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Everything posted by paskin

  1. Bare in mind it can take a while for medicines to arrive, so you might want to PrEPare in advance (sorry, couldn't resist) by buying it early. The sexual health advisors were happy for me to go on to PrEP immediately after the initial post-PEP HIV test being negative, despite government recommendations for the 3 month test.
  2. paskin

    At Last

    Rawfuckr, I too was skeptical. Especially as I'd just fininshed PEP taking the official blue Truvada. When I ordered my first batch the usual generic that gets mentioned is Tenvir-EM by Cipla, but United Pharmacies were out of stock. I then tried AllDayChemist only to discover that I couldn't pay by credit card, so I decided to go with the more expensive Tavin-EM by Emcure from United Pharmacies. The bottle was foil-sealed, but I was a little concerned (after hearing so much about Gileads little blue pill) that the pills were white, and might not be the real macoy. After a week of taking them I went for a TDM (Theraputic Drug Monitoring) test to verify if sufficient levels of tenofovir and emtricitabine were in my bloodstream. The hardest part was the 2 week wait for the results, which came back showing it was fine. The test has to be taken at least 12 hours after ingesting a pill, but not more than 17, which might complicate matters depending on when you prefer to take it, and can get blood taken. The most recent (8th August) results for batches that were tested is at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B37FNlyZFahOdWl5bHVaSWRRNFU/view The next update is due in November which should include mine and hopefully many other results. I'm well aware that we have no idea how stringent any quality controls are, or of what variation there might be from one batch to another, but it all seems good so far... and unfortuneately we don't yet have a better alternative except to pay £400 per month for actual Gilead Truvada.
  3. paskin

    At Last

    I'm also in London, and got mine from United Pharmacies (very straightforward transaction). All the info you need about buying online is at: http://www.iwantprepnow.co.uk/buy-prep-now The guide to taking it by i-base, which uses information gathered from both the "PROUD" (US) Study (one pill every day) and the IPERGAY (French) Study (Event based dosing) is online at: http://i-base.info/uk-guide-to-prep/
  4. The risk of mixing Viagra / Kamagra with Poppers or XTC / MDMA probably depends on the users overall health, particularly heart and blood pressure. Whilst there are clearly a lot of guys who do both and have a great time, that doesn'r mean it's risk free for everyone. If I were in your situation NLbear - bottoming at a party, I'd be inclined to skip the Kamagra (at least at first)... enjoy the heightened horniness and tingly feelings from the XTC... use poppers if you feel the urge, but perhaps smaller / gentler inhallations than you're used to initially -- just feel out what works for you. I should be clear that I haven't yet engeged in PnP, or used these chems in a sexual setting -- only clubbing / houseparties etc, but I can certainly see the attraction of XTC / MDMA for that loved up and tingly sensation... Depending on your source, a lot of XTC will have some speed (amphetamine) content which usually does the opposite of viagra, so I can understand why a top would want to take care of that first, but a bottom who's boner is less than stellar (or even partially absent) can still be, and enjoy being an awesome fuck. Have fun and let us know how you get on.
