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Everything posted by MackyJay

  1. I talk to several guys from up there that are poz and telling me to get there and they will gift me for sure, so you should have no trouble finding several I would think.
  2. To tell the whole truth though, i have not been with a woman sexually in about 3 years and had been just over 3 years before that with the last one. I would say based on that, that about 90%+ of my sex life now revolves around m2m. I also gave my word to one bud here about 2 weeks ago that from now till the end of the year I would seek out mostly and as many poz guys as I could and take their bare raw loads. LOL May join your 'hero' anyway.
  3. Chapter VIII Well, another morning and ready to get to work soon. Standing in bathroom of my motel room and staring in the mirror. It has now been about 36 hours since I had had my first m2m sex. I had been totally straight and now, wow, first gay sex, and then found out he was HIV+ and had let him cum in me not only that time but some more times. Then the next day meeting a friend of his and letting them both have sex with me and cum in me multiple times each and both were poz. What the hell was I thinking and doing? So conflicted now. Pick up a hitcher and now standing here trying to get my mind to work and figure out what to do now. I knew what I had to do. As I was turning to leave the bathroom and head to work, Steve, the hitcher, was coming in. He had gotten up to tell me good luck at work. I could not help but look down as he was naked, as we had all fell asleep that way last night. His absolutely beautiful cock was swinging between his legs as he moved. 12" and almost as big around as my wrist, wow, what it could do in my hole and I felt the familiar tingle there and my own cock twitch. Damn, stop, no time for that. I told him I still had time and was going to call a doctor today and see about getting something called PEP, I had read about. I told him I just could not get my head around becoming poz. He told me he understood and told me about a doctor here in this town to go see who dealt with HIV at a clinic. He then grabbed me and before I knew what he was going to do planted a big kiss on me and with his cock pressed against me I couldn't resist and kissed back. As I headed out the door he yelled he would be waiting when I got back. Work went much smoother this time and I called the clinic and was surprised as they said if I could get away they could see me that afternoon late. This also put my mind more at ease and made the day go faster. Then I begged off early again to head to the clinic. I got to the clinic and the nurse/receptionist gave me the usual forms to be filled out. He told me they were pretty slow today so it would not be long to wait at all. I had a seat but it was only for about a minute when the nurse called me to the front desk. He told me I had put down I was married on the form but was there to see about HIV? I told him I had gotten kind of dumb and picked up a hitcher and before I knew what I was doing had had sex with him and had never been with a guy before. I then told him that he then told me he had HIV and that is the reason I was there. He asked why I had done it and I told him I still had no idea and that before I knew it I had let him have sex with me several times, even knowing about it. He kind of grinned at that and told me he knew what I was saying. I kind of let that pass. He then asked if I had noticed any bleeding from my hole and I told him I had. He then said the doctor will probably want to do a rectal exam also and maybe even with a scope to look inside also. I went to sit down but again just a very short time and I was being called to go to the back to an exam room. The nurse/receptionist showed me back. I remarked he seemed to do a lot and he told me he was the only nurse and receptionist they had. He took me into a room and did the usual, bp, temp and so forth. He then told me I might as well disrobe and handed me a gown to put on. He then started typing some things into a computer as I took off my clothes. I caught him kind of eyeing me as I got naked but didn't pay much attention to that. Then as I got the robe on and he was done typing he stood up and told me the doctor would be there shortly. I couldn't help myself and glanced down at the front of his scrubs and noticed a definite tenting to them. He went out and I had to smile knowing he had gotten hard watching me get undressed. They both returned shortly. The doctor asked me a few cursory questions. Noted that I had a little time left but I would definitely need to start PEP quickly to have the best effect. He told me he had better check for tears, especially after I had described the cocks sizes that I had let do me. He was kind of shocked I had let not only my hitcher do me but then and turned around the next night and let his friend in on it too. He had me lay down on my back and the nurse helped get these things set up and my legs into them. I asked what kind of thing they were and the nurse told me they were commonly referred to as stirrups and normally used to examine women. I could see that. The doctor then took a quick look at my hole using a magnifying glass and told me he could see a couple of small tears but nothing bad. He then told me he was going to do a scope check and he would be back in a bit with it and went out. The nurse then told me he would get me prepped for the doctor. He would probably be gone a bit as another patient had come in and he would stop and look in on them real quick before returning. He then got between my legs and started to wash the area with some warm soapy water. It felt so good as my hole was still terribly tender from being used so much the last two nights. He then told me he was going to appy some lube for the scope to enter easier. He started to apply the lube around my hole and then inserted