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Everything posted by AlwaysOpen

  1. Well, Happy Halloween! But you know, I just do not really get excited by the event. I mean, OK, first off, in the gay community, don't we pretty much live Halloween daily, between the drag queens, the guys in leather tit to toe, or sometimes barely in any at all. The muscle boys showing off as much skin and bulge as they can. But then on Halloween, it goes to the N th degree, with guys in heavy make up and elaborate costumes they spent hours getting into. Who is really going to fuck , or want to fuck, if the sheets and pillow cases will be ruined with all the grease paint the guy has on. Or if it takes an hour to just get him out of the damned get up- by then, for me, the delay may well have revealed too much about the person and the desire has eroded. I much prefer being able to hit a leather bar, connect and be in the sling inside of 20 minutes. Am I the odd one out , or do others sort of not get thrilled by the night?
  2. Thank you for all the time, effort, and thought you put into this story line. I have eagerly waited and watched for each release from you <g> . And while this tale has come to the end- at least along this thread <??> I certainly hope you will share more of your writing skills and thoughts with us !
  3. Loving it- firing up my libido with each chapter- and driving my Dick Rambone dildo deeper each time
  4. I used to go commando all the time, but about 20 years ago stress got to my gut and stimulated either IBS or Chrohns. I worked with a team outdoors, and at that point I had to have a safety layer to trap an unexpected flare up before I could find a place to have an explosive crap. Since last year tho, I have been on early retirement, so now I put on a pair in the morning ( usually the same ones from the prior morning) and head off for breakfast with a few friends. As soon as I get home, I strip everything off and stay nude the rest of the day, unless headed out somewhere. As for the type of underwear, I will wear whatever underwear I have found- at one time back in the early 80's, I had 4 boxes[the type that 4 , 1 gallon bottles of wine came in] packed full of underwear I had collected during my time working for a university in food service. I had carte blanche access to all the mens dorms, and one project I was doing involved checking the trash cans on each floor over the weekends to see what food the students were ordering in, so we could open up food outlets serving those foods. As luck had it, the trash cans were for the most part in the bathroom/shower area, so I was in there with a clip board marking down the number of pizza, subs, or whatever other food package I could spot. I knew 19 year old college boys were often drunk weekends, and often would try to grab a sober up shower ( or rinse the puke off shower) wearing their underwear in and a towel, and then after showering and toweling off, wrap the towel around their waist head on back to their room to crash,leaving their underwear hanging in the shower room. Back in the early 80's, "gay" underwear, esp in the Mid America countryside, was not a thing. By and large, I found white briefs- the old school Hanes with the red and black hash mark waist band, or the FOL with the yellow and blue thin band around the waist band. I always had a messenger type bag to make fast stuffing of my finds easy. And, back in those days, almost all of the underwear I grabbed were either small or medium- guys had not gone into the super size era yet, a large pair was rare and XL even rarer. I even made it a point to label each found pair with the dorm, MM/YR in permanent marker. I also had a decent jockstrap collection- many of them also finds over the years. I had a consult job at one school to come up with ways to boost their stadium sales. They put me up for a couple days on campus in a grad dorm. My 1st day I explored the food operation at the stadium and the stadium in general. As my good luck would have it, the new football season was about to start, and the players would be returning ahead of the student body for pre season conditioning- and the supply manager had that day gone thru all the old training shorts and jockstraps, and tossed them into the dumpster near the concession area. Most of the jocks had torn leg straps from the back of the pouch, and the shorts (nice gray sweat pant like material, in the late 70's short shorts style) had the elastic waistband stitching tearing loose from the shorts. I went back that night and grabbed several dozen jocks, and 10 or so shorts, all the while I had a legal pad and a sketch of the stadium I had done earlier, to use as an excuse should the campus cops drift by. Got all of the find packed in my suitcase for the trip home with a little room to spare- and as tempted as I was to go back for more.. better judgement said not to. Still have a few of the shorts, and jocks as well. (BTW- when I moved from the Mid South to Florida 21 years ago, I was tight for space in my car for all my things, and ended up dropping 2 of the underwear boxes off at Goodwill after hours. I can only imagine what the conversation was like Monday morning when they hauled all the donations in and found all those briefs, neatly folded and sorted by brand LOL)
  5. Man, loving this story. And def need more- I have been in a big sex lull, but your writing is starting to stoke my fires ( or at least give me wood and a real urge to ride Dick Rambone for a while LOL)