  5. Anyone with an opinion on Crisco? Or is that preferred just for fisting and particularly large toys?
  6. This just happened Wednesday, but let me give you a little back story first: Back at the end of July I met an Arab Daddy at the local cruising ground (I call him Daddy coz he' s the top, but he's only a couple of years older than me) - Anyway, at the woodland there's a particularly secluded quiet spot ideal for those that want a little privacy, where another guy who'd just worked 2 loads out of me whilst sitting on my face, and I were just getting our clothes back on when He appeared round the bush and asked if we'd be long as he wanted to bring some trade there for a fuck. I told him we were just leaving when he asked if I liked to be fucked... I told him truthfully not very often, but I'd like to with him so we swapped numbers and made tentative plans to meet after the weekend. So Monday rolls round and we met at the same place, where he fucked me face down in the dirt and grass begging for his hard Arab fuck stick.. he wrapped it at first, but soon got him to chuck the condom and bareback me. It was over pretty soon, but was just what I needed to re-ignite my desire to get fucked and take loads more often -- well, that and all the hot posts from you dirty sluts and fuckers on here of course That was good, so on the Tuesday he invited be back to his place for a quick fuck before his bf comes home. I had to quietly suck him whilst they were on the phone together for a while, but once he hung up he barebacked me on the living room armchair. Yes, this guy knows how to top, and I haven't felt like this in far too many years. He's got me moaning breed my ass daddy, give it to me. And he's whispering I don't know what, but it's hot and he's really going at it before leaving a load deep inside. He takes me to the shower for a quick clean up, and I thank him again and say I hope we can play again soon, when he says he's off on holiday for a month or more... Fast forward to yesterday when I get the text arranging a quickie for this afternoon between him finishing work and the bf getting home. I head over and start to strip on the way in, drop to my knees and get my mouth around the bulge in his shorts inhaling deeply, taking in his scent. He starts playing with my nipples as I free his cock and engulf the head probing and licking all over. We both know time is short, so we shed the rest of our clothes during this little foreplay and as I take position on the armchair again he's putting a condom on. He give my ass a quick lick and I gasp, but alas rimming is not on the agenda and his tongue is quickly replaced with a lubed finger. I'm squirming and begging "Fuck me Daddy", as he runs his cock head up and down my crack, and starts to push against my tight little hole. I try to remember all the accounts I've read of taking cock and clench on the in breath and relax on the out breath, 2 more breaths and we're in sync and he rams that hard Arab dick right in me. I'm stretched, but it's good... the practice with my training set of butt plugs has paid off... no pain, just pleasure and I want more. The fucking intensifies but I'm strongly aware of the rubber between us. I tell him I want him to breed me, and as he pulls back I shift forward a little so he slips out. "Take it off" I say and with barely a moments hesitation he does. I stick my butt out to him and he enters me raw...much better I tell him, "Breed me Daddy" -- we're both more up for it now, he's fucking harder and faster, then moves me a little to get in deeper. He's hitting the right spot and I'm loving it, wondering if I'll cum without touching myself again. But not this time, before too long I feel his cock twitch and I know by his motions he's seeding me deeply... I'm really content, as he rests his chest on my back and kisses me, still buried deep inside. gently my ass is still milking his cock as he slowly softens a little and withdraws. Like a good little slut I say "Thank you Daddy" as I spin round and drop to my knees and take his cock in my mouth to clean it off and suck out any last remnants of his baby-batter. "Good boy" he tells me Mission successful, it was a bit quick due to time restraints, but it's the best fuck we've had -- and it's the best I've been fucked in years, and the smile on my face shows it. I dress and thank him again, and 25 mins after arriving I'm on my way out of the door. I'm loving the feeling, but I'm aware that I still haven't cum, so I head up to the local cruising ground to see whats around. It's rarely great, but usually adequate.. and there's often that really good cocksucker there at this time, which I think will round off the day nicely. But when I get there he's nowhere to be seen. There are a few guys milling around... more around than usual in fact (it's been a nice warm afternoon), but everyone's just looking, no one's playing. I'm not particularly interested in anyone there anyway, but I wander around a bit. A couple of guys have paired off and blue shirt is blowing his new friend - amateur isn't even on his knees! I keep walking, but rapidly losing interest. One more lap and I'm just content in the afterglow of having received my best fucking in ages, not even particularly horny any more so I decide to call it quits and head home via the supermarket. I'm slowly making my way towards