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Everything posted by MackyJay

  1. Part V As my new buddy finished the kiss and got up, I could feel his cock pull out of my ass and it looked like another guy was stepping forward also. At this point I passed out again. When I finally woke up I was a little off my bearings of where I was at for a bit and then turning over to my side I realized I was laying on a cot and remembered I had had too much to drink and had passed out as my new buddy and his friend were going to help me to this cot to lay down for a bit. It must have been more than a bit though as it was now dark out. There were lights on an I looked at my watch and hells bells it was just past 9 at night. I had been out a good 5 hours. Damn, I had to get up and as I sat up my bud came walking up and asked how I was doing? I asked him why he had let me sleep so long and he said they had tried 3 or 4 times to get me up but couldn't so gave up. I though oh hell got to never drink in the daytime again. My clothes were stacked neatly on a chair at the foot of the cot. I sat up to reach for them and it hit me that my ass sure was sore for some reason. I looked around and both tables and the sling were busy again. I just shook my head and reache for my things. There were 5 or 6 guys standing around talking. I wasn't paying much attention but overheard some while I sat there trying to get my bearings more to get dressed. The little I picked up was something about a guy who had been in the sling, real cum dump, out of it, probably going to be poz soon (whatever that meant), must have taken 30 or 35 loads(whatever that meant too). My new bud came by again and the guy who had grabbed my ass too. Told them my legs were still mighty rubbery for some reason, which got a laugh out of the guy. My bud gave him a look of some kind and he stopped though. We just sat there for a bit and talked about nothing really for a bit. Then one of the guys who had been standing around talking came over. I looked up and he stuck his hand out and I reached out and we shook hands and he said something weird about me being his hero as he didn't think he could handle as many. He then turned and walked off. I just sat there and stared at him wondering what the hell he was talking about. My bud and the other guy both had huge grins on their faces. I had no idea what was going on but was starting to think someone was pulling one on me or something but couldn't figure it out. I tried standing again and made it to my feet finally. I grabbed my shorts to pull them on and as I bent over to step into them I all at once felt something wet on my ass and as I straightened up a veritable gusher seemed to come out of my ass. I quickly stepped aside away from the cot thinking I had all of a sudden developed the damn dreaded runs or diarrhea. As I looked down I noticed that was not what it was though. It seemed to be wet and even somewhat white in appearance. I stuck a finger in it to see and it was sticky and slippery at the same time. I lifted my finger to my nose and sniffed it and it had very little odor but one I know I had smelled before but couldn't place it. I then got real brave and stuck my tongue out and tasted it too. Still wasn't sure what it was but had a familiar taste to it also. I was at a loss. I looked up and my bud and the other guy were both trying not to laugh. I told them "Okay, now let me in on the joke, guys. What were you up to while I was out?" "You don't remember anything?" my bud asked, as he reached over, grabbed a towel and threw it to me to wipe off with as the liquid was oozing down my thighs. "No, nothing like this has ever happened to me before. I have no idea what's going on, but it sure is a mess," I answered. "Don't worry - I've seen it before," by bud answered. I wiped off and then finally was able to get my shorts on. I sat down again and as I did I heard a loud moan and looked up to see the guy in the sling being apparently filled again and loving it. As I looked my mind cleared a bit and I then remembered the fall earlier onto the table with the other guy falling on top of me. It was a little fuzzy but then it seemed like something happened. I then remembered something at my butt and yes, something wet and feeling good. I then remembered that whatever it had been felt so good I had a hardon like crazy. I looked up and both guys were grinning again. I was starting to remember things a little but foggy. I told them I must have had a hell of a dream. They both in unison told me to tell them about it. So I told them what I had remembered so far and as I was telling it I remembered more. I remember the guy having his fingers in my hole and then pulling them out and something larger going in and then