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Everything posted by KCCumDump

  1. I will be in LA at the end of October, Definitely want you to pump your seed deep in me
  2. Hot story. I love when cheating tops breed my pussy then go home to hubby or wife.
  3. Cant wait for the next chapter
  4. One that won't get hard.
  5. Thanks for all the info. How long did you stay? How many loads did you get?
  6. Very hot start, Miss T can make you do things you would never do. Can't wait for part 2
  7. How did the Dixie work out for you? I'm heading out there the end of October.
  8. Great Start, I wish I were the one you were interviewing.
  9. Can't wait for more, nice start
  10. Very hot story, wish it would of continued
  11. Fuck This sTory is jusT fucking amazing, each chapTer geTs hoTTer and hoTTer. jusT shows the power of Ms Tina, how she makes you feel beTTer Than you ever have before. i'm speaking from experience Ms Tina changed my life forever.
  12. Cant wait for the next chapter
  13. Hot fucking start, I like where this is going
  14. Cant wait for the next chapter, I would love to be chemmed up and blackmailed
  15. Very Hot Vid
  16. love This sTory, i haven'T been wiTh Tina laTely, buT need To geT her back in my life. she makes me feel so good, Turns me inTo a compleTe sluT
  17. Love this story, can't wait for the next chapter. He will never want pussy again.
  18. So fucking hot, wish it was my neg unmedicated hole you bred.
  19. Very hot story, can't wait for the next chapter
  20. An amazing story, can't wait for the next chapter
  21. Very hot, love gifting stories.
  22. Amazing story, I wish he was my doctor.
  23. CumdumpKC please add me, thanks
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