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Everything posted by MackyJay

  1. Just read this again. 10 10 10 over and over again TEN
  2. I hope everyone is enjoying this guys trip. I think this is how many may feel, even those not straight but gay and have been stealth bred or just had an HIV+ guy cum in them thinking they were ok with it. Probably some out there right now going through this and wondering what to do or not do about getting loaded with this. More to come soon.
  3. Sure wish I was one of the bottoms. Never seems to be anything like that in Des Moines. Maybe you could set it up here sometime.
  4. Chapter VI Well, the first day of work sure didn't go good. My mind was not in it at all. Very little done as my mind was in complete turmoil over what I had done the day and night before. Every time I started to try and straighten up the mess here, my thoughts would become muddled up thinking about the Hitcher I had picked up in the rain the day before after almost hitting him. Then letting him stay at my motel to clean up and then what happened after that. Completely straight life, good job and married and for some unknown, to me, had just had gay sex most of the night. Steve, the hitcher, and I had played what I thought was just going to be some innocent cards and go to sleep, but ended up wilder and wilder and then had found out he was gay after letting him somehow suck my cock. Had seen his cock earlier, when he took a shower, and it was massive and had drawn my attention then. After letting him suck me though, he started to jack himself and I had been drawn to sit on the bed to watch this huge cock get off and before I had known what I was doing his cock was in my mouth and I had my first taste of another man's cock. Somehow it went even crazier for me after that. I let him maneuver me around and he was then working on my cock too again and then his fingers were at my hole and then in with some lube he got out. The feelings kind of overcame me and then his fingers were replaced with his huge cock. I had actually let him fuck me for the first time ever and then let him cum in me too. Then afterwards had found out he was HIV+ which freaked me out big time, but for some reason as he was stroking his cock again I could not seem to resist and even knowing his cum was toxic had let him fuck me again and again most of the night. Now, all day I couldn't think of work much. Got very little accomplished and then had begged off a little early by saying the trip there had really done me in more than I thought. I really just needed more time to think about what I had done. What do I do now? I headed back to the motel to try and get my head around what had happened. Why had I let Steve do what he did to me and then even more after I knew what he had. I told myself I had lost my mind or something. I had taken a little time at work, on a break, to look up HIV and found I could get to a doctor and get something called PEP, but needed to get there very soon to start that. I still had no idea why I had done this. I had never even thought about cheating on my wife before and certainly not with a guy. Now I had to worry not only about that but that he was HIV+ and I had let him cum in me multiple times. My mind was in complete turmoil as I turned into the motel parking lot. I had asked Steve to go ahead and stay if he wanted to as I was going to be there for about two weeks, but now did I want him to really or not? This was all way beyond my comprehension and had no idea as my thoughts continued to thrash about. I had not had sex with my wife for months and had been very horny, but didn't think that was the reason either. Steve's huge cock of 12" and big around as my wrist, had fascinated me a lot as I had never seen one that big before or even close to it, but that didn't seem to be the reason either. I had no idea what I was going to do as I parked my car. I just sat there for a long time trying to think. Pretty soon I looked up as someone was knocking on my window. It was Steve trying to get my attention. I halfway smiled at him as I ran the window down. He wanted to know what I was doing just sitting here like I was. I just told him it had been a long day at work and I had needed time to sort it out some. I got out of the car and we went to my room. When we got there Steve started to tell me he was worried that I had second thoughts about last night. I told him I did and was really conflicted about what we had done. He told me not to worry about it and if I wanted him to, he would get around and take off. I had no idea what I wanted. The fact that Steve had on tight shorts with the outline of his magnificent cock showing made it hard for me to think too as my eyes kept getting drawn to it. Steve thought maybe if we talked about it together it might help and I decided to talk and see what his perspective was also. His first words were it would be ok with him no matter what I decided to do as he had had a very good time anyway and had loved my 'virgin' ass that I had let him take. He thought it had been an exceptional fuck for him and thought it had been for me too. He went on to say that he thought I had already