in and out making my cock harder than hell. I then remember him pulling away from me and then a blank for a bit. Then it seemed I had woke up on the cot but my arms and legs were bound somehow and my buddy was between my legs then. I told them I seemed to be able to feel something going in and out of my hole again and my buddy apparently doing it. I then remember seeing a mirror and being able to see his cock going in and out of my ass. Then it felt so good my own cock started erupt and my buddy seemet to be done about the same time. I said wow what a dream. I then said there seemed to be a blank but every so often I had a vision of another guy and another guy between my legs for quite some time. I shook my head to clear out some more cobwebs but really couldn't think of anything else till I woke up a little bit ago. I said being around you gay guys sure made my imagination run wild in my sleep. They both were laughing like crazy as I stood up and pulled on my shirt. My sore as again seemed to be seeping fluids and I quickly pulled my shorts down and grabbed the towel again just a huge blob of stuff came out. I wiped it up and sat down again wondering what the hell was going on. Just then another guy came walking up and as I looked up he was asking my new buddy how I was doing and had they filled me in on how many cocks I had had in me yet? My mouth dropped open at that and I said what, what, what is he talking about. I couldn't even hardly talk it was such a shock what he had said. He said oh, sorry I thought they had told you already and turned and beat a hasty retreat. I looked from my buddy to the other guy. They both kind of looked down and the other guy said he had told me about that nice looking ass of mine might be trouble. He went on to tell me that when I had fallen on the table and him on top of me it was just too much for him and he had dived down and started to rim my ass and it had tasted so sweet he couldn't stop himself and soon had his fingers in my hole and then it was really too much and he had then stood up and in the heat of the moment and me moaning like crazy had fucked me and blew his load in me deep. I just sat and stared. I said I thought that was a dream. He kind of chuckled then and said it was dreamy anyway and a virgin hole had about driven him nuts with how good it felt.
  2. Wanting to be bred in central Iowa and soon I hope.

  3. Part IV I don't think I slept very long, like a half hour at most. I woke up to my new buddy shaking and asking "You okay, buddy?" "Okay, just tired," I replied. "It's more than the heat," he returned, remarking the 151 Rum I had been drinking was powerful stuff. "I should be fine. I've only had four drinks," I replied. "Yeah, but I don't think you realize how much booze you poured into your glass. You probably poured two, if not three shots per glass, and that's an awful lot of rum in a single serving." I just kind of nodded, too tired to really pay much attention. "We'd better get you up so you can walk it off a bit," he commented, as he and the guy who had grabbed my ass earlier each took one of my arms, and helped me stand-up. My legs felt like rubber and I could barely stand upright. We were all laughing but I had no idea why I was other than they were. They tried to help me take a step and I was so groggy I almost fell over, even with them holding on to me. My lack of balance threw all of us all off balance with the result I fell on an empty table. My buddy let go of me and ended up crashing into another table, and the second guy pretty much fell on top of me. Again, we were all laughing, the two of them at me as I laughed at their antics. "Lucky this table was here to catch me," I noted, which only set them off again in uncontrollable laughter. With that I spaced out again. Only for a couple of minutes, as far as I could tell, as when I came around the second guy was still more or less on top of me. "What's goin' on?" I asked. "We're getting a cot for you, so don't worry," he replied, and sure enough, the cot magically appeared and I crashed, more than happy to sleep it off. Completely exhausted, I nodded out for several minutes, only awakening when I felt something happening to my ass. It felt pretty damn good, even if it was miles away. "What's goin' on," I managed to ask. "Oh, you're awake! Sorry, but your ass is so fuckin' beautiful I just had to taste it, like this," the guy replied, as he drove his tongue into my ass crevice. I just laid there trying to think, but it was hard to do with the sensations he was causing with his tongue up and down the crack of my ass. Then I felt something actually entering my hole. I almost jumped off the cot where I was reclining, but found I couldn't move my limbs. They just didn't work like they