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Everything posted by RandyCubby

  1. Close up of a guy's face as he looks to off camera left, then off camera right... then... a dick comes in from off camera left, then off camera right... and we realize... he's trying to decide which to suck first. Which is longer? which is fatter? which smells riper? 😉
  2. A 9.5" BBC would certainly hit the spot. [EG]
  3. That's me. My nipples have ALWAYS been that way, since I was a kid, and I've been a butthole pleasure pig since I was a teen. So you're not alone.
  4. Seeing the top's butt muscles clenching, unclenching, clenching, unclenching in rhythm as he fucks. 😉 Jeff Stryker's butt did that.
  5. If I were the bottom in porn, I'd service the camera man and every guy in the room when we were done filming.
  6. Doesn't matter, though my own term of choice is "butthole." (I DO get turned on by having my pecs called "tits" or "titties," and by being referred to as "she" or "her" or "bitch" in a group session.) There's no explaining what turns us on or what doesn't.
  7. Oh, THAT kind of cage. I was thinking about being in a cage at a party... centering my buttcrack between the bars for anyone walking by... stumbling outta the cage after 3 hours, weak-kneed... spooge and buttstink all over the bars of the cage at butt level... [EG] Sorry. Misunderstood "cage." Should've read more of the thread. Gotta go sit on my buttplug now.
  8. There was ONE guy in my whole slutty life whose cum turned into a little rubbery ball after he'd cum on me. Seriously, I am not making this up. I've never seen this, heard about this, or read about this elsewhere. I'd find this little rubbery ball later. But it happened on multiple occasions. I'd get home, get undressed and this little rubbery gray ball of... ejaculate... would fall out as I was getting undressed. WTF?
  9. I love the taste of semen -- I lick it off video screens, walls, floors, etc. in ABS -- but I've got a beard cum/bukkake fetish.
  10. That's me. To this day. Seriously, I've hardly missed a day in 20 years, even though the gloryholes have become fewer. Accordingly, my "standards" have become lower and lower. (I'll suck off ANYBODY. I'll lick loads off the floor.) I get off on cruising the bookstore with cum in my beard, for customers and employees to see. The number of men/cocks that have cum in my mouth is ridiculous. 1000s
  11. I'm 5'6", stocky, hairy... Plenty of guys won't touch me, talk to me at the bar, but will use me later at the dirty bookstore. Even there, it was obvious that they were holding out for someone "better" but there was no one else there... and I was always willing. SO willing. (Hey, I'm a sex addict.) So they fuck my face, even my ass. BB. One guy would always sigh, roll his eyes... motion me into a dirty bookstore booth. Roll his eyes, sigh some more... as he unzipped. Then they still won't acknowledge me later. Whatever.
  12. I got turned down by a guy for not remembering I'd done him a couple of months before. ;-)
  13. I want it all the time -- I get fucked thru gloryholes in adult bookstores -- but yeah, sometimes I want it even more than others. I've been itching for a good double penetration session for a while now and can't seem to put one together.
  14. I'm not sure of my age. I know I was in high school. I went home from the park with a guy who was in his 30s. I rode it cowgirl; I'd been practicing on a hammer handle, and with bananas.
  15. So some female porn star gave 249 blowjobs in 14 hours in 2006 for a world's record. [EG] I would fuckin love to break that record.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. RandyCubby


      And another 250 up my ass. 😉 And when that starts to "overflow," as it will, scrape it out of my asshole with a spoon and feed it to me. (You're right about me being a dirty PIG, sir.)

    3. ScorpionFF


      And another 250 inside your ass on top of the 250 already received. Not only am I correct on you being a dirty PIG, boy, it is also very clear to me what a complete and utter hungry any load whatsoever cum-dump you are. 

      *Fetches tablespoon to feed @RandyCubby😁

      Happy new year, PIG 🐽

    4. RandyCubby


      I've never had enough cocks/cum in either of my orifices. Happy new year, sir!

  16. Tbh, I have an above average cock, and I love to suck cock. Sure, I prefer big dicks, esp. BBC, but I will suck off anybody. Sometimes little dicks squirt a lot, and I love cum! 😉
  17. I know I'm a dumb fuckhole... and I know I deserve whatever I get.
  18. I average gonorrhea twice a year - throat and/or butthole. My record is gono 3 x in a year -- 5 x in just 20 months. (Not even counting crabs, which I get 2-3 x a year, too, but it's hard to tell if it's a new infestation or just last month's that I didn't quite get rid of.)
  19. Wanking in the john at work is risky... but I can't stop.

    1. RawUK


      Has to be done sometimes fella. Only way at that moment to get a release. Bet some of your colleagues do the same!

  20. Yes, I was embarrassed... but I get off on humiliation, so... [EG] it worked. Once, when I was younger, I managed 6 hookups one Saturday. Each, theoretically, didn't know about the other, but by the end of the day, I don't see how they couldn't. I was leaking so much, it coated the back of my sack.
  21. wanna ride?


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. viking8x6


      Oh hell yeah, you always get me hard! Would love to flip with you if our paths ever cross.

    3. RawUK


      Would love to eat out your loaded ass

  22. He ended up in the washing machine. I creamed into him repeatedly... while guys creamed in MY ass.
  23. "These things." You described me perfectly, mister. A thing. You'd enjoy your time with this thing.
  24. LOL. I humped my teddy while I got gangbanged.
  25. I remember one guy sneering, "You fuckin like to be used, don't you?" (I would have said yes, but all I could manage was "Mmmppphhh!!!" with a mouthful of dick.)
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