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Everything posted by topstud127

  1. Tight and sloppy. Sliding into someone's tight hole and opening them up is one of my favorite parts of fucking. If someone else's cum is in there, it turns me on. Slightly paranoid about what I may be swapping, but generally far more hot.
  2. If you guys find any written tales, please share. It's become a difficult task to find hot stories; either a massive archive or one thats regularly updated.
  3. Hand and blowjobs can equal "we didn't fuck" but rimming and fingering, why wouldn't you. In my book, that means the ass was clean and ready for a fuck. Only reason not to proceed is if they insisted on condoms and no one had any.
  4. Break up with him. Wait out and pry at the open thing. But if you're gonna cheat, and it doesn't sound like a "one time, out of my system thing" be honest about your desires and break up or let him process and see if he's willing to open up. But fucking around behind his back, ESPECIALLY when things are so good between you two, then putting him at risk, not okay. And just word of advice, my bf and I are open and have access to each others profiles, but I couldn't tell you how many times his friends have messaged him saying "ummm talked to your bf online or so and so said they messed around." It will get back to him somehow.
  5. Sounds like they fucked. The dishonesty and adamant lying are non-negotiables for me, but sounds like you two are on the same page. He's just chicken-shit.
  6. Can you afford medication, blood work, what if you don't or won't have insurance. Do you want deal with health issues when you're older. Opportunistic infections, does cancer run in your family? If you want to have a relationship, do you want yet another ailment to complicate that. Do you not think that a down immune system can cause your herpes to flair more often. If you're not into medicines, are you trying to slowly kill yourself or waste away to whatever degree. Did I miss anything, guys?
  7. Fucked a bud with just spit last night. Ate his ass and put some on my hand and then dick as I went and then slowly slid right in.
  8. UTI from a messy bottom. 18 and pissing blood/razor blades. Was still going to the family pediatrician so if it was anything more, he didn't tell me, but the previous session was "messy." Ugh.
  9. The "top" part is fine, but generally, and I'm guilty of this, if I'm topping, I didn't bother cleaning my canal beyond a normal shower, so get away
  10. Great if you know what you're doing as far as teasing, relaxing, getting it wet enough with spit, then its amazing.
  11. It'd be a much clearer picture if all parties involved knew you were intentionally taking a nap or passed out with the desire to be fucked, but just guessing, very murky.
  12. Missionary is really underrated. It isn't just for "love-making" and even so, allows unfettered access depending on the angles. The question at hand, if doggy, knees apart and the lower you are, the better. If on your stomach, either or. When bottoming, I'm legs apart. When topping, usually do both.
  13. Mentally and physically? If you're into tantric elements, you're very much in tune with your breathing and feeling through your body and being in tune with your partner. Or sometimes you're in your head and distracted or visualizing other things. Or watching from a 3rd party POV. Or rushing yourself to cum. Or trying to get get your partner off. Or poppered up or high and feeling through euphoria.
  14. Some clinics or public places now offer it, but you still need to be tested- even if it weren't required, you still should. Being positive and growing resistant is far worse that temporary embarrassment. I've come across judgemental doctors, but really, thats all they can do. Its easy to find a new one if its a problem. If you're plastering your face online with dicks, I doubt its that big of a secret for you. Which leads to... if you're sexually active, you need to have blood work ran anyway every so often. We're adults. Clearly, we fuck who we want, but be responsible about it. And that includes being honest with medical professionals when its for your own good.
  15. Some are perfect for deep throating or hitting your prostate, but for what they offer in "perfect placement", they lack in versatility. The minor, regular curve tends to straighten out, but guys who really have it, tend to require vigilance with where they're bending and have a hard time keeping it inside.
  16. I'll be the buzzkill (as usual) and say its rape. As PG said above, it is, by definition, rape. Contextualizing it with a bathhouse, makes it seem acceptable if you squint and tilt your head, but I'll err on the side of caution. Aside from that, fucking someone who isn't responsive has no thrill for me. I'd rather jerk off or watch someone else.... I agree with all of PG's post.
  17. Not at all. I have no desire to catch anything, let alone something I can't get rid of it. Don't make permanent decisions on temporary feelings.
  18. When I bottom, I know I'm crystal clean (otherwise, I'm not bottoming), so I don't mind sucking it. Usually reserved for guys I'm comfortable with though.
  19. I keep hoping this thread gets updated
  20. Any annoying habits you've experienced with hook-ups? Using way too much of my lube. Its not an unlimited supply and more likely than not, we're using the good shit. Guy last night used half of my Swiss Navy. The "I wanna try bottoming" but everything about your mind and body is resisting. Overstaying your welcome, of course. Wanting to stay all night and cuddle when its clearly not that type of party or not knowing the chemistry and fun is absent.
  21. Xtube channel, maybe?
  22. When you're anxious about still feeling "full" down there, you don't mentally connect. You're in your head just wandering and waiting for it to go wrong. It's a worrisome ride that you want to end. I agree that many of us overclean and go further than we need to, but some of it is necessary, especially if you're irregular, have bowel issues or your diet isn't conducive to your movements densely packing themselves and completely voiding. There are some guys who don't have to clean and they're fine. Some who just throw a few ounces of water up the rectum and they're fine. Some who have to plunge and wash half their descending colon. Unfortunately, it varies and you don't wanna leave it up to chance or hoping that the dick is just half an inch shorter than your problem zone. Not the end of the world, but I don't accept "shit happens" as a part of anal sex. Aside from embarrassment, mess, stopping a hot time, it can lead to some ugly UTI's.
  23. I rarely jerk off anymore. Ideally, I'd be having sex every other day and not need to jo, but that isn't always the case. I rubbed one out last night and it was explosive. Good lube, hour of porn surfing, cock ring and poppers. Made me remember how much I like that private time with just myself, but also feels like a waste. It'd be better appreciated up an ass or even all over myself with a witness.
  24. I'd love to see the video here
  25. One a year or in six months, statistical odds, but hopefully this doesn't become routine. A few more and it'll be region by region.
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