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Everything posted by nymidtowneast

  1. Thanks for continuing this story. It’s amazing!!
  2. Chapter 5 I sat on the exam table in just my jock. One thought kept running through my mind...I know what my next tattoo’s going to be! Without even realizing what I was doing I stuck a finger in my mouth, then leaned back on the table, brought one leg up and started fingering my hole. My eyes were closed and was I moaning. I was up to two fingers, lost in my own world so I didn’t notice the doc had returned. “Damn Scotty, I have to say I never imagined you’d progress so quickly but fuck look at you go. Tell me, what do you want?” “Poz cum sir. I need poz cum!”” “Good man. Is that the first time you’ve admitted it out loud?” “Yes,” I said starting to blush again.” “Don’t be embarrassed. You’ve finally realized what’s been missing from your life. You should be proud of yourself. Now let’s do this test so we can get you knocked up.” “Doc I was thinking. We don’t really need to do it since it’s going to happen anyway.” “Well, good point, but to be honest with you, I’m a little selfish and want to know for myself. You see, I want your family here to be the ones that convert your ass not some random hookup.” “Fuck me! When you put it that way I totally agree.” “Oh believe me son you will be fucked and fucked hard tonight.” He quickly administered the test then said “ Okay I really do want to check your prostate before we start so why don’t you standup at the end of the table and lean over.” Before I could move there was a knock at the door. “Come in,” doc responded. The door opened and Chad stuck his head in. “Hey doc, Chris told me you wanted me in here with you guys. Umm looks like I arrived just in time,” he said licking his lips. “Hi Chad, come on in. You two are my last patients of the day so I hope you don’t mind if we double up a bit so I can give you both some good quality attention. I know it’s unorthodox but I think it’ll be good for you both of you.” “Works for me.” Chad was grinning from ear to ear. “Should I get naked too?” He didn’t wait for an answer just stripped down. Chris entered the room carrying his equipment to take some blood. “Prefect everyone’s here. Okay, Chad you take Scotty’s place on the exam table and Chris you go over there to take his vitals and draw blood. And Scotty you come over here on the other side of Chad and bend over him so I can examine your ass. Feel free to suck on Chad’s cock; it’s rather tasty.” Okay seriously I felt like I had entered the fucking twilight zone. This didn’t happen to normal people. Good thing I was becoming a twisted fucker then. Doc was right. Chad’s precum was delicious! I was in my own world sucking away when I felt doc’s fingers start to probe my ass. Oh fuck that felt good. I was moaning around Chad’s cock when someone pulled me away. I looked up and they were all staring at me with my face covered in slobber and precum and they started to laugh. “Damn boy I thought you were going to suck my balls through my cock. You’re one horny motherfucker. You keep sucking me like that and I’m going to cum and this load needs to go deep in your ass.” “Not to mention you have Chad wiggling around like a mad man and I’m trying to take his blood without hurting him.” “Sorry guys.” I said sheepishly. All the while Dr. Manning kept moving his fingers around inside me. “Well your prostate looks good. Chris you about done with Chad?” “Yep all good here. You need me for anything else?” “No, I just have a few questions for Chad then we’ll meet in the break room.” Just then we heard a big huff and turned to see Matty standing in the doorway. “You guys promised you wouldn’t start without me.” “Matty we’re just finishing up here. No one’s fucked our boy yet but we’re getting very close. Give us ten minutes and we’ll meet you in the playroom.” Playroom, seriously?? Matty was pouting again but turned and left the room. Dr. Manning sighed, “damn that boy is sexy as fuck when he pouts. We better hurry this up before he really gets mad at us. Okay Chad, you okay answering a few questions in front of Scotty?” “Of course. We’re practically family. Scott why don’t you suck my balls while the doc and I chat.” I dove for his balls immediately. “Chad, how you feeling? I see your viral load is the highest it’s ever been.” “I feel fine doc. My specialist really wants me to start meds but I’m still not sure.” “Well you know I’ll support you in whatever you decide and remember you can always go off them again.” “Thanks doc. Maybe after we knock this slut up I’ll consider it, but for now I’m really enjoying spreading my gift.” “Well Scotty, I think it’s time to see what the test showed. You ready?” “Is it strange I really want it to be neg so you guys can poz me?” Doc chuckled. “Not at all I Know I hope that.” He took a look at the test and got a big grin on his face. “Alright then, let’s get this neg boy knocked up.” The two of them lead me out of the exam room and down the hall to the employee break room, which apparently doubled as their play room. I walked in and my jaw hit the floor. There was a sling set up in the middle of the room. A fuck bench off the side and a table filled with dildos and butt plugs. Nothing like the break room at my office. Chris was standing by the sling naked, stroking his cock. Matty was next to him but he was still wearing some very tight boxer briefs that looked to be hiding one hell of a package. “Guys why don’t you help our guest of honor get in the sling why I finally get out of these clothes.” Before I knew it I was secured in place ready for the breeding to begin. Dr. Manning had a nice 7” cock which looked pretty thick. He was rock hard and I noticed he had a big bio haz tat just above his cock. “You ready son to join our family?” “YES please fuck me I am so damn horny!! Knock my fucking neg ass up,” I screamed. That’s all it took. Doc shoved his dick inside me in one go. Thank god he loosened me up earlier or I would have been in a world of hurt. He started fucking me and the pain soon turned to pleasure. I looked around me and the the other guys were all surrounding me each of them jacking off, all except Matty who still had his undies on. “No turning back now. You ready for my load?” “Yes! Give it to me.” He plowed into me balls deep and I felt his cock start to shoot rope after rope of cum. I clamped down hard on his dick. “Fuck yeah, milk my cock. Get every drop of toxic cum.” He pulled out of me and Chris quickly took his place. Doc walked around to the front of the sling and shoved his cock down my throat. “Clean me off Scotty.” Delicious! Chris picked up his speed and pretty soon he was adding his toxic load to the docs. Then Chad stepped up to take his turn. I was in heaven. Who knew sex could be this good. I had a cock in both ends and couldn’t get enough. I could feel Chad starting to load me up. Damn it felt like he was shooting a gallon of cum in me. I could feel down dripping down my legs. “That’s a 5 day load there for you.” Everyone had fucked me except for Matty and he was still wearing his underwear, WTF? “How you doing Scotty? You need a break,” asked doc. “More, please I need more.” “Good man. We have a surprise for you. Matty has a new piercing and he’s been saving it for a special occasion. Guess what? That would be you Scotty.” Matty had an evil grin on his face as he slowly pulled down his boxer briefs. Out popped the biggest cock I’ve ever seen on such a small guy. It had to be over 9” and as thick as a beer can. Matty was only about 5’6” and real skinny plus he had his pubes trimmed short which made it look even bigger. But what scared me the most was the wicked PA piercing he had. It looked like a wheel with spokes, sharp spokes. “My turn. I’ve been waiting for a month for this moment. You ready for your life to change forever Scotty?”
