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KindaBasic last won the day on February 3 2016

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  • Interests
    Lots of things.
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Looking For
    Raw fun.

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  1. That’s probably where they make their mistake. I don’t see myself as a cum dump, and have no problem moving on to another top.
  2. Rush seems to be the gateway brand for most folk. I was a teenager the first time I used it, with no idea about its use for sex. A few of us were doing bong hits with some dude’s older brother, who had us take huffs of it after taking a hit. I don’t even think he had a clue, other than something sold in head shops.
  3. I find Blue Boy is good all around brand. It delivers a good steady punch, but it is not quite as harsh on the nostrils if you are new to poppers.
  4. It’s not about a lack a respect for the other guy. It’s about me knowing what I want. I’m always up front about what I want. So if some “straight married” guy will only fuck with wrapped, that’s his prerogative. Good for him. But he can just find another bottom. But I have found throughout the years that most horny tops - gay, straight, bi, Martian - tend to give into their primitive need to get off.
  5. It’s not that I can’t empathize, but a lot of them get uppity if I’m not about to change my world for their convenience. But then, if I had trouble finding dick as a bottom, I might be more desperate to do so. lol
  6. I like meeting up with straight married guys at baths or arcades, but they can be difficult trying to hookup online. I don’t know what all these guys do for a living, but they all seem to want to meet late morning or afternoon. Then they get confused when I try to explain I can’t just leave work to accommodate them.
  7. It really depends. I’ve had tops who the moves and/or cock that I wanted to fuck me all night. But then there are others like a guy I hooked up last Friday who was so boring and bad of a fuck that I ended it and told him good night.
  8. Never either way. No shame in it. Sex work is work. That said, paying for it outright is probably cheaper than the cost of a date where the chances of getting laid is 50/50 at best.
  9. If we are fucking raw, I am expecting a load. Of course if that was not a clear enough message, me chanting ecstatically “I want your load!” might help them to understand my expectations of outcomes.
  10. Prehensile I bottom, and with a great top and in a groove, shooting a wad is rarely on my mind.
  11. I never have considered myself worthless trash. You all should feel honored that I allow you anywhere near my hole. 😜
  12. Doesn’t matter to me. If it’s a good lay, who’s paying attention?
  13. Probably easier to list those that don’t, but that just leads to hard feelings. Relationship-wise, I like what might be consider masculine guys who take the lead. (Not at all fem presenting, not that there is anything wrong with that. Sissies are sexy. But by nature I am quiet and shy, so like guys who take charge.) As for fuck buddies and anonymous, I am all over. If I’m in the mood to top and in alpha mod , I’m usually drawn to slighter and smaller guys. In total bottom mode, it is all about attitude of the top.
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