were supposed to. He kept it up for a while and then it dawned on my befuddled mind that my cock was hard as a rock and throbbing. Just then my buddy came back and asked "Hey what the hell are you doing?" The other guy stopped his tongue but inserted a finger into my ass as he said he just couldn't resist this nice ass and it tasted so good. My buddy told him he probably shouldn't be doing that with me about passed out and not knowing what was going on. The guy said I think he knows as he has been moaning for a while and I just felt his cock and it is hard. With that he stuck second finger in my hole and twirled them around a bit and when he hit a spot I didn't know was there I moaned again. It really felt great. He kept up the massage there driving me wild but still unable to figure out exactly why. They were talking but I really couldn't understand what they were saying much with my foggy brain. Just heard a word here and there. Something about dangerous, toxic, convert, drunk. Last word I caught I was pretty sure of that but not the others at all. Between being tired, drunk and turned on with my hole being used I couldn't seem to keep a thought. The conversation went on for a while when they guy said he thought it was time for something and my buddy said something like he found this hot too. He said go ahead and try and see what it is like. The guy then pulled his fingers out of me all of a sudden and stood up. This caused me to moan as it left an empty feeling. It didn't last long though as I felt something wet on my hole and a pressure and I was trying to think and thought it was him putting his fingers back in me. It sure felt like all his fingers at once though and then boom I felt my ass give and a large pressure going inside me. It hurt but only for a few seconds as he held still a little bit and then I felt the pressure going in and out of my hole and it felt like about every other stroke went deeper and deeper. He was definitely hitting that spot and I was moaning in pleasure now and my cock was throbbing like crazy under me. He kept up what he was doing for a while and then I felt him go in deep one last time and it felt like he was shaking behind me and grunting some. I could actually feel something warm in my hole but had no idea what it was. Then the filled feeling was gone as he pulled back. My buddy then was saying that was hotter than hell watching that. He told the guy to help him with me a bit. The two of them then lifted me up off of the table and next thing I knew they were laying me down. I thought they were putting me on the cot to sleep for a bit and kind of spaced out again. As I faded a bit I felt something around my wrists and it felt like my legs were lifted up and out. When I came around again a minute or so later again my buddy was looking me in the eyes and I could feel the pressure in my hole again. In and out and wow, hitting that spot again and my cock felt like it was going to explode. I wasn't sure what was happening but my buddy right over me like that then leaned down and oh hell, he kissed me and in my state of arousal I was kissing him back. He broke off the kiss and told me my ass was like velvet but I didn't know what he meant by it. He leaned back then and I kind of lifted my head up. I then realized my hands were held in place by some sort of chains and my legs were being held wide apart and my buddy was between my legs and as I tried to focus I all at once could see down there and could actually see his cock huge and hard. I then noticed there was a mirror on a pole overhead that looked right between us. I looked in it and my buddies cock was hard alright and going in and out of an ass hard and fast. Took me a bit before I realized it was my ass. My mind was trying to figure that out and what it meant but failing as that blasted spot inside there was driving me totally in orbit and I could feel it getting ready to cum but couldn't seem to figure out why since I wasn't touching it. Then I heard my buddy talking. I tried to sort it out but again was only catching parts here and there. Something about him going to cum, fill that neg hole, toxic again, going to be a huge flood, hole going to be ruined. I lost it again though as I was watching in the mirror again as he suddenly rammed his cock to the balls in the ass there and I heard him saying something about converting that hole good now and then my cock erupted and sent cum from my stomach clear up to my face. Probably the most cum I could ever remember producing. My buddy then was leaning over me again but now was licking up my cum all the way up to my face where he planted another kiss on me and as my mouth opened he stuck his tongue in my mouth and I could feel something in my mouth also and swallowed.
