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Everything posted by shyguyuk

  1. I should probably at least try to have a wank before I go to bed, right?

  2. Heh. I'm 37, and most people have got this figured out when they're half my age. By scene standards, I'm an old fogey before I've even started. That said: Where do you sit if you want to be gangbanged in a steam room? Purely out of academic interest LOL how did you know I liked flowcharts? (they appeal to my software QA heart) That said: guess I need to update my profile. Haven't touched it in years and I'm hearing that it's not greatly enticing, although TBH not much has changed (Cue six weeks of agonizing over what to write)
  3. I need someone to whore me out please.
  4. Does anyone know if there's a way to explicitly search for escorts on BBRT?

    1. sleazewhore


      use the search and put they keyword as escort - job done

  5. Here's the thing, though... if it wasn't for the fact that I seem, for some inexplicable reason, to have developed a sex drive, I would be perfectly happy not socializing and instead just spending every evening curled up on the sofa with a negroni and a copy of I, Robot. What I said above about "Faking It" wasn't an exaggeration - when I'm talking to someone, I actually have to consciously think things like "I should probably laugh at that", and keeping it up - which I have to do pretty much constantly at work - is actually physically exhausting. I find abstract mathematics easier to understand than people. This is why I'm thinking it would just be easier to pay for it every now and then, but like I said, there doesn't seem to be anyone working round here. At least not on the sites I know of. (Any suggestions of where else to look would be gratefully received, btw) I have an offer from demonsemen on chat to do something along these lines next time I'm in London, but right now i'm busy with work and travelling from 730am to 930pm with no idea of when I'll next be able to get time off, so fuck knows when that'll be. (Also fuck knows if the offer will still be open if he sees this) I have no trouble sending oinks or saying hi, but people seldom seem to respond to that and I have no clue what else to say. Sorry, I'm sounding like a downer, I know. But I genuinely feel completely stuck.
  6. Pictures will have to be webcam selfies -- I don't have any RL friends I can ask to take even non-sexual ones. That said: I'm not just talking about online. I have zero luck in bars/saunas/etc either. The truth is that 90% of human social interaction is completely baffling to me. So long as sex isn't involved I can fake it well enough to pass - but faking is exactly what it is. Once sex gets into the equation however - even in places like saunas or on sites like BBRT where everyone is only after one thing and everyone else knows it - there are all sorts of little cues that everyone "normal" gives off and picks up on without even realising it, that I don't recognise or know how to duplicate. I feel like the disguised camera watching the bonobos in a David Attenborough documentary. So I'm reduced to reading WikiHow articles on how to pick up guys and just getting even more confused. TBH if I didn't live out in the sticks I'd probably just hire a pro to take care of me once a month and have done with it - but none of the escort ad sites I know of list anyone nearby.
  7. http://www.barebackrt.com/members/view.php?id=81554 Just outside ipswich
  8. I am online, scottop. I've been on BBRT for seven years and have got exactly one hookup off it. Grindr/scruff/other apps - Nowt. I genuinely have no idea how to do this.
  9. Anyone been? How was it?
  10. Because I think I need one. I'm useless at it.
  11. Anyone else round here? I haven't got laid in ages and would be good to know if there are other bbers about
  12. It's the only way I ever get laid...
  13. Has anyone ever managed to stretch enough to take a fist from real dick alone? Cock is better otherwise, but is in majorly short supply round here
  14. LOL i doubt I'll ever be THAT loose
  15. No sex in 2.5 years please help

    1. Theo8


      it's been too long for me as well; you have my deepest sympathies!  I'm going to Spain in March so I'm going to make up for it. 

    2. demon4semen


      I don't understand this! You are really hot. Come visit sometime, I'll sort you out for sure.

  16. ... if and when it actually happens. Thoughts?
  17. *makes note of ibis euston for next trip to London*
  18. Where's good for a sexcation in Europe? Know Gran Canaria, any other suggestions?
  19. Just get someone to write "cum dump" on your butt with a sharpie
  20. Not had much luck in saunas etc. previously, that's why I'm asking for someone to whore me out lol
  21. It has been another year for me without a single fuck. Last one now was August 2014, and you can count the total number in my life on your fingers. Which is not good for 37. It was suggested on the chatroom that what I need is a wingman to whore me out. Any thoughts on how to obtain such a rarity? I'm in rural suffolk and can't accom, but try to get to London a few times a year at least. I've tried pretty much everything else I can think of,
  22. Nothing. Nada. Niente. Zip. Zero. Had something planned for early dec but it all fell through at the last minute. Last time I was properly fucked was august 2014. I hate my life.
  23. unless a miracle happens in the next five hours it will be another year without a single load for me :(

  24. well it looks like 2016 is going to be another year without a single load... nothing now since august 2014

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