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Everything posted by RiskyMarc

  1. So hot and very well written. Thank you.
  2. Amazing story. Thank you.
  3. Very hot, thank you so far.
  4. So hot, thank you!
  5. This is amazingly hot.
  6. Thank you for this amazing story.
  7. Very hard to read without any punctuation. Very bad writing.
  8. Really hot, thank you.
  9. AMAZING. Thank you and please continue.
  10. Thank you so much. It's amazing.
  11. Amazing, thank you!
  12. Again: very amazing story. Thank you and please continue.
  13. I love this story and hope there’ll be more chapters.
  14. I love this so much. And a straight/bi spinoff would amazing.
  15. Love this amazing story. Thank you.
  16. Just go ahead and write your own stories. I‘d love to read them because I like your evil thoughts on pozzing. Make sure to use shorter paragraphs to keep reading easy.
  17. That's a hot story. Thank you! The only thing that would have made it even hotter for me: if he told his breeder during the fuck that he lied about Prep and that he was ready to receive the gift.
  18. This is a very hot story. I just would have loved it to be longer and more detailed about the story around those two and of course about the sex itself.
  19. I‘m curious for more. This seems to be developing quite interestingly. Thanks so far.
  20. I‘m curious for more.
  21. Incredibly good. Thank you for sharing!
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