  3. Chapter 4 One of the perks of my job was that I can work from home a couple times a week with no issues from my boss. I don’t do it very often but Friday, this worked out perfect. It would allow me to get work done, make it to the gym at lunch and allow plenty of time for me to clean out before I headed to my appointment. I was strangely nervous excited all day. At around one I headed over to my gym, which conveniently was right around the corner, to burn off some of my pent up energy. It was pretty quiet for the middle of the day but I did notice a few hot older guys and few others who looked to be on their lunch breaks as well. Now when I’m at the gym I usually don’t pay attention to anyone else. I’m there to work out so I try not to get distracted by watching others. But fuck it, today, I couldn’t stop watching the guys wondering if they were gay and if so, did they fuck raw. After about 20 minutes I figured this was a lost cause so I packed it up and headed home. I didn’t get much work done in the afternoon; I just couldn’t concentrate. My mind kept going back to all those deliciously nasty stories about guys actively seeking toxic loads. As I was cleaning out I kept playing with hole thinking how good that raw cock felt. Since I was working from home I’d planned on just wearing shorts and a T-shirt. My big dilemma was do I wear boxer-briefs, a jock, or go commando. Fuck it I was wearing my jock. I loved the way it framed my tight ass. It was finally 5:30 as I walked into Dr. Manning’s office. Matty looked up from his computer and at first had a confused look on his face which quickly turned into a huge grin. “Holy shit Scott I almost didn’t recognize you. Damn you look good enough to eat.” I smiled back feeling a little self-conscious. “Come here sexy give Matty a kiss.” He leaned over his desk and laid a nice wet one on my lips. “Now go have a seat in the waiting room and quit distracting me.” I gave him a quick smile and went to take a seat. There was one other guy already there and he’d been watching the exchange between Matty and me. He winked at me and said “damn Matty why didn’t I get a kiss?” “Oh stop it Chad. You know I only kiss my favorites.” “Oh that hurts.” “Truth usually does.” He grinned and stuck his tongue out at the hunk apparently known as Chad. Chad turned his attention to me with a huge smile. “Love your tats. Where’d you have them done?” “Tat City on 3rd.” “Nice. Max?” “Yep.” “He’s done all of mine too.” “Excellent. I love his work. I’ve been going to him for years.” Okay so I know you want to know what Chad looks like...about my height, extremely toned, tanned, muscular, brown eyes, goatee. I’d say he was probably in his 40s. He was wearing a tank top and shorts. His tank showed off his amazing ink on his shoulders and upper arms. There is nothing hotter than a guy with tats. At least in my opinion. So basically my walking wet dream. I sat down next him and we started discussing tats. He’d just gotten a new one a couple weeks before. “I’ve been thinking about getting another one, I just can’t make up my mind. What’d you get?” He grinned, grabbed the strap of his tank top and pulled it down past his pierced nipple to reveal a big bio haz sign on his pec. “Holy fuck that’s hot!” Before I even knew what I was doing I reached out to trace his tat with my fingers. “Mmm he did great work, right?” “Oh fuck. Sorry man.” I said as I pulled my hand back. “No problem. I love it when a guy admires my ink.” He winked and licked his lips. “You need to get one. You’d be floored how much ass I’ve gotten since I got it.” “Really? I’d have thought it would scare guys away.” “No way, it’s a fucking magnet for those chasers. Let’s the neg boys know what’s on the table.” “I never would have thought it would be but fuck it’s sexy as hell.” “Do it man you won’t be disappointed.” “Uhh yeah I’m not poz.” “Damn, sorry. I just assumed.” “No problem.” He grabbed my hand and placed it back on his tat. “Who knows, play your cards right and you may just earn your own bio haz.” Fuck me! I was starting to get hard. He glanced down and noticed my shorts getting a little tighter and started smirking. “See fucking magnet.” At that exact moment I heard Chris clear his throat behind me. “Umm hope I’m not interrupting boys. Scotty you’re up. Chad honey, sit tight. We’ll be ready for your help shortly.” He has smiling from ear to fucking ear and I was just getting harder. “Take your time. I’m in no hurry. My whole evening is wide open.” He winked at me. “I’m sure I’ll be seeing you soon, Scotty.” Oh dear god please someone shoot me now. I got up and followed Chris; my dick leading the way. I started to cover it up but Chad brushed my hand away. “A hard dick is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. Let everyone know you’re horny and need to fuck. Isn’t that right Chris?” “Damn you boys keep this up I’m going to rip Scotty’s shorts off and start breeding him right here in the waiting room.” “Now Chris, remember what the doc said, no fucking in the waiting room.” Matty called out. “You’d have to do that in the break room.” Yep full on rock hard now. Chad just bust out laughing and Matty had a very smug look on his face. This appointment was not going how I imagined. Then again maybe it was going exactly as it should. Chris lead me to the exam room and had me hop up on the table. “You should just take off your shirt, it will make taking your blood pressure easier.” He managed to say with a completely straight face. “Umm okay. That’s a new one.” “Can’t blame a boy for trying.” He was trying really hard not to laugh. “Well let’s see how that blood pressure is especially with all that blood down there in your crotch.” He finished up and took the cuff off. “Looks really good. Why don’t you take your clothes off and the doc will be into see you in a few.” “Um I’m sorry all my clothes? I’m just doing a blood pressure check. Are you joking again?” “I never joke about getting naked. It says in your chart he wants to do a prostate exam. So he’ll want you naked for that.” He could see I wasn’t convinced. “Trust me it will be a positive experience Scotty. If you’d like I can go get you a gown to put on, but we’ve found most of our patients prefer to be naked.” He placed his hand on my shoulder and squeezed. “Trust me Scotty all of us here have nothing but your best interests at heart. Besides you’ve got a hot body; you need to show that fucker off. Oh yeah and I love your new shaven look.” He winked and left the room closing the door behind him. Okay, here goes nothing. I took my shirt off and stood up and was unbuttoning my shorts when the door opened and the doc walked in. “Scott, great to see you again. Thanks for coming in so late on a Friday.” He walked right up to me and gave me a big hug. “Have a seat and let’s see what’s going on with your blood pressure.” I kept my shorts on but they were still unbuttoned so you could easily see my jock. He looked at my chart and said “damn your BP looks great. Cutting back your dosage seems to be working. We’ll keep it as is for now then check it again in a few months. Now how are you doing with everything else? How was your month?” “Well doc, umm it was kind of weird.” I proceeded to tell him a bit of what had happened. When I was done he asked, “So the guy came in you, did you enjoy it or did it make you feel guilty?” “I loved it. I didn’t feel guilty until the next day.” “Interesting, so you were okay that night?” “Well,” I blushed and looked away from him. “I kinda went home and fingered myself. I ended up eating most of the load.” “Well Damn! That’s excellent. Did you discuss status?” “No, that’s why I think I’m a bit stressed. He told me after he shot his load that he hoped I enjoyed his gift. I know that may not mean anything but some of those stories I’ve been reading inferred that gift could mean a poz load so I’ve been a little worried.” “That’s perfectly understandable. Other than the stress how have you been feeling? Any flu or cold like symptoms?” “Nope I’ve felt fine.” “Did he cum in you just the once?” “Yes, just once.” “Have you had sex with anyone else since him?” “No.” “How does the thought that you might have taken a poz load make you feel?” “A little nervous.” “Interesting. You say that but your penis is hard and you appear to be leaking quite a bit in your jock there.” “Well damn!” “Okay Scott, here’s what I purpose. We do a rapid HIV test to check your status. If it comes back positive we’ll talk and make a game plan. If it comes back negative we’ll see what we can do to fix that. That sound good to you?” “Umm yeah okay.” Wait what did he just say? “Great. Take those shorts off, but you can leave the jock on. We won’t be needing your cock today so you can keep him covered.” He winked at me. “I’m just going to step out and grab a few things then we can get started.” Fuck! Me!
