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About Smudger

  • Birthday 09/16/1971

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Durham, UK
  • HIV Status
    Don't Ask, Don't Tell
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  1. Only way to get fucked is raw 😈
  2. Always swallow 😈
  3. Thanks, I can only hope it would get the sort of attention you would write in your stories 😈
  4. I wish there were more of these incredible stories from @Scorpion I've never wanted to go hitch-hiking more than I do right now 😈
  5. So fkn hot, I can't help wishing it was me 😈
  6. Damn, I could only dream of this, so fkn hot
  7. Been  a fan of your stories for a long time and would love to know where I can reading all your work, hopefully in the original form.

    1. Scorpion


      my site is down at the moment.

    2. Smudger


      No problem, hope you get it back up again soon

  8. This is quite possibly the most frank and honest thread I've read on this site about becoming poz. I have a gained a lot of respect for many of the posters in this thread for their words of wisdom, regardless of the advice being welcomed or otherwise by the OP. Bearbandit especially, who has suffered at the hands of this disease and it's many experimental treatments, has volunteered his insight and experience for our consideration and does not deserve to be dismissed with a "Who asked you anyway" attitude. It is my belief that the OP has read a few things on the internet which have given him the idea that HIV is no longer a killer and that current treatments effectively neutralise the virus. This unfortunately is not universal. The treatments do not work for everyone. There are also side effects to consider, as Bearbandit has mentioned. There is a lot of glamorisation on here about becoming HIV+ and/or passing it on, although this usually comes with the disclaimer of being 'fantasy' or 'fiction'. Regrettably, I believe there is more truth than fiction to a lot of the stories on here, which is a little worrying but I certainly don't want to become poz. At the end of the day, your question about life expectancy is irrelevant if you are left with no quality of life due to the complications that may arise from this disease.
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