known his status from when he had paraded in front of the window naked. He had been facing away half of the time with the tat showing. I told him that quite frankly I had not been able to get my eyes that high with his big cock waving at me coming towards me and his nice ass swaying going away. He kind of laughed at that saying that it happens. He told me he was sorry about that but was part of the reason he had scraped me some with his fingernails when his fingers were in me to make a better path for his toxic cum to get into me as he thought I had wanted it. I then told him I needed to take a shower and relax some. I went into the bathroom to get my clothes off and jumped into the shower. I just needed some time, again, to think and some nice hot water to wash away my stress. I just stood under the water letting it soak in. Then, I had not heard the door open or anyone come in, without warning the shower curtain pulled back and Steve stepped into the shower naked also. I asked what he was doing and he told me he thought I needed someone to rub me down and help me relax and he was good at that. I could not move. He then grabbed the soap and told me to turn around and he then began to soap up my back and shoulders and rubbing my muscles. It did feel good for sure. He rubbed my shoulders and then stepping back he pushed me over a little as he rubbed down my back, kneading my muscles more and I could feel the tenseness going away little by little. As he got lower and then soaped my ass though I tensed up again and he stopped. He then pulled me around facing him and started to soap my chest and stomach and rubbed me down and again I felt more relaxed. He went down and I could not help it, my cock came up by itself as it felt so good. I opened my eyes then to see Steve smiling and looking down I saw that his huge cock was fully up also and pointed right at my face. Again, I tensed up and Steve apparently felt it and stepped away telling me not to worry about it. We didn't need to do anything if I didn't want to. We got out of the shower then and Steve grabbed a towel and told me he would dry me off and I let him. It felt good as he rubbed hard with the towel and I started to relax again. My hardon went down thankfully and as I turned around so he could dry my front also I noticed that his had not. The 'monster' just stood there and I could not take my eyes off of it. Getting done with me he then started to dry himself off and I could only stand there and stare at his beauty of a cock as it swayed as he rubbed himself dry. We went into the other room then and I started to get dressed still not trusting myself naked and Steve with a huge hard cock I could not take my eyes off of. I told him I needed to go get something to eat. He told me he had already eaten and would wait for me there. He told me to take my time and think about what I wanted and he would be ok with whatever I decided. He was just going to hang and let me think which was hard with him there and still naked and still hard. I could not even look him in the eye as my head would not come up and I kept staring at his cock. I finally broke off and told him I would be back in a bit. He told me he was going to get on his computer and see if any friends were on so he would be fine till I got back. I just went across the street to a little diner and got a booth as far to the back as possible. I had a hell of a lot to think about. Work was a hassle, what to do about my wife, and what to do about Steve now also and then what the hell to do about Steve being HIV+ and I had let him cum in me multiple times last night and I could not stop thinking about the pleasure his huge cock had brought me too. All kinds of emotions going through my mind and no idea what the hell I had done or what to do now. I ordered a meal but basically just picked at it as my mind just was not on it but in a turmoil of emotions. I found myself elated and sad and worried and about every emotion possible running through my head. I was also terrified I was going to get HIV and what to do about that now too. So much had happened in just a little over 24 hours and could not seem to get a single coherent thought to come to a decision.
  5. So, have you found out yet if he is poz or not?
  6. Damn, did it again. Started the next chapter and wrote probably about 8 paragraphs and was late last night and fell asleep. Lost the whole thing off of here. Now, will have to start all over again on Chapter VI. UGH
  7. Being a bottom, I have mixed feelings about lube. I think it somewhat depends on the size of the cock a lot also. Smaller cocks need less lube for sure and larger ones need some at times and at times a lot. I have had cocks in me from about 3" to a guaranteed 12" and from about as big around as my thumb to as big around as my wrist. Smaller ones, a drop of lube or spit or sometims nothing works fine. The larger they get the more lube needed. Most of my tops have always wanted at least some lube as it can dry out enough to make their cocks uncomfortable in me. Depends on the mood and size all the way. Also depends on how much pain you and your top can handle. I prefer as little lube as possible though.