  4. Chapter 3 The next day was pretty quiet except for some reason I couldn’t stop thinking about Dr. Manning and that damn blow job I received from Chris. On Friday, two days after my exam a couple of friends were taking me out for my birthday. With all my tats I know I give off an edgy vibe but I’m really much more of a quiet guy who prefers a nice dinner with friends instead of going to the clubs. Of course my friends on the other hand prefer the loud clubs so yep you guessed it that’s where they took me. My best friend had a thing for twinks so before I knew it we were knee deep in a bunch of horny young guys. After the third kid called me daddy and told me he was a very bad boy who needed his daddy to fuck him, I knew it was time to call it quits. If anyone was getting plowed it was going to be the birthday boy! I made my excuses to me friends, who didn’t seem all that sad to see me go as they both had a couple of guys all over them. I got home but was way to keyed up to go to bed. I sat on the couch and noticed the card Chris had given to me with the website written down. Fuck it! I grabbed my computer and pulled up the site. Fuck me! There are some twisted nasty fuckers out there and good god my dick was hard and leaking. I stuck to the general barebacking stories as advised. After a couple hours of reading I was so fucking hard my dick could cut glass and that was after shooting a load already. I needed to get fucked! I had downloaded Scruff on my phone a few months ago but hadn’t really used it much. I started looking around but the only ones biting were other bottoms wanting a daddy to fuck them. Okay enough of this. I went to the bathroom stared at my reflection in the mirror. Before I could talk myself out of it I grabbed my razor and started shaving off my beard. Once completed I took a look and damn I almost didn’t recognize myself. I looked a good ten years younger. I couldn’t remember the last time I was clean shaven but it had to be close to 20 years ago. Now try calling me daddy. Honestly I have nothing against daddies. I personal thought they were hot as fuck and I’d never say no to one myself; I just didn’t see myself as one. I took some new pics for Scruff, several of course being shirtless because that’s the rules right. Okay with that done I made sure I was cleaned out and ready to go then started looking at the profiles. I normally am very passive when it comes to these damn apps and wait for someone else to initiate first contact but if I didn’t get a cock in me fast I was going to explode. I sent a couple messages to a few guys and thank god got a response from one rather quickly. “Hey I’d love to fuck you. Got a 3 day load for you.” He unlocked his pics and I did the same. One look at his dick pic and I messaged back “Fuck yeah! Address? He sent it and I was out the door before I could come to my senses. He was close, so It only took me a few minutes to get to his apartment. I rang his number and he buzzed me up. I usually got really nervous when doing a random hookup but not this time. I had never needed to get fucked so bad in my life. The guy was waiting for me with his door open when I made it to his floor. He looked me up and down and told me to get inside and strip. Yep I was naked the second I stepped through the door. His face pic was definitely not current but I didn’t care at this point I just needed his dick inside me. “Get me wet boy. That’s all the lube you’re getting.” Thank god I lubed up a bit before I left home. I sucked him off for a few minutes before he pulled up and told me to lean over the couch. I assumed the position and he slammed his hard cock deep inside in one go. “Holy fucking shit” I cried out. “Sorry man. I’m so horny I couldn’t wait for you to open up.” He started fucking me and pretty soon I was moaning like a bitch in heat. “Damn you love my raw cock buried in your tight cunt don’t you.” Holy shit he was inside me raw. I mean holy shit I actually did it. I had a raw dick buried inside me and OMG did it feel amazing. So this is what all the fuss was about. Pretty soon I could feel him speed up. Then he slammed into me balls deep and I could feel his cock start to shoot and shoot. “Yeah man take my gift boy. Give my babies a good home.” He slowly pulled out and I immediately dropped to me knees and cleaned off his dick. “Fuck yeah clean that dick off good. Don’t miss a drop of my cum.” Seriously who was I. First raw dick and now ass to mouth. Damn talk about a night of firsts. He pulled out of my mouth, patted my head and put his shorts back on. Thanks man I needed that.” Okay I guess we were done. I grabbed my clothes and he showed me to the door. As I was walking to the elevator I could feel a little cum start to run down my leg. When I got home I went to cleanup but instead used my fingers to wipe the cum off my legs then I licked them clean. Oh shit that tasted good. I stuck my fingers in my ass and started fingering myself. Every once in awhile I’d pull them out and stick them in my mouth. Didn’t take too long before I was shooting a huge load all over my chest which of course I promptly ate. I woke up the next morning and couldn’t believe what I’d done. This was not me at all. The next two weeks went by like normal or at least my old normal. I stayed away from breeding.zone; tried to stay busy so I’d stop thinking about the fact that I been fucked raw and liked it. With one week to go before my followup appointment I was acting like a caged animal. Even my friends wanted nothing to do with me. I had been avoiding those nasty stories because I was afraid they’d set me off again. A couple of days before Friday I couldn’t take it any longer. My normal safe porn just wasn’t doing anything for me anymore. I saw the condom and my dick would deflate. I opened up the site again and went right for the stories. I noticed the back room section and saw the bug chasing category. I know Chris said I wasn’t ready for those but honestly the general barebacking ones, as amazing as they were, just seemed like they were missing something. A little danger maybe. Before I knew it several hours had passed and I’d cum twice and was still hard. One thing I started to notice was a lot of the stories talked about receiving the gift or taking dirty loads. I started getting a little nervous wondering if the guy who breed me was actually poz since he kept saying here’s my gift. Fuck maybe Dr. Manning was right. At least it seemed like there were lots of guys out that felt the same way. I was really looking forward to Friday so I could talk to him about what I was going through. Thursday I received the reminder call from Matty and as soon as I saw the number come up on caller ID I started to get hard. “Hey cutie, just calling to make sure you’re good for tomorrow?” “Hi Matty. Oh yeah definitely looking forward to tomorrow. I have somethings I’d like to discuss with the doc.” “Don’t worry he’s made sure to leave plenty of time to take care of all your needs. Oh and it looks like he wants to do a check on your prostate so he’s asked that you make sure your totally cleaned out.” “Umm Okay. That’s an odd request but yes of course.” “Excellent! Trust me it will be a very positive visit I promise.” “Well you haven’t lead my astray yet.” “You’ll be in very good hands. We’ll see you tomorrow stud.”