his finger to lube the inside of my hole. I couldn't help it from what had happened the last couple of nights and my cock started up and the tingle of pleasure caused me to moan. The nurse then looked me in the eye and straightened up. He kept his finger in me and I felt it rotate around my hole and he told me he needed to loosend it up some for the scope. I couldn't control the tremor that went through me from the pleasure and then he drove another finger into me and I almost came up off of the table with the intense feeling that caused me. I then felt another finger and then noticed the nurse smiling as he revolved his fingers back and forth in me. His other hand seemed to be busy also and then I felt what I was sure was his hard cock at my hole as his fingers came out. I couldn't move as the surprise of the moment caught me completely unready for that. His cock kept going in further and further and then I felt his balls hit my ass as he was all in me. I started to ask what the hell he was doing and he all at once pulled his top off and started to fuck my hole hard. I looked at his chest and was shocked to see a biohazard symbol tattooed around one nipple. As I looked up at his face he grinned and told me that yes he was poz and since I already had it in me to go ahead and enjoy another load. I could not move. He then told me we didn't have much time and he needed to cum fast. He then started to pound my hole really hard and fast. It was only a matter of about 3 or 4 minutes and he told me here it comes and he planted his cock as deep as he could and I could feel it twitch as he unloaded his toxic cum in me and my own cock exploded my load all over my stomach at the same time. As he grabbed the warm soapy water and was washing my up again the only thing I could think of was I am such a damn slut. Letting another stranger use my hole. How could I ever refuse a cock if I couldn't even refuse one while waiting to be examed. He got me cleaned up quick and then applied some more lube and was just finishing when the doctor came back in. He got his scope ready and soon had it in me and looking over my insides and the feeling of that scope in my just used hole didn't help what I was feeling any either. He commented to me that he thought I had told him my last load had been last night. I kind of hemmed and hawed a little but told him that was right. He told me it sure looked more like some fresh cum in me but he could be mistaken. The nurse standing behind him was grinning ear to ear and I had all I could do then to keep from laughing. The doctor told me he saw nothing unusual in there though. He had drawn some blood earlier too and told me to wait he would have some the results for that in a bit and then we would get me started on meds. He then went to check. I got the robe off and started to dress and the nurse was telling me he was glad I hadn't said anything. He told he was sorry but just could not resist as my ass had looked too tempting and my story of already taking several poz loads had just got him too excited. I told him not to worry as it had felt great to me too. The doctor came back in in about 15 or 20 minutes later and told me my blood work came back pretty normal. It was too early for anything to show up anyway. He then explained the PEP to me and told me how much to take and how long and so forth. He then told me I would probably need another exam in about a month and then probably again in about 3 months to make sure. He told me he liked things started at certain times and I was to start the meds the next morning without fail. I told him I definitely would. He also told me I probably should not have sex with those guys again to make sure also. I told him I wouldn't. I really wasn't so sure of that though and was just hoping. I left then and on the way out the nurse was waiting at the outer door and as I stopped to say goodbye he grabbed me and planted a kiss on me. It caught me by surprise but I didn't resist and he told me after to come back sometime soon and see him.
  4. I kind of wondered about the bar scene and the meeting and 'discovery' of John poz. Fit in but didn't either but did run well afterwards anyway. Very hot story and has a question I ask myself at times. I have thought it over and thought it over and I have decided I am NOT gay but very definitely BI. If it came down between a guy and gal for sex, I would have to weigh the options between them and the guy would probably have to be twice as hot before I would turn the woman down. That being said I am definitely a bottom with a man and love having my hole used and pounded and filled up as full as possible.
  5. Liked it hell, I loved it. I would love to take care of the bartender while the other two are busy. LOL
  6. Fucking hot story. People need to learn to follow their selves, not to be selfish, but to be happy and make those around them happy.
  7. May have to do that drscorpio. Second time now it has happened. Have no idea what I am hitting to cause it either. Crazy.
  8. Very hot story. Would love to find a place like that to go to for some fun.
  9. OMFG I have no idea what the hell happened. I was typing out the next chapter and was almost to the end of it and had been typing for ove an hour on it, when it all at once blinked and the whole thing completely erased. Just fucking poof and gone. Damn, now have to start all goddamn over again on it. OOOOOHHHH I COULD SCREAM.
  10. So fucking hot. I would love this to happen to me anytime at all and I have a nice set of handcuffs to use too.
  11. I need fucked! ANYONE?

  12. I can hardly believer these totals. So nice. I would be tickled to death to have gotten 10% of most of them. I don't keep exact track of my totals but think I only got like 10 or 11 loads in me anal and about the same oral and again no fists in me (double drat to that). I keep hoping for a lot more but it is a damn dead area around here.