  8. Very hot and if you find too many, LOL, send one here as there seems to be none around here anywhere.
  9. And again I thank bearbandit for his contribution to the discussion. Your very educated answers to HIV questions are greatly appreciated, at least by me anyway, and are always very insightful and spot on. I try to look things up but being actually pretty new to the scene, cannot even hope to understand a lot of it nor what someone who has HIV is going through. I am, as of last test, still neg. Have only been doing anything with guys for maybe about a dozen years at most. Most of the early years of that was like only a couple of times per year and about 99% of my 'play' with guys has actually come in the last about 3 years or a little over.
  10. A big thankyou to Dr Scorpio. Thanks for moving that feed. Sure hope nothing has happened to Orlandoneg that started the story. Liked the other ending in a way but just really did not fit either the title nor what the original story seemed to be about at all. Think maybe even, Orlando, from the first three 'chapters' was heading in another direction and looked to be at least two or maybe even three more chapters to head into. At least in my little opinion it could very easily go that many more. Actually, I see Ryan, hanging up the phone and saying he can't at this time and then getting there at a later date.
  11. Hey, cum bitch. I don't think there are any rules on that, or at least that I have heard of although most were continued by someone else at the request of the original. I like yours in many ways but at the same time I just did not think it held true to the original entirely nor the title of the story. Hot and I love the first three originals, although by the end of the third one it seemed as if he even had gotten slightly off the title track some, but stayed very hot.
  12. I think we would all love cable guys like these. Bring them on.
  13. It was an interesting turn to the story in a way but just didn't seem to have the allure of the original is all.
  14. Somewhat hot ending but not by orlandoneg who started it. Didn't think it sounded the same nor even close to what it had started as. Nice try though, cum bitch, but think it went astray from the original and not nearly as hot as it started. Hope Orlando actually does finish his story soon though.
  15. Oh, hell yes. Way to go Tight. Love it and hope you get more. Still looking for my first hvl here.
  16. I have been fisted before too and just love the feeling of it. Been a long time now though and really want to get back into it again.
  17. I would love this to happen to me sometime and the sooner the better.
  18. Chapter V I had to open my mouth very wide to get the head of Steve's cock in my mouth. I could taste his precum and it was a lot of it. I couldn't believe someone had that much and I slowly sucked on his head. His hand on the back of my head didn't push me down but just gently held me there. He was whispering to me and telling me how good that felt. I had no idea what to do really but just kind of sucked and licked his cock head. I was thinking, what the hell am I doing and why and I had no idea but could not seem to stop myself? There was little taste but what there was wasn't too bad and I kind of was getting turned on as he moaned softly. I kept it up for a bit and it must have been a good 5 minutes or more and then I felt his hand on the back of my head gently pushing down and I tried to open my mouth even further to take his huge pole in me. Soon I felt it hit into my throat and I started to gag and he let up on my head and eased out just a bit until I could breathe better and then back in gently. He kept it up and eventually I could tell he was going down into my throat a ways, still not all of his 12" but I would guess that I was taking a good 9" or maybe a little more in. He then started to help me as he started to raise up off of the bed and fucking my mouth. I could hardly believe that he was still producing so much precum but I was beginning to love the taste and his cock in my mouth felt wonderful. As I was sucking him I felt his hands start to pull me around on the bed till he could reach my cock. As he took ahold of me it dawned on me that I was hard as a rock again. Usually took me a lot longer to get up after cumming like I had when he had sucked me. He started to stroke my cock nice and easy and slow as I continued to suck him. He then pushed on me some and the next thing I knew I was on my side and then on my back and his cock was still in my mouth. Steve then all at once pulled his cock out of my mouth and told me to wait a minute as he wanted to get something out of his pack. He grabbed it real quick, opened it and reached in and it looked like he got a tube of something out of it. He turned back and was already squeezing some of it onto his cock and told me I was going to love this. I asked what that was and he told me it was flavored lube. I had heard of that but never tried any and as he got it rubbed all over his cock he climbed on top of me and leaned over to put some on my cock also. As he did that I for once was not looking at his cock and he was sitting on his ass so I was looking at his back and noticed he had a tramp stamp tat, but only got a glimpse of it as he again raised up and lowered