  5. Chapter 2 I sat in the exam room with a hard cock in my pants. I had never been this horny before. I was trying to think of non-sexy thoughts to try to get my cock to go down before The nurse came back. No such luck. The one time you want a medical professional to take his time and they show up in minutes. Chris walked in and looked right at my crotch. “Hmmm so I guess there’s no mistaking what you thought of the good doctor.” He had a huge grin on his face. I tried to cover my crotch and he just grinned even wider. “Scotty that ship has sailed. No reason to be shy now.” Fuck I turned bright red. “Besides who doesn’t love to see a hard cock. Although it looks like yours about to bust out of your pants.” He winked at me as he pulled the tray up to my side so he could take my blood. “Okay, so it looks like we don’t need extra blood for the prep regiment. Glad you decided to stay away from that shit. Now we’ll just have to work on getting rid of those pesky condoms next.” Holy fucking shit I was seriously going to blow my fucking load. “So Scotty, doc said you might have some questions for me.” “Umm well yeah, umm I’m, wow it’s really hot in here.” “You’re not going to pass out on me are you? I haven’t even started taking your blood yet.” Damn that sexy smile of his. “No no I’m fine just a little nervous.” “Hmmm you know I think all your blood’s gone to your dick. That’s going to make finding a good vein a bit difficult. Let’s see what we can do about that.” Before I knew what he was doing he pushed me down on the exam table, unzipped my pants and pulled out my very hard cock. “Oh fuck what are you doing?” “Just relax, I’m a medical professional. I know what’s best.” He winked then swallowed my cock. Needless to say I didn’t last long. I shot the biggest load of my life. Oh dear God what the hell was happening to me! It took me a few minutes to come back down to earth. “How you feeling now, Scotty?” “Oh fuck that was just oh fuck. I can’t believe my nurse just sucked me off.” “And it was delicious!” He said licking his lips. “Good thing I knew why you came so fast or we may have needed to have doc check out your quick release there. Now let’s get that blood drawn.” Okay if I was dreaming DO NOT wake me up. I was still in such a post orgasmic glow that I didn’t even notice as he took my blood. “Okay Scotty let’s get you sitting up. You know I never asked. Hope you’re alright with me calling you Scotty.” He winked and helped me up. “Now let’s have that talk.” “Yea so, this is by far the strangest doctors visit I’ve ever had. I mean Doc Manning basically told me barebacking was okay and even better not to go on prep and to play raw. Then my hot nurse gave me a blow job. I’m just, I mean that’s not normal...right? Oh and Scotty’s fine, I kind of like it.” I blushed as I looked at him. “Damn you’re cute when you blush.” “Yea I’m almost 50. No one’s called me cute in years.” “Well you are. Okay how about hot daddy?” “Cute it is!” I said. He burst out laughing. “Now I know you’re trying to process a lot, we just want you to know that we’re all committed to making this a very positive experience for you. Doc has a special way of helping patients reach their true potential.” All the while he’s talking he’s rubbing his hands up and down my thighs. So naturally I start getting hard again. It’s at that moment I realize my pants are still undone and my cock is still out in the open, leaking like crazy. “Now as much as I’d like to take another sample of your cum if I don’t get you to Matty to checkout he’s going to have my ass. Now while normally that wouldn’t be a bad thing he has a hot date tonight and he’ll kill me and you if we make him late.” I quickly came to my senses and shoved my dick back in my pants. While I’m working on making myself presentable he’s busy writing something on an appointment card. “I’m giving you some homework. Before your next visit I want you to check out a website, breeding.zone. Start with the general barebacking stories. I don’t think you’re quite ready for the bug chasing ones yet.” I took the card and placed it in my pocket. “Thanks, I can honestly say this is not how I pictured today going, but I’m certainly not disappointed.” He grinned that killer smile. “Excellent! Can’t wait to see you in a month.” We walked out to the front desk. There was no one left except for Matty. I could tell he was getting anxious. “Oh thank god I thought I was just about to come check on you boys.” “Sorry Matty. Scotty had a few extra questions we needed to go over.” “Scotty huh.” His pouty expression was so damn sexy. “So was I right?” He asked me. “Right? Right about what?” “That you’d love Dr. Manning.” “Yes, I must say he’s not at all what I expected.” “Matty, Scott needs a followup appointment in a month.” He checked the calendar on his computer and suddenly got a huge smile on his face. “Can you do the 7th at 5:30? That’s a Friday.” “Wow you guys do that late of appointments on a Friday?” “We do once a month for a special patient. We’ll squeeze you in right before him.” He exchanged a look with Chris and they both smiled. Okay that doesn’t make me worried or anything. “That sounds good. Schedule me in.” “Okay you’re all set. We’ll see you next month.” I headed to the elevator when Chris called out. “Now don’t forget your homework. There will be a quiz.” He winked at me as I got on the elevator. Man it was going to be a long month.