  4. Part III My new buddy and I had a good laugh about his joke. Those two may have put on a show for me but they didn't know I was straight so their show was for mostly nothing. Not that I hadn't enjoyed the show but it was just mainly curiosity to me. We then went over and grabbed another couple of chairs near the coolers and got another rum and coke. Was about 1:30 in the afternoon by now and the heat was really climbing. Had to be a good 90 degrees or more already and going up. As we were drinking and talking it all at once dawned on me that I was still running around in my jockstrap only. I told my bud I had forgotten my clothes on the float. He said oh hell and jumped up and said he would be back soon as the float had headed out. All I could think was crap, how can I walk through town now with only my jock on and my butt hanging out. Plus it wouldn't do me much good to get to my car as my keys were in my shorts pocket. I had nothing to do but wait now and see what happened. Being inside this 'tarp' room was relaxing though. I got up and decided to hobble around a little and went out to look at the tables. I kind of limped around looking at things I really had no idea about. Ran into a couple of the guys my bud had introduced me to and talked to them for a bit. While talking to them another guy I hadn't met before came up behind me and all at once I felt a hand grab my ass and rub up and down my crack as he came around me. I nearly jumped over the table. The guys I was talking to about laughed their heads off. The new guy wanted to know what was so funny. One of the guys told him he had just grabbed a handful of STRAIGHT ass. "Holy shit" he remarked, adding "sorry! I thought you were the new guy who was there to convert." He also complemented my ass, saying it looked mighty inviting. I told him "No big deal. Nothing's hurt" and he joined us in a bit of a talk. I asked if I could help and one of the guys said hold still and wrapped one of those lumberyard nail apron around my waist. He said there is change in there and prices were marked on everything. I dug in and soon was fairly busy with customers. This went on for a good half hour. While selling t-shirt with a big rainbow on it to a customer I was leaning over the table quite a ways to help. The guy who had grabbed me earlier was right beside me and as I stood back up he was smiling. I asked what was up and he said if I kept bending over the table like that with that nice ass you aren't going to straight much longer and laughed. I told him I didn't have much choice at the moment as this was all the clothes I had and told him about leaving my stuff on the float and my buddy had went to try and get it back. It kind of dried up a bit at that table for a bit so I wondered around a little and soon settled into another table selling sex toys. I recognized the vibrators and dildos but some of the stuff there I had no idea of and was glad the prices were already marked. I was going a fairly brisk business when a guy walked up and asked about the difference between two similar but slightly different items. I told him I had no idea about them. I said hang on a sec and I will try to get someone to help explain. I turned and saw the guy who had grabbed my ass just finishing with a customer at another table. He turned my direction and I waved him over. He asked "What's up?" I answered my customer was asking questions about a couple of products about which I had no idea how to answer. He turned to the customer and then started to explain them. I was listening too so I would learn. I found out the products were two butt plugs, a type of sex toy of which I had never heard. I learned quite a bit in a hurry. One was designed pretty much simply to be stuck in one's ass, but the other butt plug had two features: it could be inflated to a larger size and also could vibrate. I had no idea there were toys of this sort, but again, it's always good to learn. After a bit I decided to take a break again and went inside the tarps again to see if my drink was still there. It was right where I had left it and I picked it up and sat down to enjoy it. The swing, which I had found out was called portable sling, and both tables were busy again I noticed. I didn't have much interest but nothing else to do decided to see what they were up to. The one table had a guy on all fours with another behind him doing a hell of a pounding into him doggie style. The second table had a guy on his back and they were fucking missionary style and the top guy was munching the hell out of the bottom guy's nipples. The guy in the sling was something else, with a guy really driving hard into his ass and three others waiting in line for a turn. I thought that was a lot. I got up to go take a closer look having never seen a sling before. As I got closer I noticed the guy in it had his arms and legs apparently locked in it so he could not get out. I said something about it to the guy I was standing next to and he said sometimes guys want it but want to be restrained so they don't back out and get a full dose for sure. I watched for a bit and then went back to my seat as the second guy was stepping up to the sling for his turn. I just shook my head thinking that I had been in on a couple of gangbangs with women, but this was wild for sure. I finished my drink and made another one. By now it was about 3:00 PM and that damn temperature was really up there. Had to be a good 95 or more now so this cold drink was really good. Between the heat and being on my third 151 Rum & Coke I was starting to get a little tired. I kept catching myself nodding but managed to stay mostly awake. Then about a half hour later my buddy finally got back with a big smile. We were both wearing only our jockstrap, but he had two handfuls of clothes. He had found my short, shirt and hallelujah, my shoes. He told me he was sorry it took so long but didn't catch up to the float until it had got clear back to the farm they made it at. I told him I didn't care as he had got them though. "I see you've been helping out," as he gestured to the money apron I was still wearing. I removed it, gave it to him and he walked over and put it in another cooler where they kind of stored that stuff. He came back and soon had us both fixed up with another drink. It was definitely more relaxing now that I knew I had my clothes though. We talked for a while and then he said I will be back in a bit and went out. I leaned back in the chair and finished my drink and was soon nodding off again. I kept telling myself to get up and head for the car but it felt too nice just sitting relaxing and soon I had nodded off to sleep.