the tram stop when I spot a new lad through the trees... he hears me and diverts his path, so I stop and wait. As he comes in to view my first thought was "this mid to late twenties fit lad in running shorts and a backpack is younger and hotter than anyone else here -- target acquired". He looked over as he was about to pass the end of the path that I was on about 10ft away, I licked my lips and grabbed my crotch, still watching. As soon as he paused I did the beckoning head nod to call him over, and turned and took a few steps down the path away from him, got to a slightly obscured corner by a tree and turned back to see him approaching as I dropped my jeans and dropped to my knees (Don't want the jeans getting dirty ). I looked up and said "Please Sir" and he tucked his shorts under his balls revealing a long thinish soft cock. I inhaled deeply and lapped at the tip which was hidden under a long, but not too much foreskin. He held my face up to look at him and slapped me with his cock a couple of times which seemed to make it grow. He shoved it hard back in my mouth and I got my tongue under the foreskin licking and probing his piss-slit. He held my head with both hands and started roughly impaling my face on that long cock which had grown nicely to about 8" and thickened up too by now. He'd occasionally stop to slap my face with his cock, and was otherwise nice and rough, playing with my nipples, and slapping my face a bit whilst pulling my head hard down on him, his cock down my throat and my nose pressed against his pubic bone. I choke a little and my eyes are watering... A good brutal face fucking just the way I like it. He pulled me off him to allow me to catch my breath and slap his cock around my face again and I had time to gasp "Sir I'm gonna cum if you keep doing that" and he leaned down and gave me a very hard handjob, and then just as I was starting to cum rammed his cock straight down my throat again pushing my head towards him, as he said "Yeah, shoot that muck." (Was that an Irish accent?) Very hot anyway. Then he reached down and used a finger to scoop up the last little bit of my cum that remained on my PA / cock tip and fed it to me wiping it on my tongue. "Thank you Sir" I said as he pulled up his shorts... "Good boy." he replies and off he went to find some other lucky guy.... On reflection, perhaps I should have hung around to take his load too, but didn't want to be too desperate or greedy. 8.5 / 10: needs more spit and verbal... but having said that it was the best brutal facefucking I've had in a while, so that combined with Arab Daddys fuck earlier made for a very good day indeed. I hope someday to be able to bottom properly for a similarly rough top. And thanks again to those of you that post here for the encouragement to go out and get the sex we desire.
  7. I know nothing of how these things work in the US, but I suggest reading the "How much do you pay for PrEP" thread https://breeding.zone/topic/34866-exactly-how-much-do-you-pay-for-prep/ if you haven't already, as you may find someone in a similar situation as you that has more pertinent information. If not, I would imagine that buying from AllDayChemist (linked from above) would be better for US residents to obtain generics.
  8. There's some great advice in these previous threads: https://breeding.zone/topic/31625-a-bunghole-so-clean-it-will-gleam/ https://breeding.zone/topic/22457-chia-seeds-natures-buttgrease-great-bottom-food/page-1 https://breeding.zone/topic/31350-why-cant-i-get-completely-cleaned-out/
  9. Hey Dylan, There's a PrEP sub forum in the HIV/AIDS & Sexual Health Issues section at https://breeding.zone/forum/113-prep-discussion/ But to answer your question, yes I'm on PrEP without a prescription in the UK (London too). All the details and links you need can be found at http://www.iwantprepnow.co.uk but I'm happy to answer any specific questions if you have them. I got mine from United Pharmacies, -- easy transaction as they take UK credit cards, unlike AllDayChemist. Be sure you're definitely HIV negative before starting. Happy Slutting
  10. AFAIK it is still not available on the NHS... The recent High Court Ruling only said that they have to consider funding it... Pretty sure that hasn't happened yet, though I don't really follow the mainstream news. I bought mine online from United Pharmacies, very straightforward transaction. All the details and links are available at http://iwantprepnow.co.uk
  11. Yeah kinda... If the top is being Dom and verbal with it so much the better, but I'm not too fussed about specific terms. He can call it what he wants. If I'm topping I'll often call it 'hole' or 'boi-pussy'. Alas not yet, but I'm feeling more and more like I want it to be. I got a set of training plugs to practice, and got myself on PrEP as I'm not ready to convert YET. Not yet, but the couple of times I've cum hands free just from being fucked were awesome. Alas, I've never had the pleasure.... the though of it turns me on though. I want to find a good Dom to please however he likes. Sometimes either or both, not that it really matters unless Sir wants to flip, or have me fuck one of his other bois. Yes, it's all good practice, but of course getting his load deep inside is the ultimate reward. Any Masters in London interested in training a switch to bottom properly, please contact me.