  6. Chapter 1 I was coming up on the big 5-0. I’d had a pretty good year and was feeling great about myself. I was taking better care of my diet, joined a gym and actually went. I had lost some extra pounds and was looking and feeling better than ever. In case you’re wondering, I’m 5’7” green eyes, short dark brown hair with a bit of grey starting to show, hairy chest, clean shaven and a nice toned body starting to come through. My right arm has a full sleeve of tats and my left a half sleeve. I always scheduled my yearly medical exam around my birthday and this year was no different. The day before my appointment I received the usual reminder phone call. “Hello is this Scott?” “Speaking.” “Hi this is Matty from Dr. Manning’s office calling to remind you about your appointment tomorrow at 5:45.” “Umm I’m sorry did you say Dr. Manning? My appointment’s with Dr. Jackson.” “Dr. Jackson is no longer at this practice. Dr. Manning is now seeing his patients. You should have received a notice several weeks ago. I apologize for any confusion.” I wasn’t very happy. I don’t know about you but once I find a good doc I’ll do anything to hold onto them. “Yea no I didn’t receive any notice. Where did he move to? I’d really prefer to keep seeing him.” “Oh I’m sorry he moved out of state.” “Fuck! Oops sorry” Matty was chuckling on the other end of the line. “Don’t worry about it. I’d be pissed too, but you have nothing to worry about sir. I think you’ll really like Dr. Manning.” “Well I’ll have to take your word for it. I really don’t want to find another doctor at this short notice so I guess I’ll give him a shot.” The next day I showed up for my appointment. Right off the bat I could see the changes at the office. It had definitely been given a face lift not to mention the receptionist was hot as hell. Mid 20s, cute as fuck, goatee, piercing blue eyes. “Hi sir, I’m Matty; how can I help you?” “Hi Matty, I’m Scott. I have a 5:30 appointment.” “Mmm yes you do cutie. Here you go. Fill these forms out and we’ll get you going.” I felt myself starting to blush. I quickly filled out the forms and took a seat in the waiting room. About ten minutes later I heard my name being called. I looked up from my phone and saw the hottest nurse I’d ever seen. Over 6’ tall, hairy arms, deep blue eyes, 5 o’clock shadow, very muscular, his scrubs top was so tight you could tell his right nipple was pierced. Holy shit maybe I should have changed doctors years ago. I stood up and grabbed my stuff and started towards him. “Scott, hi I’m Chris, I’ll be taking care of you today.” He said as he shook my hand. “If you’ll come with me we’ll get you started.” Oh I know just where I’d like you to start!! He lead me into an exam room and had me sit on the exam table. “Okay, just a few questions to start. I see you’re here for your yearly checkup and you were a patient of Dr. Jackson.” “Yep, that’s correct.” “It says in chart you’re on medication for high blood pressure.” “Yes, a couple years now.” “Anything else you’re taking?” “No, nothing else.” “Are you in any pain today?” “Nope.” “Are you sexually active?” “Oh yeah!” “Mm that’s good to hear. Do you play with men, women or both?” “I’m gay, so that would be men only,” I said winking at him. Damn I could feel my pants starting to get a little tighter. He grinned and licked his lips then turned back to his computer to make some more notes. “So I don’t see anything about prep in your chart.” “No I just use condoms.” “Hmmm good to know. Okay let’s check your vitals.” He took my temperature and my blood pressure and damn if he didn’t run his hand up and down my arm as he took the cuff off. Fuck I was starting to get harder. “Love your tats. They look great on you. Okay that should just about do it. The doctor will be in to see you shortly.” “Thanks Chris! I’m sure I’ll be seeing you again soon.” What the fuck. I was turning into a teenager. “Oh I’m sure I’ll be back to take some fluids from you.” He grabbed my shoulder as he was heading out of the room and squeezed tight. Damn I could swear his crotch was bigger than before. I waited another ten minutes or so until the doc came in. Holy shit, seriously was everyone at this practice a fucking ten. “Hi Scott. I’m Dr. Manning thanks for coming in today. Why don’t you take your shirt off and we’ll take a look.” He did all his doctor stuff and it took every ounce of self control to keep from getting a massive hard on. Once he was done he started asking me about my sex life. “So I see you use condoms. What percentage of the time would you say?” “100%.” “That’s really good. Some men think safety is very important.” Okay that was odd, I thought. “Are you interested in going on prep? A lot of guys go on prep so they can play without condoms. Some of my patients even have sex without condoms and aren’t on prep. They say it’s rather freeing. So you’ve really never had sex without a condom? It’s okay this is a safe place you can talk to me freely. No judgment here.” I couldn’t believe what was happening. Did he really he just tell me fucking raw was fine and actually encouraged it? Okay he was definitely nothing like Dr. Jackson. “Umm no always played safe. But I must admit I’ve been wondering lately how it would feel to have a raw cock fuck me. I mean to have sex without condoms.” I blushed. “It’s okay Scott no reason to be embarrassed. We’re both gay men and you can be totally open with me. I’m here to help you. Well I have to say it’s rather impressive you’ve made it to 50 and never barebacked.” Seriously I think I’ve entered an alternate universe, what the fuck was happening. But damn my cock was rock hard. “My last boyfriend was really safety conscious so we always played safe.” “Were you the top or bottom in the relationship?” “Mostly top but I much prefer to be on the bottom.” “Hmm yes I can totally picture you as the bottom.” WTF seriously was I dreaming. “Well let’s see everything looks really good except I’m a little concerned about your blood pressure meds. I think I want to try you on a smaller dosage since you’ve lost some weight over the past year.” “That’s a good thing right?” “Oh yeah that’s excellent. I’ll want to see you in a month to make sure everything’s on track. I’m going to send Chris back in to draw some blood then you’ll be good to go. Just make your follow up appointment with Matty before you leave. It was great meeting you Scott and I look forward to seeing you soon. Oh and if you wanted to talk to someone about barebacking with or without prep Chris is a great resource. He has first hand experience both ways.” He winked at me then walked out of the room and closed the door. Holy fucking shit! Seriously what the hell kind of medical practice was this and why the hell hadn’t Dr. Jackson moved sooner!