  5. Part II The parade had been a hoot and getting to ride in it after hurting my ankle was kind of cool too. Wearing nothing but my jockstrap made me a little uneasy but hey, when you hurt to try things sometimes to get a lift. LOL As we crossed the finish line my new buddy told me to just hang on a bit as we were going to head back towards the start a ways to where they had set up a small camp for sales of gay pride items. That way I wouldn't have so far to walk to my car. My ankle was still hurting somewhat, so that sounded pretty good to me. We probably went back a good half of the distance to the start then. My buddy had hopped on the float too and stripped his other clothes off too, down to his jock too. I noticed he did have the same tat as the others and seemed to look to be in better shape than I had thought. Should have known from the way he had basically tossed me up onto the float when I first hurt my ankle, but now I could actually see. We both hung onto the same support bar and were again just passing the time talking about basically nothing. A couple of times we hit bumps or had to brake for other traffic. My buddy, being somewhat behind me, bumped up against me those times. I didn't pay attention until much until some jerk pulled out from a stop sign right in front of us and our driver had to hit the brakes pretty hard. I and my buddy were somewhat thrown on each other, and with laying on my back. I then noticed that I registered his hard which was rubbing up against my ass, which was essentially naked, as the jock strap I was wearing was open in the rear. We gathered ourselves back up and I turned slightly and glanced down. Yep, he was definitely hard as a rock and from what I could see through his jockstrap bulge, he was also very very big. He saw me look and seemed to be somewhat embarrassed. He told me he was sorry about that, but his busy schedule for a while now, had not let him have time for any sex and he was afraid the bumping against me had done him and he couldn't seem to control it rubbing up against my butt. I laughed and responded "No problem. Sorry, I turned you on for nothing though." "It wasn't for nothing as I enjoyed it, even if that's all that happened," he remarked, adding that my ass was really nice and firm. A few minutes later he remarked he would find a way to put his tool to use. We both kind of laughed, at which point he remarked "My boyfriend has been somewhat ill and is at the encampment awaiting my return." He also went on to explain his boyfriend just felt a little out of it, and in any event, and had felt neither up to the walk nor to the ride. He had probably helped set up their stuff though. He told me it would be about 16 tables in somewhat of a circle and they then set up poles in the center with tarps to make a place they could get into and rest or whatever without being seen from outside. We soon arrived at their camp and it did look nice. Away from most traffic but close enough to not be out of the way at all too. It had the tables in a circle, signs about almost anything gay and tops of tables full of things and customers and in the middle a circle of tarps just like he described it to me. He helped me down from the float but putting weight on my ankle still hurt like hell. "Why don't you come in and rest a bit longer and have a drink before walking to my car?" 'What the hell', I thought, I might as well, especially as I had no idea where my friends had gone. He led me in and introduced me to some of the others, and gestured for me to be seated, and asked what I wanted to drink. "Coke would be nice," I replied. "Be right back," he remarked as he disappeared into the kitchen. Sure enough, within a couple of minutes he returned, a Coke in hand, along with a towel in which he had packed some ice for my ankle. He pulled another chair up and had me put my foot up and placed the towel on my ankle. He sat down and we drank our Cokes and talked some more, then he excused himself and said he better help sell a little. He went and another of the guys he had introduced me too came and sat down and we talked a while too. After about an hour my bud came back carrying another Coke for me and asked how I was doing. I stood up and tried a few steps and had to admit it was feeling a lot better but still a little tender. He told me I should just walk around a bit and get used to it before heading out. I started to walk