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KindaBasic last won the day on February 3 2016

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  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Lots of things.
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Looking For
    Raw fun.

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  1. I never have considered myself worthless trash. You all should feel honored that I allow you anywhere near my hole. 😜
  2. Probably easier to list those that don’t, but that just leads to hard feelings. Relationship-wise, I like what might be consider masculine guys who take the lead. (Not at all fem presenting, not that there is anything wrong with that. Sissies are sexy. But by nature I am quiet and shy, so like guys who take charge.) As for fuck buddies and anonymous, I am all over. If I’m in the mood to top and in alpha mod , I’m usually drawn to slighter and smaller guys. In total bottom mode, it is all about attitude of the top.
  3. Truth! I get excited if I can find two different tops in a crowded bath house, but can usually find a dozen guys with their asses up in the air.
  4. Usually the simplest method is the most successful method. 🤣
  5. To be honest, I just find it odd that any one feels the need to even tell me that they are str8, gay or whatever in anonymous settings. Like that is what I am concerned about.
  6. As I have grown more into being a bottom, ejaculating has less importance to me. I honestly don’t think a lot of guys realize how orgasmic it can be to get fucked. When I am with a great top I rarely keep an erection once I hit a zone, but I feel like I’m on one long orgasm. Even if I do shoot a load, if the top is good, it is just an added bonus.
  7. Another reason I stick to my iPad. 🤣
  8. It was an arcade, and I was horny and he was horny, and I no longer have the time nor inclination to give a fuck about his or any other grown ass man’s education. If it was a date or possibly a less anonymous hookup, he would just be going home.
  9. Right? He should have been able to tell by the tasted of my well scrubbed hole that I was clean and tasty. lol
  10. As you may have noticed, it was in quotes - as in I am quoting him. If it makes a guy feel like he still straight by playing the top, whatever. Whether he calls himself gay, bi, str8, fluid or Martian, I don’t care since he had a nice cock.
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