  7. Chapter 5 By the time I dropped mom’s car off and walked over to daddy’s house it was already after noon. I was hoping he wouldn’t be too mad that I was late. I knocked on his door clenching my ass to make sure the plug stayed in. He opened up wearing just a pair of basketball shorts. It looked like he already had a chubby. “Hey boy was getting worried you’d woke up regretting what we did yesterday.” “No sir. Sorry I’m late. I was just so horny this morning I couldn’t wait for more cum. I went to the park to see if the rumors I’d heard were true.” “Well boy, were they?” I didn’t say a word, simply took off my clothes, bent over and let the plug drop from my cunt. “Holy shit boy. Look at that cunt. Your ass lips are all puffy.” I could feel some cum start to dribble down my leg. “How many loads son?” “Three and one more down my throat. I’m so sorry, but I was just so horny I needed more cum.” He ran his fingers down the inside of my leg capturing the cum that had leaked out. He brought his fingers to my mouth and told me to clean them off. “Don’t apologize son. Your true nature is simply coming through. I am so proud of you. Now get on all fours son daddy needs to taste that boy pussy.” I dropped to the floor and he dived into my ass sticking his tongue in as far as he could go. I lost track as to how long he ate me out. I was simply a blubbering slut moaning and begging him not to stop. He pulled his face away from my ass and ordered me to get on the bed now. I ran into the bedroom and threw myself on the bed. I got on my back and lifted my legs in the air spreading my ass cheeks apart. He came strutting into the room with his big rock hard dick leading the way. “I am so proud of you son. You’ve become such a piggy slut in such a short time. Were any of those loads poz?” He was stroking his cock as he came closer to me. “Only one load was neg sir,” “Fuck yeah!! There’s no way your not going home knocked up you fucking slut!” He yelled as he shoved his dick deep inside me. “Fuck not so tight now, are you son?” “Harder daddy, knock me up, make me pregnant, ruin my cunt.” “Damn. You weren’t kidding were you honey. This guys a fucking slut.” My eyes flew open and I saw another guy standing next to daddy, naked slowly stroking his 9” thick cock. “Hey son. I want you to meet my husband. He flew in this morning.” “Imagine my surprise when my hubby here picked me up and told me about you. And I was figuring we’d have a hard time finding anyone to breed in this small town. Makes me so hard to hear you begging for his poz cum. You going let me add my poz load next?” “Yes. Yes. Yes. Fucking add your poz babies to my neg cunt.” Daddy started chuckling. “Son, I’m not so sure you have a neg cunt anymore.” Daddy pulled out and his husband took his place. I finally got a good look at the man. Over 6’ muscular, smooth chest with very hairy legs. My eyes went straight for the biohaz tat on his left pec. He caught me staring and said “you like that tat boy?” “Fuck yeah it’s beautiful sir!!” “Did your daddy tell you I was the one who knocked him up?” My eyes got real big as I looked over at daddy. “He’s right son. We met at a Bareback party. I took one look at his tat and knew I wanted him to poz my ass so I could spread the gift. Who knew we’d have so much in common. That was eight years ago. Been pozzing boys together ever since.” All the while daddy had been telling me their story his husband and been plowing my ass. He told me he was getting close so I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him in deep as he began shooting. They spent the rest of the day using my cunt keeping me filled from both ends. My ass was sore and puffy by the end of the day but I’d never been so happy. I finally had found my true calling in life. The rest of my vacation went much the same way as the first two days. If I wasn’t at daddy’s I’d be at the park. I lost count of how many loads I took. Mom was a little put out that we didn’t spend much time together but she couldn’t argue with how happy and relaxed I seemed. At the end of the two weeks I returned home. It was sad to say goodbye to daddy and his husband but I was forever grateful that he’d helped me discover my true nature. About two weeks after I got home I came down with the fuck flu. I called daddy immediately and told him congrats sir you’re going to a grandpa.
  8. Chapter 4 I went back to my mom’s house with three toxic loads kept safely stored deep in my cunt with the plug firmly in place. Daddy told me he had errands to run in the morning but I was expected to be back at noon so we could continue working on our special project. I woke up the next morning hornier than ever. There was no way I was going to make it till noon without getting a cock back inside me. I took a shower and made sure I was nice clean, stuck the plug back inside and asked mom if I could borrow her car to go visit some old friends. I figured I’d go check out the park in the next town over and hopefully get a load or two. The park really had two separate areas. The first was your typical family park with playgrounds and lots of grass then the second part had all these trails that went off into a wooded area. There were supposedly lots of secluded places where guys went to get off, at least that’s what someone in a chat room had told me. I found one of the trails and was on my way. I walked for about twenty minutes without running into anyone and was beginning to think the guy in the chat room was full of shit when I spotted this guy walking towards me. Tall skinny about my age. He was wearing those Lycra running pants that left nothing to the imagination. I could see the outline of his big cock and immediately started licking my lips. He caught me looking and just smirked at me. “Nice morning, see something you’re interested in?” His dick seemed to be getting bigger. “Yes sir, would love to see if your dick would fit in my ass.” “Mm good man. Follow me.” He turned back the way he came and lead me off down a side trail. A little ways up ahead was a small clearing where there was already a young guy on his knees sucking two different guys cocks. “Hey you horny fuckers I found you some fresh meat.” “Fuck yeah” a short older guy with 7” dick said. “Get over here and drop your pants I need to breed a cunt bad.” I didn’t even hesitate ripped my clothes off, dropped to the ground and got on all fours. “Fuck take a look at this slut. He’s already plugged.” The guy grabbed onto the plug and ripped it out of my cunt and shoved his cock in and started fucking me hard. Before I could scream the Lycra guy shoved his huge dick in my mouth to keep me quiet. “Oh yeah here it cums. Enjoy my hot load faggot.” He pulled out and before I could even react another cock slammed deep into me. “Fuck Johnny feels like you dumped a gallon of cum into this slut.” “I know how much you love my sloppy seconds”. He smirked as he pulled up his pants. “Catch you guys latter. Hey slut if you want anymore of my venom I’m here most mornings.” Lycra guy started laughing and said to me “slut I sure hope you’re already poz or at least on prep because Johnny here is toxic as shit and has a 100% success rate at knocking up unprotected neg cunts.” Fuck I tightened my hole around the huge cock inside me causing the guy to let out a loud moan. I could feel his cock start to shoot rope after rope of cum in me. At the same time I grabbed Lycra’s ass which forced his cock further down my throat. His balls tightened up and soon I could feel him start to cum. I backed off his cock so I could catch his cum in my mouth. Nothing better than the taste of a hot load, well maybe except for a hot load in my ass. The guy fucking me pulled out and was quickly replaced by the guy who’d been sucking their cocks when I arrived. He was pissed at me. “You fucking whore. Those poz loads were supposed to go up my cunt not yours. I’ve been chasing for months and finally convinced Johnny to knock me up and then you come and steal his load.” I couldn’t respond I was moaning so loud I thought for sure someone would find us. “Relax kid,” Lycra guy said. “Something tells me this slut needed it more than you did. Your time will come. Now shove those toxic loads deeper into his cunt.” That put him over the edge and he was firing his neg load inside me. He pulled out and shoved me on the ground while he grabbed his clothes and stormed off. “Don’t mind Gary he’s a bit of a drama queen. No wonder Johnnys been taking his time with him.” The remaining guys both laughed and started to leave the clearing. “Enjoy those loads slut and welcome to the family.” I found the plug on top of my clothes and shoved it back in. Damn that went in much easier than before. I got dressed and sat on a log for a few minutes trying to wrap my head around what the fuck I just done. Two poz, one neg load in my cunt and one poz load down my throat. I looked at my phone and saw it was already eleven. Shit I’d better hurry or I’d be late getting to daddy’s. As I was walking back down the trail I started thinking about the past two days when it dawned on me I had taken six loads up my ass and one in my mouth and I hadn’t cum once. In fact I didn’t even care, it was all about my boy pussy now.
