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Everything posted by RiskyMarc

  1. Very hot so far.
  2. This is one of the best stories here. I really love it. Thank you so much!
  3. Thank you, I'm interested in more... 🙂
  4. That was hot, thank you.
  5. Indeed, this is awesome. I can't wait to read more and I hope that there will be lots of raw fucking while Angel ist watching and laughing.
  6. Do it! Let both of them give you their presents!
  7. That's a great start, please continue 🙂
  8. This really is a very hot story and I can't wait for more...
  9. This is as romantic as fucking hot. Thanks for sharing!
  10. This is getting better and better. Very hot!
  11. Hot, again very, very hot. Thank you! 🙂
  12. This is really awesome and I want to read a lot more of this story. Thanks for sharing so far and please continue.
  13. Thanks for this romantic and yet so evil next part 🔥😈
  14. Woohooo!


    RiskyMarc has earned 6 of 14 ranks, and is in the top 3% of all members! 

    Feeling a little bit special now 🙂

  15. That's a good start, please continue.
  16. I love it. Yes, more please.
  17. This story ist still the best on BZ. Please, please, please continue as soon as you can 🙂
  18. Yes, more please 🙂
  19. This is an interesting beginning. I'd love to read more 🙂
  20. This is kinda hot, thank you.
  21. I love it. Thank you so far 🙂
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