  12. Fuckin' hot post, glad you got the fit builder in both holes - moments like that really are a treat! Definitely looking forward to reading part 2, and perhaps you'll inspire me to write out some of my own similar memories. Such a shame they don't make 'cottages' like they used to.
  13. Wish I was in ATL to play too... Keep us updated with news of the gym-twink
  14. Just seconding lower_bucks_bottom and suggesting to wait the full 28 day incubation period since your last bb encounter, and then test again before you start taking PrEP just to be absolutely sure, as taking PrEP in the early stages of HIV can diminish the effects of Truvada as treatment for HIV ... I'm paraphrasing a bit but I was chatting to a nurse who was obviously very knowledgeable and he was really emphatic about the importance of this. Yesterday I got my second negative HIV result in 29 days so just started on PrEP myself.
  15. I made a pact with myself not to cum alone, and ideally inside another guy since April. Overall it's been great - much more motivation for sexytimes with real guys. There were a few times whilst edging when I went a little too far and hit the point of no return and had to finish, so in those cases I committed to exercising my inner pig by eating the load... so win-win. It's a good discipline to practice, highly recommended
  16. The question is whether CumUnions low numbers are part of a downward trend in general, or just a one off due to lots of other things happening that weekend spreading the crowd a bit thin, not to mention it being holiday season, and the nicer weather leading to more outdoor encounters e.g. on the Heath etc.?
  17. I would be up for this. Let me know please.
  18. You'll have to do better than that, boi! "Older" than what for a start, and a few more details on your profile wouldn't go amiss.
  19. Pretty much still those mentioned in this thread from last month, with the added bonus of outdoor places too: https://breeding.zone/topic/36105-best-clubs-saunas-and-outdoor-areas-for-bb-sex-in-london/ Be sure to advertise on BBRT too, once you're here.
  20. Try opening Google Maps (or similar app where you can confirm that your tab knows your location), give it a moment and then try opening Grindr. I've only seen that isue a couple of times but it might help. But really, good luck -- as with most others posting here I found it a pretty poor experience, especially compared to actual real cruising.
  21. Great idea... I've let guys use office space that I've had access to in the past, but now alas I find myself in need of a similar "service".
  22. Fuck Yes! the rest of the story - we want it all. Obviously. Please.
  23. An even 200... keen to improve it, and help others too, so let me know if you're around London...
  24. Good boi, sounds like your top guy has everything well under control, and you just need to keep practicing. Keep it up
  25. I'd say it's mostly about getting over the fear... whether of the size of the ring or chipping a tooth, it's mostly a mental block. That's not to say that a particularly large or heavy guage ring isn't perhaps a bit uncomfortable or denying that it might take a bit of getting used to, but if you're keen and do what you can, showing enthusiasm for pleasing your top I don't think you'll have too many problems. If you can't deep throat it yet, you can at least play with it -- treat it as an extension of His cock to be worshipped... tounge the ring, twisting, and applying pressure whilst you work on his head, pull at it with your lips etc. all the things you couldn't do with an un-pierced cock. And if you have the opportunity; tell him that you're a little nervous to worship such a magnificent pierced penis, and let your dedication show - even if you're technique isn't fantastic, he'll probably appreciate the effort, and help you to do better. Similarly, never had an issue with chipped teeth, though I guess it could be a problem if both sucker and feeder get over excited... though really most of us would rather be in our respective places getting or giving an awesome blow job, than risk cutting it short due to either being in pain.... though it would probably be best to practice with gentler tops first, just in case. Where are you based by the way? I'm always happy to help train a good cocksucker, and you can practice on mine anytime
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