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Everything posted by hungry_hole

  1. The concern is female prostitution and when they mention "human trafficking" they are really talking about "women trafficking". So many women are weak emotionally and in the stupid search for a "boyfriend" that they are easily tricked into working for some guy who they think loves them (stupid women!). You could never do that with men! If someone tried it with boys instead of girls, well, good luck! Boys would learn the ropes in a day and would be on their own making their own money the next day. There is no problem with male prostitution. So why not make only female prostitution illegal and allow men do be free with their bodies? Making prostitution illegal is in a sense an infringement of our human rights because we should be able to do whatever we want with our bodies...(the same argument as abortion). But the problem are those women who allow men to control them and obviously men would take advantage of those emotionally weak women.
  2. I stopped PrEP and had the appointment with my doctor and we agreed to continue PrEP for short periods of time, which was what I wanted. I don't want to be taking Truvada when I'm not having sex and lately I haven't had the time or opportunities for anon sex which is the way I like it. My doctor told me to start Truvada 7 days before planning a sex holiday but continue taking it for a month after the last sexual contact. I found a month to be a bit too much but that's what is recommended, I understand. Any opinions on the protocol when stopping Truvada?
  3. When it comes to sex, boys are much more interested and curious about sex and body than girls. I think that who the adult is makes huge difference. I find it ridiculous when a woman teacher in her 30's gets charged with sexual abuse of minors, some 15 yr-old boy who probably loved the experience his the older woman. I don't see it as benign when a man in his 30's does the same thing with a 15 yr-old girl. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I would not have a blanket age of consent. Instead I would set the age of consent based on the situation, the gender of the adult, etc. Also the difference on ages between the adult and the child, because it's quite different to me to see an 18 yr-old guy having sex with a 15 yr-old girl than if the guy was 60. I know this will never be accepted but in my opinion it makes more sense.
  4. When I bottom that big hit is so hot because I know the load is coming soon.
  5. A while ago I was at Steamworks-Toronto and a guy was hogging the fuck-bench in the darkroom. He was a hot young bottom so lots of guys wanted to fuck him but he insisted on guys wearing condoms. What a bummer! But I noticed a guy next to me who tampered with a condom before putting it on and fucked the hell out of him. I knew he had pumped his load because the bottom's hole was leaking cum.
  6. When I hear statements like "I feel like a woman trapped in the body of a man" I wonder why it doesn't work with age. Society is bending over backwards to accommodate people who in essence do not accept their body. Their DNA and physique says they are men but they insist that they are women and society takes them seriously by building separate washrooms, etc. What about some old man who "feels" young and insists in dressing like a twink and demands being treated as a youth. What are the limits of social acceptance? Why is it that with sex we can now choose but not with age? Most people tend to laugh at the sight of an old man who tries to dress up as a young man and we demand that the old man accept his age but not sex? After all age and sex both have specific physical markers, unlike sexual orientation and sex roles (top/bottom)
  7. Adherence is not a problem for me either. I was taking the pill exactly at the same time for the two months I was on PrEP. If I were in your situation I would be on the daily PrEP without hesitation. I'm not sure what you mean because if I follow the 7-day protocol during the periods I'm having sex the protection should be the same as taking Truvada every day. This is what I'll ask my doctor.
  8. I understand that the way I suggest using PrEP is not what is usually called "on demand". Because I put myself at risk only for planned periods of time, I want to use PrEP to protect myself for that period of time, whether it's just a weekend or couple of weeks. On my last visit when I got the prescription, my doctor warned me about the 7-days prior to sexual contact. She even warned me that if I ever missed a day I should again wait for the 7 days before more sexual contacts. I explicitly asked her about issues with stopping the medication and I think shed gave me the impression that as long as I followed the 7-day protocol, things would be OK. On my next doctor's visit I will discuss my plan of using PrEP for short periods of time because my preference is a wild weekend/week at the bathhouse. I don't feel comfortable taking Truvada when I know I'm not taking full advantage of it. Plus, although in Canada I don't pay much for PrEP, I feel better saving the government some money. Thanks for the feedback.
