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About barefuck_vie

  • Birthday 04/13/1981

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  1. I was about 12 years old when I first saw gay porn. My parents moved to Hungary in the early 90s and my brother and I got cable TV in our room. At night, a porn channel was shown, which also had a gay night once a week.
  2. Hi there, thanks for following me here at BZ 😈

  3. Thank you so much for this wonderful story, the last few chapters have brought tears to my eyes. Really well and touchingly written
  4. tops in vienna wanted - interested? wrote pm
  5. Important: english is not my native language, if some things are grammatically incorrect or inaccurate, don't be angry. Note: The first part is an introduction and introduction of the characters, therefore less sexual than the following parts. So really exciting and hot it gets from the next parts. Me - 39 years old, 183 cm tall, brown eyes, rather the lighter gypsy type (my grandma was a gypsy), dark hair and well endowed. Max - mid thirties, 186 cm tall, blue eyes, dark hair well endowed. Steve - like Max mid thirties, same height, bald and like the other two, equally well endowed. Last summer, through my best friend Max, I met Steven. After Max fell in love with Steven, it was clear to me, he, Steven is [banned word] for me. Steven is a small winemaker in the east of Austria, who now and then organizes events, he invited Max to a Viennese song evening with wine tasting. Max asked me if I would not like to accompany him to this event. Since I had time and also wanted to spend a comfortable weekend, I agreed. A few weeks later the time had come. Max and I drove with my car to the small village where Steven lived. After we arrived at our guesthouse, where we shared a room, we drove to the lake, which is in the village. There we spent some nice hours together and then left for lunch with Steven. Already in the course of the afternoon we drank a few glasses of wine (Spritzer) and were thus slightly drunk by the time the Viennese song evening and wine tasting began. Over the course of the evening, Max and I drank a few more spritzers, so we both ended up with 15 spritzers per person that day. After I always found Max attractive and he also found my best piece great, what had to happen happened after we were in our room: Brave by the intoxication, I meant, I will satisfy myself, since I have not done this for several days. At some point Max mean you are really doing this, I meant yes. After some time he said if I want I can fuck him too. As I said, I was drunk and thought Max was hot and we are both into sex without a rubber (we are both negatives, where his last test was 2018 and I am not currently taking prep). This I did not let myself be told twice and so I began to press myself against Max. From a previous experience with Max, I knew that for both of us, spit would suffice as a lubricant and so I began to fuck him. After some time, he was lying on his stomach, I felt how he pressed more and more on my cock and also seemed to have his fun. After I unfortunately drank too much, and by nature I always take a long time to come, I stopped fucking him and started to wank until I came. I squirted on his body and he just said: Hey, you squirted on me. After that we both fell asleep. The next day we both spent then partly again at the lake, partly with Steven. My plan would have been to drive back to Vienna in the afternoon and let the two of them, Max and Steve, have time for themselves. Steve, however, thwarted my plans by paying for more and more alcoholic beverages and providing us with spritzes, respectively. At some point in the afternoon I said, ok I'll stay in the village and spend Sunday there. In the evening we drove to the neighboring village, where we drank at 1 o'clock in the morning still coffee with double Crapa, schnapps etc.. How Max and I got back to the boarding house, I have no memory of. What I do remember, however, was Max's sudden announcement, saying: And you raped me yesterday. I went to bed and drove to Vienna the next morning. On the way to Vienna I received a message from Max thanking me for the great weekend. I wrote back that I thought it was great too, only the words from the previous evening were too harsh and I am still close to tears. End part 1 Preview part 2 - if there is interest: Debate with Max, Steven tries to seduce me and what is Steven's secret?
  6. Gruß nach Wien, gibt hier nur wenige, die Deutsch können, ich kann kein Englsich, deshalb kann ich meine Geschichten hier nicht einstellen.

    1. FFun2BB


      wieso sollte das ein Problem sein ? ...  

      es gibt hier auch viele aus Deutschland ... die gewiss Deine geilen Stories lesen wollen ... 




      why should you not be able to publish here a German Story? .... there is a great fellowship in Germany to this webpage - and they certainly would love and read your horny stories ? ... 



    2. storymix


      Stimmt, ich sollte mir keinen Kopf machen mit Übersetzungen, die dann doch keiner liest. Mal sehn, ob es irgend eine Reaktion auf ne Geschichte gibt, wenn ich sie hier deutsch reinsetze.

  7. I have currently suspended the prep. After most people in Vienna take it seriously, it currently makes no sense to continue taking the drug.
  8. Juan Carlos is also my favorite as a porn actor. And I could remember that somewhere on my hard drive I had a film with him where you can also see the biohazard symbol. He is a picture of how he is fucking a boy (and in the film he is coming too)
  9. This is my first story and English is not my mother tongue. So if there are some mistakes, please excuse me. Some time ago I went on a local tour of the city's bars with my best friend. A fixed point was always that we in the sling, as the name of the bar looked in and each of us enjoyed ourselves. We ordered a beer and then went into the darkroom, where there was exceptionally something going on. I got on my knees and blew the tail of some guys, my friend let himself be spoiled. Suddenly I heard the guy who blew him go and my friend said too bad he didn't go on. I took the chance, switched to him and started to blow him. At some point my friend said, swap mouth for ass. I didn't get asked twice and turned my ass towards him. His comment was just that it really works and he already started to introduce his best piece into me and fucked me for almost a quarter of an hour. When he came inside me, which was really a lot of cum, it just ran out of my butt. Unfortunately, he left the bar immediately afterwards and wrote to me that he hadn't found anything to fuck and therefore he had left the bar before me. Too bad that I recognized his voice and I knew exactly who was fucking me. A few days later, however, he said that I was very receptive, at least he would have heard.
  10. 1) John 2) 36 3) Poz from my best friend 4) Wheel
  11. Last week started a trial against a 35 yrs old men who infectet younger mens with hiv. here is the link to the newssite, translate with google: orf.at
  12. Anyone in Vienna who would give me is hot seed in the Easter Week?
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