his cock towards my mouth. The tat had seemed to be some sort of almost circular figure but kind of openings around it too, just too quick for me to see it good. As his cock came down I opened my mouth and guided it in myself this time and started to suck him again. He was right, too, as the flavor turned out to be one of my favorite things, Strawberry. I really went to town sucking then and felt his mouth envelope my cock too. I was almost in heaven with the feelings and the flavors and I thought this is great, crazy but great. As we were both sucking, every once in a while he would stop and lift up and reach down and rub a little more of the lube on his cock for me and then would dribble it on my cock and I could feel it running down my cock and balls and into the crac of my ass. About the fourth time he did that I felt his hands on my ass and they were massaging my cheeks again and then one hand ran up and down the crack and around in a circle of my hole again. The tickle about drove me wild again. All at once he went deep on my cock with his mouth and as he did I felt a finger push against my hole and with all the lube it started to enter and I lifted right up off of the bed and was moaning around his cock at the pleasure. I then felt his finger come back out and he grabbed my legs with both hands and raised them way up as far as he could and then I felt his mouth come off of my cock and his tongue licked down the underside of it and then he was licking and sucking my balls for a little bit. Steve then went down lower and all at once I felt his tongue licking around my hole and again the feeling made me lift right off of the bed. He kept licking around my hole for a bit and then I felt him dribble more lube on my hole and his tongue was on my hole and pushing to get in. I about went crazy from it and lifted my ass trying to get more and more and I could feel his tongue enter a little bit. He kept that up for a while driving me wilder and wilder and then I felt his hand again come there also. As he kept licking my hole I felt his finger there again and this time it slipped right in. He kept licking and then I felt more lube being applied and his finger going in slow circles as he seemed to be trying to make my hole open more or something. Pretty soon if felt like another finger was in me too and the feelings were getting more and more intense. I was loving this and wanted to keep on going. His cock was magnificent in my mouth and I sucked him as good as I could. Soon it felt like he had more than two fingers in me and he was hitting something in my hole again that was driving me even more wild than before and then he quit licking me and looked over his shoulder at me and asked how I liked that, I stopped sucking him long enough to mumble around his cock that it felt great and he told me he now had all 4 of his fingers in my hole and my eyes had to pop out of my head almost when he said that. I didn't know a hole could open that far before and let his cock out of my mouth long enough to tell him that. He kind of laughed and said it could take more than that. WIthout taking his fingers out he then turned around on the bed and was between my legs then facing me and started to suck me more as he pushed my legs even higher up raising my ass off of the bed completely and I craned my neck to see . He was looking me right in the eyes and smiling around my cock in his mouth. He then let loose and keeping his fingers in my hole and turning and twisting them and driving them in and out too and sometimes I could feel his fingernails scrape some but it was so much pleasure they didn't matter. Steve then leaned more and started to kiss my cock and then up across my stomach and then to my chest, licking and sucking and kissing. As he got to my chest he detoured a little and sucked on a nipple and then across to the other one, never taking his eyes off of mine while doing it. Up he came until his head was right above mine and he was smiling and looking me right in the eyes and I felt his huge cock against my ass and next to his fingers still in my hole. He then asked me if I wanted the best thing yet or not. I could not think of a thing better than what I was feeling right then and I told him I was ready if he could do something that was better but couldn't think of anything better. He really grinned then and all at once he pulled his fingers out of my ass and I felt the huge head of his cock push in. I almost jumped out of my skin. I asked him what the hell are you doing and he told me he was doing just what he had said and I should take it and enjoy. I was pretty much upside down almost and pinned down and could really not do much anyway. I was wondering again what the hell am I doing? He held still for a bit letting my hole get used to the head of his cock in me and then started to push forward and I could feel his cock entering me little by little. I told him it was hurting some and he said that it would go away soon. He kept up the pressure and then lifted his body up some and I looked down to see that at least 3/4ths of his cock was in me now. I was shocked and had no idea I could take that much in me. His cock was so big I could feel it entering and it was hitting that spot continually now that his fingers had been hitting and the pleasure was starting