  6. Nice ! Now, what is the name of this hotel, and how long is the waitlist to book in here??
  7. Wow, cannot believe I never saw this thread, or replied to it before now. I was tall for my age in my teen years and by 1972 I had a drivers lic and a family car I could borrow. Only problem was I lived in rural NY, an hour out of the city, and being out and proud was just not a thing back then. Luckily, the city closest to me had a porn theater, and with my height they never asked for ID . I got my eyes opened to gay sex in all the magazines I bought the 1st year I could drive- so many in fact I ended up with a trash can full of hard core porn, which I thought was well hidden off in the woods ( but which I discovered one day, was not as hidden as I thought- everything gone!) An old man was my first experience ( pre viagra, and it was pretty bad all around) I did find out thru him about a couple other guys he had sex with, all about my age and 1 under a mile from me. I ended up with the neighbor, a year younger than me, in my ass every chance I could get. 1974 came around and I graduated high school, about then the college town had a disco open, and I went to explore. Saw some people I knew, and, a burly girl who looking back had to be a lesbian, at some point that night told me there was another disco that just opened in the next town away, and I would probably really like it. Called the Packing House ( it is apple country upstate after all) I went and saw a lot of men, shirtless and that 70's look, dancing and grabbing each other. My very 1st exposure to a drag queen was that night- she was holding court and called me over due to my height, and proceeded to grab my hand, bend my index finger to my palm , and exclaim oh this boy has a big one to her circle. Naive, I asked what she meant- and she schooled me in all things gay that night, including telling me there was a men only club in the basement, and I should go there. I had to join the club ( Hot Bunz, what else? lol) and got buzzed in. That night I found my 1st dark room, and took at least 10 loads back there. The bar became my go to place as often as I could get away. In September, I headed off to college, in NYC- and 1974 NYC was sensory overload for a horny kid ( animal terms had not been assigned back then, but I was a pig) Oddly, I never had sex in the dorm or even with school mates, but with Times Square porn stores,Adonis male theater, Gaiety, Mans Country baths, Club Baths etc in Manhattan, I had more than enough action off campus. By 1978 and graduation, I had kept tract of each new/unique fucker, and had at least 2,500 guys who fucked me. I moved to Mid America, and the scene was dead, but it existed if you knew the cruising places, or if you went to St Louis on the weekends and the bars and Club Bath. When I met the man who would be my partner in 1981, the man count was 4,500. We did a long distance (6 hrs) relationship for almost 3 years, and while apart a guy has needs, so I was still cruising ( and I doubt he was being celibate too) We moved into a house together and he wanted monogamy, which I really tried to adhere to, but still had some straying . And as a lot of people will tell you, after a year or two of the same sex routine , no matter how much you care for someone, it just doesn't hit that button. Especially if you want the kitchen sink sundae, and he is just interested in a vanilla cone. He was often on the road weekends, and I was at the ABS or the roadside rest area getting some action. It was also at this point I was diagnosed {1987} Post diagnosis our sex life totally died, even with a basket full of condoms I bought to provide him with a safer fuck. (I think the few times we did have sex was likely the only time I had a rubber fuck in all my life) I went into a lull after the HIV diagnosis, and steadfastly refused to go on AZT. After 6 months, he wanted to open the relationship up, we could play around, but never bring the trick to the house, and no getting involved, etc. I had a field day. The rest area was a wooded, red neck adventure land. ABS were plentiful, the park by the zoo had more fuck trails than my ass after a busy night, and thanks to Drummer, I was finding more and more of my kink side. By the time we split in 2000 ( he had broken his own rule and gotten emotionally involved with a guy) my unique , different cock count was almost 10,000. I quit one job I had and transferred to South Florida with the 2nd job I had to begin the next chapter of my life. And Ft Lauderdale in the 90's and early 2000's was wild- a lot of bar sex, sex clubs, computers were coming into use, sites like ManHunt were being used by guys for fast sex. And I had as much as I could manage and still work. Now, some 20 years later, my raw cock/cum count is likely upwards of 25,000 different men. Some I still play with now and then, but the last 18 months has really toned down my slut in a way HIV never did. Oh, and I did finally get on meds in 2001, mostly from all the toll stress the previous 3 years had done to me. Maybe I am a genetically gifted person, or lucky, but now at 34 years since diagnosis, I have not had any hospitalizations due to the virus, and with 1 pill a day have been undetectable 18 years. Oh, 1 other thing in a long tale - I am one of those 110% bottoms. I honestly can count the few times in 50 years of sex that I ever fucked someone- the ex may have gotten it 5 times, and 4 of the times was when I was really pissed off at him lol.
