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About paintedgrey

  • Birthday 05/09/1971

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    New Zealand
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
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  1. Thanks for reply. I appreciate reading all the comments and I do pay attention to, and value the opinions on here.
  2. I'm about ready to start taking PrEP. I've thought about it so long and I see it will be a great release for me, however, I have these intensely strong feelings that I am intending to start PrEP to go raw, but I feel in my own mind I'm going to the deliberately 'forget' to take it once I'm on it. Is this feeling familiar to anyone?
  3. I've been learning to force myself to drink piss. It's been a fun time and now the task excites me.
  4. Omg, yessssss. Kissing a guy with a mouth full of my cum. Heaven.
  5. Good post. How long did it take you to finally do it, I see you've posted about it for a good while. Btw, not judging or being sarcastic, I have not taken loads beyond close friends, I'm just interested. X
  6. BDSM scenes where the sub is clearly not in any kind of pain or distress at all. I know that, having been there and done it, that all play controlled and the sub is in no actual danger, but when you are in that space, there is pain and distress, under the power of the dom. I hate to see the subs just looking like they are waiting for the paycheck. Also, why untie and release them to fuck them. Pointless.
  7. Guys wearing baseball caps. Take them off please. WS shoots with little or no drinking from the tap Orgies where they are separated into pairs and never mix
  8. Wonderful. Love this story. Thank you.
  9. That's the best option. It's not fun when you are trying to stop it 'mid fuck'.
  10. This is an interesting topic. I' m exclusively safe until myself and my play partners gain some trust (still super risky though, because trust to one person is different to trust in another). I found it takes a really strong effort to ensure you stay safe and it's so easy to let it slide (or slide in). Two occasions come to mind, one guy who claimed to be safe only, climbed on top of me when I was face down, promptly told me he had no condoms and tried to force his cock in me. I had to reach round, hold his cock and force it away from my hole. He was not happy, but still fucked my crack and came on my ass. Prior to the session he asked if he could tie my hands up first, but I said no. It's quite obvious why he wanted to do that. The second one was with a regular who I always stay safe with as hes a randy guy who fucks anything, often bare, and I know this. One session, we had met numerous times before, he had eaten my hole and lubed it up nicely, he rubbed his cock over my hole and slipped it in bare, I knew this and asked him to take it out. He smiled and obliged, said he was just keeping it warm. It was a huge struggle for me to say that, as I wanted it so much, but sometimes you have to do it.
  11. Wonderful. So hot.
  12. I have a colon snake. It's only about 2 inches wide but it goes 70cm deep.
  13. I'm obsessed with drinking my own piss, I drink it daily. Who else it with me? Can you take a whole day and drink all your piss from that day?
  14. James felt the warm water filling him, just the pleasant sensation of the warm water at first, then slowly that feeling of his bowels straining against the increasing volume of water until he could contain it no longer. He laid down in his bathtub and let the water explode from him, the warm brown liquid pooled around his body and he didn't care, in fact, he ran his fingers through the solid matter, squeezed it tight and watched it ooze between his fingers. James treasured all of his bodily fluids and treated them all as special gifts with which he had been blessed. Four rinses later, he was running clear and he was confident his job was done. He ran his fingers over his hole, it was nice and swollen from forcing the water out repeatedly and he found himself just running one finger round and round his hole. His clock was hard and leaking precum. He ran his finger over the top and tasted it. His precum was normally so sweet, but today it was just a mixture of the lube he used to get the pipe inside him, the remnants of his bowel contents, the usual sweetness was largely masked, but he didn't care. He used the slippery contents of the bathtub currently coating his hands to begin stroking his already hard cock, cleaning out always turned him on, so he was barely 3 strokes in before he blew his load and warm sticky cum was dribbling down his hand. He sat up, licked the cum from his hands and reached forward to turn on the shower. He felt clean, inside and out after a nice hot shower, although he had needed to shower twice. Just after his first shower, James had developed the incredible urge to urinate, it always happenned when he was cleaning out. Not one to want to waste anything, James had shut off the shower and laid back down in the bath and allowed his bladder to empty, directing the flow across his body. He shuffled down the bathtub and raised his legs up vertically against the bathroom wall too allow him to direct the flow of piss to his face. James opened his mouth and captured the pale yellow liquid until his mouth was overflowing then with a large gulp, he swallowed it. He coughed and spluttered as he really new it was to much to swallow in one go and much of it ended up spraying into the air, trying again, he just let the piss fill his mouth and flow down the side of his face until his bladder was empty. He squirted the warm yellow liquid from his mouth across his body and led down in the bathtub in pools of his own warm piss. Once he began to feel a bit cold, he stood up and restarted the shower. James began looking at his freshly cleaned body as the steam from the mirror cleared, he was glowing pink from the excessive amount of hot water he had been using. He cupped his balls in one hand and gripped his cock with the other, freshly shaved, they both felt smooth as he massaged them both until he was hard again. He dried himself down and went off to the bedroom. The room looked bigger than normal, James smiled to himself and thought about the enormous amount of clothing and makeup that normally filled the room, he had no idea how big the room truly was. He stripped off the bed and laid out the fresh sheets. He laughed at the idea of changing the sheets literally just before what he was about to do, but he wanted everything to start off clean, including himself. Bed made, he dragged everything else from the room to clear the floor, this didn't take long as it was only a chair from either side of the bed and a small set of drawers, he had let his wife Jayna take the rest of the furniture as he never used it. He sat on the edge of the bed and stared out the window, only then realizing he was still naked had been parading naked in front of the open windows for any passers by to see. Had anybody actually seen anything, probably not, but James liked to think they had. The lights were off, the front door was unlocked and he had closed every door in the house except the bedroom door. Music was playing on shuffle, but playing in an unobtrusive manner, more to give something to listen to while waiting than anything else, though currently it was playing some odd european techno music that James had forgotten he even owned. He appreciated the constant pulsing and throbbing of the baseline, it was heightening the mood. 30 minutes previously he had updated his profile, put 7pm as a start time; his old fashioned red LED alarm clock glowed in the corner of the room, it read 6.59. He waited wondering if anyone would actually show, how long would he have to lie here, he looked over again. 7.01. The music switched to some chirpy boy band harping on about love, so he stabbed at his phone until the speaker fell silent, at that exact instant, he heard the front door open.
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