to kick in again. I was squirming now and he told me he knew I would love that and started to pull back and then in again slow and easy rubbing my spot in and out and my own cock was tingling and nobody touching it. He kept up the slow rhythm for a while and then started to get a little faster and harder and soon he raised up again and as I looked down there I could see as well as feel his entire 12" of cock were entering me and I could feel his balls slap my ass on the instroke. He had been right, the pleasure was now far more than it had been before. I was now moaning and almost begging for more. As he quickened his pace some more he began to talk to me. He was telling me how great my nolonger virgin ass felt. It gripped him tight and he love the feeling and it was making him want to pound my hole faster and harder. He was also saying things I had no idea of like, going to seed your hole, going to mix our DNA, going to pour my babie in you and they will grow more in you, you are joining the club now, going to poz that hole good. I had no idea what he was talking about but it felt so good I didn't want to ever stop. He pounded my hole and got faster and harder and I don't know how but seemed to get deeper too. It felt better than anything I had ever felt before and I hoped it would go on forever. After what had to be a good half hour he really got to pounding my hole even harder and looked me in the eye again and asked me if I was ready for his cum in me as he was ready to cum and he told me when he did I would love it too. I told him to fill me up if it feels so good. He then rammed me and almost doubled me up with about a dozen more really hard thrusts and then groaned and told me here it is, take my poz cum. His cock was so big and buried so deep in my hole I felt every vibration of it and then felt the heat of his cum as it entered me and he kept cumming and cumming and grinding into me. After what seemed like several minutes he finally quit cumming and collapsed on me. His cock seemed to stay up quite a bit and then I noticed that my own cock had cum also and I hadn't touched it and his orgasm had pretty much overcome mine so I just now felt how good my own cock felt too. Steve's cock finally went down enough to fall out of my hole and he held me tight and kissed my neck and kind of rolled off of me. He was whispering to me how good that had been and hoped his seed took. Had no idea what he was talking about but I was too wrapped up in the afterglow of great sex to think about it. He kind of rolled onto his stomach then and laid there with his head turned to me looking at me and smiling. I returned the look and smile also. I then told him I had to get up and go pee. He just told me to hurry back. I went to the bathroom and as I started to pee, I could feel something running down my legs. I reached between my legs and got some of it on my fingers and then looked to see it. It appeared to be his cum running out of my ass, and a lot of it, and then I looked closer as there was definitely streaks of red in it. I thought to myself what the hell did his huge cock tear me open somehow. I got done and went back to him and asked him to take a look at my ass. He asked what was wrong and I told him it looked like some blood leaking out of my hole. He looked and said it looked like blood to him but not to worry. I asked why and he said he probably scratched me with his fingernails but that was what he had wanted to do. I asked what the hell for and he told me it made it better for his babies to get into my system. I told him I didn't understand that at all and then he said to look at his back. I then got a good look at his tat and noticed it did look like something I had seen before but couldn't place it. I told him it was a nice tat but so what. He then told me that was a biohazard tat and he was positive. I then told him oh ok now I remember and I am positive that is what it is too. He laughed and told me he knew what it was, but what he meant was that he is positive, HIV positive. My mouth dropped open and had to have hit the floor. I stammered, what the hell have you done to me? He then told me he has scratched me inside on purpose and had fucked me as hard as he could to make sure of more possible tears inside of me so the virus would be sure to get into my blood fast. I could only sit and stare and wonder again, what the hell was I doing? Just a few short hours ago I had been totally straight, married and never fooled around and then had picked up a hitchhiker and now had had gay sex with him and then found out he was hiv positive and he had cut me up inside my ass and it was most likely in my blood already. It dawned on me that he was talking again and telling me how hot I had been and didn't I love the feelings? Wasn't it the best sex I had ever had? As he was talking I also noticed he was stroking his huge cock and it was almost all the way up again. I found I could not take my eyes off of it as it grew to its full length and hardness again. I could only think omg it is magnificent and reached for it again. Before the night was done he had fucked me three more times and had cum in me 4 times more and I had loved every minute of it. I was to be there for two weeks of work and invited him to stay the whole time before taking off to hitchhike again.