around the center tarps then as he went to wait on another customer. I walked somewhat slowly around looking at their wares as I went. I came to the opening they had made in the tarps to get into them. They were pretty well hidden from view from the tables and they had also taken the precaution, I noticed to not have any goods for sale for about a four or five foot section of the tables there. As I was just starting to go by, I came to an abrupt stop, as I could see from this point behind the tarps. What I saw stopped me dead in my tracks. There was some sort of swing hung from a frame, and a guy was laying on his back in the swing as another guy stood between his legs. Obviously the one man was fucking the other. I stood there, my mouth agape, I'm sure, for a minute or so. 'Wow', was all I could think. I had never seen two guys having sex before, and it had never occurred to me they would go about it in public. From their moans, however, it sounded like they were both having a good time. I turned to leave, and almost ran my new buddy down. He quietly remarked he was checking to see if I was or wasn't still around, and then he grinned and asked if I was enjoying the show. Then he chuckled, remarking the look on my face was precious. "That's the first first time I've ever seen two guys fucking," I explained. Taking me by the arm he answered "Come here, a sec," leading me right into the middle of the tarps. I have no idea why I let him lead me in there, but I stopped dead once there: not only were there the two guys at the swing but there were two wooden tables nearby on which four more guys fucking, two on a table. I stopped and stared with mouth open. 'What the hell?' was all I could think. "We don't just only come in here for rest but for fun, also," my buddy remarked with obvious satisfaction. Again he laughed again at my look, adding it must be quite a shock to a straight guy like me who had never even seen gay sex before. I had the presence of mind to reply "Sure, it's a shock, but go ahead if you want." I turned to leave, only to step on something with my bad ankle and all but fell almost on top of one of the tables, almost tipping it and the two guys off of on the ground. My bud grabbed me from behind to steady me, as I made my excuses to the two guys I had all but knocked to the ground. A few second passed before I realized my buddy cock was pressed-up against my ass, and that he was about as hard as he had been earlier on the float. "Are you okay," he asked, although I noticed he didn't move away from my body. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just stepped on something," which, as it turned out, was one of the guy's shoes. My buddy had pretty much picked me up off the ground again and then turned to set me down away from the table a little and his huge cock was against my ass the whole time till he set me down. Again, as I turned I looked down he again laughed, and remarked "Sorry about that. Guess that ass of yours just turns me on!" I returned his laugh, and added "It sure must!" Changing the subject, he asked "You want another Coke?" "Sure," I replied. As he turned to get it he then asked if I drank any alcohol. "Sure, Rum and Code is my favorite. The 151 proof stuff that, although strong, seems to me to be smoother." "I think we actually have some of it" he remarked as he began searching through a small cabinet. "Hey, yeah, we do have some," and with that he brought me an ice-cold can of Coke and the rum. I opened the Coke, took a big swig, just to make some room for the rum, and then poured a healthy quantity of rum into the can. He also made himself a drink, and we stood there drinking and chatting, although I couldn't ignore the reality of what was happening a scant few feet from where we were standing. After a minute or so the sounds from the table demanded my attention, and I turned to see the one man was apparently cumming inside the other man. Both men were moaning in pleasure and I could even see that the bottom guy's cock seemed to jump and he started to cum all over himself and he hadn't even touched his cock. 'Amazing', I thought, 'the two guys seem to be in another world'. I couldn't take my eyes off of them. My buddy put his hand on my shoulder and whispered to me, that he thought they were making more noise than normal and probably just showing off for the new guy, me. I looked at him and we both started laughing.