  8. Freshly fucked and a 70mm glass ball in the hole to make sure nothing leaks out, but DAMN I need more!

  9. Great story line- and I hope there are many, many more to follow-- reading the 1st two has energized my sex drive into wanting to get fucked long deep and hard today- thanks !!
  10. Kinda feeling like making it Slutty Sunday

    1. RotzBBengel


      Have fun, slut 🐷

    2. AlwaysOpen


      Ahh, finally was able to get down in the slut spot and had my hole deeeeep plowed  last night. 3 hours later, I finally had to remind him he had an busy day ahead and had wanted to make it a brief play LOL. 

  11. It was 86 Mill St- a small place right in a residential area about 5 blocks from the boardwalk area. And as my sometimes fuzzy recall recalls, the name, and the address, were one and the same.
  12. Ahh, under the boardwalk! Staten Island had a very active boardwalk too- and the parking lot for the beach was also a park and ride lot for the MTA bus lines. I spent a lot of time at night roaming under there, sometimes getting lucky, sometimes getting very lucky. It was mid to late 70's and the sex was casual and care free. During the day, there might have been some action there, but it was pretty easy to see right thru from the beach. But the boardwalk went for a mile or so, and at the next parking area there was a huge block building holding a mens side and womens side, bathrooms as you walked in from the public area, and then a large gang type shower/changing area beyond, walled but no roof over it. I walked in there one summer afternoon and a guy from my college, from my dorm- was just finishing showering. No one ever saw him, or his roommate, ever shower at school- they always hit the showers at 4 in the morning or when no one was around. Vinny was a true Italian Stallion- he was packing well over 7 soft, and thick. Uncut. I ended up offering him a lift home- (he also lived on the Island, but was in the dorm on a scholarship deal) Never had a chance to play, or to see it again- but his roommate ended up working door security at the only gay bar on the island- and I heard he was also hung huge- and sometimes sold it to the guys in the bar.
  13. Look, I will not play if I do not think my hole is spotlessly clean at least 15 ft up. So, if I encounter a shithole apartment- I am gone before my shadow has broken the doorway. One thing to consider, if the place is that bad, if he is that far out of the real world to keep it somewhat clean and picked up, then at some point he is going to be out on the street- either evicted by a landlord who has had it with the bugs and other tenant complaints, or if he owns; by a bank he was too distracted by his other needs to keep up with the mortgage payment. And when that day comes, there is no way in Hell I want ties to someone like that- knocking on my door with a "oh, I am a victim of the greedy bastards who kicked me out for no reason"
  14. RT- still wish the points had an expiration date to them- I got pinched way back when when the warning points were introduced- for a post by someone else that I had replied to months before. Hell, even speeding ticket points drop off after a couple years ..