  9. Thanks for all the comments guys. Chapter 3 Daddy pulled his fingers out of my ass and all rational thoughts left my brain. I’ve never felt so empty. I flipped over on my back raised my legs in the air, looked him in the eye and yelled “fuck me daddy please I need your cock now!” “Not good enough boy. You know what you need to say.” “Please give me your poz dick. I need you to poz my boy pussy now!!! He got an evil grin on his face and said “much better son. I knew I was right about you.” Then he slammed his hard cock deep inside causing me to scream out in shock and pain. He bottomed out and leaned down to kiss me deep. “Good boy. Breathe through the pain you’ll get used to daddy’s cock. I just needed to get inside you fast.” He let me get used to his big cock for a few minutes. All the while he was whispering in my ear telling me what a good slut I was and how he was going to ruin my neg cunt. I started to clamp down on his dick and he grinned and said “looks like you’re ready for the breeding to begin. Time to knock you up son.” He started to pull his cock out and when just the tip was left in my hole he started chuckling. “Mmm damn boy. Looks like I did some damage when I plowed into you. Got some blood on my dick.” “Oh fuck yeah” I moaned. “Knock me up daddy!” “Yeah boy. You like that toxic dick don’t you?” “Yes” I screamed. “Don’t stop, fuck me harder.” “Damn you slut. I’m not going last long. You ready for my 6 day load?” Just then he bottomed out and I could feel his cock spasming over and over shooting his toxic cum deep inside me. I clamped down hard on his cock milking every last drop. He collapsed on top of me leaving his dick buried inside in my ass. “Thank you daddy!” “I’m so proud of you son.” He slowly rolled off me pulling his cock from my not so tight hole. I immediately turned around so I could clean off his dick. I took one look at the pink cum clinging to his dick and couldn’t get it in my mouth fast enough. “Fuck that’s delicious!” “Mmm Good boy clean me off good. Now son be a good boy and keep your mouth on my dick.” All the sudden warm liquid started to fill my mouth. Oh fuck he was pissing down my throat. Oh damn that tasted good. What the hell was happening to me? This morning I was a plain boring vanilla guy who hadn’t been fucked in years and today I’ve taken a raw cock, let him shoot his poz load in me followed by a gut full of piss and I was still hornier than I’d ever been. He finished pissing and I just kept sucking. “Damn you’re a hungry boy. Keep sucking like that and your going to make me hard again.” Oh yeah what a way to motivate me. I could feel his cock starting to grow and was soon rock hard again. “Get on all fours boy.” I quickly assumed the position with my ass in the air wiggling my cunt like a dog in heat “Please fuck me again. I’m so horny.” He stuck the head in and I immediately backed up onto his dick until he was balls deep. “Damn boy, I’ve created a monster. And here I was afraid you might be having second thoughts.” “Need more, knock me up. Make me your poz son. Poz me. Poz me. Poz me.” I kept saying over and over. “This load’s going to take a little while longer slut but don’t worry you’ll have more toxic cum soon. I’m so proud of you son.” Sex had had never been this enjoyable. I wasn’t worried about anything. My little cock was totally soft but leaking so much precum my jock was sopping wet. I hadn’t even touched myself since we started. It was all about my boy pussy and milking every last drop of cum, poz cum, from the hard dick inside me. I don’t know how long he continued to fuck me but after awhile he let out a loud moan, slammed in hard and deep and filled my ass again. We both collapsed on the bed and he rolled me onto my side making sure to keep his dick buried inside me. “Thank you daddy. That was amazing.” He wrapped me in his strong arms. I drifted off to sleep feeling safe and extremely satisfied. I’m not sure how long I was asleep for but I woke up and heard this low moaning sound. Then realized it was coming from me. Daddy’s was hard again and slowly moving his cock in and out of me. “Mmm good my boy’s awake. I just can’t get enough of your cunt boy.” He reached around and placed his hand on my jock and squeezed. “Damn son did you cum.” “No sir, that’s just precum.” He stuck his fingers inside my jock and coated them in my juice. He stuck them in my mouth to clean off. I sucked his fingers just as he started to give me load number three. After a few minutes he slowly pulled his softening cock from my dripping boy pussy. “Clench tight son. Don’t want you to lose a drop. Roll over onto your stomach. I’ll be right back.” I could see him come back into the room carrying a butt plug. He got up on the bed. “Lift up a bit son. Let me in your jock, I need some lube.” He chuckled. He rubbed the plug in my precum then shoved it in my cunt. “Don’t want anything to leak out. Need to let my swimmers do their job.” I flipped over on my back and looked up at this hot daddy who had just changed my life. “Thank you sir! I had no idea how much fun cleaning out a house could be.” He got that evil grin on his face again. “How long you in town for son?” “Two weeks sir.” “Mmm good. I think that’s about how long it’s going to take to finish this project.”
