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Status Updates posted by boy4you

  1. I’m so proud of my brother as I  told him it not always about yourself but giving to others who are not wanted. He fuck this 60 year old and gave him 2 loads. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. AnonPerv


      That’s awesome. I salute your bro. 

    3. suckerboi


      Seriously, your bro is right.  Besides, some of the very best fucks I have ever had came from older guys. 

    4. mikeinjersey


      well how about a 52yr old love to play with either of you two or both😋  message me 😘

  2. I’m very pissed off as my  Hitachi broke and there is nothing like it when you put against your man cunt and turn it on. 

    1. mikeinjersey
    2. boy4you


      Yes but it lived a great life. 

  3. If my BF doesn't  get back by this weekend I might have to ask my brother to help me do something I never wanted to do.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. PervBBbttm


      Or you could be my bf

    3. mikeinjersey


      I am kind of getting hard on what this might be....... hmmmm

  4. In a week my baby brother will arrive in NYC for school. It will be a lot of fun or a giant nightmare. 

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. boy4you


      I will every chance I can, I will also keep him busy. 

    3. spoogeboy


      Be sure to let him know that he is always free to take things slowly, and that there's no reason to rush. 

  5. In Jackson Hights Queens they are having a Pride parade so I'm taking my brother to see it. 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. boy4you


      Not going to take pics but we will be with some friends around my age.

    3. BlindRawFucker1


      Didn't mean for you to take pics for public viewing.  It could have been funny to look back at his reaction years from now.

    4. PissPigBrooklyn


      Good for him to see and good for you to enjoy too!

  6. In NYC from May 19-21 there is a big Bear parties & events going on. I wonder  how they would feel about a Fem hairless skinny twink showed up. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. boy4you


      Been to a few Bear parties and have be treated like the red head step child. 

    3. BlindRawFucker1


      Just stick with those who would love to have you around.  There are plenty of us.

    4. mikeinjersey


      i'd love to have u.  and when i'm done, id want u to mount me with that PA and fuck me good and cum deep

  7. ing a high VL and getting a cold is scary for me, I hope it does not become anything.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fistulike666


      Best to seek clinic advice if you're worried, rather than getting too anxious by yourself xxx

    3. boy4you


      I saw the Doctor and they put me in the hospital for now. 

    4. Fistulike666


      Hope all's well. Take care, Boy :*

  8. Is it so wrong to pimp out my brother for money. It will be his first time being used this way. 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. cumbottom4use


      I bet he is, just like his older brother!

    3. laguyinhou


      It's not wrong at all. 

    4. mikeinjersey


      just saw this, can I be the next cust. b4u can come too 

  9. It nice to be at IML and getting eye rape wile walking around the hotel and the looks I get. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. chi4loads


      Hope you get lots of cock besides the eye rape

    3. Guest


      lol...quality not quantity...I have a reliable source for cock...wink

    4. chargedodger


      "eye rape"...what a lovely term you coined!:)


  10. It was a little cold and wet at the Queens Pride parade but we had a great time and my brother really enjoyed see so many people having a good time.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. boy4you


      Yes he will march in the Parade and he is going to Folsom Street East , as that I know he will really like after seeing what he likes to read.

    3. spoogeboy


      He should check out this site. I'm sure he'd get a warm reception.

    4. boy4you


      Not for a wile if you know what I mean.

  11. It's crazy that my brother has no idea what's he's doing as he is a natural teas. I know when he moves to NYC to live with us he won't be a virgin for long. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. boy4you
    3. bareall77


      That's true. Cause you know he will, when he can, follow many of his desires. Esp coming from where he is to live with his brother in NY! Just be a good brother. Sounds like you already are. ?

    4. boy4you


      I want him to be safe and happy.  

  12. It's nice to visit the family with my brother in Nebraska, now home in NYC and you realize the difference in the life I live here as to what I would be in living hell back Nebraska.

