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About dewalt

  • Birthday 05/01/1971

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  • Gender
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  • Interests
    CUM, Anonymous cum, used condom farming, POZ play, being a cum dump, never refuse a load, bisexual and will fuck anything, extreme pervers and dirty
  • HIV Status
    Don't Ask, Don't Tell
  • Role
  • Looking For
    CUM, Anonymous cum, used condom farming, POZ play, being a cum dump, never refuse a load, bisexual and will fuck anything, extreme pervers and dirty

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  • BarebackRT Profile Name

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  1. Any vid URLs you can share here?
  2. Just tell him and live out your dreams, you only live once...
  3. A nice overview can be found here [think before following links] https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/rankorder/2155rank.html Simply al top countries are African countries. I have been planning my holidays accordingly for years. See atrtached pic where I try to show an idicative count of my bare-breeding holidays 🙂 Other countries which are traditionally good are China, Indonesia, Australias, Argentinia, Thailand and Netherlands (where I live ;).
  4. The fact that you are on this site means or 1) you are a man masturbating on the attention or 2) a slut who secret craves to get more dirty than she likes to admit. No one comes here for objective advise: In both cases, just start acting like the slut you are and become a cum dump for all. You'll thank us later for it!
  5. Hi, thank you for react to my reply of a posting on here. 

  6. Cuckoos Nest, The Webb, Church, Dirty Dicks, Argos, B1 Cinema all 95% bare fucks. I take a minimum of 30 loads a week in these places... Any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. No taboos.
  7. I will be in CHengdu a week from now... where do I find bareback action? Also visiting Beijing, Xian, Guillin, HongKong and Macau... Who wants to meat up for a toxxxic time?
  8. For BB guys, TS and girls... Feel free to ask me. Got many lineIDs
  9. Hi where are you from?

  10. So this was the trick I was missing. THANKS! As usual: great work!!!
  11. I think the forum software for this forum is amazing (and the content even better, but that is a different topic). I use many different fora and this one simply stands out with the care and completness all the functions work. COMPLIMENTS. I am missing the option to reverse date sort messages in a thread by default, so the newest message is on top of a thread. My feeling this must be user error on my side, due to the completeness of functions on this forum, but I really cannot seem to find it). I will save me definetly a lot of (mobile) clicks. Anybody?
  12. BiohazzardTattoos on Female POZ sluts are Extremely HOT , Delicious and Beautiful - love to Chat and meet up with them !  :)

  13. For those in Amsterdam: Cluch Church has the same themed party every first saturday of the month and is in my view better for BB mares. FSM is a real attitude party with door selection and as stated above not a real-love attitude to BB. The Meat Market parties typically have 30-40 mares of which 25% or less are with a red cap or BB. Sometimes as little as 6. The 150+ top crowd is favored toward the bare sluts, so the ratio the red caps get is higher than the white caps. Especially at the start and end of the party (havent quite figured out why). I am there alsmost every motnh and am always good for 10-12 loads minimum. Max was 22 loads. It is a 4 hour party only and is from 16:00-20:00 so really nice to after this go perv some more with a full load cunt in one of the many other Amsterdam dark rooms (my prefs: Cuckoosnest, The Webb, Dirty dicks...) http://www.clubchurch.nl/parties/meat-market.html
  14. Would love it if you can share std result templates with me :). Even in the netherlands that will help

  15. I enjoyed filling your ass twice at cumunion Vegas. ?
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