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Everything posted by Joelle

  1. Sir Steve, I only take it bareback, since I was 9. Truly looking for guys to breed me as much as possible.
  2. Please keep more cumming! I can't wait to see what happens next.
  3. Becoming very disturbed at how people you trust try to poison your slams on purpose. Just because they have decided that if you are a submissive, you shouldn't be alive. Quite interesting.

  4. You are very lucky. I would love if some Daddy or Young Alpha would do this with me.
  5. Joelle


    Badpuppy, wish that I could help but have not been to Munich. Now, if you go to Budapest, go to Action Bar on Friday and Saturday nights!!!
  6. Please, tell me where a faggot can sign up for such an event to be used like this please.
  7. Please, more and rougher! Would definitely love seeing what happens to him before the wasting but would also rather see him used by animals as well.
  8. You are Awesome Tinkerblizz! Wish I could party with you.

    1. tinkerblizz


      when i get out by u look u up

    2. Joelle


      Definitely!!! Let me know.

  9. Planning a trip to FLEX in Cleveland on Tuesday. Taking a friend who has never been to a bathhouse. He turns 25 on Tuesday and does not party. However, if anyone would be free to slam me or booty bump me, it would be truly appreciated, as I am spending all I have on his and my admission. Please, message me at submissivebottom74@outlook.com if anyone can help me enjoy. Love to get nasty and outrageous and it has been way to long.
  10. It would be an honor and pleasure to serve at least one Superior Black Alpha Male God. Being here in NE Ohio, not only is it difficult but unless you have money, these Dominants do not desire to talk to you. What they do not realize is how as a servant, every waking hour is spent wanting to be on hands and knee's ready to serve. It is very lonely without someone to bow down to and worship. But this faggot is poor and cannot afford it at this time.
  11. I agree with you wholeheartedly. Just wish that I could find more guys in my area who are poz. It is lonely here.
  12. Sir, this faggot would be glad to be kneeling before you and worship you Sir.

    1. freshxtop5
    2. Joelle


      This faggot does not have means to travel currently but its number is (330)316-2479 and would be honored to serve Sir if you ever come to Ohio. This faggot literally loves anything that comes from a Superior Black Alpha Male God.

  13. From my perspective as a bottom, I absolutely love a curved cock. It is the greatest feeling in the world.
  14. As for myself, I know it does not matter the size (and YES, I am a size queen.) However, I have found that guys with a one inch dick have made me cum without touching myself, and that is hard to do, seeing that I don't cum masturbating as it is. Don't get me wrong, I have actually gone for ten hours straight getting fucked and not tired. Just depends upon the person that I am with.
  15. I have actually inquired into this and most dentists that I have spoken with have refused, as they said it is not advised.
  16. It would be great if someone could work my hole to prolapse it and rub it with crystal and then take at least 20 toxic cocks of any disease.
  17. From my experience, if you have never bottomed, then there is very little chance of you contracting anything such as HIV. That is unless you have a cut on your cock. For the most part, it is the bottom who needs to be cautious.
  18. Interested in meeting like-minded kink pigs and Superior Men. I enjoy life and keep my life private. Into experiencing new things and learning! SIDE NOTE: Finally moved in and as of Wednesday morning, July 6, ready to party and play! If you have e-mailed me, sorry, my messages were deleted, so please get back at me. Ready to PLAY!!!!

  19. What I want is to have a guy blindfold me, put me in the back of a vehicle tied up, put whatever drug up my ass and slam me. Then take me to a surprise destination and forced to do whatever they desire while being videotaped and then placed on my tumblr.
  20. I say bring it on and lets see where this goes next. Can't wait to see which group he called. Reminds me of my trip to Atlanta, where I spent 12 hours walking the streets, videotaped, sucking and getting fucked by homeless Black Men.
  21. Awesome and so FUCKING Hot! I wish that I could find someone to collect their AIDS DNA and mix it with T and shoot it up my blood stream. PLEASE!
  22. This story is too great for words. The fucking bitch really needs to have that raping done and done not by one but many ex-cons. Would definitely love to be slammed up and passed around like this, taking in every single load.
  23. Awesome story! Would love to have a father, son, uncle, cousin gangbang with me getting slammed in each arm and a booty bump and used for an entire weekend.
  24. Anything that you write is AMAZING!!! Keep the story alive and cumming. To be such a lucky slave as this one. Maybe a little scraping to the ass and mouth to better accept the toxic seed and possibly a couple needle pricks inside of the anal lining to open it up to the tina.
  25. Growing up, I was raised in the church since I was 2 weeks old (United Methodist.) At age 5, I signed a letter I wrote to my minister saying that I would be a missionary and minister when I grew up. At age 5, I also started having sex with local area kids, always the servant and submissive. I served as the youth group president, organist/pianist, bell choir and choir member. Went to a Christian college. Until the age of 23, I had never drank alcohol, smoked, or done any type of drug, including marijuana. However, I had every type of sex imaginable until the age of 18. At this point, I spent the next six years celibate, as I concentrated on my studies and piano practice. In all six years, I jacked off two times, more concerned about passing my courses, as when growing up, I was labeled retarded. In fact, being 455 lbs, a slow learner, and someone who was a case study for a leading neurologist in the studies of ADHD, I overcame what problems I encountered. This is the same for religion. Though I attend church every Sunday as always, I attend for a different reason, as I do not believe in what HUMAN religion tells us. I believe in the following tenets of life: Care, Compassion, Kindness, and Love. In 22 years of teaching, I have used these principles in my life, in my classroom, and working with humankind. What I choose to do in regards to sex has nothing to do with my heart and how I treat others. Sometimes, people need to step back and understand, it is not what is written to how we should live but how we treat humankind.
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