  10. Chapter 2 I was going crazy sucking his cock. His precum tasted so good I couldn’t wait to taste his cum. He was moaning so I figured I was doing a good job and if I got him off down my throat he wouldn’t actually fuck me. After a few minutes he tapped my head and pulled his cock from my mouth. I whimpered. “Damn boy you’re a good cock sucker. Any longer and I’d be blasting my load down your throat. Can’t have that happening now can we.” He pulled me up so we were standing face to face. He leaned down and started kissing me. “Mmm son there is no doubt you have a very talented mouth. How about we see if your ass is just as good. You’ve got way too many clothes on boy strip.” Without even thinking I started taking my clothes off. I wanted to please him so bad. I took my pants off and was left standing in a just a jock. “Damn son I didn’t expect that from you.” “Sorry daddy, I was planning on checking out the park over in the next town today. I heard rumors that it was a great place to meet guys and I was hoping to suck some cock so I cleaned out just in case. Then mom waylaid my plans and had me come help you.” Oh fuck I was rambling and couldn’t shut up. I did that when I was nervous. He started chuckling. “Nothing to apologize for son. You look hot in that jock. Leave it on, you won’t be using your dick today anyway. Now turn around and bend over and let daddy take a look at your ass.” I did as instructed and could hear him growling behind him. “Damn boy I’m going to enjoy destroying that ass! Come with me let’s move this to the bedroom. Get on the bed on all fours.” I did as he instructed. I couldn’t remember ever being this horny before. Suddenly I felt his hands on my ass and his finger lightly circling my hole. I let out a moan. Next thing I knew his tongue was licking me. “Holy shit” I screamed out. “You like that boy?” “Yes, yes, yes. Don’t stop please that feels so good.” He dove back in and was really eating my ass out. I was moaning and panting so hard. Soon he removed his tongue and replaced it with a finger opening me up more. “Damn you’re tight son. When was the last time you were fucked?” “Couple of years Sir.” “Damn! Why so long? Your boy pussy is begging to be used.” “I know I’m a bottom sir but it just never really felt good and hurt so much and they weren’t even as big as you daddy.” “Did they use condoms boy?” “Yes sir, always fucked safe sir.” “Hmm I think that’s the problem son. True bottoms NEVER make their tops use condoms.” “What about catching something?” “You’re negative right son? Are you on prep?” “Yes I’m neg. I was on prep a few years ago but stopped last year since I wasn’t really getting fucked.” “Mmm son you just made daddy’s dick get even harder. Do you trust me son?” “Of course daddy.” I moaned again as he now had three fingers inside me. “Have you ever had a poz cock inside your boy?” “No of course not daddy.” “See son I have a theory about you. I knew the second I saw you this morning that you were a nasty pig. You just hadn’t found the right man to show you your true nature. Bottom pigs like you son should take any load offered them and NEVER question the top. Now answer me honestly son, why’d you stop taking prep?” I was going crazy. I couldn’t think straight his fingers felt so amazing in my ass. He was totally breaking down my last barriers. “Because I secretly wanted a poz daddy to make me his boy but was too afraid to admit it sir,” I screamed out. Holy shit had I really just said that out loud. I’d never admitted that to anyone before. “Good boy I’m so proud of you! Now you have a choice son. I can remove my fingers from your ass and you can get dressed, leave and never come back or you can beg your daddy to stick his toxic cock deep inside your boy pussy and set you free. What’s it going to be boy?”
  11. This is my first story. Please be kind. Work had been crazy, so with things finally slowing down I decided to take a couple of weeks off during the holidays. Since I hadn’t been home in years I finally caved into my mom and booked a ticket to see her. A little about me. I just turned 30, but look younger. I’m 5’6”, brown hair, green eyes. I’m nothing special just average. I’m more bottom, oh who am I kidding I’m a total bottom. I hate topping my cock is just way to small. But if I’m honest I really haven’t been with anyone in way too long. The last couple of times I bottomed it just wasn’t that enjoyable. I always got fucked safe, had a few tops want to breed me but I was too scared and demanded they suit up. So here I was at my moms hoping to enjoy a few weeks of peace and quiet when she informs me that she’s volunteered my services to help her neighbors son clean out his dad’s house. The next morning I knocked on the door and waited impatiently for someone I’d never met to let me in so I could get this over with. Imagine my surprise when this fucking god of a man opened the door. He was easily over 6’ dark blue eyes, closely trimmed beard, hair sticking out from the collar of his white T-shirt that looked like it had been painted on. I guessed he was somewhere in his 50s and damn I was in love. I have a thing for hot hairy daddies. I was staring at him, my mouth on the floor. “Hi there son, can I help you?” “Um sorry, I’m Chad. My mom volunteered me to help you clean out your house.” “Of course, come on in. I’m Max” he said as he stuck his hand out to me. Oh fuck I was in so much trouble. He closed the door behind me and proceeded to explain that his dad had recently passed away but he’d been putting off cleaning out the house. “I really appreciate this Chad. I’m sure you’d much rather be spending time with your wife or girlfriend.” “Nope, totally single and it sure as hell wouldn’t be with a woman if I was with someone.” OMG I can’t believe I just said that. He got this big grin on his handsome face. “Good to know”. We worked side by side for a couple of hours and made small talk. Him mostly asking about my life in the city. We’d both worked up quite a sweat so during a break he took his T-shirt off and started to use it to dry off his chest. He had few tats on his upper arm and a scorpion on his hip. I could feel my little cock starting to chub up. He caught me staring and asked if liked what I saw. “You’re gorgeous Sir.” Sir where the fuck did that come. He dropped his shirt and started to play with his nipples. “Why don’t you come over here son and help daddy out.” Next thing I knew I was standing in front of him. I placed one of my hands on his chest while he took my other hand and placed it on his hard cock through his pants. I leaned into him to smell his musky odor and sighed. I heard him chuckle “you like daddy’s smell son?” “Yes sir!” He grabbed my face and pushed me towards his sweaty pit. He raised his arm and I buried my face licking his pit clean. “Damn my boy’s a pig. Clean the other one too.” After a few minutes he pulled me out of his pits and pressed on my shoulders to get me on my knees. I was now face to face with his very tight bulge, he didn’t appear to be wearing underwear so there was a rather large wet spot on his jeans. He grinned down at me at said “what you waiting for son, take it out and start sucking.” I quickly unzipped his pants and the most beautiful 8” cock jumped out to meet me. It was dripping with precum. I couldn’t wait to taste him. I started sucking on his dick taking him in as far as I could. I started chocking a bit so he pulled out so I could breathe. “Get him nice and wet boy, the only lube you’re getting is my precum and your spit.” Oh fuck I was in so much trouble.
  12. Mmm can’t wait for daddy to poz his son.
  13. Fuck that’s one amazing family!
  14. This story is so hot. God knows how many loads I’ve shot reading and rereading this masterpiece.
  15. Fuck that’s hot! Enjoy taking those toxic loads.
  16. Way to embrace your destiny, get knocked up then make sure to share it!
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