  9. Too bad is just a story. Would be so much fun to read about something that really happened...
  10. I have an appointment with my doctor this month but I wanted to get opinions before I see my doctor. I was prescribed medication for 4 months but I used only 2 months and stopped after my sex-vacation. I'm now having no sex but would like to take another week for another sex-vacation before the middle of the year and would like to use the other two bottles for that holiday. I take other medications for which I get blood tests every 6 weeks to make sure liver and kidneys are OK. Which is why I want to avoid taking Truvada and putting more stress on the kidneys. Thanks for the article. After reading it I realized that the way I want to take PrEP is not really "on demand" more like PEP. I want to follow the protocol indicated by my doctor that I should take Truvada for 7 days before any sexual contact and that I must take it for another 7 days after the last contact. I wanna follow the protocol but just for few days at a time, minimum of 14 days + length of holiday.
  11. Although I did not have any side-effects I know that Truvada can affect the kidneys. If I were taking anon loads almost daily like I used to, then I would take PrEP without interruption.
  12. I never understood those bottoms who market themselves as bottom with a "tight hole". I agree with a bottom tightening his hole during the fuck but able to open up easily. A sloppy hole leaking with cum is the one thing that makes many bottoms into horny tops eager to breed a hole. I've met many 100% bottoms who have told me that they make an exception when presented with a sloppy hole. Feeling another guys juices and the idea of adding your own into the mix seems to be a common fantasy.
  13. Why not the 99%? Let's say I decide to spend just a weekend having sex at bathhouses, sex clubs and adult bookstores If I start taking Truvada 7 days before the first sexual encounter of the weekend and continue taking it for another 7 days after the last fuck of the weekend, shouldn't I get full protection? Can drug resistance develop from doing this several times?
  14. I took PrEP for 2 months because of a holiday I took at place where I knew I was going to have lots of sex. And I did. I rented an apartment with a sling and a gloryhole and for several days I had guys coming over at all hours. The guy who rented me the apartment organized a gang-bang for me which was why I was interested in this apartment. Gang-bangs are difficult to organize on your own and also there is the issue of security. It was great! Now that I'm back home and not having much sex I decided to stop PrEP. I may take another sex holiday and go to a bathhouse. Can I continue with PrEP on demand? That is, take PrEP for 7 days, have sex on a weekend, and continue PrEP for another 7 days after the last sexual contact. Anybody does that?
  15. When I was young and had a hot muscular body, and I was horny and looking to get fucked, I used to pretend that I was looking to fuck a hole and then the challenge was to trick and get the other guy to fuck me. It worked most of the time and it was so hot to leave their place with their load inside my hole. There was nothing to feel bad about because I had just witnessed what a good time they had while they pumped their load in my hole.
  16. ffff I really meant guys wanting to breed a hole and fill it with his cum at a bathhouse or at a sex event. I generally refer to these men as "tops" because at the time they are topping. But they may even identify as bottoms. I can understand someone becoming a bottom for this kind of reason. But what about guys in their 20's and 30's who are completely healthy? It makes little sense to hear a 21-yr old guy describing himself as a total bottom? Isn't it a bit premature to reject something like topping at such young age? Any total bottom in his 20's could answer?
  17. My question here is: Does it make sense for a bottom to complain about the lack of tops when he himself is contributing to the lack of tops? I have no problem with "total bottoms" but I think is not fair for bottoms to complain about there being so many bottoms. Myself, I prefer to bottom and in fact don't get much out of fucking, so I understand where bottoms are coming from. But I would never complain about there being so many bottoms at the bathhouse because I know that I'm contributing to the lack of tops. That is my point.
