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  • Gender
  • Location
    Central Florida
  • Interests
    Men of all types ages races and body types
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
  • Background
    Luv bondage, tt, ws, and I'm a Long lasting multiple orgasm verbal Top or can be a submissive insatiable bottom when needed.
  • Porn Experience
    Amateur only. Want to do more
  • Looking For
    To breed some hot ass. Suck some cock or take a load or two. Expand on my limited bondage and S&M experience

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  1. Ocala here

    1. Pozmenow69


      Ocala here too and chasing bugs hoping 

  2. Fuck yeah,,,, need some men to rape this bitch ass... text me.. 618--967-7232,, Live just outside Memphis , TN

  3. I LOVE your profile. I say the same things all the time. And come with a CLEAN ASS. lol

  4. I can definitely get deeper knees together if youre face down ass up. I luv this position if I'm bottoming. I could litererally get fucked all night in this position. If I'm topping that position will get you more hang time!!! Unless you have the flexibility of a teenager legs apart face down, usually isn't good for the long haul.
  5. I agree that it's the ultimate connection!!! I'm a big pre cummer so even before I orgasm there will be plenty of my jizz inside. Saying " don't cum in me" is a lot like saying "close the gate"....after the horse got out!!!
  6. Daddy's can go the distance! When I was your age, I came quickly and then was pretty disinterested... Now I can cum several times in one night, often waking up in the middle of the night wanting to slide..again into a warm wet hole. I luv fucking younger or twink ass, hairy or smooth...luv to eat it too. I prefer to top younger guys...butt...never have found a younger guy that can " go the distance"....yet.
  7. Where are you? Hosting?
  8. My experience with grindr has not been that great. Lots of fakes and wannabees. The distance seems to be pretty close but not enough to actually find someone soley on the location info. It is fun when traveling. BBRT has been much better for hookups though the GEO locator is really bad.
  9. There is much less to fear from a guy who knows his status and is honest about it. If he is on treatment and seeing a doctor regularly at least he is proactive about his health and probably a more trustworthy source of his overall health. There are worse things than HIV, not least of which is HepC. I've hooked up with lots of guys who's profile claimed negative and later (sometimes much later) they revealed that they were not. I assume anyone practicing bareback sex is either some version of hiv poz or doesn't give a fuck. In my state it is illegal to not disclose your status so I put it out there. If you are not comfortable about that move on! The bottom line is if you are going to let anybody fuck you bare or not you need to be prepared for some risk.
  10. I've been on and off meds for 18 years partly because of the fucked up medical system we have in this country. P.S. Veteran here and its still fucked up..My VL has gone all over the place. Complera has kept me stable at un detectable for quite a long time. Undetectable and getting treatment is the new "safe sex". The reality is that someone getting regular treatment from a doctor is waaaay safer than some asshole who claims to be "neg" on some stupid Internet hookup site. Plus getting tested for a bunch of other STDs every 3 months. The ONLY benefit that I see to being "poz" is that bareback sex is implied. I LOVE bareback sex! It's the most intimate thing that we can do to each other!!! I have sailed into the harbor of being rejected by un educated assholes who treated me like I was a leper. fuck those guys...The deepest pit in hell will not even compare to what they will face when they become a "member of the club". For you guys who are are chasing....be careful of what you wish for!! I will fuck a neg guy and cum deep inside your butt hole, and I don't give a fuck if the the get "the gift" or not (probably not cuz I'm UD). It's fun to fantasize about it and it is certainly is the ultimate commitment to get "pozzed" ...and sure you belong to the club.....but this club has few benefits. Once again Tiger you have posed an interesting and compelling question. I admire how you juxtapose the world between fantasy and where the "real world" comes crashing in. Devoted fan, M
  11. I'd luv to be next. I get up to Kentucky during the summer usually Bowling Green but could easily divert to Lexington for your nice cock. If you find yourself in central Florida anytime I can show you a great time. I won't be the one asking for a break!
  12. The last sentence sums up perfectly how I feel about a fuck buddy. I have a great relationship (open) but over the years (25) of growing together through many amazing adventures on land, sea and air....But our sexual appetites have changed. Besides he is neg and I am not and I hate condoms! In my case, my current sexual interests tend towards the extreme...but this too is an interesting but passing phase. I love my guy and he loves me and I'll spend the rest of my life with him and maybe the next couple of lives too. A fuck buddy is that guy/s (I have a couple of great FBs) that you are comfortable with to deal with the natural pressures that develop within all of us and To explore the undiscovered parts of our sexuality. Most hook ups tend to be disappointing or someone who wants more than sport fucking. A good fuck buddy is a very valuable thing to have in ones life. Thank You Tiger for posing this great question.. As always I am still a huge fan!!! M
  13. The chia seeds work very well but they are not a quick cleaning solution, you'll see why when you start eating them. They have to be part of a diet regimen over a longer period if you expect to be bottoming. They do a great job of absorbing the messy stuff and carrying it out of you. They are great as a way to keep you generally easy to clean. How deep you clean is dependent on either how long you want to play or how large your partner/s is/are. Being versatile i never know what might be happening when i hook up so I try to be prepared. There is lots of great advice on here about different methods for getting cleaned out, many that I've added to my routine. One thing that I like to do to be sure I'm completely clean is to use a dildo rather vigorously on myself after cleaning to be sure that the "action" won't jar anything loose. Every once in a while I get surprised, but better in my own shower at home than in the heat of battle.
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