  6. I decided to attend the Gay Pride Parade this past month in my local town to show support for my gay friends with whom I work. There are about five of them. At sixty, I am much older. I'm also 6', and about 185 pounds. I've been married to my wife for 30 years, we had four children, and now have eight grandchildren. I guess I'm about as straight they come, but have always thought there was absolutely nothing wrong with being gay. It just wasn't for me and I had never even thought about doing anything with another guy. It was going to be a hot day, so I decided to dress for the heat and wear what I usually wore to my track meets: a jock strap, shorts, a tee shirt, sport socks and sneakers. One of my friends rode with me there and he was dressed fairly similarly. We found a place to park fairly close to the start, which surprised me, but then I thought, oh hell, when the parade is over I will be about 2-3 miles from here. Oh, well, can't have everything. We got out and walked over to the starting area and found the other guys. I was kind of rubber necking somewhat as I had never seen such an array of, well, somewhat crazy looking people before. There were all kinds of attire from just plain like I and my friends to wild costumes and back down to what looked to be a few guys with little or nothing on at all. It was a kaleidoscope of colors everywhere and I was like a kid in a candy store wanting to just see what all was going on. It was very festive scene and then there were the floats which were magnificent to look at. I started walking around to look at everything I could and soon lost track of where my friends were at. I looked for a bit but there were just too many people around to really look good. I soon decided the heck with it, I would see them later for a couple of drinks before going home tonight. I went looking for something to drink then. Soon found a nice little stand that sold my drink of choice, an ice cold CocaCola. I bought one and then wondered around some more but still did not see my buddies and the parade was lining up to start. I found myself by a float I liked the looks of, so decided to just walk along with it. Soon we were starting up and I found several guys walking around that float and on it all dressed alike, so figured they were all friends or at least had al worked on the float together. A few blocks later, one of the guys from the float turned and said hi to me. I returned his greeting and soon we were talking while we walked along. About a mile and a half into the parade I was starting to feel the heat and the long walk. The guy I was walking with told me I could take a break and ride on the float for a bit if I wanted, but he said I would probably have to take off the shorts and shirt as all on the float only had on jockstraps. I looked and was surprised as I had not noticed them stripping most of their clothes off on there till then. Only the guys walking were still in their shorts and shirts. I was kind of in a turmoil about that when I stepped on a rock in the road and twisted the heck out of my ankle. My new friend grabbed me or I would have went down. That pretty much settled it for a bit as he basically tossed me up onto the float. I decided, what the hell and soon had my shirt, shorts and shoes and socks off and was only in my jockstrap. My new friend then told me I looked to be in pretty decent shape for my age as I had told him that earlier. I thanked him and returned the compliment. I had not really paid much attention to his looks until he tossed me like a sack of sugar onto the float. Now, I noticed, he was definitely in good shape and although not a build of a weightlifter did have quite the muscles showing. I then rode the float for the rest of the parade. Looking around I noticed the other guys on the float all seemed to be in pretty good shape. Must all work out a lot I thought. I also noticed that they all, that I could see from where I was at, seemed to have the same tattoos. One, a tramp stamp on their backs and another on their stomach when they would turn and I could see it, of a figure that looked familiar, but I couldn't place it at first. Then as we passed a hospital on the way I noticed the design on one of the dumpsters I could see off to the side and it dawned on me they all, for some reason, had a biohazard symbol. I asked my new buddy about it and he said they had all decided to get one when they joined the club. I thought that sounded nice for them to do.
  7. I want to have my ass used as a cum dump and piss dump but that is way out there I think. Yuck, never going to happen to me.
  8. Although I think this story is slightly drawn out it is still one of the hottest on here by far and one of my favorites for sure.
  9. Another addition to my older post. I just turned 67 the end of May. Just over a week ago now, I went to the Iowa Games and competed in the high jump-Gold Medal, long jump-Silver Medal, 100m dash-Silver Medal, 100m hurdles-Silver Medal. Down from last year slightly as this year my blasted asthma kicked the crap out of me and my breathing until about a week before the meet, so NO training basically at all. Last year was 3 Golds and 1 Silver. Put this on here not to brag, but to show that some of 'oldsters' stay in pretty good shape and are ready for anyone of any age to play with. I Damn computer just jumped on me again. Started to say I am about 99% a bottom and can usually keep up with any age person and ready to be bred anytime at all. Come and get this hot pretty well in shape bottom an use it and abuse it and fill it up BB.
  10. I need toxic loads and soon. Who is man enough to come fill me.

  11. I need some cock and cum in me and POZ would be a big plus.

  12. I need to be bred

  13. Very hot and making my ass twitch with need too.
  14. I wouldn't care if my boyfriend knew or not, just fuck me and fill me good is what I want.
  15. If a guy dropped his pants in front of me with that tat, I would be all over his cock in nothing flat.
  16. Hot dream, now is it going to be reality when they do get there? LOL
  17. I need load after load of poz cum in my hole.

  18. I need cum in my hole and don't care whose it is.

  19. My hole is still empty and in need of any loads to fill it up full.

  20. pussyboy---read the end again. It says that Alex got up and UNLOCKED the door. LOL
  21. wow tell them to come here too LOL
  22. so hot and I would love to find a place like that for damn sure
  23. I would love a place like that to go to and take load after load.
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