  15. As a gay man nearing the 65 yr mark, I definitely think the concept of several (many)FB's versus a partner or very good, even if non sexual friend is overrated. Yeah, I know there is great freedom with a long line of FB's, no hurt feelings and even a sense of want or desire to be with , in, you. But those guys likely have a partner at home that they are invested in. Guys at home who they know birthday dates, shared experiences outside of a bedroom to recall and remember. I have posted a bit before my life line- but as a recap- I had a partner for 19 years- we did some travel together and apart, we celebrated holidays and birthdays and created memories together. He and I moved from a monogamous partnership to a " don't ask, don't tell, and don't bring it home" footing after 10 years. And then he got diagnosed with spinal cancer around our 15th year. Lots of very long and very invasive surgeries, but his life got an extension. And when he was back up and moving, he went at life with both hands- unfortunately, he connected with a guy and had a 1 yr affair regularly before telling me. And he refused to drop the guy- so when the rubber met the road, I ended the relationship, upended my life leaving 1 job and the place I had called home for years, to start a new life with a part time job I had held during most of the time we were together, which helps offset household costs his paycheck did not cover. Within 6 months of me leaving ( BTW- at this point they had been "lovers" for almost 3 years, and the ex had endured 2 more tumor surgeries) they split up and the other guy was out of the scene. The ex and I were able to stay civil, and in fact almost friends 1000 miles apart, And I was his proxy for health care up until the very end. He knew he could count on me to let him go in peace when the time came, whereas he wasn't sure a family member would be able to say, Its time to let go. I am not trying to be a hypocrite here- I have been a pig and opened my door and holes to guys , probably with a lot less care or concern than I should, since the split 21 years ago. And many, maybe most of the ones who want to come to my house, and play and get wild likely have someone at home be it male or female, that they are slipping out on. Without exception, none has ever sent a Christmas card, or brought along a small gift no matter how many bottles of poppers, or how big a mess they made on their last visit. There has never been one to offer to help out with a ride when my car needed to go in the shop, or i needed to go in for same day surgery. And, in most of the cases, all I have is a screen name, not a phone number and regular , non sexual contact. So take it from someone getting closer to that age ( hell, maybe I am already past the door) where you become invisible to the people hunting the hook up sites, where the site filters others use no longer include your profile by and large based on age. Gay men are the reincarnation of Ponce de Leon- they seek youth, staying young and denying they are as old as they are. So the 60 year old is seeking 25- 40, the 25 year old in his profile states "absolutely no one over 35!" And all the guys who went for FB's over true friends end up in their latter years either alone, or resorting to rent boys, or returning to the places they used to find a new trick a day when they were in their 30's- parks, bars, bath houses ( at 10 in the morning) But even at that extent- damned few will wind their day up with someone to give a hug, or help with a task around the house. So really guys, take stock of your life, and know while a friend or partner may inhibit your wild side now and then, and require some hard work to make things work, in the long run you will experience a lot more of life.
  16. Happy Sunday! Just came across this from 2011 and thought I would pull it to the front for newer guys to enjoy
  17. Due respect accepted ! Perhaps the forums need a purge, if there are 16 pages going back 11 years, many if not the majority having no real value any longer. Who wants to check a listing that was for 2017 for a guy doing a one night sex party at a hotel that may not even exist any longer. Could be that is why the forums have not had much attention from the members.