  13. Sounds like fun to me and sounds like you had fun too. Nice going.
  14. Cabare, I wish it would have happened to me too. Used to travel from where I am to a town about 90 miles south of Chicago, about a 5 hour drive and would love to have found a hitchhiker even close to this. Could have had a 3 inch cock and I would have loved it. LOL
  15. Chapter VII I finally decided I had been gone long enough, had just checked time and found I had been gone from the room for over an hour now. I still had no idea what the hell I should do and was so confused about my feelings. Never even had thought about cheating on my wife and now had and with a guy and then found out he was HIV positive to boot. Not only that but then after finding out, had let him fuck me several times last night. What the hell was I thinking. It had felt amazing with his huge cock, but hell, I always considered myself completely straight and now this. OMG I just could not get my head around it at all, yet. I had left Steve, the hitcher I had picked up, back in my motel room where he had been looking over something or other on his laptop. I headed back there with still no idea what to do. I was to be here for about two weeks and had asked him to stay in the heat of our sex play. Do I let him stay now or not. I decided on the way back that I would leave that up to him as I could not go back on my word to let him stay. Needed a lot of talk with him anyway. Only a small talk with him before but I really needed to talk to him now about what had happened. What if I did become poz now? How could I explain that to my wife. The decisions were beyond me still at this time. As I got to the motel and started down the hall to my room, it looked like a guy was at the door there. I got nearer as the door opened and the guy entered and I found it had been my room. Who was this now? Strange. I used my card and opened the door and walked in to find Steve and the new guy hugging and kissing each other. What is this? Steve all at once noticed me and broke free. He told me, hey, look what I found online a bit ago. It turned out to be an old friend who had been driving through town. He hoped it was ok that he had invited him to stop by and say hi. I told him it was no big thing. He introduced us then and his friends name was Justin and Justin said he was glad to meet me and wondered if my name fit me well, Randy. I told him it did at times and we all had a laugh at that. Turned out they had met one other time when Steve was hitching through his town and they had hit it off really well then too. I didn't press the matter on that though. They both then sat down on the end of the beds and I sat in a chair facing them. They were talking and trying to catch up on things since last meeting which turned out to be almost a year before. Turned out most of their catching up had to do with who they had been doing. I listened and at times added my own comments or questions. It kind of then turned towards them both being poz then. I was kind of startled at that but for some reason found it exciting hearing about their 'escapades' in doing other neg guys. After a bit I noticed that my cock had started to get hard listening to them and kind of had to adjust my seating to kind of take some pressure off. As I was doing that my eyes were drawn downward and that is when I noticed something else I had not been aware of. Both Steve and Justin were wearing kind of short shorts and t-shirts and Steve was barefoot while Justin had on sandals. It looked like that is all they had on too. I noticed that Steve's cock was, although not completely hard, was snaked down the leg of his shorts at an angle and the head of it was just barely showing out the leg hole. I immediately turned my head and found my eyes locked on a large bulge in Justins shorts too. Didn't seem to be quite as big as Steve's monster but did look pretty big and basically also looked to be practically hard as it could get and threatening to pop out the top of his shorts. I still found this somewhat disturbing and immediately turned my head to look out the window to try and calm down my thoughts. It dawned on me that Steve was saying how that kind of caught them up to now and Justin asking what brought him here. Steve was telling him how he had started out on another hitchhiking trip and it had started to rain and about me almost hitting him and picking him up and bringing him here. I caught myself blushing then as Steve told Justin about us playing some strip poker last night and then about him and I having sex. He also told him it had been my first time ever with a guy and he had been the lucky one to pop my ass cherry. Justin got a good laugh out of that. Steve then told Justin that I was somewhat freaked out about him being poz and letting him cum in me and then letting him do me most of the night anyway. Justin laughed some more and looked at me and told me that it sure got addictive in a hurry didn't it? I had no idea what to say. They then both started to talk to me about it. They were saying and asking me about it. They wanted to know how I had liked it, how it had felt for my first ever M2M, what else did I need to know, how they both thought getting pozzed had helped them become freer and sex much better than ever. As we talked I became more comfortable. I was able to tell them how scared I was about what I had done. They both assured me that they were happy I had enjoyed it so much but also they felt how scared I was also. They said that was a natural thing and that they had both been scared when they did it, but now they thought it was the best thing ever. They had it and no longer had to worry about catching it anymore and could have sex with anyone now. I told them that was