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  1. Thanks for the info guys, sounds like daily is for sure the best method then.
  2. Any idea how quickly the antidote works after 4 hours of a continuous erection (or if you give yourself the antidote antidote before the 4 hour mark)? Also is the antidote just a pill?
  3. @BootmanLA Gotcha, sounds like daily adherence is for sure the safest option. Thank for the reply 👍
  4. Will the antidote work if you're approaching 4 hours of an erection? Is that what you mean when you say in case of an emergency?
  5. I was actually looking through some old posts on this site mentioning 2-1-1 and found someone who posted this site that digs into the Ipergay PrEP study [think before following links] https://www.aidsmap.com/news/dec-2015/ipergay-prep-study-results-published Looks like 86% "reduction in risk of HIV infection" sounds right. Interestingly I guess only 2 people in the experimental group (group that got Truvada) got HIV. But of those two, one didn't even take any Truvada pills during the trial and the other one only took 2 pills total during the trial (meaning they didn't actually do the full 2-1-1 regimen). Which seems to imply that no one in the experimental group got HIV that did the 2-1-1 method properly or properly "enough". It also looks like 31% of the experimental group took Truvada for eleven days or fewer per month and a little over 50% of took Truvada 15 days per month with no reports of HIV in either group.
  6. Gotcha, thanks for the replies guys I appreciate it 👍
  7. The bromance and friendship between these two is so fucking hot and manly. Please post a part 5 soon.
  8. What are the chances of getting HIV using only the 2-1-1 plan for PrEP (assuming you're bottoming bare and getting bred)? Is it just as effective as taking PrEP daily for HIV prevention? Any recommendations on daily use or intermittent? From what I understand, the intermittent method works by taking 2 pills 2-24 hours before sex, then 1 pill 24 hours after and 1 pill 48 hour after. If you have sex within 7 days of your last sexual encounter doing this you just take 1 pill for 2 days following the encounter. If you have sex after 7 days of your last sexual encounter, double dose and start the process over again. Is that how it works?
  9. Random question @nastybottom, what would you consider to be prime fucking years? I'm currently 29 and haven't really played around that much.
  10. Hey guys, a guy I'm interested in topping recently sent some videos of him in a 3 way and in the videos it looked like he might have an open sore on his anus. It's possible it might just be a fissure, but assuming that it is an an open sore from herpes, what is the likelihood of me contracting it if I were to top him bare? Is there any CDC or scientific research/studies on this topic at all that can be referenced? I know the CDC has an HIV risk estimator tool ( [think before following links] https://hivrisk.cdc.gov/risk-estimator-tool/ ). Just curious if they have a similar tool for estimating the likelihood of genital herpes transmission from receptive and penetrative anal sex? I fully understand I might get herpes if I top him bare (or covered), I'm just curious what the likelihood is bare.
  11. It looks like researchers at Temple University have recently used a new gene editing technology called CRISPR to completely remove the HIV virus from mice. For those unaware of what CRISPR is, it's a new gene editing technology that's incredibly precise, incredibly effective and very cheap compared to previous gene editing technology. It's been used to genetically engineer mosquitoes that are immune to miliaria, cure blindness in mice and treat/reverse muscular dystrophy. The potential of this technology is incredible and it may one day be used to cure HIV/AIDS. We live in some amazing times. I recommend anyone reading this to do some research on CRISPR. It's pretty impressive what this technology can do and what it may be able to do in the future. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/gene-editing-crispr-remove-hiv-infection-in-mice/
  12. The risk of getting HIV is pretty low, about a 0.1% chance if you're on the receptive end of anal sex with someone who has a HVL. https://wwwn.cdc.gov/hivrisk/estimator.html#-~mb|rai.prep If you've read older posts in the prep section of this site you'd see accounts of multiple men taking hundreds of bareback loads per year and never getting HIV. I'd say just go for it man and have some fun! You only live once and we live in a time when HIV isn't something you have to worry about.
  13. Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but recently a new technology called CRISPR was created that may end help end the HIV infection entirely. We live in some interesting times.
  14. Hi guys. I really want to start barebacking and I'm considering getting on Prep to help prevent getting HIV. I've been fully vaccinated for Hep B and got my first dose of vaccines for HPV and Hep A a few days ago so I'm not too worried about those, my only concerns are other STI's like chlamydia, syphilis and gonorrhea (which I know are all curable). I guess my question is, has it ever been that big of a deal if you've gotten chlamydia, gonorrhea or syphilis while barebacking/is it really something to worry about? Also is it pretty easy to treat these STI's if you happen to get them? And finally, do you even get these STI's that often? I'd like to hear thoughts about this from guys who have been on prep for a while. Feel free to mention other STI's if you think they're worth mentioning.
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