  13. It’s funny watching my brother walk around with nipple sucker on his tits and the discomfort he is in. He is trying to get his nipples to stick out like you see on some men. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. cumbottom4use


      Lol. Been there done that too!

    3. cori44


      Is your brother on here too?

    4. boy4you


      Yes he is jessyboy 

  14. It’s nice to see my brother getting fuck by my Bf wile he is sucking my dick. Right that is All he’s good for. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. PervBBbttm


      Wishes I could meet you both. 

    3. mikeinjersey


      omg  sounds so hot. i'd would love just to sit and watch you 2. Or better yet  love to play with you 2. Any pic'c or clips. Lets make lil bro a Star.

    4. boy4you


      No pic or clips to be given out to others

  15. It’s nice to see my brother writing about the fantasy he dreams about. I hope he stays on his present path and not become like me. 

    1. cintarius


      What about the path you are on do you not want him to take?

    2. boy4you


      I don’t him to parTy of become Poz but in the end that decision will be up to him. 

  16. Just took my brother home and he is a lot better but very weak. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. boy4you
    3. mikeinjersey


      Hope he feels better soon.  :)

    4. boy4you


      He is doing better today and is resting.

  17. k from MAL with a sore dick & hole. I had a fantastic time. In a few weeks I might become a new father to 2 new converts to the brotherhood.:P:P

  18. Kinda of scared as I'm starting a  combination of new meds tomorrow. I have a high VL and every time I get a cold I'm in the hospital for a few days. 

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. boy4you


      Yes they did , as Altripa was suppose to have been the drug to work. 

  19. Last night I caught someone trying to put GHB into my brothers drink I wanted to kill him as I know what he was trying to do. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Guest


      In a willing controlled environment, knock your socks off...but against the will or knowledge of the participant.  Hell no.  I would have flipped my lid.

    3. boy4you


      I did hit the guy and busted his lip open and maybe took out a tooth. He did leave bleeding. 

  20. Later today leaving San Francisco and Folsom Street was fantastic as I took my brother. He is in heaven and can't wait till next year.  

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. boy4you


      All the loads my brother were from my BF and me.

    3. studl1
    4. BlindRawFucker1


      It is so hot to hear that you and your brother are so close that you share your cum with one another.


      You obviously love him, and he you.

  21. Little brother comes home with his right ear pierced, he is flagging in so many ways.

    1. Read1


      Your little brother is feeling very comfortable coming out as a young gay man!! He's experiencing so many positive, good things being with you. How times have changed since I came out at 18! Cheers!

    2. mjkuhl


      Always be there for advice and even comfort.  NYC is a big step from the small town world.

    3. PervBBbttm


      Other than you, your little brother is it. 

  22. Little brother is ready for his first event. We shaved off the 3 hairs on his chests, he will be wearing one of my jock straps my leather boots and a leather collar with a dog leash on him. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. mikeinjersey


      sounds hot.  love a pic of him wearing the collar and leash. Maybe a butt plug with a sign hanging from it "Taken"

  23. My baby brother is here and will be with us for a few weeks WTF. 

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. boy4you


      Way better than Nebraska but it's nyc witch is fantastic 

    3. tepegodf


      What are you going to do to your brother?

    4. boy4you


      Nothing if we can, but he is so beautiful & young.

  24. My baby brother just received his last treatment so now he will be hairless like the day he was born from the neck down for the rest of his life. The life of a Fem twink. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rillion


      I paid for my boyfriend's laser hair removal. It is worth it since he no longer has to shave and deal with ingrown hairs.

    3. BlindRawFucker1


      It would be so hot to run my hands and mouth over both of your bodies!


      Not even necessary to mention fucking both of you would most likely give me a heart attack.  But, what a way to die!

    4. mikeinjersey


      This makes me want him even more.  I am in need of a fem twink

  25. My baby brother wants a body piercing, so I thought a ear piercing on the right side to start. When he comes to live with us in June , then maybe more. 

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