  18. We sometimes hear women complaining of the lack of men to date. But, do bottoms have the right to complain about the lack of tops when by refusing to top a bottom is contributing to the lack of tops? The usual explanations are that "I was born a bottom" or that "Being a bottom is in my DNA". We know none of them are true. Some bottoms say that because their cock is too small or they cum too quickly they never top and breed holes. I understand that in a one-to-one relationship a bottom may have trouble topping. But what about at the end of an evening at the sauna after taking many loads? Why not look for a hole to breed before going home? I don't think that bottoms have the right to complain about the lack of tops unless they top once in a while.
  19. Some guys have very strong orgasms and they find that a mouth would add unnecessary stimuli so they prefer to pull-out and jerk-off by themselves. I had a long-term bareback fuck-buddy who when he was shooting his load would tell me not to touch him because his skin hurt. It didn't bother me because I was used to him, I wouldn't move, I wouldn't touch him. Got to enjoy just being a hole for him once he started to shoot.
  20. I'm on vacation in Santiago, Chile, staying in an apartment with sling inside the apartment. The first few days I hooked-up with several guys who wanted to try a walk-in scene, door unlocked. Strangely, from what I see, there is a high percentage of "tops", guys who define themselves as "100% top, I don't bottom". I don't know why, but I've been able to enjoy it. It helps that I speak Spanish. I then took a 10 day break because the apartment was booked with a guy from overseas. I came back to the apartment that also has a Gloryhole. I opened a profile announcing the Private Gloryhole and many guys wanted to try it. Some guys had told me they only wanted to get sucked in the gloryhiole but once they were horny they wanted to fuck me through the gloryhole. So hot! Many of the guys arrived with a hard cock already, I guess excited with the idea of having their cock anonymously. I will continue hooking up with guys using Grindr or Manhunt but I find that the problem I'm having is not finding tops but being able to respond to so many guys who are interested. I've had at least 50 guys contact me on Manhunt and when I turn on Grindr I always find messages from guys interested. When I'm home I plan the diet and prepare myself for a fuck. But here I find it harder to clean my hole and be ready for the amount of guys who are willing to fuck bareback. But here guys want to get sucked and fuck me right away but I can't plan with such little time to prepare. Next in the agenda is an organized gang-bang that the guy in charge of the apartment/sling/gloryhole offers as a service. I will have to prepare well for that event because I'm really looking forward. I have no problem having one guy in the apartment servicing his cock but I would be worried with more than one guy going in and out. I will schedule a gang-bang with 3 guys but I can also ask guys with whom I've already hooked up with to come along. So it could be a lot of fun because there will be someone to control guys going in and out. While writing this a guy on Grindr wanted to come over to get sucked and breed me using the gloryhole. I had tpo say no because my hole wasn't ready and I have to go out soon. Too many opportunities is my problem...
  21. One of the things I like about men cruising for sex is that we can be honest about what we want without having to conform to any social norm. Forcing anyone to like older men under the pretense of ageism is like forcing men to like women for sex under the pretense of sexism. Guys have to be free to choose whose cock they want to suck and who they want to fuck with. It is not stupid not to want to have sex with older than 45 but it is stupid to say that "age is just a number" because everyone knows it's not just number.
  22. I really liked the way the top keeps pumping his load until he's done... https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/stuffing-stockings-33124622
  23. By age 55 I guessed that I had taken at least 1,500 loads. For many years I had a private gloryhole which provided me with a lot of action. I started barebacking when the norm was using condoms and being open about being a barebacker who took loads also helped. Raw holes were not easily available so I remember many guys contacti9ng me just to breed a raw hole, something rare those days. Same thing at the sauna where I was able to take 15 anon loads in one night.
  24. I agree and I'm glad someone here is speaking the truth about glorifying poz status and calling it a brotherhood.
  25. Sex with men is such a different experience that I have trouble calling it "cheating". For me sex with men is mainly anonymous/NSA and not much different from watching hot porno videos but with touchable actors. The main issue for me when a man who is married/attached to a woman and having sex with men are STD.
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