good for them, but I had thought I was straight and what would I do now after Steve was gone and then I found out I was poz. What would I do about my wife now. I was so confused. They both told me that there were straight guys who had tried gay sex and then went back to their old life and some did become poz. It would probably depend on how I handled it and if my marriage could handle it too. This talk did nothing to keep my damn cock from twitching though as the more we talked the more the thoughts came back about the night before with Steve. I could not deny that it had felt so wonderful. His huge cock pounding my hole like it had and filling me full of his toxic cum. I started to feel uncomfortable with my hard cock in my pants but didn't want to move. I also found I could not keep my eyes from roaming down to check out Steve and Justins' cocks and found that now both of them seemed to be very hard now too. Steve's was still held down my his shorts but now a good two inches of it was sticking out his pants leg and Justin's was now a good inch out of the top of his shorts. I found my eyes going down more and more and couldn't seem to help it. Then I did notice both of them grinning as my eyes came up. I asked what was so funny and they both laughed and Steve told me they both noticed I couldn't keep my eyes off of their cocks. I know my face had to redden at that but had to agree. I told them they both seemed to be well endowed for sure. Justin just stood up and pulled his t off and then dropped his shorts and kicked off his sandals and stood there naked. My mouth dropped open at this and I could not help but stare. He then told me he had about 9" and it was about as big around as Steve's cock. Steve had also stood up and took his clothes off too and his monster 12" stood straight up then. I could not seem to take a breath seeing two so magnificent cocks together like that. As I stared, Justin walked towards me till he was right in front of me and his cock pointing at me as I had leaned forward to stare at them. His cock was only about 3 inches in front of my face. I couldn't help myself as I reached for it and took it in my hand and started to stroke it. Why I was doing this I could not have said but just could not help myself. His cock was leaking precum and as I stroked it I leaned forward and took the head of his cock in my mouth. Only the second cock ever to be in my mouth and the flavor again was great and I soon was taking as much of his cock in my mouth and into my throat as I could. As I was sucking Justin's cock I noticed Steve come up beside me and he started to pull my shirt off. It was a button up shirt so he just had to unbutton it and take it off of my arms. He then gently was pushing me forward and up off of the chair and then reaching down to undo my pants and it felt wonderful to get my cock freed. It was up hard as a rock too. Then Justin started to back up holding my head to keep his cock in my mouth. I followed bent over and Steve took my pants off of each foot as we moved and then Justin was at the bed. He started to move up onto it still holding my head and his cock buried in my mouth and I could only follow him. I found myself on all fours on the bed with Justin's cock in my mouth and then Steve behind me. Steve the spread my ass and he then bent into me and his tongue started to rim my hole. I moaned then at the pleasure. My mind was swirling again and I could not believe what I was doing, but could not seem to stop. Justin kept quietly talking to me, saying how good it felt with my mouth on his cock. how nice my body was, and did I like how it was feeling and didn't it just feel so natural to be doing this. I was finally starting to relax some as the fantastic feelings washed over me. Steve's tongue in my ass was magic almost and then I felt his fingers opening me up again and my moans of pleasure increased. After about 10 minutes of this, Steve kept his fingers in me twirling them around as he asked Justin if he wanted to switch around so he could taste this nice ass. Justin was all for it and before I barely knew it Steve pulled his fingers from my hole as Justin pulled his cock out of my mouth. I groaned, wanting my hole filled again. The emptiness now was terrible. Fortunately I had little time for it as Steve slid under me and his cock entered my mouth as Justin's tongue and then his fingers entered my ass and I was back to feeling ecstasy again. They kept up what they were doing to me for another good 10 minutes. I thought I was in heaven almost. Feelings I had never known were washing over me in huge waves. Then Justin stopped his tongue and leaning up told Steve how great and tight my hole felt and he had three fingers in me and my hole was gripping him tight and trobbing too. He then said he couldn't wait anymore. I felt Justin raise up more then and then could feel his precum slicked cock being run up and down the crack of my ass. I tensed up then remembering that he was, like Steve, poz, but they were both murmuring to me to relax and let it happen and I would love it. Just let go and enjoy. I felt Justin.s cock at my hole then and it started to enter me. First just the head entered and he held still for a moment and told Steve how tight it felt and so nice too. Then he told us he couldn't help it and in one swoop he buried his whole huge cock deep into my ass. I tried to scream but with Steve's cock in my mouth and nowhere to move to I could only groan a little. It had hurt like hell but I felt his balls hit against me as his entire length was deep in me. He held still for a bit then and just as I thought it was ok he all of a sudden pulled back till almost out with only the head of his cock still in me and rammed it home again