  19. I really wish mine would have been like this silverbear. Very hot and got the idea as I just got my cable hooked up about a month ago.
  20. I am about midway between KC and Minneapolis so if you are traveling between, let me know and you can stop off and dump your load in my ass.
  21. Chapter IV OMG I couldn't believe I was actually letting a guy suck my cock, but I was so horny and his mouth felt so good, I couldn't stop him. Months of basically my own hand as a release was just not getting it done and now the feelings were just more than I could stop. Both of Steve's hands had ahold of my ass, a cheek in each, and holding me tight to him. His head bobbing on my cock and my cock going deep into his throat on every in stroke. His tongue rolling around the head of my cock on every out stroke. I had not ever had this good of a bj in my life. His hands on my ass were kneading my cheeks and pulling them out and in and it felt like one was moving a little closer to my crack? I then did feel his fingers kind of rubbing my crack a little, but I didn't care as his mouth on my cock had me so close to cumming. His mouth was just plain magic on my cock. I could feel my cock and balls starting to tingle and knew my load was getting very close to spurting. I was trying to tell him it was coming but could not get the words out, all I could do was moan. Then, I felt his fingers in my crack go lower and a finger ran around my hole and the tickle was too much. I grabbed his head and thrust deep into his throat and started to cum hard. He sucked even harder too as I erupted with one of the most intense orgasms I had ever had. My cum just kept pouring out of me. It was fantastic and I did not want it to end. As, I was coming down, it all at once dawned on me that his finger that had been just tickling my hole was deep inside me. I could feel it rubbing something in there and felt so nice I just stood there for a while and then felt him pull it out and the emptiness was not good after so much pleasure. I was coming down from the extreme high of my orgasm and now I was wondering what the hell I had done. Married and had never even thought of cheating on her and now had let some guy I had picked up hitchhiking give me a blow job and had loved it. What the hell? I walked to the bathroom, dragging my ass but good trying to figure out what the hell had happened. I didn't really have to go but closed the door and sat for a while trying to get my head around what had happened. After what seemed like hours, but was really only about 5 or 10 minutes, I came out and could not really look at Steve. I was totally confused about our play and had no idea what to do or say. Steve finally broke the silence and told me he was sorry about what happened. He told me that is just seemed like I was too uptight and had told him about all my work and no sex at home and he thought he would just try to help me out a little. I asked him what the hell had we done and why? He then told me he probably should have told me before but he was gay. He again apoligized and I told him to forget it it was already done. I went on to tell him that it had felt good and he was good at a bj for sure. I was finally starting to relax a little, still upset some but not angry and told Steve that. I thanked him for the bj and he told me it was no big deal as he enjoyed it too and it had been a while since he had done that too. We were both naked as hell too and I noticed that he still had a hell of a hardon himself with that huge 12" sticking out. I mentioned it to him and told him it was too bad I wasn't gay or I would get that huge puppy off for him. He laughed and told me if I didn't mind he sure was horny and wondered if I minded if he just masturbated himself to get off as he sure did need a release. I told him to go ahead if he wanted. Steve then sat down on the bed and started to stroke that magnificent cock of his. I could not take my eyes off of it. As his hand moved up and down on that huge member I found myself leaning forward to watch. Up and down his hand went slowly at first and then speeding up some. I couldn't help myself but got up from where I was sitting and moved to sit on the edge of the bed he was on to see up close. It was mesmerizing to watch. I could see his cock getting wet from precum and it was a lot of it, more precum than I usually had as cum. His cock was really wet now and slick. I again caught myself leaning forward as if drawn by a magnet to see this action the likes of which I had never seen or even imagined before. As I leaned forward, Steve's other hand all at once slowly but forcefully reached up and got ahold of me behind my head and pushed me down towards his cock more. He didn't actually force me down, but I put up almost no resistance. Soon I was almost touching his cock and he guided it towards my mouth and whispered to me to go ahead and taste it and see what I thought. It was hypnotic and I found myself opening my mouth and then the head of his cock was past my lips and I was getting my first ever taste of precum and cock.
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