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Everything posted by rockhard801

  1. A few weeks before I turned 12. I had played with my cock a few times before that but never went to far. Each time I played more and more and finally one day I felt a strange but enjoyable feeling inside me and then I started ejaculating.
  2. I don’t like having my cock played with. This is why I wear a jock.
  3. My favorite is having my ass played with. It gets me turned on and gets my hole to relax.
  4. For me it is knowing that my ass is being used by a top to get off. I get really turned on knowing I am. Just there for the tops pleasure. Having him cum inside me is a bonus.
  5. As a submissive bottom, It is really up to the top where he wants to deposit his load. Though my preference is deep in my ass.
  6. Pozzed since November 2021.
  7. My doctor has been pretty reasonable with me. When I saw him the first time after I tested poz he discussed treatment options with me. I have my blood work done regularly and when I see him he politely reminds me of the benefits of getting on meds. My doctor knows that I am in a relationship and that my partner is also poz and not on meds. For the time being I am watching my CD4 when it goes below 300 then I will start.
  8. Yes, when I was younger and had not started barebacking.
  9. 1)I can 2)I enjoy it 3)My orgasms are much more intense from ass play than penis play 4)I can orgasm multiple times bottoming. When I cum from penis play I am done for a while.
  10. For me it was always the rush I got from the unknown. Taking raw cock anonymously and not knowing what you may get.
  11. From what I have seen bottoms and tops come in all sizes. I am a near total bottom and I am close to 7” long and thick. I started wearing a jock strap at the baths because guys wanted my cock while I just wanted to bottom.
  12. I don’t really care as long as they are bare and unload in me.
  13. When I was younger I always used condoms but often wondered what going bare was like. Eventually I was in a long term relationship and finally had my first bare experience. When that relationship ended I went back to condoms only until I was in a long term relationship again. When that relationship ended I did not want to go back to using condoms again because I had realized I really didn’t like the feeling. For a few years I still used them off and on but as I got more comfortable going bare I eventually stopped. I haven’t used a condom in eight years.
  14. It’s a progression. I went from only going bare with long term partners, then in 2013 to guys I new were neg or undetectable, then after a few years to bare only but with guys who answered the status question right and eventually a few years ago to not asking status at all. Raw feels way better and there is a sense of more intimacy with the top.
  15. When I finally stopped using condoms and became a bare only bottom, I found the risk heightened the pleasure. Especially once I stopped asking about status.
  16. Spa Excess and Steamworks are great if you are into bath houses.
  17. For me there are a number of things that come into play as to whether I feel a guy cumming in me. It really depends on how thick his cock is, how strong the spasms are when he ejaculates and how big his load is. Once I have a couple of loads in me, fucking does feel wetter with much less friction
  18. That’s how it was for me. Always condoms when I was younger, only bare with a long term partner. Then after one relationship ended eight years ago, I realized I didn’t want to always use condoms. So started going bare from time to time with neg guys (never truly knew if they were honest), then I got comfortable playing bare with undetectable guys. Eventually a five years ago I stopped asking and started taking all loads raw.
  19. I am pretty much a total bottom. If you are having sex at a bathhouse, it is up to you to protect yourself. Bathhouses are all about anonymous sex. If you are a bottom and want to play safe then you need to ensure the top is wrapped. Likewise if you are a top wrap up. If you are going to bareback, then you are accepting the risks associated with it. I got some temporary biohazard tattoos and applied one to my lower back before my visit. So it was obvious to all who saw me there. I am not sure if it was because the bathhouse had only just reopened so there was pent up demand, me just being more relaxed than ever before, the tattoo or a combination of them but I broke my record for number of loads taken in one visit.
  20. I don’t know if exciting is the word. Definitely different for me. I tested poz last month and was likely pozzed in mid November at my favorite bath. Due to lockdowns again over December and January they only reopened a couple of weeks ago. My first visit back was amazing. I always liked to relax at the baths but this time knowing I am poz, I felt a new level of relaxation. As much as I love bottoming, I used to be a little apprehensive when ever I got into the sling or fuck bench. This time I had none of that when I laid down on the bench.
  21. I started going bare with the first guy I was in a LTR with. We were together for almost three years. When we split up I went back to condoms. If I was in a LTR I would go bare otherwise safe. After my last LTR ended a number of years ago, I realized I really didn’t like using condoms. I slowly started barebacking. First with guys I new and had been with but then one day I over came my fears and let a guy go bare in me at the baths. It was such a rush. From there I flip flopped for a few years being slutty and going bare then playing safe for a while. Then about four years ago, I just started always taking cock bare.
  22. I am pretty sure I know when I was pozzed and by who. I was at the baths the last Friday of November last year. This was the only time I have played between testing neg in October and poz at the end of January. I saw a guy with a scorpion tattoo while walking around. At little later I went into one of the dark rooms and laid out on one of the fuck benches. I took three loads. I got up and followed the third guy out. In the light I saw it was the guy with the scorpion tattoo. I didn’t know for sure I was pozzed until my last test. Since I found out that I was poz, I have replayed what happened in my head several times. About a minute after the second guy pulled out I felt a hand on my ass and then felt his cock push in. All he said is he loved a sloppy hole. He fucked really good. I new he was getting close because his strokes shortened and he speed up. Then he push deep in a moaned. After a few follow up thrusts he pulled out and we both got up. The event itself was no different than any other fuck. In my mind now I replay the last few seconds of being neg. I wish I would have known before it was him as it would have made the moment even more intense.
  23. As a bottom, I expect that if a top is fucking me bare, he is going to cum inside me. If I don’t want a guy to unload in me, I don’t have sex with him.
  24. I want it deep inside.
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