  18. I can understand the need in most cases for a slightly wider radius for a regional listing- but , and I bet evilqueerpig can attest also- here in South Florida, there are any number of reasons why a Miami, and a Ft Lauderdale, and a West Palm Beach/ Lake Worth designation would be helpful. First off, each is a large urban metro area, and a pretty good number of gay men in each . Also, and this is something that someone in Iowa might not be able to grasp- but a lot of these locals will not drive out of Broward ( Ft Lauderdale) into Dade/Miami. Or go north into Palm Beach county. It is just another page in the book of " A Florida man..." Some might be the larger percentage of men in Miami/ Dade County are Hispanic and, in a lot of cases, speak only Spanish, while Broward tends to be the landing zone for people coming (escaping??) the North East and upper MidWest US and a primary language of English. So while Miami is 24 miles from Ft Lauderdale, in way too many ways, it is a world away for many. And, an even bigger issue-- the land where people can build /live only extends 7 miles at the most inland from the Atlantic. So all the folk moving down to South Florida are cramming in to more and more towering condo buildings- on land that might have had a 2 story Mom and Pop type motel . Our highways suck! To get from Ft Lauderdale to the nude beach near Miami Beach is a 23 mile drive. IF you are especially lucky, you might do it in 35 minutes, but reality is more like 45 to 60. And if you leave the beach in the afternoon, rush hour will make it up to a 90 minute drive. The point I am trying to make- a lot of men will not do that type of traffic and driving for a hook up. ESP if it is a 1st time meeting up. So yeah, a 23 mile drive to fuck in Iowa or Nebraska is normal and a 15 minute drive. Down here, people just say forget about it and will go to one of the local bars instead. So breaking the 16 pages that are listed currently in Miami/Ft Lauderdale out by metro areas in this case would make sense. (And a lot of those 16 pages for the Miami area really could stand to have the topic deleted- as a major gay tourist destination, the number of guys who post in that forum something along the line of " cum slut visiting May 3- 15 and want to be pimped out" is kind of silly, when you see it was posted in 2017 and has not had any replies and is not even topical anymore..)
  19. It was the 70's and I was a county boy in the city-- there might have been a famous cock in me, but I was pretty naive and honestly, 90% of my hooking up was in a dark theater, or in a dark room /maze in the tubs. (Just to verify how naive I was- my freshman year in college, 1974, I made my way to the Village, and spent 45 minutes wandering up and down GAY St, trying to figure where everyone was... luckily, eventually I worked up the balls to walk around to Christopher St and really found out where my clan was hanging out.
  20. Dr Scorpio charges for his services- and the fee is another chapter in this story ! LOL
  21. ... to be continued Damn, I sure as fuck hope so! This has been a fantastic read (great writing) and has filled the void of a few weeks of not getting fucked or fisted. Hell, it filled the gaps even before this recent slump in play ! Thanks ILBC for putting the time and effort into this for all of us !
  22. I went to the nude beach near Miami 2 times this past week- 85 and sunny brought out a lot of people, and the gay end was pretty well packed but with relative safe space between towels. Quite a few Latin men , since it was Miami area- and many were uncut. All the men's cocks were a delight to see- but what I noticed was the guys who shaved their pubes , esp if they were uncut, looked a little, um, weird when they would come out of the ocean ( the water temp was only about 74 ) with some shrinkage, or a LOT of shrinkage. Going into the water there was a ball sac hanging and whatever cock they were gifted with- and that bald zone was less a point of focus. But when the same guy would come out after pissing or splashing for a little while, his ball sac pulled up tight and his cock shrunk down to less than a pinky finger- suddenly the bare skin became more prominent in the view, and in some cases it made the guy look more like he was a nullo. When the guys with hair came out, the cold nuts and cock were still pulled up- but the image projected was more akin to what biology class and National Geographic instilled in our sub conscious as manly
  23. I always heard the Heart O' Chicago was an ideal set up- motel property above Boystown(I think, not a Chicagoan myself) Once upon a time, it would have been close to Mans Country and the Eagle on N Clark, tho those are long gone
  24. All hosed out, 70mm glass ball in my hole, and no one is in TOP mode in Ft Bottomdale

  25. Oh HELL YES!! I have no qualm getting a flu shot, or a tetanus shot, so why would I be concerned about a covid shot. IT had the same reams of reviews and reports and studies done on it as any of the other shots have had. In the much larger picture; if EVERYONE who could take the shot got the shot and got it over with, the sooner a more normal level of living could return. Bloated 50 year olds could return to their cruises and hope the buffet stations are still there. Coffee lovers at Starbucks could once again have a cup of coffee the way they like to make it, not the way a person behind the counter decides is the right amount of cream and sugar. Shopping at the grocery store, or the hardware store would return to a more normal level of frenzy- no more walking across a parking lot strewn with masks and gloves. Funny- people are afraid to pick up a can in a grocery store and bringing it into their home before sanitizing it, but have no shame just throwing their PPE waste for others to have to deal with.
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