charges to be filed. Just be EXPOSED. I am not saying this backwards state is correct in having these laws on the books, just stating, what I know to be the background in a case here in Florida
  22. It's ILLEGAL in the State of Florida to NOT DISCLOSE your status. The "other person" (minor or not) does not even need to be infected for you to be prosecuted for non-disclosure. GE A TATTOO, its easier !
  23. I am not being judgemental, or "pushing" any sort of Lifestyle on anyone. I have seen MANY very close friends & an Ex-lover of 26 years DESTROY.. YES totally destroy their lives because of TINA. The social & economic ramifications are bad enough... but add the NEUROLOGICAL damage, that was mentioned earlier and for some people, this is a recipe for disaster. I thankfully have a wild, piggy and fulfilling sex life without added "enhancements".
  24. I always hear people complain about the "action" at WSC... I am former NYer, have MANY fond memories and on my last visit up... I spent about 3 hrs on a Monday late afternoon... Had a procession of 20-somethings use my ass, deposit their seed. Damn wish I didnt have dinner plans with my brother that night ! LOL
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