and then kept doing it harder and harder and faster and faster. At first I could only groan in pain but as he kept it up it finally started to ease up and then the pleasure started to come back and then it was great and I found myself shoving my ass back at him as he thrust deep into me. Justin kept up a battering of my hole and I found myself slamming my ass back at him with every instroke and loving it more and more. I was sucking and slurping hard on Steve's cock in my mouth trying to get as much in my mouth and throat as possible. Justin kept it up for a good 20 minutes and then I heard him gasp and he told me to get ready he was going to cum and fill me up. I found myself tense up again knowing he was toxic like Steve but had nowhere to move and don't think I could have anyway as the excitement and feelings were too much. Then Justin threw his head back and thrust one more time in me and held still and I could feel his cock throbbing and a huge hot flood inside me as he was cumming. He groaned and ground his cock in me as he kept cumming what seemed an impossible time. He then sagged over my back and kissed the back of my neck. I was still sucking hard on Steve's magnificent cock as Justin's cock became softer and he withdrew it from my now battered ass. As he got up off of me and laid down beside us, Steve all at once pulled my head off of him and rolled me over on my back and grabbed my legs. He then pulled them apart and lifted them high over his shoulders and drove his huge cock deep into my ass with one thrust. I groaned again, but this time, since I had already been opened up by Justin it was a groan of pure pleasure. He then started to pound my hole like Justin had, long, deep, hard thrusts that doubled me up with each thrust deep into my hole. As Steve was pounding my ass I felt Justin get up some and then he was over my head and sitting on my chest. He stuck his cock in my face and as I opened my mouth stuck his still partly hard cock in my mouth. I could taste the cum on it and then other tastes that must have been my ass juices and it was all great and I sucked him back to hard as steel again. Steve was pounding away in my hole for all he was worth and then I heard what he was saying. He was telling my how tight my hole still felt to him and how silky smooth it felt, how it kept gripping his cock and almost sucking on his cock. He then started saying how Justin's load in me felt great around his cock too and he loved being able to grind Justin's toxic load into me deeper and deeper. He kept it up for a long time and then he said to get ready. He was going to fill my ass again with his positive load and turn me poz also. There would be no going back for me when he got done and he was looking over Justin's shoulder and looking me right in the eyes as he said it. It was terrifying and unimaginably hot at the same time. He then groaned and drove his cock deep again and keeping eye contact told me to take my toxic cum and I felt his cock practically explode deep in me. His cum was flooding my hole and as he did my own cock erupted and I was cumming all over my stomach and Justin's back. Then Justin told me here I cum again too as he blasted his load down my throat. We then all collapsed on the bed in a heap as nobody had enough energy then to hardly move. I could hardly breathe with the emotions of what we had just done. After a bit I got up again to go to the bathroom. Again I could not help but reach between my legs to feel the cum leaking from my ass and as I looked I saw a lot of cum in my hand and again like the night before streaks of red in it that had to be my blood, only this time it seemed to be more. I got my hand mirror out of my bad there and held it to look at my now ruined hole. I was startled at what I saw there. My hole was barely, it seemed, close and was party open and I could see there was a small tear at one edge that had a drop or two of blood on it. I stared at it for a bit and then Justin came in the room. He asked if I liked what I was looking at. I told him it looked like they had tore me some. He told me that was probably natural as the size of their cocks did that to new guys a lot. He then told me the same thing Steve had the night before that he had tried to fuck me as hard as he did to make sure I tore and got roughed up inside to get their toxic babies in me quicker and help guarantee I would become poz. I was again dumb founded by this. I could not seem to move until Justin took my hand and was murmuring softly to me as he led me back into the other room. He was saying it would all be ok, just go with the feelings and let yourself become the cum whore I should be. Let it go. I was still out of it as he took me back to the bed and then I just let go and they both fucked me again and again until late again as I got 3 loads from each of them before we all fell asleep for the night.
  16. I would definitely let you do me like this anytime you would want to.
  17. Beautiful cock for sure and would take it in me anytime at all.
  18. My very first gay experience was BB and basically almost the only way I have ever done is since. I think I have had a condom used on me only about 4 or 5 times at most and find them to be more of a nuisance than anything else.
  19. I would love someone to set up a gangbang on my ass and he is the one choosing who comes and does me and I have to take whoever shows up.

    1. Ranger Rick

      Ranger Rick

      I'd just like to get invited to a gang bang and load the slutty ass of a hot bottom.

    2. MackyJay


      I want this so bad too

  20. Very fucking hot story. Love it. I am about the same situation, only haven't found a poz guy to do me.
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