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Beta Testers
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  1. You didn’t know then, so you didn’t violate your personal code of ethics. You do know now, so what happens in the future might violate that code of ethics, so let that be your North Star. You might, of course decide your personal code of ethics was too strict and loosen it a bit, but if you do you need to be honest with yourself on your reasons for loosening that code of ethics from this point forward.
  2. I think we need the long story. The short one simply won’t suffice.
  3. I sometimes wish I could cruise and get fucked with my old wedding ring on, unfortunately in the two plus decades I was married went from a twink bod to a dad bod, and when I divorced my wife I had to have the ring cut off because I couldn’t get it over my knuckle anymore.
  4. Apparently, these days, they are ashamed of Lincoln.
  5. Did you just step out of a Time Machine from 1988? Is that what all these unidentified objects being shot out of the sky have been?
  6. Who exactly is being a jaded queen? If you want your account deleted just make the request.
  7. You aren’t that far from Philadelphia, which I suspect is a better hunting ground.
  8. I had something similar a few months ago shortly after a visit to the bathhouse. I was sure I was going to test positive for syphilis, but I didn’t. Herpes never occurred to me.
  9. I’m not much of a power user, but if you need more beta testers you can sign me up.
  10. I’m in DC and would be happy to let you practice on me. And more, since I see you aren’t on meds.
  11. I am vers, so any and all of them are possibilities. I am a visual person, though, so I would need to see pics of how the author sees the characters in his mind before I made a choice.
  12. What kind of rush does compressed air give you?
  13. I assume, though, if the worst happens, it should reduce the severity of the symptoms. I am basing this assumption of the fact that there is a push to vaccinate people who have been exposed to the virus.
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