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Everything posted by KCCumDump

  1. Please, I need part 2
  2. What a hot fucking story, I'm glad I found it.
  3. Hot story, I love getting bred by an anon cock
  4. Great start, cant wait for more
  5. Hot story, wish it would continued. I want to be booty bumped and gang banged.
  6. Jon 816-366-7747 Phoenix, AZ 85008 Free most of the time 2/9-2/12 49 6 ft 200 Cum fill this hole Ass Up, Face Down
  7. Will be in Phoenix Feb 9-12, most of the time I will be ass up at the Hilton Garden Inn on E Van Buren St taking loads. Let me know if you want to make a deposit.
  8. What a hot story, hope it continues
  9. Awesome Story, I hope it continues
  10. Hot fuckin story, I hope there is more to cum.
  11. How many loads did you get?
  12. Can't wait for the next chapter
  13. Hot story, can't wait for the next part
  14. Hot fucking story, I hope it continues
  15. Love This amazing sTory. AnoTher married man soon To lose all inTeresT in pussy and Think only abouT raw cock and cum, with the help of his misTress Tina.
  16. Love having a married guy use my hole, knowing I'm taking that load of cum away from his wife. Love when they tell me my pussy is so much better than their wife's pussy.
  17. Fuck yes, he needs to Take his firsT cock and have a big load pumped deep in him. Tina is going to Turn him from married straighT guy inTo cock loving cumdump. I know I loved my journey.
  18. Amazing start, can't wait for more
  19. Hot start
  20. Wish this story would continue, it's so hot!!!!!
  21. Fuck yes, I would give anything to be this bottom, love my hole nice and cummy.
  22. Love this sTory, Love reading stories about how a safe boTTom Turns into a Tina loving, raw cock loving cumdump. I remember when This happened To me, my only regreT is, iT didn'T happen much sooner in my life.
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