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KindaBasic last won the day on February 3 2016

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  • Gender
  • Location
    New York
  • Interests
    Lots of things.
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Porn Experience
  • Looking For
    Raw fun.

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  1. Or just good ol’ daddy issues. 😜
  2. In clubs, baths, etc., I think older tops get noticed more than older bottoms.
  3. Truth. Until I hit my mid to late 40s, I was really only interested in people closer to my age.
  4. Recently some guy walked up to me and told me, “I bet I’m not your type. You probably only go for young guys.” I got to say that being told what I probably do or do not like was an instant turn off. It also felt a bit manipulative. I just told him not to lay his insecurities on me, moved on.
  5. Exactly. I turn down guys myself, and it’s not because I’m a jerk. I’m just not interested to them for whatever reason. Why should I get torn up when I get turned down?
  6. I see this all the time on here, but I can’t say that this has been much experience since hitting my latter 50s. I’m 61 with an average build and, honestly, I get more action now than ever before in my life. And most of the blokes I hook up with are in their 20s and 30s.
  7. Being called names is a big turnoff. Not because I am thin-skinned, but because I can’t take the other person seriously.
  8. Without a doubt. Unfortunately, women are rarely taken seriousl, and with men and boys it is rarely reported.
  9. HIV activists Bruce Richman and Gus Cairns come up came up with the catchphrase U=U about 9 years ago. Studies were underway by the late 2000’s. Prep was approved by the FDA IN 2012.
  10. Kind of depends on my mood. Usually I am kind of picky who I let up inside of me. But every now and then I like to go to the baths, turn off the light and open the door with my lubed ass in position and my head covered.
  11. I am 61 and rarely have issues with finding playmates. To be honest, most of the guys who fuck me or that I fuck are about half my age. Thank goodness for guys with daddy issues, I guess.
  12. No. I am to selfish when it comes to tops. And finding a decent top is tough enough at times without bringing competition with me.
  13. Like everyone else, some are fantastic and others not so fantastic. Two that stand out was a hot hot wolf of a guy who would wear his chaps and jacket when I would come over to give him head. I get hard just thinking about being between his legs, his thick cock down my throat and inhaling the rich scent of leather. The other guy was this skinny guy, not much to look at, but with a long cock of medium thickness. That was some hot, no frills fucking. He would come over and I would be stripped, lubed and bent over for him. He liked to take it long and slow until he busted his nut.
  14. Why does it have to be either/or? Why not both/and?
  15. No, not insulted. It just sounds stupid and I usually end up cracking up. Hard to take someone seriously when he is going on about pounding my cunt or pussy.
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