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Everything posted by masctravelingpup

  1. Fuck scorpion.... you never disappoint. So hot, I want to be that young smooth boy. Oh wait, I am. ;-)
  2. fuck, very very hot story
  3. sounds like a great boyfriend to me. love the palm springs connection. i am there all the time. wish this werent fiction....i could use an appt with him. ;O)
  4. God I miss the bayou. Awesome story, I love the popper hits
  5. Sooooo fucking hot
  6. wow, very hot SIR, how are you?

    1. tallpitchersf


      I'm doing good, but I could be doing much better with a pup at the end of my cock.  Need a tight ass to breed full.

    2. masctravelingpup


      I would love that Sir, I see you are in Wisconsin, how far from Chicago or Milwaukee> 

    3. tallpitchersf


      Right now, I'm 5 hours from Chicago & Milwaukee.  Are you near Chicago? 

      Seeking a FB or daily breedings as a claimed pup if the chemistry is right?

  7. What an awesome treat to wake up to. I wasn't expecting the cigar part to cum up again....but made me instantly shoot. Soooo hot.
  8. Hi, so so so so super hot. I fantasize about scenes just like this all the time. You sure you aren't me? Lol. Thanks!
  9. holy cow. that is fucking hot. only through part one and shot twice. woof
  10. wow, sooooo hot. so glad i found it
  11. Oh man, how excited was I to see the next chapter. Soooo crazy hot. Thanks for sharing your gift.... of writing. ;-)
  12. i agree with sftallguy, i look daily to see if you have a new chapter. I LOVE LOVE your mind and creativity. you have no idea how many loads you have helped me squirt....but it is literally dozens.... and given me great material for some real life role plays. thanks!
  13. Fucking hot story Sir
  14. wow, super hot Scorpion. wish i were that boy
  15. Welcome back Scorpion, I couldnt agree more than some others. There are some great stories on here but the way you make a visual image for us through your words is incredible. SOOOOO hot. Thanks for taking the time to write again. You have been crazy missed. Hugs SIR. Lukas. Ps, Davis is one lucky boy. woof
  16. Fuck, I need you stelthing me at hawks gym one day when I am in Vegas 

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